Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Mar 1949, p. 4

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PAGE FOIR AROUND TOW lltl prilt ta EASIER THAN THAT because WE gt1 Turn The Dial itfi tt no luruliull li thin Clothes come out sparkling white no fuss no muss no work no bother it Ittltl thirty minute service to save time money ff dint and especralldeOU SANlWASH the way modern housewives avoid that Monday morning drudgery Imted totuiancc on litsl lhe ttlit unilitnr plan hold ill the IIItI Worrall was tot the two morn lItItl lltll ItI lit vrsrrw Sandy White Woollen FOR Its Sanitary+3 rinses of fresh clean soft warmwater Its Economical9 pounds for BBC cheap er than if you did it at home SMART SWEATERS ENGLISH GABARDINES MUNRO IWIIEDS YARNS AND lNllIIli SUPPLIES Its TimeSaverput theclothes in take them out30 minutes of shop ping time in between CALL IN TODAY 127 DUNLOP ST INEXT rocRIBBLEs RADIO SERVICE Three Cheers farya Rainy Day 17 Iiuytihd St Just South Corners llours 930 am 530 pm luvttl 030 to 1200 noon DIM 4373 BARRIE BEA inagicaldoat with full back to wear neatly belt ed or flyingr free tnoldly belted and button ed or perfectly casual the newestvcrsionof the threeway coat VAHIIorduroy iiiaeversatilcfi coat with threesection belt to button at the waist Glamorous rain all purp oSe coats in practical Cor duroy shimmering satin rich looking gabardine All styles exclusiyely featured at ranSmans Ladieswear It THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIF ONTARIO CANADA Drama Club Members Attending Plays Hart House Theatre lino la Itllil lioli1 it 151 It 11 12 TI ttts let It l4llll lI lill ltn II lld and il tnt and tllitil llrt the lieIi en the tie ItItl gown trii ire paitlIIII tat ultit lllc llttl lllllfl IttIit iuitd It itslitllit Ill lIl lIitI lrllli III it IIH lililllll llie skaters tot tn Skatim tub or tozthtu up tetttttctl at the toinmtzta the Lion and R1vun Iul lllilll before and ate the sltantgi cartmal Iletrcnh imnts Itv ItItI tothe skattrs Iiotc thcn ptIitittt luwatt and at last it oclock the eonundtius In the WI LItlt lerunto Slhlllh supper eIIl Norris the lvauts lllttttI tisin behall ut hi anuton atrpreetatton ol the Iii IllElll IlIII ll bullet otmalent ot the pertotai at the loan ItlI slxtilits Last Saturday night the victotiJ lltoters ot the total ttil orls ii rivals trqu tollownnf tll tucttatned thIn taihh the Ward Street Works thcu ttTi victor over lttt loronto team Thirty players and support er were up trout the Queen il tor the game iitiil retired to lub it tor post mortcnt dinner and dancing with about Ilarrie play ers and their guests alter tlte game IIIIIIIIIgIr lord Artistn ot the Riot ers arid Dick IIInnphtIes ot the Ward Street learn were hosts tor lln IVctlittt which was slittlisotcti Iiy the Ilarru team New Fabric new tabric nylon lticol is expected to take the Canadian liti geric ticld by storm within the next few months according to predic tions of tasltion authorities They claim that the tilmy ttcarance or nylon tricot negliueIs nightgowns slips and panties be lies their long wearing character istics nightgown which looks as thoughdt should be cherished and handled with great care tor example can be tossed into thI rashing machine with the re mainder of Monday mornings ash and recipe out perfectly clean without ill ctlects ap KClearview WI As has been the custom for the pasttour years the Clearview WI neld their March meeting at the schoolhohsc of SS No it on the 8th with good attendance of incmbersw and visitors The pupils of SS Nor for the afternoon The regular business period was conducted by the presidgjntihlrs AarBrown The roll call produCed considerable merrimcnt CCllvallh berbresponding with an Irish joke The pupils of SS No 11dclightco the audience with well rendered chorus and thiswas followed by piano solo by Miss Dorothy Mc Cort Mrs Flynn gave short ac count of her journey to Saskatche wan by air and then took her audience on an interesting tour by motor on the return trip through the USA The pupils of SS No favored the afidicnce with chorus and the meeting closed with the National Anthem bountiful lunch con cluded an enjoyable afternoon The annual election of officers will be held at Mrs Culhams to April Anyone having any good used clothing to lipare for European relicfaplcase bring it to Ithis meeting CNE ouror ERY FOUR wEIGIis MORE THAN 11E SHOULD Overweight may menace your health If he loses those excess pounds brings his weight down to normal and keeps it therehe will look and feel better Furthermore he will probably live longer Statistics show if weight is more than 10 per cent above normal life expectancy is usually reduced about 20 cent FOR THE REDUCING DIET We recommend Genuine GLUTEN BREAD Ask The CANADA BREAD CO DELIVERY FOR IT per pt lent 1pm leopte II Eton tittil iut Icelandiay and Motor lub to pearancc and Mrs Leeds iAppointMrs Alva Myrdol Auxiliary To Legion Formed At Stayner Director Social Work For the United Nations tnotltci than lids tant Itltt lllllttl Depart tt ill lltll tl Iln if Strunti lllil ti prepartii 1o Ilkll vHtlillldit tlu tlllltl ttu tntid Nation tilitItllitl with imploi wt of human titraw at Yul IlI we vadulrl ISS LILA McPHEE LIBRARY REPORT rt llllltli tut Ill tall lemon the Iettwtlt tlil31tlit the it anvhtbx it il tt Zliigt tliitait llloll lrlt lt IlIlllUlt Im lib ltl ester tic ttt lItI illlxltll tns accepted it 11I ltlli and the lellillll tIl2 Loni tit tinn lII new tettiIIs to Site alo tclioltwtl rtlu li arid lt Will llame Loin glIilIt Ilil lis solici and mi lcr talk ttiIll of her aid utiidzntce Rel eshnunts iiuiptltlllttll Full tlis litittnett tolt oil in You and matters social his WMS or St ltllir tluzrch v315 held in the ttittetl trout pare otnt tttut and Juvenile and Ittulllil II IliiI ltl tuti hoolis This was an of Slit Iuinli reasonable meand prtccs of all There were HUT hooks tett libiart by etal Iunerous ud maliutgt ni total books added to the nelvcs Lilli hooks discaidcd rod of tit books lltltt Itifil lll noti on atul 1553 jttIllllI books llllllll This is Illifi linolm we had at the end of should therefore in kind IKl considerate litioli ot It lin tl itn We ll to pieserve an adequate mm Itttk Ior our increasedpal members on the ot the population wompaIIIl with 377 in 19 he Kiwanis luh ot Barrie it tttlt of $30 to the library Will to be Itscd lit the pur tt oi hoota on vocational guid ihts lobe lollowed by fur iant when needed Itm auditorium 11 the hbrar tecu cll patronized durint past year total rental of $205 hum been collected The vin ut proups using III were the St John Ambulance Corps the llydro luZIItric District meetings British ISIthl anadian Club Drama Gtottp Horticultural Society St Marxs Dramatic Socicty Red lttoJa Society civic elections booth and talks and films shown lit the tltlIlIslttl sanitation We also provided accommodation for two library courses each of four weeks duration New venture was started dur ing the Spring of 1948 Through the generosity of Harold Cusden We were privileged to hold several record concertsMr Cusden has splcndid record player and utttlctlttl selection of recordsRe lqucsts were allowed and these were included in each program Interesting program notes were also supplied We trad fair re sponse an average of 47 and we hope to resume this series in the coming months We were disap pointed that so few members of thc library board attended these concerts During 1948 we have almost complc ed survey of our book ill or Zili 392 It navu It tI thc springmnonths am surc the board must feel verypioudtofthe=audit0rium with its immaculate and attractive ap The lighting isia won deTijl imprbvcmeht and is credit to those responsible Our work room also is much improv cd with its nice clean face The new book fshelf has been much appreciated by those who do not like to hunt Many books have been repaired but we have not enough assistants to accomplish tnuch along this line Two shipments were sent to be rebound and came back with possible life comparable to three new books ahead of them They are hand sewn carefully and Will outlast new books many times wish to thank the library board for our extra holiday at the Christmas season and also for the bonuses which were so welcome and unexpected Your librarian appreciated be ing allowed to attend the Can adianLibrary Association conven tion held yin OttaWa last Juhc One cannothclp but receive in spiration from these gatherings It would be most unappreciative if this reportwcre to close with out expressing the sincere thanks or our staff to Mrs MacLaren who again this year entertained us duringtthe Christmas season We appreciated their friendliness and kindness The prospect for improved lib rary service in 1949 is evenmore promising than in 1948 considerably larger budget and thenecessary cooperation between library board and staff we can look ahead with confidence Your librarian wishes to close preciation to the library staff for their cooperation and service dur mg the past year vLILA MCPHEE Librarian rMiss Page whose detailed re port on the childrens work was given reports 22258 books circu lated inherdepartmcnt through out the year This makes total Circulation of adult and Juvenile books of 57777 in 1948 or book budget ttt lllltl On behalf of the library staff With at this1eport by expressing her up lriot on Pouch lti lltt licsiilettt ll lctaw presided Mrs IItIlll ll4 MIS lhugtu Mrs tu Ill the absence of li vtcliinnon who was ill Miss lite read an Alllltltsllllf article Ili hiutn ot the World ayei ths Rarl Marshall saint Ilard and littit had pitastan solo accompanch by Mrs Hardy The topic from the Study II was aoly given by Mrs ovui pleasant feature then tollowcd III the torm ot ltllltt ol hllS NII triplo see ODi TRADEMARKS Inc mun FINGAIID INHALll Electric Home Inlialator Specially Preparcd For Treatment of COLDS BRONCIIITIS SINUSITIS ASTHMA HEAD CATARRII HAY FEVER Complete Set S795 Ask for Free Booklet stock anl hope to complete it in WOODBURY FACIAL SOAP Allenburys Cold Capsules 35 Vacagen Oral Vaccine $200 Dominion CBQ 30 Buckley Cough Syrup 40c 75c Pinex 49c Pertussm 59c $1 Thermogcne Wool 59c 980 Viclis Vaporub 45c GlucoFedrin Nose Drops 900 Electric lleating Pads $695 and up tumor roan surrumur 45 mm 65 WW our 50 SUN 50 vrBBICKS 25c antsWEEKS spa BUTTERSCOTCH ltl Ilt llllvll il tibiail Miss lIIt lo ll ll tLl the ilti vv lliltlltl pram thovets and Ieplail lIutrh liltIN trout the otle illllttlit lltillliiilltl whit lon the Iibpclr of the aIiMltaIy and uiat opportunities for charity assist ancc hottt followed the lixlfllltbn of the eyen The Match lltteltlltl oi the WMS lres Itllitll thttrch leditesdin afternoon The devotional period was cott Mrs Iotll was sIcre Day Pleasant Tutti Complete and Economical ITAMIN and MINERAL mm men rcs comm LI li MINESING lttl Match Lil ihtei Mi it and lt tt fatr days til Alhbton Mill Itits IItlt liollditl audit and Ilowtlvht of Stormt Ilb Ill tster Mrs lloettli ho is ill at tune of lillill IiilativIs here liIc ot Scott Mittcsitn Alta litttit UM iurltngzton are visiting tiltillttl Mrs Alfred ho has been quite lll Mr and Mrs ItitIlttll Ri family spent Sunday wtth Mats and Mr and Mrs tlttl Neil and Shirley at Merxin Fraheks RV lIlI Its Ida on at Iarttulge Is patient at er hitII attiplell all ot Mrs responded and urre whom to Holt their appreciation of the event decorated tea table and irthday party in social hour was spent by all piesl Stevenson Irs cut your doctor Va SIMPLIFIED SKIN CARE Swan of Ilatrie timid nit liottaid ttilll Inrmcrly Mr and Mrs Kuhn IIgtsltttl oi ltlllll IIiitll and lilbllllltl Barrie tollowtnt an opII Lattitan mat little speecluqind expressed birthday cake centred tltc gtiyl happy coMlIJIri sicr lletill Rinse tot gtheiztttu tt Vll lui Vlttztr IaII Cat nth lttw nd It ltttw lieb tltl Wilma II lil lttt le It lilllll SliRVllli tnot=rti Itl It zed lelin etuitin tiw It tlli lllv ouch Zlautuitv My llilht Wilson is lll lIilttllltt lulcittttat III tttittlttdt pm It I1I tea tll tltitt liliti III III lta llt tl Itt tuow BAD IS YOUR liIItYill void of the manic tllt at Titlith tau you it ticv you pawl lttll tbiouzth and call en an ou tenrcmtmi phone iutt ts dais littllt lion Iake Stlitl litlll lit Ilotltslt Irtt Ito Incatet LI iuaranticd results oryonr money rcttlndcd PROVINCIAL IlllI1lIItlgtl lIzlcti Modding lotonto ntaIto Ilitlllt iIlIltII iIi trtttlm Ioutrsc tll lll iIIill It tends ltllllt NOW and social sttc $325 rmnc 5175 Rit llll 73 ozs Iluduut IIg reme Sham poo $125 Iluduut remc llair Dress ing $125 Iluduut reinc ltinsc $125 llIIIlnIIt Dandruff Treat ment $125 Minit IIrI $150 loni llomc lcrinancnt romanrat Rayvc Home Permanent 3250 Rayve Refill $125 MEWSmf Designed to do the most for the skin in the shortest mca sure of lime Ardena Cleansing Cream 125 to 700 Ardcna Skin Tonic 125 1097 Orange Skin Cream 25 10950 Muscle Oil 125 to 475 Perfection Cream 750 and I150 FeatherLight ltoundation Cream 125 HEAIDACHES now NEURALGIA 5c RHEUMATIC PAIN ECONOMY SIZES and 7sI $150 lCOlDSi CIAL DIAL 3719 Elizabeth Arden Tooth paste 400 Ipana Team Paste 336 536 Forhans Tooth Paste 29c 49c Colgate Tooth Paste 25c 45c 750 Ajnmident Tooth Powd cr 75c Squibb Tooth Powder 47c 37 60c Listcrine Antiseptic 59c 890 jDr Wests Tooth Brush 50c Tek Tooth Brushes 29c2f0r 49c NEO lit IN MEMORY te tilt in in and Inn Ill list ti ttIllv lttllltllIIt tt tl Jiltls Izt tit proper bidet tel truths An tells you lltlll yours HEMICAI FOOD Pleasant Tasting Complete and Economical FOOD SUPPLEMENT 135 29s stair DAYS 72 cars sunIv SUPPLY 435 Cusdens Pharmacy WELLINGTON HOTEL BLOCK FREE DELIVERY to=ogomoonomou ITAMIN and MINERAL Mu lSszmiAh an vL4gar =am mmsuxmmhiw uth Muu= slam2mm cam Imamsrganmstwwsmrl Maw

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