OOKSTOWN lIltI1lrta=ri III lliItI Hulk II I4 cm BAFFLE BRICK REDUCES OIL COSTS Intloll lht AviII Ii re icrgieoieiclz IrtiuletIAIeiI amidzed Defleclt hot Imwt to Imi no than Filedurei flatly Irtrpelt In hurt Lint Innequ rombrxiimi ri iIn All iehorloiy no llfItll ports to titIn out Plump Ihipmontnll CAMERON ELLIS GIBSON LTD 65 Bradford 81 lIIUNlI 85 Dangerfield IIIDIOIS USED CAR Market 98 Elizabeth St Dial 4981 1939 TIIICV II Radio Heater Slips Privately Owned Barrie Car JIIICI OMII Heater Slipcovers Reconditioned 1930 Istrcn status Rebuilt Motor Very Good Btty OIIIIilt MODELS IIOOSIC FRO1 inspected Trained cars DodgeIcSoto Mechanics BOB Imarsnv out on boy YOING our 5010 tipn 002 MAGNIaro Bring it to us for CHECK UP before spring breaks with rush NNANS UTO ELECTRIC Service Manager Ralph Green 33 Buyfield Dial 2404 IHE ITS BULBLESS WHIT ESSA ROAD gt A1 libISM ititlii 711 Eff ICNE ItfltUOIlAkTBRS MOBILE IIOSIIIAIV 31531507 14 0000 3500 00 70000 100000 00000 20000 50000 1100000 100000 100000 r500 00000 500000 739240 Total Expenditure Totallncomc EXCES RUG STORE ALLANDALE Firel Burntout for transportation and liter British Columbia Ilitcrm Ta Audi 0111 111 lIII vi Poll Poll Lite1 Dow Ilillll Iillilfilllil1111i Iliril1 Itltlll1t woicl Tar cillifrioiv Aaitilltiili IllllilrioIicicix Iltlillllals Bell felcplrirhu Pityntcritmr Iritrisient liwi Lots EXPENDIIIT Gen Henri IIonotc tlirriuil Ill French hermof lo world tliedrcceittly 1111 military li ILII in Floor 11 strickcnbv rot Illitllllll YL YOU own 11 T0 YOURSELF ro INVIisTrIoArII DOBBS muss METHOD FOR TREATMENT OF RUPTURE ITS BELTLESS Exclusive Barrie Agent TYS 11 ITS STRAPLESS IIllt lf flinch Iron oral gtIiiriiii gt rm did In providrnq emerqency liotrsmq feeding gt tieiiler comforts child rescued from the l948 Ir iIIirisc Ilisoster Relief Committees across the notion Town of ride Revenue 1948 Iutvtiyrt Ilt III IAIIIAIION FROM ESTIMATES ICSIIMAIICI ACTUAL 3345212150 1033135 038052 1105380 320157 30152 38528 4123 15 09250 20000 50400 209700 40700 377500 4005 5665 22500 2620 2700 25000 039005041 $1316840 $44004503 39095041 II AL Ieiilyycar0Itl JOYCE WALKER of Southwark lunrl turtles from her stretcher in the Royal Waterloo Hospital marriageto Sidney Button The bride was carried into church wearing gown of wt Ile figured silk with bouquet of red carnations and immediately itlilcriltlltlbl was taken back to the hospital by ambulance to cut lllt Iiilie from her stretcher The young couple engaged for llI arty threeyears decldediocarryout their wedding plans even ulu Illit hriIle Iliraovcred an ailmcttt in her le Bl might take two years to cure BLUEPRINT FOR DISASTER RELIEF 111 110 ll MOIIII gt2 sale in 01172 12385 9250 0000 100 00300 50204 Ix gt1 500000 00571 22500 2020 2700 25000 $800058 4308922 London Eng Southwarks Trinity few weeks ago OBITUARY bit liil till 11 if II It II it ulw iI lv hit IrriltH iIl III III 21111 111 ll fivIofrl Iflll II still 31111 IIIS IIIIII LISIIIR to Iti III kit limit It Irl litany rl 101 111 hour 11 II 3114 liwlr III we tLI rfllrl IZlI Ill Illtlll tlrtl till It 11 ZIItllmf IIH 17 Int Ililfl of IIt lll In and IlIIll ilitttii iI till II iliti at mu gitlrl fltl curly lift ll IIWIlitl Iii Illlll ll lt lac ul lliiNl of Iii lllli on their farm lIi lrlll lIIIllll now itffllilctl it oi lltilllilri SI 1ll ycars fili Iiiw ltillfll and lhc II lit Iiiiiliilr Mrs llgtl1cl rictuc 111 NW work of the corn and church She 1151 Il=llll or llll ITnIIed htrtch in oIIILsiiittii and Sunday School ltilltl and an able lpcr Ill IiiiIitroiilt Illi lltl rtiI lllI husband lt lrllIlil Ii lortittl IuFl II or lloiiti Ilcad and sort In tiii lltv liiittitslttttl Ti lIlf Il lrnik Iliilf oIi Tucs lyglrn LillIlIIHIl IiiiII it til lier la tenthrm tn ookstown The St was conducted by llcv iii riokstowr lllllltl itI iiy Iicv II Atkin St noun l11llfllll fhtrrch WINown and lil II II tIII cf St Paul Anglican Church IIoiiii IIIad Iiitcrriieiit was In Ihoriitoi Iriiriir fcinctcrj llrc Illllllliiililfi were Dalton llantrriy lloricltrti Stewart ltobcr Illlllll Nortul ftrve llolicrt Tilt gait tint laltIr Wright Anion lic floral liibtrus from r1 lilllcgt Im ill III 111 51$ rnII IIN iqiilplllcltl nwd III one of the Iltomc IIIIJILIII Utillh xlllllflill llll iIIIfI of lorouto is IIIII ionir nI Irirriprirtiti fJIl ozlh ltl o1 IurIIlIru NIIKIIJlItN Mrs Briggs Auctioneer Composes Pipe Tune 3urton Ave 39 Club For Winnipeg Spiel II IIII liri1 111 lll3tti 11 Ifi III an LI inc II IIIt it 51 i7 it 11 2111 Ili Illltlll fruit It in 11 It liriiir 117 Inc 12 111 Ilfl Irrn rrirrw liotrttl Iii rl Ir titirrilrzlzly ilctz fl ii rI lri littiIIrri Ilt l0 11111 for 1ch litl ltriic Ill 1111 Ic 11 tIriIiIi1l iI1riltI=Iil ulttcr Iil lllvlllt Ii ilrt II 111 ill illf lw lit WI lir lIII Int II II ion Hunt IIwul lair 11 liariztci to crrlr VIV IIII II HI II VI IIllI lIt illlf1l ll In it ho few In lll IiiIv iriir lion of the Manitoth it lill lillltltl II iI 111 ociilitir IUI 1111 last ltl flilt Until Ilcl l2IIIi uni lltfll tI prov lllf IiIii Lr wl Imitc filmI lit itltrrr lll ILII mumI IIIt 1101 IIIIxt IiIl1IIE horror mire to inn RI ml Hgt1H tnvcdhtvi ri IIt look up litc Iftrriy or It It Vlmiup my ltt prou win It only Ax in Ill II IIAMI trii ulnlti lint of tin gllttl fliri fanittoti In out Hum Ihrtirr i1I cor thr tattcru 11111101 rIwrriri Ill 11 held or flu iiIIiiiI Ill2 tllVl ll il llitlltlltl jj 1430 13 mm It battalion lIiuI which won li mirror lliiriirniori Iirziiriiiionshiti lri ic llItlt lot lililllliix Ill it out Apt tli if rictilttual Society illll fiulr lll IIrlziII rtrrir iricritis Lillllt Ilfill ILiorio luciph Iltlllllll Iirtit lizriity Ilay liillrri lllillgtll rrrri iclioiiibcrp for lllwftlllflill lfudct llaiid when hes old cnottph love the way yott dance too Freddie MRS DORIS woon 189 Bayers Road HalifaxNS HWWmnformetl our IIITII Illlg par lour into sftiryliook room was really YOII T60 will agree with millions of enthusiastic usersof KernTone that it an revohltionary wall nisli KernTone can take dull dingy walls surprised it took unlv 0111 gallon to do such and transform them into the most beautiful Irlicautifnl job room in yottrliousc KernTone itsclean econom yJ paint with none of its disadvantages tTry KernTone Imll it comes in 12 attractive colours andvltchi lovch all surfaces wallpaper painteth INSISTION THE ORIGINALRESIN AND OIL FINISH MONDAY IfABfll 1IIURI It II ll Ivlltliii Itlil lil Ilrsl mum WE ANNOUNCE iIlI 97113flllliLJlUtLCOCI91EJ as tlc enusIa Icretrrsma of the ASSOCIAIE IJ CAL CIHCIORS Waugh he luvs the Is Jim 30101000102L62610060L9610o 020003LOIOLOZOZOJOIOIOIOI0240 any port Tn ANNU IIIIII LIIII If NONI EvNERAL 9943 an sss Oi CHOICE MEATS FRESH FISH POULTRY and VEGETABLES also CORNER IIIBOARD CAKES PASTRY lIIC II KillftltwlewIAI III liII 111 Sgt liorth he docs not IIIIIIIII Iii zr iorci he ha llltll II llltllrlll for Winona1 IoIIte IItir Ilantl stricci GEO cons BUTCHER 17 Essa Road PHONE 3214 DELIVERIES ALL OVER TOWN pr Irmp tl mm 10 15111 Ill Illtfl ytztrs lic won litr g1gtIIy tmili INTEL Lrtltlll fatiadri llllilll chatnpronu Mm Imimli lir Icrrns lll Iits to Monte itIIIII for intcling of the lloyal lltcottrrii Society of llillftt one Inciiic gt1 11111111 that III lrapi gticIiid to Inc Ilc playcd at llic retirtcst of ill aruuchacl chief of iSCfilllKll clans In the US Mr Ilcay rtI busy iriiptirtiri llic sccrclx Iof the piritslii his 10yearold son Irik Jr And Jack 51 thinks nllflf II will make the aiiicrom FARM Sales and Service CASE TRACTQRS FARM MACHINERY HAMMER MILLS Charlie Church Leo Morrow Burton Ave BARBIE Phone 2373 MRS WILLIAM woon gt gt 337 East 36lhrAve vancouverrBC itrtl beautiful ltasvall the advantages of an oil new room apprarttkillnllt gt houseahrr lustII Kerii01Iellie resultsjvirPlrnly amazing finy isltctl the jolt in IlfIlllllfIWIal 5No disagreeable puinly odouruse ropm III walls plywood brick interiors etc same day 20110 coalreallycovers hard durable washable surface Ilrics hard in one hour pleasure to put on no printer Ito thinner 40110 gallon does large idin Spreads like charm