Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Mar 1949, p. 15

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it fill Batu11 l1m 13mm 12111 elfTEEN II II vw IIV lTS HOUSECLEANING TIME 121 11 111l 111 11 WIIS 9111 1111 14 11111114 1m t1 ltat 11 511mi 14111j t11lt 1111lt1 xi aft Hu latt Ilr W414 II II 1111211 hint1 111 1ml 1111i Late 3111 ILII 11 ele11l it 111111 anililiil ii ILII xi ilgt1 I1 1i1 1111 1II II IIIII 111111 ii115f7311151L Phone 3092 Box l8 Barrie iI it l1 ll11=13 11te 111 1I1 II II lII All EDENVALE Do the lol Otnself ff 111 251111111 12 22 11001 Sanding Machines and hthers for II IV II II II II IIIIU I1 III II I1 II IIl Ixl II 1t 111 1111 it1111 11 II III lIHU IIIL 3I 111 111111 1111 Ilt1Ml 1111 11uul1111 UI THIN lll l1 11 1131 111 11 1111 tl tun111 11 11 1111tlt1 ELECTRIC SANDERS lOlt WALLS OH WOODWOilll The male thunkt Lifllltl llllf SMITH 111 intuit11111 lltt xtltltt ill lzltliul llttlitli llnl 1111 111111I11 l1 till ltllll Si Wlm 1311I111I 11111 at 1111 oi tinI r1 lblul litiitiltti 1111111 here uttendlgllxwi T111111 Holt 11 full 1hemilt lltltl 1111 1111 11111 tilllt ill 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and 1111 the but two Busy Meeting WM ll WA um MIN 1111121 11 tinIi lgt PIP10m 11 WW 1111 votnens institute met on 0111 ve If 11 the presulent Mrs it 111 1111 11 luiihlw HMHIM mar1 111 the ehznt 1lr mte1111111jl gti lIUH belure 1111111111 111 11111 11 M1111I and I1 RUIN and Phyllis 1111111111 11 1111 1e nanist The roll call was Nuntlay Sellout and 11111111 the 11111 nerd by How to help the Ybur garmenis cleaned and ressed at 111 11 1111 I11 11 ll I1 11 All Makes Modtls neges 111 11111111101I bought 101 III III II 1I II 11 I1 hb1I1 111 101111111 thin I11I II II II II NIL 1x IL III III rtiYttl 1111111111111ei 11 1ii1 till KnoWn for Fine Cleaning Wm ddWnl downtuy Girlie inr the hall The nominal 111eomnnt 11 11 11 Itllm lit1l hf3 $11111 ML Mrs rl llunter Hid Mrs Iltiller 65 Collier Phonv 2487 III IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIImI III Invesenwd III Mm 1101151 11 Miss Cmle xith an address read by rs owners 111111111 mm ThosI Gmhnmkiwm11 luringV the program period and ontllltltn llll 1rd in singsought familiar1 songs MWhunicul 51111111 111s Cave read paper on Cur1 If 1111 1111111 mron tlTtilll Il1iil Mts llantrny Mrs levnns rendered 1111ij ux1 1111 51I1111IS1MII 1g11ub1I sauna IHIIHIH IIIIIIuI IVI IIII 111111e111r totIII flttll 1111co0guvea does new llihtlalihilhti hlslllle1tililiehllulh1 get save You 11511123311vugf 1111Lt1fiiqd1111112l Now 23C 14 zll ttt money It 11 conditions 011 healthful liin This de artment includes the inspection of water II NOW 33C lend trtsmurants and bake shopst 11I111HI11III INUSOI SC1100M housing NOW 45C 11111 plantsAhintral Cilmrlors cemIII terns etc nyone esiring 15 Hi 51I H1111 3137 water tested or advice concerning1 PRICES IN OUR FAMILY NOW 89C 1111h ml4 1950 ms Authorized prueure tree iniormzition trom this gt7 Th Clmimlut Chilly Doug ohm ml MWM likimmmoms Ed 111111 Serviee111111111 NEW LOW PRICES LENTHEI Mlmgs or Egbe WA he lieltl the first Wednesday 01 each NEW 10 PR 135 monthjnstead Oi on the third Wetl Ingram M1 Inned room IIIISdIIIIVI hammer dam bemg IIn Sml Now 490 Tweed 101011119 satisfactory to majority of the members The next meeting being Sml April Mrs McEaChern and Mrs II II III II II III 111 05 83508 Ingram Shaun cream IE smoun Comfort by Kroehler an409rpaslr5 omhepg jjfffsr wThemoiithlymeeting of 1101 WW WWWW Sml Now 30 uisltl Teachers Association will be Luxurious pieces that combine good lines andIbeautiful iabriess II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 33 held April in Stroud school The MOI II NW 490 II 19 11 IIIIICIICIIS are 25de IOII exchange II 081113113111 iigf11quI1jIyIIlIlIz11 232111Igloiltci1thggiil gilgjlgflqazlii bratybooks at the meeting Suptrinlemlents Desk lMduatttl 415 11 111e1 telion hank You let mull th St 5mm rs mm the Unud 1iilil151 it at TICCS can afford ltttzeh WA and the adopted lit lIUIII II IlII II III 1II1 lgtl tit111111 111r II 15 tum trlntentients tinne t3111 atuli rt Vrv hold tllt 111 lt 111 lllt 1l NIIIIId 1IIIIII11IIII1I 1111 12111 iiir 111 IITIlII WM IIIITEII IMIIITI 31 Her tleslt 11111 1111111 01111111 1111111211411 1t11 11e1 inerte115 oi the lehrttary acttvities II ltfl the 2111 12111 for slit len dollars was Untitled to IIIIIII 1IIIIIIIIII II IIIII III III 11 1121 i1ee Trustees for 1111 ex t1 MISWWW 51151 inn1113 Marth 23 in the town $113311 1l 111111 in the Yll and an itltr Mum nemlomn Tweed Perfume 3195 green Tweed Batttrowder $185 MEG No 39 REAL ESTATE BROKER II 59c Tweed med Trushay liandIIIotionIIIII Lb1ilsk WL LBOAKE Med Now 30 Bientot Cologne SpeciaiizinginIFaims Lge NOW 49 Sml $115 Lge Llstmgs wanted THORNTON Giant iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Now 890 kl After Shave Lotion Phone Ivy15r22 Jemima362 SmIl 80Ic Lge Designed to do the mosttor 7IL MN Now 540 Shaving Bowls 1559 3y 31 Lge Now 990 51 es of es mea VERY 116 13111119111 IAlIlIlilkySEiqifl 31111132332591175 II Talc II ARFAKI 1L one 11 ion I1 mes AI 15 II II Mm Cwte WASH 1013s 1111 ow 85o ESTONE TIRES MODERN DESIGN LASTINGBEAUTY lsmiles memes Vi oSheafmBa Pom Pm F351 and 510 mus4 21115 Now $170 EXIDE BATTERIES BeautyQuality and Durability Beautiful walnutveneers Enhancing the beauty IV lib No 85 Now $195 II Cheeriut Beauty Battery Ch 16 153 large landscape plate glass mlIlDl on the vanity and dresser Centei diawer 111 3va $170 Attmiral Pen Notv $650 Bonded Formica in guide constructionGraceful lines artistically matched in btltt II II the color you want Repairs 4walnutSplendid value exactly as illustratedChoice of Bed IitIIoirs Chocolates Admiral Pentll No $400 Lasts 101 Year cmd IOllt in II ITO Makes Chest and Dresser or Vanity3 piecesI 1111101215 Craftsman Ien II P01 91 $125 Valiant P0 Nuw $1575 unharmd by cars and TIUCkS MATCHING BENCH $1075 acids c11mm and colorful tops 19 wte TOW TRUCK NIGHT TABLE 12 W111 SERVICE MISTY RICH WWW QHmmm Nu with Puph mmMu fkw II us IIBRICKS 25c DIAL 4444 WELLINGTON HOTEL BLOCK IYHIS IWEEKS SggClALI gt CHERRY 0115mm DIAL 3710 FREE DELIVERY The Cahmeijltpp FURNITURE Phone SZIIIII years Clean and and SN bright with wipe 241 Bradford St RMFgRDTSTm 129131Dunlop St art1c

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