Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Mar 1949, p. 8

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57 Health and Welfare Efforts am gt uamwu Metropolitan Life Continues COokgileltfw ia 11k dam ll tri ltllllld 4t illl iiipan lnilv ti wit int hidl it itltAl at the lni Igti fl llllilldl llti ietiiiiuil iti ittii liild la the Louii lionnr Mr and hltNleltr ill Llali till ivt social tlll in liaii iitangeii Iit tiicii tints on fliiti llt liefluster he lilltl written to iiltt tllilnl Itltdl Ali till MUnty iand thec pent ii oi time of the program illltllxitl of beautiful ttli i1liiiiinitd page and BI Iiliter Ii li titll ilt hairziiaii Donald ltll on iililitilts and lai iiol made the presentation iiilx Auxiliary Hold Meeting Aule of St Johns tii on tii iilkll 1o ditXllttilltS from itazl Alliton and Bradford li it iizenlnis Miss Dorciic It li iiled over the business li1 Louise olicy til of recreation tor Siiiicoe ll tilt ii1l itttl1 people in till 41 mil ti Illl songs Lunch was HIV itl it Is itlit vtiio idiom to in It ill airtiti tl in ttIil iiialci tiltt ilAii it vJIIIlllxlil Li iti lltlwl titlllrllllll ll lJi II iia iiinior lied Cross St Patricks lca tiithr the auspices of the Junior St Patricks lca was iiti at the public school on March Wt lil lt itltl Iii llltlwt attending receivl ll the teachers Misses lack ltodd EM litlll Wallace and were entertained iil livlii lltilit bridge and crokinolcm ld littV lttltttl Ilit twelve tables in all Ilctieshiiients immune 1ooiiit lilllv ire served the pupiis Those Iw ii iii ioipiiivl ill vitf limi 5v lio receivid prizes Were Miss Ila lwwl its llt ITIl oil1lill tltwtliliiti liftlliWHNtji 1tii vi Arnold Mrs Jos Allen zvnu 3370 liediliieir lit llIItltl about hattltltlt gmmu Baker uil If Ttltt in Raoult imtl lyllNls of Alcohol on the lllood ttv llltltlitli life llll li7lv Shown at IU Meeting wit Jiiinitillt= itlttlll ltH 1ll3 The Womans ChristianIciiipcr ri it Hill lllillllwlll tilvtilldi iiice Union met on March 10 at mio ifll gtiv itl titillttlld 311s lohn gtorrigans Thoughts xoiil litlt WW imlll ttll for the worship service were taken suppleEttilirilr tlttliltiillil tlloultlllt tot irom the tth chapter of St Johns lli ttitlllittll 1573 3iil tiospel The subject of study was ltt atriumh lino ml of ililt nit hit it iiizivli he methods employed to show the Gin31 tl up to the ttIltltliIt diam it to teiit of consumption of beverage 1MMLttuirualIilNitli3i7lll ltlll lcohol by chemical tests of blood mp lllli IlilUl woi ltfttilliltflilflgttl inc or of the breath Iwo ounc wt III we tlizoitil1l3tt3litT lllll as of ltrweinlvii of whiskey or two bottles of tttx gtiwer takenby the average person my 1I t11l1MiamiLimiaees 033 alcoholic content ll llltlli oi Hilttl tum Mm the blood This may increase by llllltt than ttlt Itllllitl tritilorvigtIivi Tillm imrlo at SlutU of lead drunk or even to al caus lttlJIl intane of the iix lllttll liu lHlllill 1tl llilllllliltil lit li7ll7il ti ltl liw if iti allIJlLIvl opezzttioiis it vi iI sin mvt ltltll tliLLttItl or Ill riiliieetlitot =ittiie phenols to poloplioldtrs Hi llil Ii Vlilllll ltlllllllllllil at Safety Council As Mrs Iteasley valued member is soon to leave Cookstown gift of rc mcmbrancc was presentedto hot by Mrs Arthur Coopcr while the piesidcnt1ilrs Carr spoke of the splendid support she had given both the local Union and the Conn n37 iv Executive Reports for the an Iiitltllltl ltll elgi ttlier lzti IIIIllztlt remained surplus oi lliei and alone tlitwe obligationy titii Hill the illttii litli ilioiit gti percent it iitwi out me of obligation litling liIlll iiiiist WI ltl Hi Itl1tlltll li1 tlllilltll against llll polsiliil gt if Ii iiiitiolitiiiiil ltlil illlt iileio tttillltlltit oi it ionfs it other Iiattirewattle rilllitllltllg iuial meeting showed marked in llllli ENGINE JAIL giNtIICNl IIIIi llll crease in activities Dominion woonmno 505k Wp vrhvl NICW VflSlMlNSllllt lt life membership had been given WHLRTMmId Chump donations to Provmctal and Coun inhaliztaiiis this Saskatchcf Clt tv funds as well as supporting the an town aie nioie oilesson lain owned by Mi and Mlb tieir ltftt ilt iti oi the towns low liii pl liiie titl their plantmennl Temperance StUdV OLUSC vover large area around Cooks nurchaw of sliizio next llltlllllllll to it it anotht ilittl lioitagc lwn Mm Couse presided Lillttltllittt lit equipment took outdo it Iiiltlfl luring ex lltllt Iliitltt in the for election of officers resulting in coiiiniiied tire illltllh lti rlJlllltl unmanned their only jail llllfClIICKS HM lla return of last years executive town lockup the town Loren to lilL ivtlISSIIHir mm l0f1oshmcrgtisAWCFQVSClVACd ary lipidliotiostcss ttUNDARE Alta CPI Scis uiic work is being done in the Lviuiidare district in search for oil Trotks and drilling outfits are al ready on the scene SPRING AROUND CORNER vhllilillA Man CF Mrs robin onua fencepost in front of liaham reported recently seeing hoiiicItwas his fl this year inthis community PAY on 74 The loss iii dollars luc to high poultry iiioilalil isvcry ltllltltltltlzlvlt in Canada lipcriiiientalljariiizanil Agricultural iolltlzics tire constantly striving logiircct this undesir ililicondition and alsolo solve ollii rlariii Pretty Lookl ArCooler Homel prolilcins llicir jltflltllll advice is yours for Allieasking ii lfor soundzulvicooiryour financial iiolilciiisa N5 image the size of yourhorne our custom made awnings willadd note if charmvand cool comfort to it Stripes solids Sun and water fast colors lhc llllmllliltf to go is Our ncaitst liraiiili Yul friendly lesirousrol helping youin every iid our manager is practical main way postd lc H47E iiBluhriORORfc Incorporated 1855 Barrie Tent Awning Company 34 Hayfield St Dial 4314 Dranchei lil RNettlotony Mgr Stevenson Mgr likis llN Iliiti by ll with l1ilgtlt kitt ie Sayles of Suzii v1t illtl inc deathachrding to the Nation first robin force to THE BA RRIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA gt By Foxo Reardon lSays He Got Lost gBut Is Convicted Taking Auto lit llt1gtllilt5 court itll to lion mnlt if liavirzi ii ttu UHtc ii ieiiiaiided lll cir oi 7lt mm for sentenw ll ii ii ir was the pio ii Il ihi Mumcry than ulo had enteied il tiiil against Siiylw int the ir 14 although Say 11 uciiiiically of ca ile peculiar circum iiiiti the case it Uilllttl of tizi Sol was friend would oil ii iiii lilft ttl iiii 2l iitit Allin ti fi ltltllilel of lit iil iilgtl Singles l1ltli TIM at ltti Sitilll lllll iiiodel tl ii the evening in iipiiiiy with lze ouiiei out me owners biov tlzer aiai iiiiohez pazt had at iiied iii lialll and checked in tlte Sumo lloiei Sznlcs had iii forazed tinoii oi the town by law li1 uiov removal and lltttill lttl him the kcygt of the tdl and had told him to iioe 11 lle had seen neither Sziyle nor the ir gtllitt and had reported the matter to tin police teaiinu an accident the cai found at Ilichiiiond Ilill lit gaiagr where Sayls lirid taiui l1tll the iiod had biokcii down onstaole Icaice said in his tcsltlitufl that Savles hail naide voluntary statement when he was taken into custody to th effect that he had got lost and had llltlt vest out of town to Richmond Ilill where the car had broken down Savlcs gave evidence on his own behalf backing up his prev ious statement Specially Written for The Barrie Examiner By CRAIG ARMSTRONG An alliance committing the west ern world to defend itself against any aggression and maintain world peace with force if necessary is scheduled to be made public late this week The final draft of the North At lantic Defence Pact now in the hands of the various governments for approval is expected to be changed little Emissarics of the various countries have been dis cussing and formulating the hisv tonymaking treaty since last Slim mer in Washington The pact will jom Canada and the United States with Britain France the Netherlands Norway Belgium and Luxembourg Before the signing tobc held in Wash ington early next month Denmark Iceland Italy and Portugal may line lip EltllfllIGQIIICI powers While no formal announcement of thc text offfttfe pact has been made diplomatic writers have summarized the treaty in four main points No governments have denied the authenticity of the general outline and in Ottawa government sources said they couldbc assumed correct They are An armed attack against any of the signatories would be con sidered as an attackonall Indie event 9fanatlziclctlic TJ signatories would be obligated to takesuc action is deemed neces sary inc uding the use of armed restore and maintain peace in theNorth Atlantic area The treaty would fun for 20 years but would have to be re viewed at the endof the 10year period Mutual assistance both initi tary and economic is provided for to help achieve the objectives of the pact One form would be the formation of committees to neeof ahiarea Acceptanccof the pact by the North Americdnand Western Eur opcan powers is the rst agree ment with teeth in it to bridge the Atlantic It means formal cognition of relationship thathas existed for centuries relation ship with rootsinvcommon ideas and commonwinstitutions of free igtdom The poet is provided for and is built upon framework provided by the United Nations charter Ar ticle 5150f fhercharter provides for individual or collective selfde fence should anarmed attack oc cur that affects national security In formipg such an alliance the Western powers are exercising their rights Theeightcountry team which hastlbecn drafting the pact in Wash ington announced Friday that the text is complete The announcement was made following twohour meeting in State Secretary Achesons office Minor changes were made during the session butthe principle and outline remains intact state department announce ment said We cleared up several minor drafting points We expect GREEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS GET 42 GOALS IN TWO GAMES tVlIDGET RECORD Nill grittit undci the poi ip of the Baltic Bianca the Canadian Legion piobablg lctitlil 21 Switch ltlSl Stilttltlay 11 twi gaiiim total of 43 goals litisbzizgh Hornets o1flott of lite tilixs tittt cineg downed lliittute Bison Lill while hloftttvltl tanatiiciis tan but over Toronto Maple in an XIII tilt hid in the other games ililltdggbylb ttwis gained their ta to of the season our Ioiozito ialboios 111 the junior Seizes lttlifltlllg the Dukes 10 with ter Blcllridc accounting for all our penis eufitctl The second Alli fixture raw lenilanii Batons triumph ovei New Haven ltatiihleis 71 llob tiainer paced the Batons attack Milli three goals while Anderson leiioii and lardnci each collt iitlttl one latll llieniian supplied viw llavens lone counter lioniistiig Gary Long lttultlitl the Iaigcst iiidvidia point total of the season contributing nine loils in pacing Pittsburgh to their Inlay victory liarrv lteiit another Sipaiiuimoiniiig piopeet supplied tlixr inaiksnien were lohii tiatoney and liiikpatriek with tlii each logiie with two and lliwoper with one lohn iariity Med tlic oiin lliillalo marker liiii McKinnon cziiriid the torch for anadtetis With five goals in the field day with loionto Big and last Ken lklllktlltltll was next in line With four while the oiilson brothers Dong and Don notched uosnsn RUG CLEANER Berlou Moth Spray Bottle RIINNIE GRASS SEED Edwards and Eddie liftArthur Mariska in GAME 40 itwo apiece Single counters were by Wayne Stewart Son Continued from page onei Ill go otthe puck Only once lid the oiiibines surprise the fans and iieak through Flash Ilidonc one their top snipers captured pass behind the Barrie defence for shot from close range Mayer ti1tl it aside and the threat passed by IIight minutes lttlei John Shed another Ilyei standout was tliuinbed for slashing and the lork it gained nary shot on Mayer iltlC McNabnev Long and Ilinglcy were the killers and the mouths did well Ilinms probably was stumped when it came to pushing home Loals It was the first time his club had met iietmindcr like this the and tactics from one endiofl the book to the other had gone to the wind The only thing he lld tell his boys was to keep ska ing hoping the would crack in the third chapter Theydid but not until Sid Mc Nabney tallied oil screen shot at 951 Theii fireworks broke out Just 24 seconds later Long took pass from George Burcham the best forwardof the day and drove home miteamimitc snap shot The score was now 30 and thc Noithcrncrs wilting under the storm tried gamely to hold the Barrie crew down Still five min utes later Gcorgc Burcham caught slam the door on the scoring sunt inary So in game which Flycrs should have won in breeze thcy had to ght every incli of the way There was he let up in the Combines 77A game bunch of youngsters they truly are and if they lack the abil ity to bicak in on the net they make up for it with tight dc fensivc game They are sturdy crew these kids from the Nickel Belt Make no mistake the series isnt easy Toughnrugged individuals that when moulded into one provide strong enough barrier for any jun ior team Aside from Lorne IIowcs being chosen as star number one num ber two and three shouldgo to Stan Long and George Burcham lhcfy were thebparkplugs behind every goal John Sheddcn was also forrc He gloried in bbuii ing the ghter rivals around and little back talk when he did ii ob Bingley rushed like he never has before Andoodlewhereand jig there the Cornwall Express broke through for numerouhots on Howes The debut of Ward Bran dow was made and defensively he added knot strength Ward missed the Windsor and Mhrlboi series due to cracked shoulder bone He went home to Winnipeg to recuperate and reported back for action He gotit Burcham McNabney and Ashbec were the top line with Burcham the rst from line individual VA hardworking boy with little piaise George dcsgrves aibushe Iull of it for his efforts in this tilt Bennett Mcgcr and Gordon went good but were foiled throughout by Howes Real Chevrels Was the exceptional performer on the other Barrie unit For Combines it was Ab Plouffe Pete Marston Doug Towers and Keri Travenna all the way At Mc Cullough on the blucline was definite standout the text ofthe treaty will be re leased for publication next Friday and that the treaty will be signed the rst week in April in Washing ten There will vibe one or two more meetings this week After the text of the historic pact is made public debatespn it will be held inithe various parliaments and legislatures of the participat ing countries Prime Minister St Laurent said that as soon as possi ble the text would be tabledin the Canadian House of Commons and oneday general debate held on it The King was operated on suc cessfully on Saturday at Bucking ham Palace in an attempt to im prpve bIOOd circulation in his right lg iisii Joe Peters is scheduled to Ilowcs with his dukes down to JEYES FLUID per bottle llouschotd Disinfectant and Antiseptic No home should be without this Try it once and you will alvitlys havc it PACKAGES Also comes in 1b Cotton sacks Quick Growing and Shady Nook WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS MIXED NAILS up to it 100 12 przce 25c KLIP BAIII CIEANERSPECIAL 10c GUARANTEED FOR FIVE YEARS 10 02 Bottles $l25 32 oz $245 GUARANTEE CERTIFICATE with every 59 Maple Syrup Time Is Here SAP scans AND SAP BUCKETS men1 svnur CANS GALLON Size 30c and She COCOA MATS Each $100 and $150 98 104 DUNLOP BOXING CARD CAMP BURDEN THURS MAR 31 Ileib Dyinenb expert boxing proiiiotci of late has comeup with another top ight card as fare well beforc taking off for Nova Scotia in April Scheduled to take place at IlCAl Drill Ilall at Camp lorden on Thursday Mar 31 he has lined up 10 rousing tights all stated for five twominute rounds Ilcading the list of boxers is ltittpound gent from the Canadian Provost Corps known as Jack Snow Dyinent was impressed with his record of 60 boutsland only four losses and quickly per suaded Iack Allen of Toronto to give him Satch Dywan of TAAC as an opponent It was arranged and Dyment has for his main bout SnowDywan fistic with Snow catching the long end of the odds He captured the Eastern Command Garrison championship and glovcbcarcr with his record is good in any companyl Dywan is very strong fighter and carries powerladen right proven in his last four matches which ended in knockout victor lcs In the semifinal Barrics prom mix with Wally Hiltz of TAAC second best lightweight in Cana The winner of this tussle has blgzan promised meeting with Alan Pater so Peters can hit the big time with clearcut victory Dy lTICIlt states Peters is the mostim proved boxer in the camp and is confident the lad can through Preliminary matches are as fol lows Sid Taylor Midhurst vs A1 Gcekie TAAC tbantamwcight cliampt Digger Dookes RCAF vs Don Thompson RCS of 160 Ibs AI Mcbcod Barrier vs Cy come MONDAY MARCH 23 1946 Brown Betty Teapots 00c 80c $100 $125 $139 it and Cap sizes DlitOllAlfjl TEA POTS $125 and 5160 Two Specials in and cup sizes BEAIER BOWL $125 an ISL30 These have been scarci item ONION CHOPPERS ari 50c NUT MEAT llOlllIRS NOW 09c SALAD BOWLS SERVEltS Set $595 These come in green and yellow Read every day something no one else is reading Think every day something no one else is thinking D0 every day something no one else would be silly enough to to It is bad for the mind to be always par of aiianiiiiity Bone China Tea Sets $1005 $2395 $2595 $12850 $2995 WOVEN SOILIGI LOIlllIS llAftIlEllS $325 $335 3125 RYSIAI CidNlltES for CUl FLOWERS lt $225 $375 $495 Swan and Bowl Shapes NOVIEILIY BANKS Gully Colored Pig Cat and Skunk Models $175 HARRARM$ TR PHONE 2801 HEADQUARTERS FOR Automobile Slip Covers Extellent Stock of FIBRE and PLASTLPLAIDS WE HAVE ALSO SAMPLES OF GABARDINE HOMESPUN SILCORA which could be supplied on special order Canadian The Corporation Associate Store Phone 3502 CORNERvELIZABETH MARY 5T5 The Examiner Coming Events about your lance tca sale meet column affords portunity to inform an excellent op itig cte Only three cents word the public minimum 50c TRYIAN EXAMINER WANT AD This was Dunbar RCAF heavyvieight Al DeLong Barrie vs Pat Powers RCASC 175 lbs Don Wallace Stroud vs George Beadle TAAC Lucky Lochmanetz RCS of vs Tom Keller TAAC Fred Mandlt Icy RSC of vs Aussie DeMcIlo CPC Tops Saulincr CFC vs Hoot Gibson RCASC WIN MIDGET TITLE 91107 Midlands three mains in running for Ontario hockcy championships has reached the end of the trail with success Midland SheetiMctals entered in OMHA Midget cgmpetition copped Noticniilly Advertised Saturday Ellenng Poi ludiex Home Journal Vonno Mocleana Mndnmoiiotto the title last Friday at home by downing Paris Comets 52 It gave idland the bestoffivc final round by three games to one Uptodate press equipment mod erntype faces expert craftsmen means Quality printing at The Barrie Examiner Smart looking in last years out WIIII OUR So it one DRVIIIAIIIIIG SERVICE More dirt rembvedspots gone Colors sparkle like new No drycleaning odors Expertpressing andreihdpfg Bring your clothes in todayand make this camparativetcst your selflce how our Sanitonc Service makcsyout clothcsbrightcrclcancr newer looking than ordinaiy clean ing possibly can nnnviv sxiwu right Cleaners CLEANINGDYEING and REPAIRING Phone5531 RJsiEssoR TAKES PLEAngnm ANNOUNCING THEOPENIVNG or LA hawuiausmrsseorricnItNowivits ivAuGtioneeiingand moraine Savior 51 Dunlap st Barrie mm 2577 in fines oi Auction Office Manager gnEcSLEY AiYoiif Selma AIMS and AllWays Jsales iaiid Images if Insurance Proprietor LSLESSOR wmmwmm ammmmuumxwlmmvwmmummurV fate

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