Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Mar 1949, p. 15

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VVAIABLIZ 21111 wanted for geni MARRIED COUPLE mm to Itllli ldl lgtkmI Inuiii 3097 orl fuinislicd Ipiitic11 or bungalow HI Baltic 11 lultlbl Apply to Box litif llaiiie Exanin iiillmllQUILTZ lo ciitci at tinI iiiio mil Ill Izolii May through t1lul title Boy 21 Barrio lumping ioomgV HM Chum Examiner 11710x children iefcieiicts Box 27 mm DUE TO OUR expansion program In Canada we can use SIX more men for tcrrilory Including Ilar THURSDAY MARCH 24 1949 HELP WANTED ACCOMMODATION WANTED mo saw it IN IHE EXAIINII we saw ii III LIA1min WAIT IIICSS WANT Ll yyzlli oi AIIAHISIENI iiilcd It oilillsl Illiudl ixiiiciitc qpiy tll um Unlll disk IIUII W137 Iicstdiiiiiii llill llio iIlLI 55 pin Illilp Tl NW5555 IiULId wages on 4llMEl eniuiiihixiii 3139119116011 Iltlxsc 31 Iipiiitizivii WIIII bath wanted lin 41 Usoii Liiille lwrllllfb nedhfc Phone 23154 llwrillp Illltl llilllp ONII Ill TWO fiiiiitslicd Iollgtc Barrie Extiiiiinei IIIUIJh apartment in the comforts of Ii itood llllli II lwlllp HUN Um and5101vivlllllIOII 51711 for stile slc Beautiful surroundings in 511111111013 iie lIxainuicr ll lllp busmcss SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE EXAMINEP LEM BROS Laundry will close March 31 Please pick up your ALSIKE SEED 900d Guallyi $15 lap 50 to 100 trees Phone 2224 at NOTICE To sawmg owners want 345J 54824p intakes of eleCtric appliances or 4424 FUR REMODELLINGV repairing BCI entertainment dark brown CARPENTER WORK new homes and repairs also aluminum and FARMSFIORi SALE steel roosz Best of references TV ESIIIDBIOSEIVCD no Obligation 100ACREFARM Lot 19 Can Day vPhonc 3004 5l718b F105 10 adres innheat plowing dead or crippled horses or cows F5 Mm 190 Montreal Que 418bll77 Victoria St 7lllb WANILD SILLNDID opportunity of be Boys SUN 57 14 Shoes mi say You saw Ir rxumn coniiiii your own boss Retail mmQ We 71 our 230 guaranteed household iieci 14 IVIVQIIY ILAY IlZN wmiiui pm essitics including the fulllinc of choice Parttime agents consider IIINO WANIC in mud mm id Hundreds of successful lamilex 111111 No dealers 11113004 347181 agents started with borrowed $25 fa or $50 No riskit is worth Ii GANDHI WANTED or will sell trial Travelling equipment essen uooscV Ilionc Lloyd Srmlcy 11 1111 in rural districts Busine Mincsuig 3131 good Write today for details and 318 insecticides in territory of your free catalogue ltimilcx 1000 De IREIC TO ANYONE giving good lorimier Montreal 41424bt1l home to iinonllisold small fc male pup Phone 1224 11181 LAMP SALESMANsExccptional BOSTON TERRIER TOY wanted tionally known and advertised male or female Apply Sgt iercs Headquarters Camp 8qu joyintl healthy 0313110510 NO den 31618pt1 vestnicnl required Products and service bonded by Canadian Gen SMAIJ IllCIOR wanted with oral Insurance Company and in lllIlllClllS Stateparticulars and steadv rcpcat demand If you are to Box 211 Barrie Exain experienced in selling to indus establishments and want rpdlmtm ROW LROI garden tractor want out connection with young VIEW ed on rubber State full particu ous and highly successful organi IiVus In letter Box 22 Barricization write your qualifications lgxaiiinicr lll8ptT FORD CULTIVATOR wanted ItliViOW crop attachments State condition and piicCV Apply to Box 1y vcll paying position With 118 company financially sound and en 3lllsl9p trial commercial and institutional to Box 29 Barrie Exam incr 4Ll820b SEED AND FEED SAY YOU saw 11 IN nu xituuirn 37 Ba rrie Examiner 318p QUIET SMALL PONY for Va 711d 8V MIXED TIMOTHY and alfalfa hay years around 10 yrs Old Illezise statc price and particulars Gar in square bales Phone 2210 Doug Ferris 10l8p field Kerr Phone 70114 Allis tonV 18 SEED PEAS and buckwheat for qlille tVCSICy Cliawmrdijgf 191 10111 on MISCELLANEOUS square bales Also custom baling BAXIER BROSI for Citynxjdc done Phone 4225 101821p service in ice Phone 5311 51811b RED CLOVER SEED for sale ILASTERING and patching intcr EOVCInant grade No Apply for and exterior Prices reasonable Campbell 31305 Stroud Phone Phone 4246 517181 43r21 1018p TRANSPORTATION or our to 300 BUSHELS registered seed Ga Cilmp Borden and return dailyi Iorc barley for sale Phone 803 Phone 2992 after pm 518p ring 32 Donald Thompson Mid liurst 1018p laundry before thatrdatc 51319p bus also heavy yielding Beaver oats Cecil Sutton Shanty Bay 19 REPAIRwashers wringers 010 Phone 104313 bicycles lawln mowers etc Licks RepairShop Essa Road Tele QUANTITY OF mixed gram of phgn 4044 5141613p good quality for sale either for feed or seed Apply Gordon KTJO for money or SyrupV Campbell Thornton Phone 12122 enough pails spiles and pans toiIVY 10139 noon hours 518b CERTIFIED Beaver oatszor sale Grade No germinatipn 99 RUNS IN silk stockings mended Certified$l40 Commercial $100 25c poi stocking Mail stockings Apply Garfield Kerr Phone 78114 and money to Mrs Money Alliston 101820p 28Saiiford St Barrie wl 422m SEED CORN Hybrids the new GUARANTEED Singer sewing ma mixtures or Open Pollinated Or ehinc repairs Phone or write der now at Coop Also clovers Singer Sewing Centre Colling pasture and root seed seed grain wood Box 1060 Ph 3451 54824p Ask for the COOD seed 1181 Gov 0p Barrie Dial 2429 lOlp ing lumber sawn Roy Jamiesons LOST AIND FOUNDA sawmill at Hillsdale will be Oper ating this spring for custom saw PEARL NECKLACE found Tale 514249111 phone 5208 l718b PORTABLE electric Singersewing $500 BILL lost in store machines to rent by the month Saturday by hard working my Phone or write your Singer Sew ing Centre Collingwood Phone $531598 Leon telepheg LOSTLifc insurance tiiaining GUARANTEED REPAIRS to all manual with life insurance policy and smaller note books inside gglgrApgigmulghO Finder please phone 5594 17181 528lfb LosT4Thursday March 17 at and relining at moderate ratestJ Wallet C0nteinln8smalltsum 8f Milburn your local furrier 299 money and drivers permi Flll Elizabeth Street Telephm RiallltieterfoanxlidtIveIlssIDIIigdStorieIOr ring 22 51428p1T VOVBCI 1718b done godd buildings 7roomed THIS IS TO SAY that Frank house barn 45x70 driving shed Steers will no longer beies on double garage pig pen and hen siblc for his wifes debts rs house Samuel Martin Elmvale Florence May Steers from this Phone 85J Vi 81820p date onFrank Steers 51820p 550000100acre clay loam farm RUGS ANDgchcsterfields beauti in Lake Simcoe shore area six fully cleaned in your ownh0me roomed frame DOUSE bank barn by ele tric machines No thiss 36x70 Vdriving shed hog pen 14 Ready 0r 115 Sameday Slmcoe acres fall wheat 45 acres fall plow Rug and Upholstery Cleaners1ele ed balance in clover and pasture phone 4761 51618Dt1 Terms can be arranged Apply Hartley Smith Coutts Real Es SOMETHING NEWThe salutary tate 15 Owen St Barrie 8181 vacuum with no dirty bag to emIm pty no hidden cloth filter to clog SUMMER coTTAGES with dust Ask to see the Filter Queen It can clean your home easier faster and with less work LAKEFRONT COTTAGE wantEd Lake Simcoe to rent for Jilly and Roy Tracy 3482 51819p August or August only Reed 36 King St East Toronto Plaza FARMERS24 hour ser 2817V18b according to size or condition MONEY TO LOAN Small animals removed free We NOTIC vice We pay as high as $6 for 2771 do the loading Old horses llc NATIONAL Housing Loans build phone as loans properties financed at or Brechln 800 current rates mort ages purchas Ed Peconi Prop Argyle On ed Henry Elr ck Owen tario 531113 St 344209 pound For prompt service collect Orillia 345 UHUAN Hill S1l llioni nii ili lYlEWlllllIIl OAK DILSK It eadj foi ust llioiie 1437 Good food Apply Box 24 liar1210 3990 rI IAIII BLACK lie Midland Orilliii and Co 1i IIIuIoisct sir Wood introducing our new Illtillllzll AGLNTS VAerhD in unit hlew men in our 111110 JLIIci than 573 with experimw wilfulp MAN WANTED Iiii Riiwlcitzh with uwm Drofmsmm HF business No experience 11tlpllill day oclock sharp Ask at deck necessary Stiles ciisy to make and Of Queens 010 MK 11 profits large Start Immediately Jones 1311ic 18p Write Rawleigh Dcpf AIL14211 after p111 710pl NORTHERN MUSKIIAI coat for lsalc size 14 IlioniI 2673 between and pin 7lllpl ROGERS IiAiItscnhinhi 1111tltll and record player Phone 21128 or NAVY BLUE tailored spring coat size 111 worn only II few times 513 Phone 4950 gt 7111p 011 ENGLISH oak dining room SLIIIC 9picce excellent condition $150 Phone 3437 Tlllp AUSTIN MOTOR 12 hp excel lent condition suitable for boat or saw Phone1024 710b THREE GAS or oil drums 90 cal 45 and 30 Phone 4829 or apply 29 Grove St 718p LADIES SUITS one tailored one dltSSmElkCI size 13 in good condition Phone 4031 718b MARQON IRAM in excellent condition Apply Mrs Webster 48 Louisa 81 Ph 9034 7181 ICEBOAT 19 11 well balanced with plenty of speed $15 Phone 2414 or 3350 after p111 714x SHQTGUN Stevens Savagclou blcoarrcl hummcrless 15 shots fired $55 Call 2437 or 5151 718pl SAY ioy SAW ITVIiii EXAMINER TIMOTHY HAY for sale in 4445 FOR SALE IAY VOUVSAW ITQIN INE HAIIHIR 14 ll DIIIIivIS klllllILI Ilitlzit 01 giftei pin 741111 lRrIAklASl SUITE tiptcc tuti Millilldit lziuIA 1311113 ltlp llAlJU EIlll SAM Home 70 UI call at 21 Iaikside Dr riliility of on gt 11 18 Vnian West End Stoie leliplioneply Wilbeit lltnsli 30 Park SI Aiiub to Iiusmiiiiizii iiIcIiliiiiiiiiil will NIHmm imm TPHLIHII WIIIHUII Twltipl 1199 lam HOUSE on AlAltlMliNI wanted NH in in 1193 Burn IKISTS 101 MIIL DAVCIIIUY IIIII II PIT3 HUN DRIVER SALESMAN lllltl Dv ouplewitli two young Illltltoriinllltl Barrie RR IIlolit filmNoul navy lilccclics and IWPLUI Can llll11 if nce gt11l 24 33 1111 blttCIliS Igllttc site uuiiis fawn lillnlliiltildli3mi Ilium bilwrtv mil Illi Barri Ilxiiiiiinci llwlllhl UWIWIII 74 km lzlld mini Iiffi 1131 siIAii conicme micspit iirlhmu out IIIII iV 5i hulnpr 1nd 11 luxpeiipm MN I1MOIAIIOI foi to 11 It III oi 11 not nccc 21v any as we have um 0w Hamil laid ptopli oi ptiisioiuis wishing JUNK 015 II Hxn umuld ladys suit size Donald Uifzcn 11 iii llonpoii RR Bairic tltIIlvlti WAGON RIM SETS 101 OOttl Tooter III Colltlllll your wagon to rubbei BOXIHUMI Condition 111 417 liiIi liltltlltlltllll we can supply you iI distributor price Costip Burrit SMALL OOR STOVE newilllll LILII INIIIP In ates vshtei fI hill 17 lcltplioiic 1710 p13 BARGAIN FOR FARMERSch Illcii faiinci wishes to sell sliiizci Vlor um 20 hours also bout Pre =fer to sell together Apply at1 mi be 3W 11 Worcin 5L laiiiswiek General Store llionc 7ipiStroud 1911 Tr lbJUpIlI Hmiv SHUOSV syn lAlllUllNS new used rentals 111mm 353 Zlfic per day liompt Service on repairs and special shapes Barrie Ienl iutl Awning CO 34 Biiyficld 51 Phone 4311 lllllp llllljb COAT American beauty sile 11 new first summer $10t Iitsses skirts HIIIS 1012 grey coat 14 $5 Rogers radio coiisolei $25 145 Mary St 7lllp MIIXIIANKAI TOOLS fur con struction work heavy duty also new guitar Ileiifrew separatorJ practically new Apply Mrs Shipnian Phone 816 rim1 11 II He MH ONEWAY disc 6ft prac tically new condition used one year Phone Elmvalc 2T4 7lllp NAILS 100lb kegs any size 0r der now for April delivery also cement Phone 2808 714181111 VIKING SEPARATOR No 75 00 lbs capacity Just used one sea son Phone Stroud17121 718p LARGE EXTENSION TABLE al so small dropleaf table nice for apartment Apply 210 Elizabethl St 718b COCKER SPANIEL puppies sixI weeks old black mach fin pets 1949 Admiral radios Telephone 131 Cumberland St Telephone 718p ELECTROHYGIENE almost ncwI also Electrolux in perfect condi tion Cheap Roy Tracy 3482 7I8p JAMESWA Oil brooder stove used Six weeks also bench model cream separator Apply 118 Pene tang St 718b PAIRS ready made green drapes complete with lining and pinch pleats real bargain Tele phone 4797 718b COOKSTOVE Wingham apart ment Size modern polishedssteel top good condition reasonable Phone 5177 7l8b LADYS PlNSTRIPED tailored suit Size 1618 perfect condition too small for owner Apply 14 Thompson St 710p 2WHEELED TRAILER wilh steel frame and 16 wheels axle for roller and electric heater Apply GESTETNER duplicating machine perfect CondiIIOn HISO While 80 ket for trade on new or used amel CllCUIaImg annex Phone separator separators sold satisfac THE HARRIS EXAMINER DANIELE OR AND CANADA SAY YOU saw it an in 1mm FOR SALE IJilliitl UNITED Cltulefi Dd it 11 IXgtUU Dilitii H11 UIt Iii iii 11 ltv1llIltill GOODS Coop izu llrttifllllillllig the sale of this coini lmuys pioducts All iiiins lialt piice oi in Coup Barrie DIA 191 2129 7II1V 1353111 HAY LOADEII pushbat zip Ill HI izuod shape tractor Illlltltl fitilii 5111311 Huck unify 01 ONIIi1 Itll povxii ili MinnI mum in Sum EMHIIFV ll It keno IiirINin HimUN mm lf the adults 111 IllII OMMERcIAI tiavcllcr Mid iiiiiiUgw CUllviieiices litIeicnccs lt ily would like tiroonicd house liliuedV bull or parttime work gaiziize and gliidcu Apply Alia Vullllitlll Mooie leleplione 13 Barrie Examiner 11lllp lvltjlllblri SMALL BACHELOR duurlAhEIl for IIIISI Baptist caiited ookiiigI facilities not neeI iiirci automatic oil essarv Call llJJ aiiii Borden TfV work mump dmmng and $013311 HM our mm 1011 IRAt foil for sac new Nors In liisl oopmzitive lIIckIis Ali NO 70 COCKSIIUTT tractor only in use one your starter lights weights everything on it first class condilion Apply 811110 11 Bayficld St Phone 3003 or 2910 Tllllllp GUARANTEED new and used Singer sewing machines Repairs to all makes Free estimates pick up aiid delivery Apply Singer Sewing Centre Newmarket Ont Phone 1075 7l710p FRENCH DOORS studio couch with matching chair walnut floor lamp with shade floor model radio StewartWiirncr also Elec trolux All in perfect condition Phone 2314 718p ti DINING ROOM CHAIRS odd chairs dresser china cabinet clicstcrfield sol wringcr with tubi stand tables with leaves cook stove warming closet and reser voir Phone 3441 718p CREAM SEPARATOR parts Mc lottc Lister Viking Vc Estonia Massey McC DI Lava Renfrcw electric attachments Mail Orders filled 24hour service Hulsc Hillsdalc Phone Moonstone 7101 CGE VACUUM all attachments like new small ice box kitchen range Gucrney white enamel steel top lids reservoir high back and shelf kitchen table Phone 4962 76 Worsley St 718p WHEN BUYING an electric wash er come in and see the Locomotive Washer on display at Craighurst Garage Equipped with or with out hot water heater Also see the 845132 71418bfT ANYONE in need of water We are equipped with 1100gal tank and pump Water may be deliver cd from your nearestcreek Den nis Moran White Rose Service Station Bayfield St Barrie Telcl phone 2907 71236bT BLAC forsheetine summer cottagesl mostly poplar $45 per thousand also some 2inch hemlock for joist or studding Roads open now ChasnR Scott Guthrie Phone 827 Oro 718b 44 CUBIC FOOT deep freezer holding capacity one ton also var ious types and sizes of new and used commercial reachin refrig erators Low and high tempera ture refrigerators built to specifi cations Monarch Refrigcration Co Phone 2059 Barrie 6312 Orillia 718b CREAM SEPARATORS bought sold exchanged New and used parts all makes Expert repair 110 Maple Ave 7181 Work Freeinspection anywhere Simcoc Countys largest cream ii Get Quick Results byUsingiExaminer Classie Bring or Phone your AdDiol 24l4Before 530 oclock Saturday or Wednesday one ReadiIliER 2c word cash minimum 35c PAGE merrier f2 2L H57 ARIAOE AND MOVING SA IOU SAW 11 IN IN IAIINER POSITIONS WANTED I1 It EXAMINER PROPERTY PU SENT iRecenf Appointments 5A7 you sAn SAY IOU SAW 11 IN ME XAIINII COOKIE CARTAUE and STORAGE Hp of ii Leta and 11m DIELIIIH Moveis Licticlul IIIIIILHEIE capilil Niflill 11111111 to 111 vi lllil as IIJUVI PROPERTY WANTED SA UU DAN II IN IIIL IKAMINLR iAV IUJ 5A 11 IN EXAMINER it It at IoIIr lcncj 5i i1lll 11 Put lo fly 11 Kcil 311 41 W1 sv Inspmtoi Il uIIIIiipcit 1Illfif 111 ii Iifili TABLETS zl Iiitiyt Am 15 Hattie qul 1111 wii supplx Iiiblyt lIit Hinie Allaiuliilc POULTRY SAY 01 SAN II IN THE EIAIINEH VTIIOPIIRIY iOR 1IyllUlIlylillC III 1M Il LHm tii I1Ii lliy 11 liliT til HI Illfilii 132 Ill lllil lflfIIp 39 vi IIJU LEIIIISE and 1iiidris Valli Thornton oII SolJ 101 ILIxLiii lill IJZIIltllttt oi Allandhli llll1 liain llUiutIlItll UJliii NIZW 1111131 1411 oIt 11min 0pcnd of lIillllll St rMMW zill llIl LiviI liltlfllllll limlillzd l1tItgt Iliiiiic 111112 Stziynci POULTRY wanted pine Also ftlillicii ltlhlllritilf uuiIIit lluIin lt Min unwind sic liipli lIiiiic llmlic 4111 lliiihp 10111 lllNlt 1111311 IIMI MARCIIES HIII your 5ng IIII Apizl and May ciiielis now liaiicd Sussex CHICKS SAY YOU SAW II IN TIIK EXAIINER il isuai iiiliiroiiii IIIJIHIIIIIHL 112135 Litzii 11 CI Ufslnttl cchILd Iliilclicry laini Stioud liocii 1311 and ii iiaila lllilllll AVRICS Iollc lltll and IIitii 31I11IIII foiiiialioii Illl Ilox 1117 Yul11 llAlllllIl ROCKS the old ieliable Incld for cells and meal perronal 1Iiiiilns siIi ixifli lltllltilil ii II1I lilirfil 1111111 will Apply Iltl iiIli May III to Scpl ii 1111 Li iiil Ilctcrciu Ap pl ii 171 112 llzinii hxain IIileil nounN IIIII 13 1le tlly only liliu 11 111 llIIuiiI Iflll ltliNl rooms and iIIIIti Iiiiicii IttlllCII 1Iiill Illiltlllll Lyiil fiIngticd IIli 1iitu ii IIIilil 90 Ll zrliue II Apply John oiii ipI ilil 11m liiiicc Alon ITIAlllp Ifailioi Ii c1 23 AfliliS IMIHIHI for lllilllitl iziudcu Iiiiiiiedizile Ioiii Iimms Starr Iiiiiiil tint 31193911111 LAND 111111 3110031111 11 oiiiid iilI selection Iily tugs laid by our years our sliziiii oun flock Iiicuhatcd Shanty Bay 111 Ill11 Iliizhl llAlllpV VTRUUMIII SILCCO hood vaai lIlI lecoizilioii iesidciilial Illissi 511m IlIiiIiiI Ilaiiic Iixilllllllcl 17gt lllp loirliy St or ploi3 3133 l3llI ITS Iioiisrcimiiic TIMI See the Electro llygitgtie Vacuum Cleaner demonstrated in your home Applies hard wax polishes brightly with its large Rotary Brush Floor Polisher 10 cleaning attach iiieiits including Valve Spray Gun Telephone IIllltllltlitlt lhoiic KELLY APPROVED CHICKS Barred Rock and llilllll Rockny uplivllllllltlll government approved and lllhlittk ed flocks Started chicks and lllllOllOLfrlIil HOUSIC but till fLIIii Kelly ilCt lpicce halh llilltlilltl flimis liIIl Hatchery CliippIItoii St liydio 2trwlrlZtlptli June titcu 1111111 lllC IlUiV location Illgttivlitll 4933 central Ilione 21120 Phone GILMORESlouliiyIIItcdintz 1IiiiiiON NO 20 HIGHWAY lltll Mull hav some fourweek New llanipVliuist station 3ltitillltll IIfllIttf all shire chicks available Order iiowIconveniences for choice of May bookings lclc Ill Iliuil Iliillll ltlmlti lliplll hardwood throughout lilldlit 2100 after pin MODERN HOME with living room and water heating of town or small couIiIiv proper ties available session Owen 31 Barrie Dial 2377 lo ltlpiV llioin 00 lenclaiiu All our breeders pul lorumfrcc banded stock ZlwlDllif Iooins ll1 FOR THE right markets with cliicksllray Iionipl shipment stiiilcd Catch March lltlllzli Also choice Phone 3092 Box 16 Barrie right Chicks dliyolds oi mixed CttkCllf markets oricc iniiiieduil Estate bullets outts Real better chicks Agent Copeland Solis Newi ton Robinson CA RT 1111 New Hampshire ziic profitable for you to raise Our strain is bred for livmbilily early production Every c1111 set is with list llUNCAliow miles from way sale modern office Rich1 or her hie of suburban Hot and 21449111 ROCK Ruck chicks post 11 lg acre with iies and young fIuIl tic picturesque district COcksliutl Farm Implements HARRICD and most houses in cold running water ipiece liiilli Dial 4111 We can supply you with fertilizer drills Kid plows drag barrows cultivators sulky and side delivery rakes hay loaders mowers binders Spreaders milking ina chiiies pressure systems CockSliutt No 30 tractors and harvester combines One No 30 tractor and some of the above implements ready for immediate delivery Expert repair service for farm equipment including electric and acetylene welding Dittckslllllllillg and woodworking We excel in converting wooden wagon wheels to rubber tired wheels maturity and large body size produced on our own farm is banded heavy 111 rlitpl Our and tested under Station Policy Our name backed by 13 ycars ex perience is your guarantee of the Mixed chicks 15c 100 N11 BR 5wcekold pullcts Carter Ilawkestonc Ontario Phone Oro 101 BEAUTIFUL The spacious Crown Attorney Mr Frank lIamV on Ross 81 Club BAR RIB home properly flock the latej Ontario Breeding situated Country grounds consistiiic garden and well landscaped lawn large brick house in flood ltllillli liakdwood floors places modern kitchen hot lilll stokerfcd or double garage house well 1111 For full particulars coni Barrie mond Barrie near poll acres of and best in chicks 241830p1fl LIVESTOCK on You 51w IT IN THE EXAIIINIR CALF FORVEALING 815111 SEVEN phone 84123 EVEN hone 8141 Barrie YOUNG JERSEY cow freshen Oct tang St EIGHT PIGS wccks old Corby Con Lot 12 Oro Phone 84812 Barrie SORREL GELDING 1500 lbs gar lovely Vfiic heating Spencer boili suliited sult tario llow Oni Telephone llirlrlllpv Hillsdale Ont Phone Moonstone 33r12 AUTOMOBILES weeks old Tele 9418b old 9181 PIGS 40 CIIEV special deluxe Couch PIGS WCLIIS Apply 09 John St 1117781 MERCURY Iccllcnt condition 1947 deluxe tudoi cx Ph 2094 lilmltlb PONTIAC sedan for between due Apply 118 Peric 9ltlb isalc and IiiIto FORD for salei Phone 13pr 1941 Phone pm 1930 MODEL Apply yrs old 3295 Wilfred Cockburn Phone 848112 Barrie 9181 2WHEELED STEER month old months also GE record player to attach to radio 3717 9181 Iiinisfil Street luggage trailer condition reasonably pric Phone 2094 1946 PLYMOUTH 9181 1941 Dodge 1930 Oldsmobile 1033 rrr Chev Apply 16 Maple Ave 13181 GELDING for sale yrs or exchange for young sow Ar 20000 FEET of lumber suitable Ihur Glass ccllcnt SICCI ed 13110 Dodge Phone 815 ring 1942 1948 REO TRUCK 01 mileage in good condition ltonl sale low Cookstown On IBy Bank of Toronto Wuhan Mar is ap HIM115 IIi1tltf at 2111 121 zliitil Ic 311i liiniises appoint iiiiiipe Winnipeg If intcicst lIiLl1 of The Exaiiu 11Ittl public tiiiis ItlIc his lit II ltlitv was the 34 gtEIIII11I3I IIiigii IiIii Iiiighuiah 11 14l 11011 1o icZIZ iI 1212111 timui 311 itlll ilyllillnl Vq lIlIl lifH ITlh irl liiioon Illlll 13 11 111 la il 111111 111 IlliUNl il fin Ieiit cen llI lllllllt5llt df Iiitl iiiI preferred zile hath adult iiiIi it 1111 sale 5111 fllll Applyllox Ilood condition Apply 111 IItItll Fletcher st SALES AND SERVICE PROMPT COURIEOUS SERVICE Thomas Dawes RENO VA TE YOUR BARN AND BUILDINGS WlIH ALUMINUM Light Clean Economical ALUMINUM RIBBED ROOFING is available for immediate delivery in sheets six seven eight nine and ten feet long Saves money Warm in winter Cool in summer Easy to teiio WW 91819p GRADE HOLSTEIN cbw for sale yrs old due end of March vac cinated and TB tested Gough Phone 842r2 BAY MARE yrs old 1700 lbs sorrel horse Harvey Knupp Thornton llr2 Ivy SEVEN PIGS for sale Yorkshire Arthur Morrow heavy duty Phone 450071318131 1938 FORD COACH mechanical condition for quick sale in excellent Priced right ring 13181 1939 PLYMOUTH COACH good condition Reasonable price Rev NewtonSmith 53 v2 1941 PONTIAC coach with radio and heater PriI Excellent Plionc 918p 1300 lbs Phone 9181911 yrs Burton 13181 weeks Silver Streak and Tamworth Stroud 9pr old crossed Phone 23r13 CALF FOR VEALING week old also black mare Dave Miller or phone805122 lopeV condi 131th owned Phone 5085 1947 DODGE1zton pickup for throughout Owner driv vatcly tion has coo sale 1400 sale condition Barrie RR 31108191 and defroster 918p cu Apply Russell Webb Cooks l3II181Tl separator dealers If in the mar 4704 after MIL 7I3Ption or refund Phone Moonstone CANARIES singers $8 and up hens $125 cages African violets 10 colors 75c Mrs Wm Agar Phone 201 Beeton 71222pT SHOTGUN pump action Remidg ton Model 103 special 12 gauge full chokep solid leather case Phone Barrie 3824 7w18X MH 6FTCOMBINE hammer rnill also quantity of hay and straw Apply Wm Kell Gilford Phone 12619 Lefroy 718Vb LADYS BROWN gabardine coat rust wool chlour springcoat size 1416 youths tweedsports coat Size 10 Phone 5267 718p COCKSHUTT r3furrow tractor plow good condition narrow bot tom Howard Partridge RR Barrie Phone 843r14 718p McCD IiiDISC seed drill nearly new also Seed drill good condition Apply Atkinson RR Barrie Phone 841114 718b RUMLEY TTRACTOR 9059 frontl and rear wheels on hard rubber generator and lights Apply to McArthur Barrie RR 718p FENCING complete stock of farm fence barb wire lawn fence elec tric weld for mink staples etc Coop Brrie Dial 2429 718p GIRLS SPRING COATI and hat set light mauve size ladys navy blue suit size 14 Both in good condition Ph 2783 718b MT VERNON fertilizer distribu Hulse authorized Renfrew dealer Hillsdale 718p GENUINE NEEDLES and parts for mostiall makes of sewing mVaI with electric motor andvscwlight regardless of make or age New is the time to have your sewing ma chine reconditioned for spring sewmg Prompt fservice Work guaranteed 13 Finley 45A Elizabeth St formerl supervisor for Singer Sewing achine Co chines can equip your machinee DRY HARDWOOD and pine for sale Cut any length anddeliver ed Walter Forbes Phone 801r3 6162213 Barrie MAPLE AND BEECH body hard wood in 4ft lengths Large quan tity available Phone Denis Sheard Stroud 20122 6837p MIXED HARDWOOD hardwoOd slabs softwood slabs and cedar rails for kindling sawed any length Also general trucking hauling water delivered in 1100 gal tank Dennis Moran Whlte Rose SerVIce Station Bayfietd St Phone 2907 61230p1l ROOMS AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD very central 55 Worsley St Ph 2337 12131 BOARD WANTED for boy age 51 beginning April Box 232 Ba rie Examiner 12181 tor 8ft size tractor controlon BOARD AND ROOM for lady rubber Apply JacknPatton Ever centrally located Apply to Box ettV Phone 2r4 Everett 71719p 39 Barrie Examiner 12181 REG DUAL PURPOSE Sliorthorn bull month Old high producing Lennox Painswick PUREBRED AYRSHIRE due to freshen shortly shire heifers to years phone Barrlb 2139 BROWN HORSE 1800 lbs sound good worker will sell or trade for cultivator or seed drill Crown Hill 1940 CHEV PICKUP Illton heat Allan er chains Prestonc new license condition $1050 Law Seed CO Beeton 0111 Phone lJ 1947 FLEETLINE CHEV clockI side mirror GM radio chains slip covers Lifeguard itubcs spare tirc finest condition lPrice $1900 Bceton Ont Phone 1947 STUDEBAKER lgton pickiqil truck in excellent conditiOn mile age is 21000 has new 5110vtircs box on liack sell reasonable or will take trade on late model car Brown RR l3Stroud dark red with ancestry 9431 very fine Price heifer 131111 also Ayr Tele 918pi inside and RVD Law l318bV out MorrisI Phone Barrie 918b PERCHERON GELDING for sale black yrs old about 1400 lbs soundVin windand limbPrlce 9100 Apply on son 843r41 Vand builton Will 1948 PLYMOUTHSPECIAL Apply Maurice 13181 LAlEV 47 MONARGHdcluxcsc dan small mileage new car eon dition dnside and out well cared deluxe equipment 1949 11 Phelps 9181 10 PlGSfor sale 100 lbs also MH row crop tractor 81 in first class condition 2yrs old Apply Elmer Denney Baxter Phone Al liston 4141 FIVE PIGS around 90 lbs bay hrse 11 yrs Old 1400 lbs Jericy Loftus 1946 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL COACH 1942 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE 1941FORD DELUXE SEDAN $125 Philco radio heater and defibster fog lights other extras cense $2000 or best offer Phone Major DolanV Camp Borden 306 or 1318b 18b cow3yrs soon freshening ply Bill Rinehart miles nogthlif SOLID RED Shortliornbulls deep ribbed Iowheavy set year old siredby Hillholm Aristocrat grandson of Collynie Royal Bar tiacV coach body rage his dam granddaughter of radiators West End Used Cars and Millhills Ransom Percy Carscad Wrecking 91718p 811115 COW yrs old calf SEE HONEST JOE for square olstein cow yrs old deal calf at foot Ayrshire cow 7311s 51 Angus blackcow Tie 5254 old calf at foot gAyrshire sold cow yrs old due next month sedanette priced right 1946 0v Holstein cow 7hyrs old duenext equrpped 51750 month Holstein bull well mark luxe coach $950 1937 Dodge se ed 18 months old All these cows dan $650 newly painted and over are heavy milkers and good dairy hauled necessary will terms Phone 79 Cookstown 918b others 218 1938 CHRYSLER radio and defroster lton stake last summer $350 1931 Durant se dan 1928 Chev coupe 1931 Pon Barrie Highway 11 heater 1938 motor sedan $600 new 1947 FARGO 12 TON PICKUP Fargo Phone 336le Barrie 718p WOODFOR SALE it Used parts and Telephone 131811 Ferndale den Bradford OLSTE St foot 1930 BUICK PICKUP Tascona MotorSalcs Queen Phone 832111 01 Bar HAROLD HILL 1946 Buick equipped per old yrs calf at foot 1939 Ford dc 1935 Fjord coupe priced lovely Many 131813 cows If give little car right 55 Elizabeth St DIAL 2427 imtall Ontthird the weight of steel Does noliust rot or shrink Requires no painting IIUGH RUSSICI SONS LTD STEEL META iIioDIICrs 31 CERRARD ST 11 TORONTO DISTRIBUTOR SIMCOE COUNTY DIAL 2429 BARRIE 1947 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN 1939DODGE COACH 1939 HUDSQN COACH 1935 BUICK SEDAN 1942 FORD TON STAKE with Speed axle boOster brakes 10 ply tires BARRIES MortarESTABLISHED DEALER

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