141w iilLItSiY MARCH 31 1111 Get tluickReSults by UsingExaminer oiassiiiidiiisitv ryone Reads iii Bring or Phone your AdDiol 2414Before 530 oclock Saturday or Wednesday HELP WANTED Sn you Mix it in mi URINE Eth 1Ii 19125515 geoti agir 11a iii igtiiiiiicii Phat ap 11 In llUIil liiiIlllitlIl iii 1111111 Want iii to tl ii iiiiii itIIli piii lIttwil o1iiiiti 11 Lipase till Stioiid ltliltip tl111lltillt1 1111 rennin litIieixoilt iiioticgii electrically cuittppid iliitlt poIiiiianeiit 111 llttii Ilt 111111141111517 oi uiiti 11111111 Iiii Ill 1lt1lt11 iOiXti 111 iillttl loi oiia liiii kllllftllltlk iippltid litiiiii llt IiI1lltlltl tittfil ahle 11111 1il tillllti Apply IYIiiteii igai Stori 1111111in iipli ti 1111 ttlllf tlliltilt ii ncv In lilil toxin Everylliini pioiicti Eyielliiit ltllllllllNlOll 1111 31 iiiilt ill Scott 81 To 11111111 ll1lil LADY CASHIER foi grucetciia 91 2111 IAIIIN Apphialiotin ivill 111 ar 1111 knowledge of hookkcepitlit IM iiet pitle la iiti llav 1911 iontreal Jiic 211111 IIl11Y RUST OlitllllIl spinig Illtoal pcifcet condition stu llAlti prefciriii Gooil opportunity Ap pl stating qualifications salary divucilsctc to liox 31 littlilt llyaniiiici 20h liXlIllillZNtlCl Iguppmm my SilliiiNlilll iippolllititl if ruining your ot 1111 our 1110 guaranteed household iiec dciim liltllttltllrl and supervision 11 an unit 12 itt LLLLNWI in 11 1e lllili iti mm ALCUIDIUDAI If XII111 SAY YOU SAW if 91v etl KAHitUi l1 11i 11 Hltlli like llllIltllltlli II1iIIAIl or iooim aioiiii MA ri Ilox Tali lliiiiie 1fiiiiii1 01 litiiif ii Latino l1 Iiuiu tail it nit iilt1t1IilD 1111i iii i=1 Ii 11111 lllii HARRIS EXAMINER liiitltliII FOR SALE SAY YOU SAW II In INC XAIINKR lo Eia ic iv to ili iltlltlti Tout iii 3111l tlilLDS HiLAhr with timing 1112 ttillttllitil Phone 3009 211 IiltllldJii 111 Illilllittl li Iiizltlv fiii YUUNG 11111 1111 1111 HOUSE UR 1ill11ifl tlii 1111111 in oi 11211 liaiiu to mimic v111 111 aiming chliwu tziti liizioilil ti titttI link 3le littllt llii ttltl 11 101111 WANTED lti IIINE tit and thrivi hiiii ih1gtil ii to it lotion or ltplltltll iiiiliiiii 1111 Not too far finii litana tt1til Alistaiii 1x iiiiiiiioiIi li Ioiiii lliiiiwii Iitfiiiii 11111 11 LinI AGEN strain SAY IOU SAW If IN INC LIAMINUI MAN ll11 lo liav 1111 luriE No jiciiiie oi capital ltI 5111s innX 141 Iit 11111 811111 IIIiIilttilI lcli 1111 MLtvl Iitttt on new buildings and 411umnI tgt1111I including the hill him of tiioia littltiltl oiiipaiiy Ielc man wanted for layout work orl phone 11 Aiiiora 720111 liXlllltlliNCED from hand aiitl horses and all 11orgtltdrawii mal lillllI reliable and iioiisniokcr1 insecticides in territory of oiiri choice Pail111111 agents tHliltitl ed llunilredgt of sitt1illl liiiiile agents staitcd 1111 Iioiioxiiil S12 oil mdip or $311 No risk 11 111111 aI wd mll hdmih ttrial liavelliiig eilinpiiiciii cssciidK ml AMR Hllll 51 1111 In rural ll11lL1s IIIIIIIIIvdI Am Jumps minpopil Itoday toIrI iietaIils app Illlitt51 I1gt Mlmw Umi TUI tIIe Iata 11111 11111 ItltItlIltlI start iiiitlulcu UL mIII 130ripl ltilltliltt Mtitllltal 1431111 POSITIONS WAN iii1 lill SALESMAN IintplttillttIi ly cll paying position iiil 11a tionally known and lltIVIUIIFLti llfltliililIlIllIit available capable company financially Mttllltl and 111 ot liaiidlini complete set of books JUNHIR 110111111 lPhil111 111 Iliolit lASIllltE i111 ACRES of pasture to rent oi Nll lot 31 oir Sunuidale Twp Phone lllllrlil littltlt EBA197301 AUTOMOBILES at $1121 Phone 4101 13201 $1100 ASll for best car all 13 Grove West after tSIoelock 1320pl 1937 PONTIAC coach first class shape Phone tiri Elmvalt Iii20 iii3 v11 SEDAN new engine Ali shape Gordon Gilmore Allis 11111 1332011 1942 FORD 13 ewt army truck 11 first class condition Best offcrl takes 11 Phone 1214 137201 111111IPILYMOUIII for sale in good condition Apply Cox Antcn Mills Phone Elinvalc 5724 13201 1939 FORD DELUXE SEDAN for sale in good running ordcr Ilailtcs Barrie 170 Phone Oro 41123 1320p 1939 CHEV SEDAN in good run ning condition slip covers heater It good tires Price $050 Phone 011 Oro 13201 11110 tITON PANEL Internation al Price reasonable for quick sale Straclian Phone Bar rie 848133 132022ptT1 1934 CHEVROLET sedan in mud condition new tires scaled beam ciit connection 2ll12111IVtslllltlll required Products and 1$Cllt bonded by anadian len 1eral Insurance Company and in steady repeat demand It you are experienced in selling to indus trial commercial aiid iiistitiitioiial ll Mk lwk by 111 HullhlCSIIIIHHIIHIPIIIS and want permani with young vigoiv1 UU and highly successful organi zation write your qualifications to Box 29 lSiirrie ltm Iincr 41 itniciiicv foiun good one 2111 WA NTED SAY YOU SAW 11 IN THE EXAMINER SL IiIlNG BAG anliti llioiie Mrs Dusome 4111 152011 MULllPiiilIR ONIONS lcqililtd Brown Co Barrie llZUO AIOFl llhliililt wanted for harm tJNltl Phone 12122 Ivy 21 211p WANT TO BUY number of ilStKll disc plates of large SlZL lairyI Morren Phone 1110 WILL PAY ASII for house 111 Barrie Apply Box 31 Barrie Examiner giving details 1521111 SMALL HOUSEHOLD refrigerator wanted Must beilate model State makc year and price asked Box 49 Barrie Ekaiiiinei 12201 1000 FAT IIENS wanted weekly also furs hides SCItlplllCttllS etc Top prices paid Pushkotf 33 Collicr St TIIIOIIU 2983 or Stayner 9812 1110271 MORTGAGESRcliablc lpaity re quires first mortgage loan to fin ance tourist establishment Write to Box 1133 Midland Free Press 3202211 headlights heater Cheap for casliTWANTEDPthiliir iiwhitei birch Phone 80113 13201 FORD IiiTON PICKUP new tires and new battery Ai condi 186 Blake St 1928 BUICK small six series115 perfect condition Must be seen to be appreciated Apply 105 Domde tHiftePIWdle 1937 CHEV SEDAN heater 17 platc battery new tires motor in good condition Highest offer ac cepted Phone 4382 13201 1942 BUICK radio Ai condition 1940 Plymouth 1942 Dodge 1941 Dodge 1939 Plymouth 193G OldsT mobile priced to sell 76 Maple Ave 13201 1941 FORD convertible newly painted new motor new top auto matic new radio heater defrost eii Apply Goliccn Telephone 9067 1320p daiIi small mileage excellent con ilttOIl Apply Ilios Pattenden Tolicndal Road Barrie Phone 4723 1320b Il947 CHRYSLER ROYAL 4door Iscdan heater defroster velour seat covers custom radio urider ccllcnt condition P11 4224 13201 $147500Ii148giCer01115 four door leather upholstery heater defroster 43 miles peigailon 6500 miles Phone 409 Camp Borden Licut Butts 885 Camp Bordcn 1320b balsam bass wood cedar bolt wood 50 length Interested par ticSplezisc contact Bradford Cratc Bird tion throughout Murray Bouncy 1130 CO lad 01 132022ptT1 32023pb CHICKS 111Y HUDSON SEAL coat 111 111 good condition lelephoncl mm 11111 11 ilhone 21311 2011 tiill 51 BOYS llllOWN wool suit also picket ioth size 10 condi lion Phone 11131 7333111 ianixinvoon tyneviiter itineiiyl Illnl class condition Apply Lewis it olliei St 72111 L0llpi ric VIIisktwiil iii lot 111 iicJ Not iiii 1711 End $11111 ltleplione to 11 iiilept 11 7lllIlillZD l1tge tiiilc ivllv 11 toizitiiion EJJ lclcpla Iii 11111 1311 VtLUXIAI iiti tiltiplt 111111 111 11111 llli iupboaiti Iiitvllt tr 2111 57t1l1 1l RANGE black and1 viiii llgttt1 11 Iiiimihs liIeplionc IIHIII Imp toic zooii Itllllilll oiitiI 11 lilt FOR SALE TilxIlt Apply1 hits lo Spiehei lhon lttl1 Sinner 71111101 sciiici II tittlllt lltlI til llllTARPAUIIINS NW WW IIIMIIII Repairs lroiiipt salsfacloiy seri ice llarrie lent anti Awning 11 ondition complete coid Llc 11 Business In hm J01 RED AND WHITE eiiaiiielled kit cahiiict excellent condition Phoni 20111 3111 MANS BICYCLE in good condi tion upholstered rocking chain valiiiit Phone 41119 RANGE ivory and black water front closedin reservoir warming closet Phone tilliTI 72111 llllE ROTARY sewing machine kitchen chairs and table in good condition Phone 45211 IllAlIYS Clllll large size also racket Iheatei kitchen cabinet and radio for sale Phone 3035 720b GIRLS JUNIOR 2whcclcd bike also grey tweed coat size Both in good condition Ph 2852 211p LADYS BLACK tailor3d suit tur quoise blue suit both size 14 and in good condition Ph 31611 720111101W50N 312 hp outboard tor run 211 hours also boat for to sell together Apply at lainswick General Store liioiiclllt 131 Stroud 11111 SISMANS ThoroBilt work boots ior comfort and long wear 11 Allen Leather Goods 72021221 EASY VACUUM cup washer good condition Reasonable pricc vfor quick sale Apply 93 Owen St 720p LARGE EXTENSION TABLE al so IsmalLdroplcaf table nice for apartment Apply 210 Elizabeth St 720p HOOVER vacuum cleaner Moch 7110 with new bag This machine looks like new Phone 5427 Bar 7201 ELEURYBISSEL 2furrow tractori plow in first class condition Ap ply John Hughes Churchill Ont 72021p QUAKEIT BURNOIL kitchen rangeI cxcellcnt condition Quebec cook coating low pressure tires in cxi 1933 DODGE COUPE excellcnt condition throughoutg motor over hauled new paint job Will take older or car in poor condition as part payment Phone 4852iior ap ply 112 Cook St 1320p 1949 MERCURY sport sedan sea mist green 6000 miles equipped withmotorola radio air condi tioned hcatcr fog lights backup lights white wall tires 760x16 with nickel wheel rings cry best seat covers This car cost $2950 Will sell at reasonable price Phone 3858 13201 List CHRYSLER sedan heater ra to and defroster $600 1938 FaIEo lzton stake new motor last summer $350 1931 Durant sc dan 1928 Chev coupe 1931 Pon tiac coach bodv Used parts and radiators Trade and terms West 11nd Used Cars and Wreckin Ferndale Phone 811r15 132 SAY YOU SAW IT THE EXAMINER 724519221 Lq BARRED ROCKS the old reliable breed for eggs and meat Over 25 ycars personal selection behind our strain Only eggs laid by our own flock incubated Tom Kenny Shanty Bay Telephone 841 ring 241636pt T1 KELLY APPROVED CHICKS Barred Rock and llainp Rock government approved and inspect cd flocks Started chicks and pul lerrcetprm rst now Chick Hatchery 65 Clappcrton St Phone 2320 CHICK CUSTOMERS please or dci now for your choice 0f May 2414zopir1 bookings Chicks from pulloijum frec Ontario Approved govern incnt inspected breeding stock Gilmorcs Poultry BrecdingVFarm 60 Penctang St Barrie 242023p CHICIT CUSTOMERS we can still book few orders for the last of April May chicks should be ordered now to assure delivery All popular breeds available Or der today from Christie Poultry Farm RR Barric Telephone 2176 242022ptT1 BRAY CHICKS have what it takes thcyrc bred for produclt tion March chicks will get thch for the higher prices on 01171591161 poultry meat Prompt shipment dayolds started pullctsmixed cockercls Contact us for particu4 lars COpcland Sons New ton Robinson 2420bP CARTER BARRED ROCK and New Hampshire Rock chicks are profitable for you toIIIaisc Our strain is bred for liveability cariy maturity heavy production and large body size Every egg set is produced on ourown farm Our Our nameI backed by 13 years ex erience is your guarantee of the best in chicks Mixed chicks 150 Carter Hawkestone Ontario Phone Oro 101 241830pT1 stove with reservoir Telephone kMEHViARGHESQHHHOfWmmwcwmK April and May chicks now Barred Rocks Light Sussex and Nil BR Crossbrcds Canada Ac credited Hatchery Hunters Poul try Farm Strond 4953 01001 for sale alsIoI vacuum clean er in good condition Telephone 4056 7209 SUNSHINE toddlc KGIIY onus tPllztl 111 tlt 11t1fl fit gtlii ti vii Iio 1971 Lin at stun Iiiolh 3i tltklril 1119111 lllvtll111 in ttlitll iotiiiitiou 1111 1111 liiiti Illc lliioi llillJplli FOR SALE it 1111511111 1x Lott ti itiitt11i ii ItllifiNlii liii lt1 iii 1511 L11111111 11 cos print1 11111111 lliotii 11111 iASt 111NE ENGINE laiibaiilu Vppiy Wilson iitiii 31111 1Iilhoiic 1521 AillltliiiI 2011 DIAMOND iiitlaiiiiiztni 111111 liit e1 setting piirtliltid two liltillllh ago for $173 phis $11111 cash Phone will Will rell for 2111 lll1tlt1 riteI iiiiitiiiuiiI oiirixs tt1 Iiityciac good ion1 1311 mm WWi 111111 aim lf 11 11 IyIilllIJgtI SI lllIIIItli Ilhone 2131 Illllilit It1211pI 1str1Ii iiilltOW JiilltillItI pink illraiilford No 17 almost lltil II 11 J3 also tttIu iltltl wdpoil It II wiiisim ittltill 111 1112 ill2111 OK Sl1iI hm IHIIMI gnml Ill Ila field 51 l1otit 11111 311p walnut end table ice box 11111 doiible btl springs and iiiatlress new apartment washer Phone 71120 T211h 11SIIUTI hay rake 11111 al most new only used one vcelt 77211 11111 OtKSllillT JUDY 2fiiriow ridi 111g plow good shape also timothy hay in square bales for salc liar old llantty RR llairie Phone tillrlll Izovs IniowN tweed reversible spring coat and no sIe Illtll tneed gtIillllt coal and 1111 341 ixcellent tUlltilllUIl Ilioiie 23513 Ztlp RADIO console tlihia cainiic Price rcasonablc Apply 11 Pm ti Con 11511oud Icleplioiie 7320in 72pl11111 DEERE Model All equipii ped with liglils and startn perI feel condition Apply Gordon kiiisnii Rairit RR lliiiiie 1142 ring 12 7201 SAP PAN 2x7 also high wood 11 Wheel wagon sullulilo 1U hpItiDO lllili lilXilIOIlN ptllltls cut down for rubbertutti iigoii1t1lt 11 11111111 39351 M151301 Box 5213111111 ExaiiiiiicrI 107 21 Apply Ed Starr Guthrie Phone tm 1111 731mi LAHNG 11W 711121111111 TRAILER with new stock racks line poles fence posts all sizes 143 Mary St 72111 IMPROVED VIKING ltlSthllY canes $6 per 100 improved Sen ator Diinlop strawberry plants $173 per 100 Win Langmuir RANGE white enamel rcscrvoirrElmmlc 011 1042 GE vacuum attachments kitchen table Phone 4902 70 Worsley St 7201 AROUND 21 hydro poles 0inch tops also LESft poles 5inch tops Iquantity of cedar 8f1 posts Os wald Packard Shanty Bay Tele phone Oro 1518 TRACTOR 8ft disc barrows furrow tractorplow tractor inan ure spreader Beatly washing ma 72022p1 Ti chine Toni Rcivc iiionc 18W Cookstown 1111p LADYS BLACK fitted coat sich 14 navy blue white pinstripe suit size 14 girls copcii blue suit size 12 Too smallfor owner sell paddy green size 67 yrs good condition reasonable Telephone 120 SEED DRILL McCormick non fertilizer good condition $35 Wright Guthrie Phone Orr 1712 72013 467 71920p Ichcap Plioncoltm 72111 conditioneboys black suit 12 yrs brown 14 yrs heater and cook stove suitable for cottage 170 PCCISIWI phone 3410 7201 BABYS BLUE WALKER twoi wheeled trailer with 16inch tires with ball bitch and bumper Ibrackct garden tractor with at 13 BARRED ROCK piillcts iayingmellmmlS Phone 45447 74 Ichromc er in per Telephone fittings and parcelcar feet condition $10 3480 72 SOFT DRINK COOLER electric sliding top can be ust wet or dry good condition $175 Phone 2287 720p WINDMILL and 2way pump also 911 buck rakcncarlv new Thompson RR Strand Phone 23142 7201 SET OF heavy team harness with brocching like new Ernest Gardner Barrie RR Phone 84115 72013 iOOGALLON pressure tank with force pump also John Deere spreader for repairs Telcphone 813112 720b SLAZENGERS tennis racquet and press hardly used $5 bird cage and stand red good condition $5 Phone 2231 72013 CLUB RUNG roller canary sing ers show stock $15 each cagel new $8 baby crib no mattress Phone 2574 72013 LADYS SPRING COAT size 40I gentlemans spring coat siZC 3840 Both in excellent condition Tole phone 2398 7201 COOK ISTOVE Wingham apart ment size modern polished steel flock is handed and tested under top good condition reasonable Ontario Breeding Station Policy Phone 5177 small barn 30x20 steel roof Win Highway1lI 9I Rinehart miles north of Barrie 12 sash weights 6lb 7201 Sti Phone 2231 720p SHED 60x18 new steel roof also SERVEL FRIGIDAIIIE Model 804 cu ft in perfect condition Reason for selling moving Sgt Graham RCS of Camp 1318 72 dcn Hut IS107 Apt MECHANICAL TOOLS for cori new guitar chficw separator practically new Apply Mis Shipment Phone 816 ring 41 Bar ric 7161820th1 LADYS BICYCLE $18 mairs bi cycle $20 small saw with 11 hp motor $20 1931vStudcbaker ino tor $20 265cemcnt blocks at 21c apiece Phone 5225 after 500 pm 720p MIXED TIMOTHY and alfalfa hay well saVed young cow With heifer calf good milkcr purebrcm not registered second calf Wal lace Brown Candles Telephone 81715 7201 BROODER HOUSE 10x12 seed oats IAjaxand Beaver bath tub hydro poles Moffat electric stove fence rails Grcnvillc iial town 7201 RASPBERRIES strawberries LitI tham raspberries strong healthy canes $4 per 100 Premier and Dunlon strawberries strong plants $2100 Wright Guthrie Phone 0101712 7201 80 FT LAWN FENCE 36 80 ft copper lightning rod cable 301N0TICE FARMERS24hour Ser bathroom and attached kitchen ft belting jacket heater with pipe connection Coleman gaso line lamp with shade Perfection oil heater coal or lanterns 131130 die threads 31 and Coleman 2c word cosh minimum 35c i111 31197 424101th fiiizishwi lioi iiltiRiHULLLtLNCiJiLutlt loi calL pgiiiiig coal IIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII an hmwpillllGliT 1IIIUI1I1I1 111intl 11111 and in excellent mum ences and adults Illltiit llox Phone 31171 30 331 Harrie Evainuicr 11 lltiiv 4y AI I7VI 511 flllLll chesiertield K3111 chiiia 772m liti iiii SiCVlCllAI PAIRS till Mtiscovy hydro central location Possession Iducks ready to lay also drakcs June Phone 1933 115151211 Md IHlVI MARE f0 531 121t10 11 dry lumber poplar and 11110110 11117 14201 spruce dressed if desired clothes mgz MISCELLANEOUS boat pump at sink lot 1011x2110I arArpply rAWS AndradeCon 11v IVOOD BULZIIVG done Phone sn0udI ISL203 1811 ALIETEIIANEAA iNilll Gclca in and decorating also furniture re 15421 02013 octm WWW diam rand rclining at moderate rates 11 acre good garden grapes THIS IS TO SAY that Frank MODERN DUPLEX each apart bert Bradford Phone 264 Cookssible for his wifes debts Mrs rooms and builtin baths kitch dead or crippled horses or cows prox 1A acre situated on corner netlino CANADA 3c word charged minimum 50c Box numbers 25 extra FARM WA NT El iI XNII to iout JI yin31 ii1i 111 131111 11i1 1111111 IROI iiiiisisiiijz ct Iii alij It my tzliiIl 11llitlliilltl1 lii pzldltilr iIil IiilelpllHlI tiln ti daii lune 12111 litif1li no1 tot1 llt iii liioii tutti 11 Joli 11 1tliIS iiiciii $1 iiiiii up 51 lriwm 1HUL 51 iinrasinjp Lina In it ii ittln 131 cii African 1111 311 EiIilIIiiIit 11 ic tii1i Ill iI in tail Tic 311 IIriiI IIIAgiIiI III IIIIIII III IIIIII III 41 111 iiiii 4211 llllogal Iiiiikf toyiiiiirixtiiii imoyi SHUTUVNI IIUmII WWII Hle 11Ii 211 itIllIII110110 ct 11111 IIiolt IlkI 1111 Model 11111 rgittitil ittlt IM mull Hi 31 11111 tlitilt olitl Eci1tt cant ll lm Um milllllli iititiii 51 1111111 lelm LAItfii H031 ROOM iI zit warping IIii cue lltl Min St liat 111112 and 11 1oitiis ail1in liilitlczi till tillt 11 tw iiiitt ciiliito liioiilillltK HUIan for icit 1iltl4 Ililllil IlfllNlSlili able toi IAU v1l ttul piiyil 11 tl 1122 7151131th iatcl liyiiio TI iisilis from 111 114 App lloi Actinit Siaii 11 IIIING FOR 111 value ItJIv 131 litLilp IlltllltY Mttilo has lillll 111 itiiitl tli jtiic 1111 $3l iflfulliolliiid 1111 ttlillilh siparaor like iei1 siiit has pttsntq 1111 ltcnfrew electric 000111 ceniral Apply 111 11 field lli piiftetI coiidiiion Phone 331112 Lllvp It 11l1 11311 goutll 21111 for business girl 11 3v 1111114 condition ttlilillltll lllltlrlfitlolltl used iiioiilli SI overhauled at factory 11 also tOIIlI11t Inotoi or1 1111 New Hire lItivilltlh lriceiAlAIllMENI for rent itioiAI siioo vmp smdm my MANN bathroom iiieliirhn lezi tittllitIi 111 oiii til phone no ring 11110101 Iishts and mica HI TI0lphidential district 341111411111 tor IMII Iadiilts only Rent $111 pplv lio PUNIHR IllSSlZS Iiatuial colorldT 1111111 liTlltIillIHl 13 1311 lpiece green wool 111llll tieiich coat American1511M51113111111211 111 Hll 111 out otil crepe the black earlv May to end of lltl1 li moi gt1111 and silliltlfi iitcket All tiealll 11 llilllllllli gt11 lf1 11011 sAiCii dressirs $17 and $20 BUILDING LUI itlxlllfi 11 iiil1 IlPlEtl thestcrficld set with tub stand like new ply 79Jamcs St ti 1th 15 ixtciisioii tables kitchenI WI iitiltsI occasional chairs ti liningt LARGE LOT 7171115111 21101 HI Iiiiim change VIIIII Repair of Day ttist ttlti litthilliIDIP Shop Davis St lelephont 121011011104 111 111311 Jitii 7201 ri HOUSE and it lots for gtalc in =i t1Ii171EI NEEDLES and pinicons Aiiiilr Russell Adairgt 1111 must all mains of sewing ina LUS 1111513111 clones can equip your machine with electric motor and se1iglitINli tiROOMIID liltitlt11 home o1iiiiiless of make or age Now is 101 gt010 10110 3731 01 11PM 111 the time to have votir sewing ma 110111 51 ltiZtix chine reconditioned for sprint stviiig Prompt service Vtiik l14100111 Itousi Iiit sale iiliiiisrv cow iranteed ympII 43AIconveniences Apply to lliiiker izahetli 51 formerly siiperyisort Park St for Singei Sewnig Machine to Phone 31301 Barrie 773018MALL HOUSE and lot for Stile tuitli Iiytlto mile from townl POULTRY Ilhone 1101511 10 7211p imlkll SQIISI NEW HOUSE for sale rooms free Phone 131 Barrie Mlilb and of Itjlilabulh 5L plume gnu inontli old Phone Strond 14 14201 tiROOMED HOUSE hot air furn ace 3pieec bath hardwood floors BUILDING 12x111 insulated 101 PAINiiNG and decorating lone mick 5an can DC 035 mm Call 443181iices right 77202224er bum in OCII I1dml for ChiCIWHI BAXPER BROS for citywide service in ice Phone 3311 518th phone 4747 after pm ltlQflp DOUBLE HOUSE brick veneer PLAbqllRmo pawhmg central location each half has 5031110 Phone 4216 5409 ace Possession one half with gar age May 15 Phone 4904 115201 BULLDOZER work doneyiccilars Apply Slewmt ph 210955201 storey brick homes modern iii1 every respect with hot air heat WE REPAIR HSIICm ringer7 ing Also 5roomcd bungalow bicycles lawn mowers th Licks App Coum Real Ebth Bowen Repair Shop Essa Road ihonc St BarriCI Dial 2377 4044 52024pt T1 NEW 4ROOMED bungalow with modern apiece hatinioakfloo builtin cupboards hot air liea All finished Free estimates Plibnc Mauh $110 Receive 10 differentAlert clIiinc rcpaiis Phone or write Singer Sewmg Centre Realtors S1 Owen St IN stockings DIClIdCd 10m hydro 250 13th stocking Mail stockings 33 and money to MrSII GI AI MOIICIVI installed also bain gaiag and 28 Sanford St Barrie 51422pt11 NOTICE TO sawlog owncrs Iwant gTumbcr sawn Roy Jamicsons wmill a1 Hiilsda leT 5c ope atiiig this spring for custom saw mg 51424pm ATTRACTIVE 4iooincdobuiigau low central location 2000 down 11 alfszllcbfmfg balance arranged 01oomcd brick phone write your Singer Sew house close to down town posi session June many other homes cums qullngwmdgggg in Barrie and district to choose from Harry Michic RpaLEs GUARANTEED REPAIRS 18 21114310 66 Johnst Ph 355116401 makes of ciectrie liances Washer ovcrliauis apsgiecialty MODERN BUNGALOW rooms Ham3 Appliance shopI D131 3432 and bath upstairs partially finishI 01 4424 523m ed all conveniences hot and cold running water bus stop inilesl FUR REMODELLING repairing north of post officeon Highway way 20 at Mincsing Station StirA1 i=1 Milburn yourrlocal furrier 299 berries asparagus young fruit Elizabeth Street Telephone 811 trees Attached garage and ClthlC ring 22 51428pT on house Phone 4144 16201 Steers will no longer be respon ment is selfcontained with four Florcnce May vStecrs from this ensjare builtin with electric dateonFrank Steers 518201 ranges and refrigenitIisI This pIIo perty is so butlt 10I01U11C min cleaned in your own home by terview Coutts Real Estate 13 electric machines Ready for use Owen St Dial office 2377 resil same day Free estimates Sim dence7428I3 1620pi oc Rug and Upholstery Cleaners hone 4761 52024ptT FOR SALE BY TENDERSeven roomed modern red brick house vice Wepay as high as $6 for finished attic large garage apv according to size or condition of Highway 11 and 12th Con of Small animals removed free We Innisfil Twp miles south of ROOMS AND BOARD we SAW in in UAIINIR COOK CARTAGE and STORAGE Rita iiixt lig Distaiite Movers Cosmo triage nitration 43 noon rtiii SALE AY tuu 54H 1h Ittf IAIINEP llilt 1111 til t11 riiaiI 1Ii1 11111 Whiv 1371 1111Iivti iloiaii llaxfiio ti litiiiI 111111 ltot tits Will Apply tii Ave Ji 11 Lotiis 1111111 Ti 1111 1301 Iii1111 11111 01115 13m Twp litilEt ll llti 1121 ilv pimizi dro coniniij MIQIinLs otK iron ItItI1 liiliFliY ootl IllilltItl plioilc 171111 ll 7211in SMALL BEDROOM 11111 inul with light ltlltlltll piiviltztx 111 PIi1 111ml iltl Lillil liltI1 cop lcivpJItitti 1111111 l1I11 1011 htlt under ll 5in Iltilllll iil Ehmiieth St 11 10111 WH iiiciztitiLia 31311 Eittm 17121311 lt If illit r11I11 ll fences running iiatw ill litiiirt and stable 5111111 lieaiiiiit llltlt tioni ilillli toii nl PIGS Ittllll 11111 iviilitili Ideal stock fai tr Sitiou ilm have other clinici 111111 iIl liiiiiaI ll 301 illlt iiiiii1 p111 13 11 sitici PEAS illgttl red 11 lit 111515 Iiitillt 101 III 1i1tt l1otii 11131113 tlfrlip out up IIucn tIovIcn sin1 ittitttll liill $1 3111 1W1 IIail awon llit llaiiie Phone 11011111 in litlip 111 ltiV of hay for sale vtit 111 weeks old liinkliiiilt1 11111gtIill 11111 NINE A1111 Itlii Hus liaroo liii1til ll 1111111 YtilNG JERSEY COW good milkl Freshcnst 11 job lInmh pplj Ernest Bell Gilfoid lhone 17711 Ideal Phone ZII PIGS into Irltilitll In 1111 it bull thlp iiIi 11111 11 Durham 1111211 yrs old due pi Stilton gtIllitlti liales Also ctistoiii btiiilitz lone Phone 1233 1ltigt1 MI lliiiia goiiri iiioduciri itll 11Lgo3ggppyiIshmm HI ZHII 1c lliiitlle ools1oun ill211p lll howl 111 horses pplj IIIIIII Letroy pilL Iingncs ring 11 7211p tron 1230 1111s eleaii lvc 31 bus iii gt111 litlltlilll BEAUTY SIIOI central Illil lccolllllolnlol lml 111sic1x mos in on 11111 ts Applv Phoiie 211111 ItilltIlillf and iantsvorth Piiir I1or1ev 111131 Call at 34 Dunlop St Api 111 ltOtlx PULLLTS for sale two 16qu Stioiid collie pup months old gt PM st inten Mills Telephone 42112 10492111 LYIZSforveahiig also Illtlllel Ileaver Hell 4212 Ajax and seed Apply lllild town oats tltiiilt RED 11VER SEED Coop Cleari 931th ed 3311 per bushel Apply to Clif riiig 10192011 11 is oid gtttlilli and rpnct pplv Sheppai 111122 11201 NEW PARTLY FURNISHED 211cx Phone roonicd log cottage for sale Itii llliiivalc Iiznsny cow it sat good clover timothy and alfalfa Ron McEachern Thornton Lot C011 tIHUld 4113ssa diic plodtch Apply 5201 1Ward i1t1liillu Minesing ToleI QUANTITY OF olillXCd grain of 91920gtoc1 quality for sale either for ifccd 01 seed Apply Knowles rising yrsl Bros Stroud 10201 Make good farm Robt Camp1 RED CLOVER SEED reclcancd 920pfirst class condition Apply iAitken Highway 27 one mile now phone 714 llALFBRIJI ICOLT house Apply 118 Tiftin St Tole1501111 110 111101 wagon horse bell Churchill YORKSHIRE BOAR WHO VCXICllUV PHCCS ICE rooms 3piccc bath hot air tuiIillCillv Spcarin Phone purebred exchange Lake Sell Little 4428 dug lots levelled ditching etc CHOICE OF NO 6400de 113 PUREBRED AberdeenAngus bulls serviceable title and younger Ap ply Pagan RR Tay north of Thornton 10201 Road Bar1 MIXED HAY about tons round bales also garden tractors Would 9201 ttake young cattle Ernest Stokes lMinesing Phone 021 111201 Midland 92021L22pi Grade No germination Certified $140 Commercial $100 4yr1App1 Garfield Kerr Phone 78rl4 1115 Alliston Normai Lot 113 Con IGVQQDI MATCHED TEAM of blac gcldings sound about 110 every opclandAllistontiimt di ala 3210145312 741LTIIVVV11LOLILLSJW wva centrally located immediate pos mm lt SlIlquiet sound and gone SEND 10 POCKET BOOKS and $3353575 FCdmc I31 13 gwgopilcy and Erban oats Thoiight Rook stove 1111011 Harold ilicy 2114 Ivy Lot C011 10 workcr al 10 weeks 01d1 IIICJLTUHUN TfThorntorITl 920pl Dur Onc Holstein Both high producingi cheap Bill AW Apto lt Apply Wilbur Dobson Rit wood Box 1060 Ph 345J 5432412 60 01110 only 1E116III2I Barrio mm 33er 1520blso layoung pigs Apply EIIICIDllSCS R0011 222lL YOIIEC newIlPIIOInt 91 Six TOIOMO 12 319201 immediate possession 5r001neiCOISI GUARANTEED Singer ma transistors itlilcliiablk71 due May CoumgI priced fOI May possession mng QUANTITYOF mixed grain 90 one Holstein and due April 9201 COW FOR SALE yrs old Ayr Durham tcam of farm mares right standard bred horse 11 1y1syrcal show prospect black saddle shire and flowing well on 22 acrgs of land 0113 8hlllCS north of Barrie on High5and cross milking sound mile from school bus scr Cc tillTOld mam hands IAprilyCIMLBimorkuComeinf9 ODYHighway and Fe phonc 811412 straw Tclcllll 920p BLACK HORSE9 yrs 1200 lbs work single 01 double Hereford bull months practically rndalc road strain no Rodonbr Ottawa Valley purebred not registered US army hainess new with breeching good for no to 1400 horses John Deere mamne spreader good for repairs Quebec sulkvnlpw TeleA Elmvalp phone Archer This can Roberti RIISSell Midhurst Phone 803 ring 1617 9201123 Sorvicegof mad REQUIRES CLEANERS and HELPERS Salary $1620 $1920 per annum For GOVernmcnt Departments at Camp Borden Ontario QuillifictitiousElementary school education at leasttwo years experience in cleaning work or on duties of similar nature satisfactory physical condition1 Age Limit18 to 50 years except in the case of those en titled to Veterans Preference Application Formsobtainable at Post Offices and Offices of NatiOnal Employment Service should be filedwith the Civil Service Commission of Canada 1207 Bay Street Tor onto Ont NOT LATER THAN APRIL ti I949 RUGS UPHOLSTERY beautifully imum of upkeep Arrange for 111 do the loading Old horses Hit Barrie close to school Highest or gasoline camp stove ice tongs poundLI For prompt service phone any tender not necessarily accept 10 pails 12qt stove pipe elbows collect Orillia 3451 or Brechin 800 ed Ciosmg datefor tenders Apr 720p4tario 259 Blake Ed Peconi Prop Argyle On 15 1949 Sealed tenders to Gor 53t1b don Rik Stroiid 1652022pT1I For further particulars please refer to Posters on display 111 Offices mentioned above IAUE tiriviziNIhEN ARI AGE INI IUYING Elilft Tritosify lt LOANT gayi potent lllt II UAQII 1H Waldo kill Hill SA LE it iiii iii 111111 ii1ii 1111 lloiir llcil 201 11 tri plowiiu Iii liiiiiu 71ootnel triiti iiivi sliitt p1 not aid hcu T111 liliiivale airship fiiii for mph 111 11 chicken 1111flllllii 111 acres 11 ltltgt 11II 1111 Illi llilitgt cliool Illiiifi liod lziiid real eopp 13111111 ali sitktit liiii tooloiiii 11302111 tllllthtiIlHli icies pasture lionsr barn and choul one llydio Only iiiIli from Iiavcd lilii fiiiii itrl illiltlI111gttltlll ll11rv l1iil ltvaliois 11 Owen it iNnrrnn clov seed llioiii 2110 111311 7L DdLLHL iiio1 iiltzilta Jeriney RR llaiiie 1112011 lllIlllil iiil clover seed liiatilorti 101131 ltllI201 iIIioriiv no for sale in ltlitlle llltlilIANlID OLSIKII free of liiiNltith xvicits reasonable Wes ltl TONS of feed mixed grain S40 cslry Ilindle Cookstown 10201 OllANlliY KATAIIDIN potatoes good sine table or seed George liolt lhornton llrl lvy 102011 RED CLOVER SEED for sale also ford Ford llione Barrie 808 BALED lIY nii saleiniiccd rcd ozeoi CERTIFIED Beaver oats fors31 101820p EEDV GR Aerforsale GalorcibarW also Happ ii Godcon 1019201 wheat 10 outs and barley gt00 bus Ajax oats 30 bus red c10er seed reclcaned coal broodcr stove nearly new 30lchick size Phone Elmvalc 57121 1112011 REG GRADE NO and Grade No Ajax oats 3150 Montcalm barley Chancellor and OAC peas from nearest grower Order or write for pamphlet Georgian Bay Seed Producers Association Dimlop St IBtl1IC Telephone 10 go 22 in NO RED CLOVER SEED 110m pure and proven seed producing strain niixed in money maker forgtbc farmer who wants the SCCOIIIIIII for seed Also feiv bushels of Capital soy beans Tin1 variety is iecent Ottawa origina tion earlier than Mandarin and promising seed producer 102022bt11