BELLE EWART ROSS 000K FLOWER SHOP RM lItlAT INIllilill gtl gr iziwil in lil Hr II SI III Ii unlit1 iIiiiIi if it lil in Illi1igl2 Alt lctirn IIIli iiii ilnioirti c+ mu TEIIRHUAY MAPIll il ms THE BARRH EXARIINERHSAEITZF rJNTRZO CANADA lilo llll lIc IIWI IIIIIItII 11 is in It up our liziir Sorrcii tlm c3iriii ill WiMI llld oi All Al iicli inlHi Iii id Phone 2488 BARBIE DRIVEACIIR Company Limited 69 Collier Street BAIIRIII WI IIIIIINISII EVERY THING IIUI TIIE DRIVER lr politnai parts Bra triirprii il iiiic IIIIII ItllidllltZl i1lll lfit iii lull It ilaiillrri rlIi Lirilnl Itlili Ini trtliilltl with Iltl if llltl llllitt rli Irftii lonsvicw llianiilton tilliilIlll ilt All It iriiirzi Iii hill ion tIili3 Ilttl tirrld JIIIIiII Il rind Ii Iliti Ilod lliillwll and of iiaiioii iIIt iii All Iriillitt Iliiggh Altltllt and Toronto were lloarsie rind Ali and Ir Wink virc wcckciid llIi Ir and Mrs Ilalph iiiitiss lisainincr Classified Adlels bring of results irculzitioii nearly tilllll attracts wide reader ship aiil ads ltttpittl until noon Wtiliitndri Eu ram Eagigr Blooms Freshscented Bouquets Beautiful COISCtgeS Potted Plants in full bloom for EASTER FOR FLOWERSiOF LASTING BEAUTY 112 DUNLOP ST Squirre wv Imindividuulhprivule quantum It PHONE 4892 min to mar Jnm Mil rlt 11 illlllld to rid iipplcd clrzldii lll rii in Sow3 Irii llllrl Iltlll All Ixiiidonr of rorrto rpcnl III cIzeirii ith ilitll id li on Fle Ii Iicpriiti Ioins Ilrltlltlll IIItIIl 3llllt Illttlllt herr in the past week at iiilit lilt Walter loiolllii Mr and Mrs lhival and Illltlltll wcclund irtois with Moore III arpits of Visitors llitililiilllttl rll lri rittlil liuin lltltlll Iwicrvc ritrtttn solon larw SIMIII rtdit IIitltl II Irtailc Illillt iii of ITastcr Scrl will no on Ic to Ifi TO MIX SPICE CAKE orice ELMVALE Ior ti pplcil thddunl GRENFEL March Mrs rluirdcr of thrilia is IIllll with Mr dIItl li fict Ii+iIIiIIIl liic lnited WA and IAIS Ill irrcct III the ircnlrl lnitcii huitli it IIirirsdar April at pin II Ilprdtu oI Home erI he the ltill1 tl ilad to repint that lackic Ii Hill who had his IIIIIlllm IttllUVttI In the RV llorpzlal flarricf last Thursday inoiiiinti wr alrii to re Illlll Ironic on IIltil and is ceiling rloni nicer Federation Meeting The Federation niectiiw was held the school on lucsda night Ivlaich 132 Owing to thc had roads the attendance wassnialler than usual There was hood showing of pictures The IIocIt Mountain irout IIISltilllllt Women and Modern Farm Machinery happclt the speaker for the cvcnr intz gave II interesting tallt on rini Business and Income They glitiitlcd to hold ciiclirc party and box social Iwilt in oniiii IIveiits toiupaiiicii lars If Ioniniunity llul Entertainment The irtntcl orrrniiiiritv ltli Inrct in SS No School on Fllilillk tillillt March 27 with Ktllllttl liolrson presiding Itcv Ii Bruit read ilic Scripture After the busi new was over Mrs litlord liar ris and IIdwin Scott entertained the group with progressive crok inolc Those winning the prizes were Ruth Harris Dolrson Mrs Detzeer and Roger There was alsoa guess on the number of thians in jar which was won by lillllt Walton and lislrponl also was provided for the children very enjoyable eveningr was Ispcnt thy all Refreshments were served VBETHESDA March 23 Sherwood Bzriley Toronto spent the past weekend zit his parental hoine ccil Mary Ann Swan lIt IIiII ir It Irrl nili lwotri If Iitrliui thi Irrinl IIrylitl ixliliu ll Ill ltil iivnl oi IIIL Idli iiiiniici vwraI llli lc rie Iilzid iii It rwit lnnnc iiiwiila laid iliillrlitill Toronto livIll Iilill Satinla Ilwr lcpv she vrli tllia to 1i It iionre Wm IIcII Sells Meat Market Iin IllII has nlii it lcl Io Iillltnl Iil win Iltl Iltlit ligtislli7i lift in April lotatocs Shipped to Ohio in Alarch lli Spence IIII icd curb ad III ItiIriIiii Inilmx to Illl slrippcdlptroirr North to this hlllllltItll State ir hcrturiieil When Mrirgind lr and Mr illli rllt ltllllllllii lion Vttlnttlfl eventing th fortunate to csctrpc gttlltlli iiiiiiir when their czir orcrluincd on Highway ll south ol St Iaixr islil broken flililill in pavement and ice lilliil iIr to skid and oiirtiiiii Limo all in Ilill II iii1v iIIl art oii Iditl on in Inst v1 film was broken ilic Irate Mrs George olgan lIl Ctttllt passed away of tin and Mrs ltairltin Midland on March I7 IIIl9 lccrisid was rLI only about weth loilowinsc paralytic stroke home of ril Line of llos Iler irraiuiir name was Mary Ida Swan daughter of the late William Ioslriia Slic resided for the past tiltccii vczirs il liillsdalr Liit had resided in Midland since November Illilil Slu was married toGeorge Colean lc till IIIIH llv predeceased her in litt She Mrs Cooper and IrvingI spent day recently with friends in To ronto Rogers and apllICndllom To ronto spent Saturday with the lormers brother Rogers George Coutts Midhurst spent the past weekend with his broth Iers Norrie and Forbes Coutts Mrzfand Mrs Parker and Mr and MrsOswald Jones spent lues riay Mar 22 in the Queen City Mr and Mrs Raymorid McMaster and children were recent guests of =Mrs McMasters parents in Port Credit Norrieand Forbes Coulis ed the funeral of their aunt Mrs Chas Coutts in Toronto on Tues day Marclr 22f Mr and Mrs Graham spent Saturday in Toronto and attended the Barrie Porcupine hockey match in Maple Leaf Gardens Robt Eldridgennd Mrs Carrie Bates spent the weekend inTor ionto with Mrs Eldridge who is still patient in the Western Hos pi ta Lorne and Maurice Gallaugher land little serif David of Toronto Ispent Saturday and Sunday with lthe formers parents Mr and Mrs lhe beautiful floral tributes ILSII lied to the esteem in which was held by her many friends The utiincral service held March It in Bishops Funeral llomc lulrnvale was conducted by Riv Mr Mason Interment was made in St Johns Anglican cemetery Craiglrurst The pallbcaieizs WUIO all nephews Will Looker Grant Swan Delbert Swan Earl Clifton and Albert Crampton She is survived IV three sisters and two hrotlrc Mrs Margaret Looker of Toronto Joseph Swan of Fins Mrs IL is Crarnptonot Ottawa uMisl3earll attend Crampton at Carleton Place and meR Swan ot Pctlerlaw attendinwwerezilllif and Mrs WEE SSVHEIeiimMallofl Yindamiriend Crampton Ottawa Mrs Margaret Looker Looker Mrs blac Crone Mrs Bcv KingAllan Look er Mr and Mrs Cool and Mrs Efrances Werry all of Toronto Mr and Mrs John Looker and son Earl and Clifton Cranrpton Hamili tcn Mrs Pearl Crainpton arler ton Place Joseph Looker Ravennam Ont and Grant Swan Bala Here at Niagara Financeuyou secure fast but peronalized loan service are iv Theres no massproduction here even though we handlethousands of people each year Your requirements are considered individually Repayments are geared to your income and protected for you with life insurance at no extra cost No endorsers are reqbired If ydu have nancialprob FlnanceCompanylld 1930 Subsidiary of Industriglcheptance Corporation gt NIAGARA Iemyconsult Niagara Finance right away Big Enough for Experience Small Enough for Friendliness NW age Ill lle M25 is jag wigs rh Wilson Building Phone 2866 BARRIE memmum mom Ebenezer Galhmgher litiii SUNNIDALE March 28 Mr and Mrs Robt Giffin are taking up residence in Stayner tshortlyund are holding sale of stoek and implements in couple of weeks Evangelistic services held in United Missionary Church during the past weekivith Rev and Mrs Daniel Baughey of xpsilanti Mich have been well attended IDeath of Key Coo p===r Many here will be grievedto Icarnof the death of Roy Cook which pccurred very suddenly at St Miciaels Hospital Toronto on Saturday March 19 As boy he lived in thi community for eight years comi alter the deathof his mother to the home of his aunt the late MrsSamuel McMur iay The deceased whb was in his 526th year Was unmarried He had for many years been inthe employ of the Coulter Copper and Brass Co Ltd Toronto He was mem ber of the LOL and Black Knights Siiilviving are two brothers and sister Tlrefuneral was held on Wednesday March 23 with Service at the chapel of Washington and Johnston in charge of Rev iunnisett of the Fred Victor Mis sion Interment was made in lIeise Ilill cnretery Gormley we Mn Mr and Mrs Allen Armstrong and family have moved to Mid Irtiist Mr and ve theirclaughter Mrs Mauiie Nick enson and grandson from Vancou ver staying with them for an ex tendedxholiday Audrey youngest daughter of Mmand MrsSid Money has beei tvakento the RV Hospital Barr for an operationfor appendicitis We hopershe will soon be home and well again By Plane to England Miss MaudeMantleeldhas lell Capadaby plane for England after spending with herbrotber and sisterindaw Mr and Mrs Lumsdcn Mrs Lumsden is war bride lronr Iingland ospra Roads Need Attention There havebecn rnany discusJ srons on the disgraceful state of the roads in Vespra Five days ago the Sunnidalc Road was wash ed out around John Wallwins gate way leaving holes deepenough to sink car wheel The darrrauc covers at least hundred yardsormore In various ivtlii Ltlllltl Foundation SuntanI no signs toipilicrtc llli gtltlill oltaiL Ilillsrdzrlc in and member of the Anglican hurclr Ilela lives and friends jrornraidistaner March 28 few months holiday distance of two CAKE MEX iiNTEN MILLS Ii mlne lrii irjov IlitIuqus iri in ii IllII Allll ll Iiii rm no it Ii tlll tire loin n1 llltl Alb Ilinlllcil irrtli illl II lltlcl ril iii Ilrt tlili Uiilli ila lillill trll iritlt llii CHURCHILL March 21 nl lrs II Sloan and Iil ilw tilciiI ii izrlt ial li Iliziln and Lois Tdi lll on Siriidm liiil and Sharroid ll iltl Ior their Bionri ii ic rii lariiooir of IlitiIIlV up ln li lrirric lltl lllllt5r roiiond SI lrtrclrs siiipi pw Iiii liriicd tlruicli Iillili IiIuI oi IVriilav was attended Irv rl crowd Illrc tables LILILIIIIIIIIII tirll and while were quittt rir and Illi conkiriii as iisiii iVtclltIll Stillllci ilit tili nto showd inte iin ialrcii llh iriiir iinnrcr in Irrilii Laird Siiridzij Ill ilrs IllltINIII Frank IltltISUIIE oi Kearney Zlr and Mrs Stewi til and tlrllilltll oi lilWy ItzchI lrrdson oi iiiiriveriz ll ow 1lissi Iarion nd iordon towlci of To lawn 11 Elr liltil2 anIo with Mrs lzinricsoirf filrssr Mrs Colean horn on June ii 137 on the Secondi loy Irrisiirin of Toronto with IIII Ilrtillltl Stanley Mac tiIIrlltittillitll il IT Iodds Over Sit for Iletl ross The II held very successful rllltlllt anti Ilridec parity in tlicl llall ledncsday evening by which ovi Sit was realized for the lledi itross The amount IJtlllQ held Irv Mrs unstable to erve anyone lio hasnt contributed and wrs as to give may do so Iiirniberiit girizres vere donated by incin sircrsand high scores were Bridge IISSKTI Allan IlSiIrclair Iluch re Mrs ITncles lrosser Lucky chair Mrs Sturgeon Itlarked Cup lorritt Birthdays Mrs Allan and Mr Uncles NEW OWELL rivz if Mr and Mrs Geo it Miss Audrey Stainton returned to her Iiome on Monday after three weeks in Toronto from Torontospcnt Friday with iMr and Mrs Dufl Mallofl Yorkton Sask and lirlr and Mrs Mailoll and daughter Toronto spentthe week lcnd with Mr and Mrs Dull Fire Destroyed Mr and MrsGeo Scotts Home Fire destroyed the borne of Mr land Mrs Geo Scott on Tuesday fitlarch 232 The are have started inuthe chimney gain ed such headway that veiylittlc contents could be saved However the community is rallying to their aid and kitchen and pantry show cr is being lreld for them inrNew Lowell Hall March Shower for Helen Bates and Lloyd Pridlzam Anmiscellaneous shower was held 4irifltewtIIowrll Hall on Tuesday evening for Miss Helen Bates and Cloyd Prldham who are being married early in April They re ceived many beautiful and useful ied by Creeinore Orchestra GILFORD March 28 Mr and Mrs Lou Neilly motored lo Orillia on Monday to visit friends Plenty of mud on all roads now llid plenty of cars getting stuck in iilre mud holes Geo Nesbitt John McRober zrnd Owen Bell took Ill the Sport rnens Show last Toronto and reported wonder ful performance Mr and Mrs Boyes in Ncwllomc Mr and Mrs Robt Boyes have movedjnto their new Ironic on the places it is the same from one endLll concession enjoying all the to the other 01 the Sunnidale Road and coveringmost of tlie side roads Theiexpenses of the tax payer havebeen terrific keepiiu his car in repair due to the corr Iuxury of medernizedtlarm home dition oi these roads We are asking our Deputy Reeve Roy Hieklinizw to see something is done Dufl spent tltcteeluiird inToronto believed to Its Music for dancing was sup BAXTER rni Just the way you As shining Icon os Splcss It always put IS spick and 3p0105 youv Cake and breads as fresh as those just out as juicy as though youd just picked them 03 young Tl ili if it you yo in ox Loblow Stores standard of freshman The finest toprof the market carefully chosen by experts in every food Inn to YOU SPECIAL DESSERT IN THEMSELVES fl ll rZ dim uolity vi In for you iriitidv 31 toothr rpiuliiy imam DELICICI Ili rrr IIll rilxffr Iif mama Thursday in rioiir Il IIIIxI iiniir in PINEAPPLE Iiiirr IIIIII lltll tiiiit iiiiiiwizlciiiiisriiiiiiiirs in oil KEBNEI CORN NIBlETS Illuilllli ilillllll lilII In inn with Iht IilItlIIr Iw iiw in IIIJII SPECIAL GOLDEN BROWN WESTIINS SIIIIIIS iIIiv II wrsrors situations or III r=t II ipjriininrrlrli thi ior irn 57o PEAS an if SISit Ill DE llltt4 virr rin Ho tll Ir iotumiiiiii23917 35c IIIII rillllE ii in iiv ftle ll IIIII il Illl IxIIIIII BEANS 13 tlrIIIli ll iI rgri III in min Is EJC ri Iwilllrl lili II llrri 1421 rn its tarsus FRUITS llrlrIIIAY FRIM IS FRESH FLORIDA SWEETNALENCIA rarer ensues III VEQIEZNESLES arc91 measures yaw2 SIZE AVAILABLE LIMITED QUANTITIES AVAILIILF p3 Side SIZE SIZI 232 DOZ SIZE 2MB 00 ONE FRESH DAILYQREADY To USE veersIrma sass CQQKENG dairies no armor NEW BiUNorJI Sermons NO Otiir SPR INC 2de 19 lili iolioviii In CELERY row com13 earns estrous 119 Horteuossfaetss who sour or iii iors SMITHS WIZIIIEIiI Shilgiillll TILBEST lliiliiloi vi PIE TILBEST ltITITIIII II III IIIIILRII IIitl ll QIIK II oz iii IIICIIII IOIID EUR DOGS ROSS MILLiR BEAUTY SOAP copcEuTRATED CKMEYEWEETEEXFT WIIIlIIllStIAILWMsnumeric swine VVVZKSIIFIVDINNERieiri 29c CIIIIIII WAX SPEED COAT BASTEWAX must ruinI niiiiirsric uranium VELVET CIIIIE FLIIUII IJBIIYS SP If 215s LARGE IKC gc ROBIN IK lit HY till it lli ll Film or Itll doc 13 07 IINS Iiitlt zr rt IA lltilll o7 iris49 Etta aw 23c gag 37 we scouts SYRUP are illjQQC Sitazaaa Eootlstlmz3ir 325 Egg Heinz VlHTIIIHN 134M 14C IKCII IN in run II ll ll for run III its 4i IKHS 25c lull 29 SillIJIQ DRESSING INTI hilt23 BRUIIISWICK SARDIIIES 8c CORNED BEEF FRFIOR rimdallllc If AYIJIER 28 FL oiirrr 01Ii IINTt TIN iEiiii RECE Disk LINK CHEESE VALLEY ESC Sgc LII II HI 32c Lil hit 31 II LIPIIIIIIS BLIICII IEII iliiriil CIIIINCIIIE PIIIKLES Ill NEWPIIIII HUITS WIIIIES PIE FILLING EHDICE PEACHES EVIIPIIIIIITEII MILK RETI noon and QUALITY FIRST MEATS The rich glisrcnlng display in your Loblaw marker presents meat pic ture that is sure to make your shop Everything neatly shown with prices plainly markedi All Quality First Meats just full of bodybuilding nutrition pre pared theLoblaw Way toremove excss fat and bone before weighing to bring you extra savings more ping pleasure meu less waste for your money rmcrs EFFECTIVE MARCHSI T0 APRIL LEMON irohiimts MiIAktius LZIKILHI 17c LoaLAw GROCETERIAS co LIMITD INS Ii Lu PKG Id 01 Iiii or IKU 58c 290 ZSC are 1607 lI LollLAWI QUALITY BEEF PRIME REBROHST ariildr LB 55c SHOBTREBIRQHST LB53c nLAnn tillIMOVICI LB BONELBSS BRISKETPLATE LB 43c BONELESS 531533511933 Roost LB 49c BONEIIESS Robbin STE LB 65c or Iroasr ElIliiidAIiun LB 55c PORK SEQULDERSFreShfJim ItBTam pom Burr nonsr or errors LB 55 eriliifiiiiicx LB LOBLAWS couuravsrr SAUSAGE oiaus NEWEST favourite Finest dualiv lb 51 tv III pork srusi ra made 101 you in our own spotless kitchens