Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Mar 1949, p. 3

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lllUTlSDAx 111111 lin 1511 ftm chill lt paladin 111 met13 no2 11i co111111l e1 11 111 11 lo 111 111111111 1111 111 u1111ei 1111 cr1 icn 1115 E11 1le1u 1111 Kiwanis11 11111 11 aruiial lie 11 givw 111111111111 lc 11111111 cf 111 Lll 1111 col111illit 5111111 illitliln 2111 to 711111 Mills loauc 1111 11111111111 11 121111 tliffltult 11 11111c 111 t1c1o1111ui utteinlnin was tla 1111111 ciileim 11 all Klft ll Senior 1111111111 to 111 1111 1111 1111 title It llilllf 11 115 1o 111cly The A1 lla 1e 11111111 lillitil to Me lLCllt room 111111e1 1111 in sliuetion of ti 1111111 11111111 the navigation flight eponed to 111 Hinge under 1111 111 11111111111 of itoff Join5 11111 gt1U11 tzss eartlctl Mom 111 lie shoot 111 111 1111 11111 lore 11111 111 111 plivallon and 11111111111151 11111111 iy1cs ll lnufuilih ll burnvolt 111111111115 and 111111 1111111111 111111 111111 13111 lllll 1111 lilli place llauge d1se1pli11e was f1voi1111 connnented 1111 11y 1115111111111 lll1l ll 11111111111 met with the civilian 11111111111111 v111e final Main new 11111 veck 1111111111111 111 issue oIf1c11l later lillt 10 Al W115 11111111111cnt 111111 supply officer f1111511ed 11111111 1111 1111111 sizes for boot paititle At 31011 bolus following the break perlod the enhre ltlliltllllll ad 1otnncd to navigation and meteor ology with instructor 111111 Hardy Un orders from the was called for 21110 liouis Dont Throw your battery away on ac count of broken post or case We are experts in making these repairs also fast or slow battery recharging 101 11 adet 1111 rison dismissal Wc CttllthhC famous Exidc battery to fit your ar or truck Drop in and see us about your battery troubles ALF POTTER Dept Manager mufns AUTO ELECTRIC 33 Bayfjcld St DIAL 2464 BARRIE 1111111 it releases 11 QsXX C3 54 as Me ll ll 14 1111 st hempcnfelt 5x II alllllll lilll Tl 17 111 hm willel 111l 111111m 11 llll1 l1l 11311111111 11511114 be 1111511 f11e1r 111tl 15 1111kt Wxt 1111 11156111 llln world Lllit poi1115 of mott 111 AM 111 tin 1111111 enllllo lit 11111ltl 1930 121 Sp 11f PtfJnl lltle toi 1111 1l1ll 1e11ti11ce lhc cadet 1111111ial111p111111o 1111ev111111 l1 111 1111 11 1511111 11 tile 10W 19111 Mcflfbhon 51112 11 111111 not iltillkl 111 12111cs and 811 11 McBride 15 1111 of ion on 11111c5 111313 111 The 11isc11 was raised 11111 tnwwiipeniitin of OUW Suh 11 Mellilvlmn Duty 11111111 zulet Sonics Sports period 111111111utal gt 20111 111 a11115 111 111 Ships oi11p1nv 111111 field 111111111 1111111 11111 11 31111111111111 lhl cadtts put 1111 good gt1111111 111 field lllllllll 11nd look e1y 14111111 111 the much 111 10 11111111111111111 was duly 10 for 111 1112111 and acting for 10 1111111111111 who auav 10 11111111 11ond earned out 1115 duties very 111 and was commended by 11 12010 111 Stand easy 311311 his M15 and 15s proccctl 111 llllll 111111 11111e v1th 00W Sub lllCllllnlll llcniamdcr of ships t11111pzl11io sports w1t11 Sub 11 11111e 1111 1111ma11 lid ex ecpttonallylS well averaging high po1111s 111 51111111111111 lllllllltlllll 11nd 1111111s11111 Suielair 11nd liav I1211111111 1111111d well 111 their shoot 111 The tllel einoy their periodsl en the range and are taught how 11 handle rules properly They 1111stk11ow how to load gun and unload 11 also the parts and pre cautions to take when handling 1nd 1111111 The rifles are 22 cali IFrc and are on loan to the llCSCL Ke have 11 lot of expensive and interesting hear on loan from the 1vy to teach the cadets in their ptriod 3110 hrs 1111511111 was lowered Fox the talked to the 111ps company before dismissal about overcoats not turned 111 to stores These overcoals issued to cadets not now attending the corps should have been turned in There 11e seven overcoats valued at $21 eniece which we would like turned in As the uniform is issued under lhe supervision of the Department 111 National Defence Naval Servi es the corps can call on the RCMP to recover same Come on fellows lets have the coats turned 111 We only11ave limited num lier and new cadets coming into the corps need them On Iucsday 13 we lecomed llStlLlCli member of the Navy League of Canada Lt Commander lcarcc 111111 Boson lcflcrics were aboard to inspect our stores and equipment IL WITHOUT WATER Ccmcnting oil wells has made 11 possible to obtain oil from depths rendered unproductive by the in filtration of water PHONE 2517 IaFl 110 MW easy entry from either side of body and chassis rcduccswciglit These are only fcwuf the features of this wHARr 111111111 Ilw asked for by Wod Motorisls New from radiator to rcarliglit Inf appearance modern without being cxtrcmc Powerful new engine for high performance Independent front wlxccl springing Luxurious comfort seat with gear change on stccriugcolumn means Widc one piece front Monoconstruction great new MORRIS 1311mm ONT Distributor Tomes Cooke Motors Limited 2489 Bloor street West Toronto Ont ml Mount Albcrt Agincourt and Ham HOUSEHOLD EFFEC 1111111611113 0111 10111331111 1011111 31110011 1lli ll 1tilr 111 111 t1L1 311 111 11111 3111 11 1111 he t11tc 1111211 1ep115111111 lalzv lho 11111111111 1piitltictl 11 11 lilAtltl li 11111111 11 111subh to leach 111111A 111 11111 01155 111111 guls 111 the county llans for 1111 111411 iiation of the lollo11 club 1111 year Willi ltltltl tit51111111111 111 each ciise luli l111 2111 cciitze 11111 11 liiiulL vale leader lltiltl Ritchie Dairy Call 1111 131111111111 men 111 81111111111111 7111 Cast Suneoe Nelson Ji JUllkb ll Shorthoin talf l11k1gtlield chi 1111111 llobitaille and Stanley Shaw Potato 11fontainc 11 Jos Mar chlltlon Potato llaiiie Allan llrown lotalo Altkltlllltlllllfl 1C tippaue and lo le111c1 1111111 1o liinest 1111c5 Medontelhlllla itll ltlltl 1111 Walker and 11111 111111 llie filltll 1111 15 111v 1110 1111111 illllillli altlu ell jeet for this year anti will be con dueled 111 cooperahon with the zone forester Mcninll of olllngwood All 1111111 11111 11115 101 130 cais of age who are intercst ed club work hovs 111 11c invited to contact the local leaders listed above or to apply to the Ontarlo Department of Agriculture flar rie 11115 liuuicinaker club uork and 1111 111ls111dcn club program were not specifically dealt with at this meeting This work is under the direction of M15s llutli Shaver home economist for Simcoe otniA 1y Mus Shaver reports 10 local clubs organied for the project The 111b 1111 Stands on Guard and that she expect5 about 30 members in thc guls llldtlhtllll project 01111111111 JOSEPH HENRY 11055 11 Sunday March illll at the home of his sister Mrs Archie Spence 3711 Nottawasaga 51 Ord 1111 Joseph Henry Goss lied 1111115 10111 year He was son of the late Mr 111121 Mrs Henry loss of Mcdonte Mr loss early life around Warminster and Friirvallcy Mcdontc until going to Toronto where he sncnt shortgtimc on the lolice Force and as Street Car operator and later took up car pentry and building around Orillia and Atlicrley if On Jan 1913 he married Mary McQuaitl of Oro and took up farin 111 near Rugby His wife prcdc ceased him nine years 011 their 23th wedding anniversary and shortly afterwards he sold the farm and took up carpentry again He had always been very active man until his health failed him ghoulstwo years ago and he be spent his up house and lived at the homes of his sisters and his son 111 Barrie lie is survived by his two sons Manscll Dave of Barrie and Stanley of Hamilton one grand child Garry of Barrie brother Frcd of Warminster andfour sis ters Mrs Archie Spence and Mrs Duncan Matheson of Fairvallcy and Mrs Alex Ross of Oro Station brother and sister predeceased him number of years The funeral service was eon ductcd on Wednesday afternoon by Rev Guthrie at DoolittlcsFuny cral Home Orillia and the Orillia vault vasvthc place of interment The pallbearers were William Al nold David Reid Bert Reid Earle Reid all nephcwsl Manford Horne and Albert from Rugby Many floral tributesavcrc re ceived from friends and relatives Anderson neighbors including those from Hamilton Barrio andgincourt Friends and rclatives from distance attending were from ilton MIDLAND LEGION idland Legion sponsored pub so that ATTCTTUNE mm STOCK AND IMILEMENTS Phono Z577 Barrio SAVE UP TO 25 ON EVERY OIL DOLLAR VORIILOTL IURNLI CAMERON ELLIS GIBSONLTD 65 Bradford St Phone 31155 candidates r1111u11 was lllli IlAlllllE lLl 11 $11111 1illA Egg Shell Strength Research for Quality Create Many Problems 111 L1 Militi 11311511 55111111 NIGHT PRINTS OF 6001 CONTRAST unalvws HAVE LV ncwandcxclusivc Tamblyn process of developing and printing with deckIecdgedl larger prints in novel and c011Venicnt folder TELVISION PROCESSING wnu 8LARGER mums amomrsr cuss cnnaum 2111z 29c CLIMAX WHLLPHPEH CLEANER26c KLEIN 29 39 snrnrnmr lime lamina 251 1111116pc TMLYN SILVER POLISH Tmnmti noon wax 111 27c rmnm LEMON on toz18c 2111135 cannon mourn 15c 35c 65c Gonmmns PLATE Pownm 125c cnnosor msmrncrmaoz19c 1111 33c NAIL BRUSHES 1111111311 1111111111111 23c warsxs cannon om DUTCH cmNsmIzc sun mun nmwrcx 89c 419 HANDY AMMONIA 8c 1111 15c CHLORIDE OFVLIMEllc 15c DRANO 10 111111 111111115TTzsc RONAMI ClKEll 15c BBHSSO POLISH18c 30c SILTO POLISH numomn111111111111E43c m59c Housrgnomjmmoum 1512 20 OLD ENGLISH SCRATCH WV 250ch om moms noon waxn11 59 2111 98c OLD ENGLISH LIQUID WAXlunt 59 um 98c on ENGLISH mo 41111111 59 1111111981 you mcusu romanum rousn Zoe49c MYSTIC FLOOR WAX GILLETTE Lyn QSHNILLUSH 291 SPIC and 25c JOHNSONch POLISH20c 49 JOHNSON FLOOR WAX t111 59 231115 1107 JOHNSON CLO COHIP111159c fluart 98c CHAN noonwax1n1159 1111528 SUNSLI DYESl 1415 ll DYEL15c Zinrzsc 15c DOLY DYES FillllthlNSLs15c121111251 DYES 15c LD TOWEL 150s 18c210135c nnuanunuun nounnuuunbun DELIVERY Phone 2650 to 10 pm For Delivery of Fresh Purine Chews 12111111112511111100115 Bauie TELVISION 311011111116 lAST 111111111111 ONSTIPATIUN NEW or LUXE KlT WM Wilh Flastic Cuvlcpu 250 REFILL KIT Without Cunlcn 125 mlm TTiRUlT SALT ALKASELTZER For Ifrlil in COLD BEEP mom and wniu VINYLTE BABY comcnnm BATH soup curiivoiisn mom ENGLISH VWHSH CLOTHS com 11mm con um mnmgmmW4L STORE HOLTRS+Mon Tues Thurs Fri from 830 am to 830 pom Wednesday 830 mm to 1230 pm Saturday 830 mm Open every SundaylZ to pm to pm FALL THREE PHONE 817r31 11111u1 A11 TTTIT Ell llll 37 THE Mul ammo TOOTH BRUSH PROLON 511ml 0111111 Synthcnt 0111119 ROUND ENDS Gentle lo we burn TUFTED TlP Ruth Rear Nolan loner 11 MONTHS GUARANTEE cl atirlac1011 Snurc 17111111 HOME PERMANENT 50 PROPHLLACATIC DENTAL PLATE BRUSH sotmmmuy Dciiqncd 50 50c ouuiuss SICK HEADACRE ACID lNDlGESTION PROPHYLACTIC PROFESSIONAL Two Roux Nalurol llmllr Help relieve fair for your prcriouy rcin as fuiltuly 115 you bras1 your Itcttl 19mg Basic THE1 IrTIEiVT gt lnhalator wuh 1111er skm Cit11an will Dorothy Gray DruSkin Medication tlmnvcy sonr11s as it cleanses 11 $100 $1713 $325 Follow iwith refreshing nondryin bonyr Homer 511111 Lotmu $1 $250 lsC richly luhrirah lug Mm 111 DrySkin 31111111 a3 SOTO NCOT msrngss 1111111111 1111111111 Inhalation Treatment ASTHMA IINUSITIS Special Elcchic and Heals Rough Skin Face and Hands 25 35 49 97 your night cream $273 $300 We aim have specialized Dorothy Gray preparations for care of oily skin and normal sls 791 775 sizes Regular unlof Box OTle Napkins Box of 48 Napkins 71011201111111 tannins1911131 jgspzcIAL urns 35 2101 69 129 JERGENS nIllTlle and ML orunrosr r11t15 CREAM 811111111198c LATEX RUBBER GLOVES lleg 391 33c MILKDFMHGNESIA 211111 27 MILKO MHONESIA 111m with Vitamin 81 1602 Regzllttl 69c BENZOALMOND LOTION BISCARBCO auz39c 16111 BLOOD PURE 16112 69 pHms 1Vi1Wiil29cr gt COLD CHEHLL 7133102 29c WOODBUHY SOAP 41111306 1501 571 PAHOLHGAR 16111 59c tozy 99cm PAHOLgMINlBL OIL 1601 43c 4010199c PMSHS IOOD 1501 legTSc59c NEROXIDE TOOTH PEST 18C SENT TOILET PPm llelz1114111129 SUPER EITHER SHAVE CREAM 1922 19c HEva HOTWHTER 69c for 25 with 11311le ction 27 39c ELECTRIC LIGHT BULBS 11111111 41161 Wait 15c llllWatt20c 11111 1111111311 30c lnr25c GOLD LABEL COD LIVER OIL 16111 89c After hours Phone 3871 Emergency tomHobomwmmecwouil 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