Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Mar 1949, p. 5

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EEll RSLIAY MARI BETIIESDA Marni Kim3 rpelil It tl ti flitgt 1iIt ttlttlilxnltl 2x lie mini lvitottio aint PI sp It IIItt XLIH Ioittu limit tl It tmlirl in 1th lll My lx lilti to IIIL1 li ii lltdiwla at Iul Irt liltjrI IntIIi Lt and IrLILI ltdi pail 1IIII pleasant tnzu HI ZI ll Itltl tllll tll iii ilt lu II II tll lii th and LI Itnr It innit sin to Ztu DALSTON It llti pt vlcftlmtII ua tlitlvlitli illttil2tl ltllttlvtl Iiott uuv rII ti Ilt3I1Itll It oh and hi it it lt lt tlts It IIlnt il Ibo fist cdding Anniversary II Iutttilll and My iI IIlll Ill Ropers Nptit Sublet itll in and no telg Kathe lilIIlltlttl llti llitl it tinttnctsarj III MI littll pt1tlll rli ttllll All 1H Md Hilly lltncts and isst Itltltllt 1m Hm lrhph Kll ilts Watson The many ttzrnds of our IltIttltl lciititspotulettt Mt Ilatuly ar Ilul to linou Iu much llkiltl alter Ilrl ltttlll IlltiI lhe uhttiIlt llhliltili met at lIlt home ot Mrs II Wimhl March 15 with pond attendance FERGUSONVALE it March Mrs ilts Will mother Mrs Sunday lis lnn unnmntt ot Allandale Illtll with Mr lhtulougptil IloItIlIIy Sorry to tItwll patient in St tat Midland Iliurlou last Week Iinunina visited her Sttatb ot Sauriit on on titaliilh Iliocolttlcs town by Myrna lltoll entoyed very Iolintole was alsi successful ptu ty Iluchrc was held In tlu school on Match 17 illttit enchre ll Vriuht illlltl oi the ctoiitnole was Wood Itotccils prtt to he on spoils equipnu nt tor the school lr and hithwl lhne of Sun liltlltll was served by Indale were Sunday visitors at and cty enjoyable ttlllli1 canu IIed Richardsons to close Illll was and tin that Mrs And on tray Ilosph 5ugarn Spice and Everything nice and easy to make at home Appetixlng satisfying monayxovingl Make up this Ullty Flour Sweet Bun dough andin quick time you can have hol bum lruit bunt spiud buns or lead bunsovon lush romp Fl lulu sup V4 up Yaqui milk wmtluldod and OUnulalod hMlnlng my noon nlt curls rilld FUliTY noun What tiste thrill zwhat thrill to get recipe that means so much wonderful earlier so little money And this recipe calls for Purity Flour your favourhere the llourrhars specially milled from ne hard wheat the our that means successfulcakes pies cookies or buns every time aIIIhC time BSIFB rou ursoomv on noun L51 buy youjholamous runny cooxaoox with if 875 recipes developad in the Purity Hour Kikhcns Send to your nearest Purity iflcurMills ofceSt John NB Montreal Que Ottawa Ont Toronto OanWianipcgrl Intm Calgary AltolVancouver BC Nome so one lssutiurrnrscnou City Irqq ONS wlty Oats Orand lor Iuckiau oats Suits Shorti Outstanding Styling until wanted Sign of the Bear llj latth prot filoba lIulitopt of ml ilIlllIli lt NHL Ltltilllu on Sunday amt tltttrtv ittl lrttt tnitiatir estenilediw Robertson and irtit Mrs lars lIna lwwal ot llaritc called ence loIbIs gave demonstration contest at spent the pupils LefttOTmoum are his avich two tutti tint Ru lizu zt ir1ltl=lttttl lllll of Jwtte iiltiar ft II out Titleh nimble tat filif Il tiiwr Jinnah ll Sitiiil hits lit Week ill and irilitilzli ipcnt r2Itt Ja Solid and Sinaiij ltlllti Is ittlttitlt Hit II iitlt Itel ille lvtt Llii tlrrs Itlt lti Iot lt ltl Itil litil llllitlt lototito Skating tiit Russilt Ritchie yoanexst on ll Iltll Itittiuv Sick ditltlltll IIt Ins via to pttai ilhelil Itt Ulltlillillll tor Ipprtnltcttt vlllltl lII1Itlwti Train til it lllll2l on httrIIdrd last illiciunonii Ilttl Idnesdav We liliit Mirtut Mawna Iilt stunt to lctititl illul Wilson and VIII lIIlt ate Iralicnts tll Toronto burial Hosp tal lhIn many triends hope tbm call soon be abh to return to titca bonus Weekend visitor Included and Itast at Mix Win lcris Mr and Mrs Iltllll oi lood Toronto at Hates pitless iletinti Downey trtilta and AMI and Mrs rid Miller o1 thorn at loncys Miss Shun Ilaycr oldwater at llaycis bliss Ann llatvu at liar tis Miss Audrey Middleton lo onto and Miss Annie Middleton Battle at WalletMiddletons Mi lVIctmecne Diaper at Iohn IIap PM Miss loatt Dyer at los lci llllutcir McFadden Toronto at has lMiIllIltll St Johns HA The WA of St Johns lnuch pent very enjoyable evening at lMrs Websters with 12 littllt lprcsent Mrs II II Whitney pre silcd Mrs lishop hpd chore ot the devotions and gave talk on parenthood Follotvittt the busi ness period contest created lot ot tun Mrs Gordon Mills was the inncr An intetesiint teature ot the meeting was demonstration ict Textile painting by Mrs Ierc thewman who donated two dainty tca aprons The ladies adjourned to the dining room where tables dccorated with green stream irs arid shamroelis Mrs Whet ham who picked the lucky chair lreceivcd potted cactus as will tasty Irish lunch was served by lthe hostess assisted by Mrs II lWhitneyu and Mrs 15 IIieguhin nearing caps and aprons of green and white The Late Wallace Wilfred Shaw Following operation away in St short illness Shaw And rews passed Ilospital Midland on Sautrdiiy March IL Hill The late Mr Shaw was born iit Barrie in liittii Ichd iILEIIntale 22 years returning to Elmvalc eight years ago and had operated planing mill on Peter St was member of the Anglican Church and ot the choir also ot Fitnvale Board ot1rade and charter member of the newly organized Lions Club The funeral service was held at Bishops Fun eral Home on March 15 and was conducted by Rev Stubbs Interment was in Elmvalc Ceme tery and the pallbearers were Lloyd Copeland Arthur Copeland Tipping Fred Drysdalc Jer ry Chappcl and Fred Ritchie The many beautiful floral tributes tesv tified t0 the cstecm in which de ceased was held They included those from Mill Employees Lions Club Elmvale Board of Trade Muskoka and Georgian Bay Retail Lumber Dealers Association One Eyc Point Hunt Club Wycliflc church and choir Standard Car Truck Co of Chicago Elmvalc Lance Mrs Shaws music pupils daughters Mrs Ott Jean of Chicago Mrs Frank Roberts Nani of Elmvale and one sort Charles Shawot Chicago also two sisters Misses May and Stella Shaw of Barrie High School Commencement The annual Commencement of Elmvale High School was held in the Parish Hall on Mar 17 and ill The hall was lled to capacity both nights The decorations were erni and lt unlilel Ithemaid tIIelen handout in Friday evening the Secondi itor several years intthicago fort HOIot the remarkable record of tin BARRY EXAMINER rm BAXTER 11 1oii Writ iti llltlll it ltitI 5i tftt Nahum tl Utll or Ii II tsaIcIl Itttlll it tti1t It llt It be ll ItIIIIi Ile III lrh Itiilltll ltitul teizwa lIIL llotIlII A1 Rulinil on onne tiiaiuit lllllltl ltit Matte UNItil irnham Stinth Ilrtii Rev lut Stout tioonan It iiln topiztnljt Sex tl tit lit RaptorI Marx lot slitttot llltIl Iittltt Mcili lllIlt ttll ltnitttltl ttll loat tlt Intllltitl ltli bvau iatt ItII lnitth lam lotttse trene ilttv lt in Itt ll Steele lIt If iarrett iltntia italiant l1ll tlt IInnet Myrtle Whiltntt and Blanche IIc lllltlt awards and luster 1w were preInted by tamplull danci by eight Ifirls and directtd by Mr II ll Vllll hwy Ililtitltl titr iltttlltlltt Inter tiidtale cettiliczttw tete presented II Altliitl to the Hurley Archer Jane troue Ina Dickinson Shirley Iloan lave Ilreinmn Ileatrtce iraham Donal It Nltllttlsntltlll llruhte Frances bttmy oneact play len Per cent Ilonuuv tlltttlttl by II Whit lt and Jack llandy was well act led by the toltovin cast Tommy llathncIr lltiI handout his moth Ir IInevtee trtdalcl= his sis txrs Mary Frances Whitncyl Louise tiliriltt lonesi Suzy Itlillittll Iraialei Icrttudc sitor timis llellItNitlI his triends Vallygiltonald Julihurt Leon Ihtll Neillt till Zert tth iuruessi lim tRonald Argue Angie the trnit peddler illnrion Iliunsteadt lav tl but Ilu In IiIvIuzau following my School Diplomas were present Itll Lois Iamiesou Allll Donald lhompson IIIIlllitll Hair and ampbcll before presenting the Honor Graduation Diplomas spoke Elmvale School the graduates ins ctudinp reprcscntativcs of every profession and in the business orld Three are now attending Utiversit ot Ibronto Misses Vic lhtttllt Draper Anti Ilarvic and Jean lippiinp three at Normal School Misses Joan Dyer Audrey Middleton and lilmcr McladIIIntg The oneact play Are WE Dress ing directed by Buckle and Mprgarcb MeConnelL was full of amusing situations The cast was as follows Iauline McConnell Don Robertson Art Trace Aim Graham Allan McConnell Joan laVclin Marilyn Cordingly ONeill The valcdictory was ably given by Miss Joan Dyer The closing number Tumbling and Pyramids by group of boys under the direction of Baker and Jack McPherson was thor tllgLLYUloV0dbLiL Itt tIl Ill lts it Sta oi lllllitllt tti ictl Martha toe ltmplt Landon Wootlr anionic ltzj Iattrazu lattlttte Mc cntuli Itrnct IIoiutiI Donl illoss RoIvat McKay to Elizabeth Bitl address oiRo CANADA NEW LOWELL BELLE EWART JZ Kits trial tilill Ivuonti Ito1 in tit III liaxIII ii titil Iiirldtl iillll It hit it at v1 Iillli not lhwil and Min 114 In Toronto mt Tilt ll wZ ttitllll llililllv ot tl tlrl mtlni llwzottw Hart on and Ittci It loiortto llllil 1hr ti liottu lmpie are baton on Saturday Men AI it ci ir till rlitlt ttillJ and Mrs Gordon Sainaiei tonto spent the weekend with rather Ilttltl Walton lrlttlll lltttt tot holiday til lIolirIi Al lo XIItinin Iittllli Ilittt Match Zl Kcnneth lhtsh at at Ilutb on and Allis toiled Iot gt71 Mr and Mrs Art IVIIRIIISUII and Marmot uv xistttnp with Mr and ltli ltte vllllillttll Detroit ll Walter McMackon is visit inc with her daughter Bernice vMi tIltli Simpson ot Kirkland IzlI oneratulations to Set and Mrs IIJItlt Thomson lilee Iltllllltt Mc on the birth it In at lcntbrokc lllldn will till Mcttacltctt March itll ttetai lltirpllill lnitcil WA and WMS hturh WA and WMS was hcld at the home ot Mrs Vac McMastcr llll tziioil attendance of mem bets and visitors Mrs Leslie Rose ll charge ot the devotionar period and the theme as Respon lsillc Parenthood The next llllllr uni ttllpbe IltltLLIILHlIitllttlltt ot Mir Leslie Rose April 30 in the venom TRY An lAAMlNltho witNT AD Your ractor Irrilioittlrros Bring it to us for CHECK UP before spring breaks With rush Bursitis AUTO ELECTRIC Service Manager Ralph Green 33 Bayfield Dial 2464 Install item raiser co The Cfat Store tasf and Values Select your Coat and Suit nowwe Will keepiit 400 Estb 1876 AdAttire true Cabinets Economical Practicald Truly Beautiful jrBecaiise oltlieirunique construction iAdaunit cabinets may be arranged to You can modernize litany size orstyle ofroom your whole kitchen or if you prefer single units may be pur chasedas required AE SMITH FURNITURE sieves 129131 Dunlap St Phone 4492 IJ Heat of itaciiutn daughter of Mr and Mrs The March ltlttlill otitbe UnItIIi STROUD crossed mks my SNOWWHITE CAKE wesrous sooas STAR AMMONIA CLEANER BBBll MASTER BRAND4L9 Illlli MEAL WATER SOFTENER AND CLEANER PKG PASTE IIIIWES WAX CLEANS AND POLISHES WETMEWET LARGE PACKAGE DXYIIIII LARGE PACKAGE IVORY rtiitirs CLASSIC CLEIINSEII ORANGE prxor RED BSE IEII lLB TIN not is tIiIrcIoItstv tvtutsn MADEIRA RCAKE FOR lllISlltiltlZ SLIEEII APPLES iiiiir JIIIIZE 34 Zt II Itxtf PLAIN QUEEN llllllES IU ORANGE MABMIILIIIIE RASPBERRY ADDED 2t llitillN oz TIMIATQ iicirrsur tit 07 is rimi IL oz llll CHANGES Lemons on lemme LETTUCE armorsrams FLORIDA Tomarose nor HOUSE cucumms om COOKING ONIONS QUALITY Fnsfr MEATS When you buy you bet roost and other meatswhichvare all ofhigh quality from Loblows you are sure of choice juicy meat all throughmot scrap of unnecessary lot or bone Loblow experts oreiusl aspar ticular in buying for you as if they viere buying for their own tables PRICES EFFECTIVE MAR 24 25 26 I2 I3c 13 ta ms the 49c we 37c 33 mo llll Y1 MER Pr is its Slit 23b 33c 17c Iraarr SWEET FLORIDA VALENCIAiJUICEM SIZE 216s ivAT LEAST oNit st REIGN intlE Fi Homemade Cake READYMIXLD 60 Seconds flavors occult LOBLAWS FINEST ORANGE PEKOE NED LABEL TEA ones to 34c 57c wrsrous 19c cancnrzncs 2910 SPECIAL EACH 23c 27c PKG OF 30 PKG OF l3 PKG 60 801 PKG LOBLAWS GOLDEN BROWN PLAIN OR SALTED lltll Vll IllTllB CEREAL lJN Ilyllll PlillEll wnritr l9c Lorin 296 49 SLB Bat 29 iiiiim 27c llc iiiiitztirrri 25c 286 tibial irri 9c iiitit lllSll 25 65 Iltilll lll HIIIII lbFL ill lttlllil Illllxtlt tlblWI LIBW5 PILKLES oz JAR 3602 PKG 89T PKG LB TIN lLB TIN lSFL OZ TINS lOFL OZ TIN 502 PKGS ttll alts5 302 Ltttilbht TIIEIIT PKG tits 4CUBE izc IOCUBE PKG PKG Hll lit II lilil IIS ILB lllI1Il Freshly Groundi WIDE or ARABIA CQFEEE lb 54 crs lititlltN 30 II ox ttt 51 Lbs lite its tic 19c 996 17 eh rsts JEIlll ittttliy liens lltiltli Illillllllis lll1 YARIICTIICS sorts titRt Ett FL IIX IXIIILAIIISI 30 FL TU SIZIC ll ll 23 FL til TIN llVlZlJlC 00 ll oz Ttss SIZE 3353s DUI SIZE 288s ac l1 AIIBIE 35 Div 33c 29c 29c Eric SIZE 300s noz ALIFORN cIIIsr an FLORlIH LARGE is size CELIA PKG RIPE NIAthl aunt LOBLA onALirY PORTERHOUSE srruoiu WING or BONELESS Rouun ROAST but Ribs Ibi55c SllllT lllll BURSTS 1b 5lc BladeRemoved lb LlllllitQasr Either Ide rib MEETY PORK lIlIClIS gt7 1bch SEE OUR DISPLAY OF CHOICE PREDRESSED CHICKENS ALSO OUR SELECTION OF wClllCKEN CUTS srrttiis or R0Asrs

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