HOUSE OF HITS miAriisiirirrii THE BEST IN martin srARTs TONIGHT Momma 5sismlti= RAM gigde Arou MAN wuo KEPT MURDER llll UM mm Chictrial Ana Shows and pm Plus Bevy OI Added Screeri Entertainment OUR NEXT ATTRACTION IN BEAUTIFULTECHNICOLOR IEANETTE MACDONALD llYI NOLAN erllllli JARMAN JR and LASSIE in The Sun Comes Up GRANADA III as ENTERTAINMENT Big an TONIGHT TUESDAY WEDNESDAY MAIINEE WEI 230 pm AN nor LION iHainuodi IiiM starting Tuilran BEY Lynn BARI Cathy ODONNELL Eve Shows 645 pm Plus Other Screen Treats ilnlll c01 meme 246 imam on REST Tuesday RALLY 0r SPECIALS SPECIALLY Young F9 icknirii onDE Youth Speaker mELV7 FORWARDA Quutette iiiiiii STROUD =wlllt 1i Iii all lit IltCr ii the reasonably IFitiil liiil itll ll U= IL yr IIqu to piirly la wr to ltlIIi1 idiicalv IIIl tliziigi iiiiiirlir ii tier lilllll iiie nthii Lalv tiiiiii lira li il =that iirosl lxizs llazizr la tler than lire lLt problem din Llllii igtl all it lr tars pr acre on Iirl ir ivciiilitilislrml for trailu in tri Il2is Illilk15ll1l liiil low exp ii Ilvixll Iiii lliire IIii inei liiiala eziiii ll lli llil inii treading air rditiiiil savim ll ltaririeix got our lltil it liviirici lIit lllt Ila Loan pron Afrad ti pay iiially to till IIowmir hurt taxi llt irrisiniilcrstairiiiziias ririi illlli aver lvirlisi the hell tl lllt lill lIlil Eiily dwellers iii tlri ltiil probl int ciiiiseitiut llre mil rii iZitll rirg irraiislifirptl carrirwt ll llraiirral lrwttlttIL The The llizlle liegill lii ixllliilsl liiilii Ilt =liiire they are ilisvoverril llei cver there is great tlre towns and llll lirer liilltl lb ti irsiind and ii lIIIIll il in li II Hli upwinmh It hhupm illllls lhlir 41 llmllll NIH llll the tilei tlirl of llziiiic Iislt litre rivers and lake so that today the of our ciruntr iczrme town lllt Lawrence une lso no more The iitur hair Ipolluted the waters ml lllllll toirservalioii of these l4llllt act if wi are to continue in eyisi puhlic Voices to assist to spread this riressagc We lllltIi coariireriie iiiimcdiately to conserve these wastes so they may In ietiiiiriil lio the land and production laccompliin things by ieizislairiir wlrich is advaritaizeiiiis to us as clziss feel in this that the Veil 3oration of Agriculture has taken tlrewronmsland on marriaiirre la wholesorm1 product can he man iifactirred which will be used try some who want it their we should not endeavor to prevent it liniist instead appeal lo the people who are hrozid minded and meet the opposition accordingly again want to appeal to the press of our land to strive in get unity of the people ol the towns and cities arid those ot the couri try had the privilege or lltllllll begun the rst tree planting on lwaste lands and was talked of when that was started as thoriin was slightly touched in the trend Our great critics had no conception complish We have only so far just Ichun There are 240 square miles that are waste lands lllizilwslib be refoiesled and so Ifar we have only small part of that feel that the Iiederation should take an active part in this method of COIISOIViltlilll have icomplished if those on the soil will do their utmost to do so iBUTTEas CENTS iMARKET SATURDAY Dairy butter had fallen to 02 lbcnts pound at the market on lSaturday morning The promar garine price had been 70 cents lThe market was fairly busy arid by chickens had been sold inoveli item on the counters were some homemade EasterEggs which sold for 10 cents apiece Sixirquart baskets of onions par March 22 717777778 131110 CENTRAL UNITED licHURCHh ETT Acc6rdionist DOUG HOLMES Song Leader iiEiEN to RAY HOLT The Twin Key Boards KEr BARN mime done reused separate scum Pupils Barrie and MW Friday arch 25ottomanSatMarcrr26 in minim kernelcups Prize donatdrby BarrieLionsCIub 15 Gold Medals All mgr inaccuracies an Blanks to be delivered to the Hall not rarerthaw pm as Friday Manny and the last squash of the season were going at 10 and 20 cents apiece Eggs and chickens were plenti ful and their price remained steady Homemade baking and in particularJreadraisirubuns and pies were nding good market Carrot marmalade preserved beets billd ii lookll lllllill lrai inner and it is up to the Jlts and other We as fariircrs cannot hope in of what reforestation irrrgzlrt acl Ill oclock most of the egs and snip carrots potatoes and turnips Winter Scene At Camp Borden HF BARBIE EXAMTNKR BARRIE OYIAth AC the above photo from the Deceirrber 1MB issue Vlllir tvcr Borden slitiws striking winter tli il arrrp lilltllll out from the Otficers Mess iii tie lttAli Station Operettaby Glee Club at BCI iliririlredc of permits iilliiletl lllcltlriccrwi ill ll irret toltigirale iii the school audi lllilll Tai Iliiiisdaj iird Irrday ll lil llzlitlitl by Lloyd lullord llie intrre production provaled aiiiple ll pi tip izre lil leading characters liiow become mailer urtrie and dcatlr to we iriririairs We must pianos uell the ill iiionrlieis oi the Veriririr MeQuay played the part or liicderic tlropirr the young Iol rrir ltllillll who left Iaiis iii Illilli iii Alllilgtlllltl of Iatliirca iii llil Mediterranean As llre Jilllltll irusicmir IltQlllr was very ellec tea and his costume entranced the eireral effect of this character Sylua liiriiesiiir as liltlltl the title iii the island had heavy role will litr srcirl solos were lllt wrllr feeling and sympathy Fire played llre part ol tlrcyoung Emardrir who became infatuated irritlr Iiopiir during his stay on the insiziiiii She studied music with Irinr nd trad airrhrlions to return with liopiir to Paris Ilill Dav as Ramon youngi ilisirerirrair in love wrllr ICIeiitwas leiiile at home on the large stage zrird he carried his role with the iase and grace of air experienced litlltl His voice was splendid end he was warmly applauded for ylis rendition of It could make Idreairis come true ilohn Cool as Papa Corrcm had distinctive costume and his Iackn lilrisical rrraiiiicr was in character Ilziyirru opposite him was Aiiirc Sirrrpson as Maura Gomez and she irried heavy vocal role and gave good interpretation of character The operetla depended for much lul its success on the supporting artists who sang and danced throughout Helen Nettlcton Maiig lyn Armstrong and Jean Carrutli crs were Rosita Conchita and ltried to give van new thought lMillltl llltmls Ol 1910111 The lop soil conservation cm hL loanccd with Murray Vcitcli Gor don Dyer and Lloyd Atkinson as Idigiiel Benito and Juan friends ot Ramon The four smugglers replete with cutlasses and IlICL irioustaches were Donald Horn Bruce Half irica Gay young girls of the village Wigg Elizabeth Wildinaii Kissock Miss Kathleen Smith of the BCI stall provided the piano accompan iment throughout and Miss Marion Rickard also of the BCI staplay 411 the piano backstage for Cho pin solo During the production there was ainazinglyreeffectiver organ music coming from across the sea These musical effects had been produced and an electric rec rding was made by Harold Tod he reproduction of the chimesiwas brilliant and the by Mr Tnorckga church organ recordtng ottheorganamrsieadded much to the scenes where such niusic Wasuiigsqerd The entire performance indicated tremefidous amount of work be lioi in ll lltl ParI iliiiie yard Brooke Duvnl anddohir War11t Milllilg 11 gt1 T4 liltlil lliillalil lli in Ill ll Ilallmrl pwpwiw li=iri lil re rinl IiiAli 12 til ll liii lirir Kiri iila iii lrlle rt iit itlil Eli llULlil llri vwl ii Illtflh it up liv is iii rill iJal in Illt lrr Wilson Ilrr mira troy wire wen iii tin iiiazrwii ll trilrlti iiil lri ir irreli re li tazili ll rgtirii Illl Ilrelszid tlir fir Ii Niiiirizrir ll ciiitt illtlii Liriiil lloirzilil eiii llll Stevie airil erlr lll riotiirrsr lla Ill rllie rill2lll li Clllltillill iilt iiririi Iieiiiru llailiaia ti Lillll tirlclriist SiriiEefc lli tllii ic ii iii iiiusl Ill Ennis lit iii if liar iii ltii ilii lir il tliil iii ill Aiiire IIarris Sirrte llilllS ichAlvlsLIONS Cl il iii ii liiv ii fiii ii ii i1i ti SONG LAUGHTER AND spoNiiii ANhhAchgnioncT Brand New Picture Maitum meats in the forbidden jungles at the bottom of the seal rnyivi sing fr tithes ARTHUR tAKELON ciiiiiiu LtOYDBRlDGESERICFTIDARY gt IANIS CHANDLER 10llN IIUAIEN IAN MarDNAln AW Showing On The Same lrograiii ll ii llll1ltl tire cite3 lt illllll claw um 1i sill re liiiliil in tliilltlll undreds EnjoyEnchanted Isle liiliiilii lti Imue rl uiifllllwl rlii Iiiil ltrl er llieiiizirr il the lzia iill triiiii Hr Hiloia trrrl piisztaiir iii twirl li lll liilie iii laliir lflll ltUIll iilviry llii lli Lllli tli tinsIlium Ill 1iii iii lllliiila lir plur tll llllflll it Eiiim IC Marys were Ilitltl il liiriili ll we iil aw Kurt Edward iiilii lie secondplace ciriij rural lii ye lap tlirs erilcd lllllil with Si llirirll til rltilis rlttlttlilft ii iii lriiil for the evening and pro iltlr1livily iriiiirher were the liirlla LILer lliirii They played ltlll ciriies iii the pixiurazii irrii lltrl elections were received oyorislv Solo peifoririers of the Icclaiidiu Marion Laurson vlileairor 31Slailrrig luh were Alexandra son Ixair rlorriaiir lllill Iiilllliisl Wendy Mason zrrolairii litll1illll Iiliairiir litiirs iii Owen leair lilitli lllIl lhll les llllilllllt lillll IIilia Itaiiiim Caiiil Sillsllfsiilt leaii Spruce Ioarr IlrHllltly Ilolierl Iaul Ilirrrira lnll Nancy Iain Brown in Morley lridy oolc Barbara iriiie William Brown and llew Wellrrriii liiAiiiie rlirieuce Huiitll Ill 3411111 rikirisoii illniila tiiiir CJllriiilltr ltll ileirila lillllll son Sclrairdleir loaiiirr Iomliir son lllll alliiii and Ileity Warioxi ii Lirwi iii the npeiiirr of ciltlr pir roiirnirce music piirviileil by the lltl Orchestra uirilii llre driv eelioir of lisliiii ANNUAL igtivr NIGHT OF KERR LODGE HELD THURSDAY The annual Imi Masters Night was observed er liir Masonic Lodge last lliiisilay went with LltlL attendance et irieirliers and isitors The first ileume was iywiripliiied vitli Iast ililiis iritilllllt all the chairs Icliclrlrii was in llrc Masters cliiii and lie was as Dull Tlltlarlilcil II Itodgcrs II Alctultoritzlr MacDonald Knight sisted liy Ili llru were Eleanor Blanchard Nohml Kain Adaiiiroii Charit mElI3ll ler tlark irl Morrison LV McGowan In Wilson El Wilson and IN Brod liipple ton Followingr llie Ilodce work re freshments were served and short addresses given by Itw Bro Dull IlW Bro Popploton IVM Bro Stewart IM Bro II Ii Mc Cullough and PM Bro Coiitts favored with his favorite Little Louder Ilcase The Earl Rowe Trophy Two rinks of Cooksiown curlers lsklpped by George and Norman Baker took the aEarl Rowe Tro phy from two Bradford rinks ion fridanyareh LhcormerIW ing 124 to Art Evans Bradford rink while the latter won 144 fromlioy Dixons rink to take the trophy by two shots on the two bottle hind the scenes and the following games mun GABLE TELLS ABOUT VISITS TO NEW SCHOOLS II Gablechairmair of Barrie SONIA TYRONE HEN IE in POWER THIN ICE RUMle If lIRIUI EXCITING ENTERTAINMENT lllIwing to the length of the above two features llllN ll will be shown once only starting at 830 pm UMII EARLY iLegion Auxiliary Barrie Car Theft Charge Guests of Alliston Club on Bail Of $2000 liiifiii Irrilllltl ii llli llnie reoree Lairirri Saylw out on Sllitttl bar and he vl appear irzicislialcs court at rarrri illtfl Hi lli Tiilrii Legion lllill llr illi lit Elie All at llii rllllll lllitl 1m in Waite lli ii lrsiiiir LIrs II Diurncit Zone repre lsentalrve ollieiaied at the rnsliilIzi Orr Monday March ll Aubrey lot ear llictl llUII twii new iiieirrheis of the Lambert of Port Dover stopped at lllllllll yetutive arid ve short the Siincoe Ilolel in Barrie Col on hi Itllr ti branches had brought Sayles lo rariic riril iiius rt iiltllllt itlli Is and Still plaveii mini3 moved for snotr tllallllil Ittil fJiIlltS ll lIIlil lill siuall IllCl llelriislirrerrts con istint in LIIIIIA ol siiilyilres arid sever illl cakes yllll lltlill1l lllltnltlitsi iii the llarrie liraireir rounded oulv The car was later recovered rue tie iroliileil police very pleasant ixirriiit iiiulillltlnti llill and last Iriliy ilItY AN EXAMINER WANT AI iii Harrie Ilozird of IIducalioir was the speak er at the hlarclr meeting of Victoria lliiiiiiand School Association Ias thiirsday Mr table gave an inter stinc enlightening talk He told ilf the visits made by the trustees recently to six schools in other giarrs of Ontario so they might gain ideas iii advance of construction of two new public schools in Barrie lr Gable dwellforr the various features of structure plannnrg classrooms conveniences etc Ile discussed the different advantages that were to he found iir inodcrir school buildings The speaker described some de finite forward steps in education which he was impressed with iir his visits First the idea now is not only how to make living but llii live There is tendency to provide more supplies for the pupils Home economics rooms are being added Definite steps are being taken in giiidaneeofstiidents So far as building is concerned overcrowding is being eliminated by rthe design ifschools with from 30 to 23piipils per classroom Buildings are so designed usually all on one floor so that expansion is IGSSIllOdSOVQICIOthllg begins About 50 parents andieachers were present The Reverend Lewis presided Mr Gable was in troduced by IiiCameron and thanked by Noel Stephenson Prin cipal Machnnan showed two Win the honev bee the 51ttgaraa DANCINGQDDIELLOWS HALL EVERY THURS and SAT To Toe McNeillie and his Orchestra THURS LADIES 400 GENTS 600 SAT LADIES 500 GENTS 756 Annual Meeting of The Barrie Branch of velildreirsAiiloeietv will be held at irmommunity House FRIDAY MARCH 25 830 pm The guest speaker Will be Mr Bert Begu mont Director ofChild Welfare Depart othcr on Chinesechildren to illus trate new teaching methods by film Following the meeting social half hour was enjoyed with tea and cakes EXTRA ENTRY BLANKS MAY BE OBTAINED AT WEAYMOUTHSBOOK STORE Cl 33 ment ofTubcWeIfgre Toronto All interested citizensof Barrie and district are cordially invited to attend rn uicastrSt ll iediresiiay irroiiriin on charge Iris Lai and he have the car keys iliii llie tireirriss lllciitllrill Silllt vlllll Ill XII lliill Iii lii When Sayle iiitl uni lllllll and Lambert llllllll Iris 1r was irriss llligtlti lif liiiv thlla