Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Mar 1949, p. 1

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tendance figures gives some food 823111 The First Column HCareers Night CROSS APPEAL AI 301 15y Kl ll 101 the past lour years IIi his 11 liar llIiiI dilkll lII 1e uziiir Ilic tlI Arthur vltillti Ii 111 liiiemiiJ til lat tl 1i Iwiis sIinI Wm llltl 111111 ltlli students not pai nitric it lte sclool to hear Llltli11 IEJIltl Ill 31111 tlitl it which drcu Millotls iixitIous oria 41111 11 llii evening ai unqualilied gt111 rew VIIIIIICLtl by the attenti IZILL ll1 iiierIsi of students and pair III 1111 many anal illlttl dues illltl diieried It 111 expeitsf tiiiiiiIiI 51 loi1ioiilllll1 Iriil sIieial ll the tollcgiatc llozird tiuslee vi it pileii dropping in on izia 111 Ihe 1lxgtgtis It has sincere lot to assist the pupils in rimming the Iiizht pIlli oi leaving rtiiool to lace the eioiioiiiii and social problems of lll llIllltil but in lioin hopeless uoild liiieipil It lltlllillll Iiid lii Mellow hope to make taieeis Night at lltl an annual atlaii lwiiitytive diff IIlll plIiftsSIOIiS and trades were lltilbUIl each in rcpaiale room with oiIc or more expei on hand 04 lead the discourse and answer dues 11011 lh eveniin was divided iiI to two pIi iods uuc starting at eight oclock the other at niiieIliiily lll between all lllIMlll assembled iii the auditorium where Mr llow ii1n and Mr Morrow spoke brief thL gtlIt During my talk on louriialisiii and NCWHIIIDLI Work tlllltltl who was the attractive lady at the Ieai ol the classiooiii Iakiiip down Anoics lsoon found out during the lltlllll when Mr Morrow Called on Mrs llitc lIliiiciof loioiiio assistant director of Guidance Department of Educa tion She prefaced her remarks by iiIeirinu to my opening stateiiiciil that in my days at BC over 20 ycais ago there was no such thing as vocationalguidaiice You simply veiit through the course of studies and then out into the world You may have been advised by parents or friends to take up some line of work In some cases it turned out fine fm others square peg iii round To get started in the right 11 cation you required considerable lll$lvltlllitl Initiative bill allschool there was no direction along the course and that has been so until recent years when the department began to enterxthe field of guid ance Mrs Palmer firmlyjstresscd the value of guidance and what the department is attempting to acv coniplisli Willi this of course there is no less need of initiative Here is how Careers Night was planned Some 700 students at llCl 1101 forms to fill in These lisi ed almost every known trade and profession Tlie student was ask ed to specify what he or she was interested in learning more about its nature its possibilities as 3a career From the replies Mr MorA row tabulated 25 of the most pop ular vocations and through the ser vice clubs of Barrie fexpcrts were asked to lead the group forums About forty per cent of BCI students are from the country and at this time of year itrisdiffi cult for many of them to remain for an evening There has been some illness among the pupils and Tuesday was night between playolf hockey matches Inrother words many students remained home to study so to be free for the IllOCkCy The attendance of over 150 students out of pos sible 30010 400 was considered quite encouraging in this day and age It is good sign of changing attitude from the past few years It is fact thathere in Barrie few or pupils are leaving school in the early grades to getinto what looks like good moncyjob The ma jority seem to realize now that wtimesare changing that good education is neeessarytocompete for the better openings of the fu ture Yoii rwill be interested to learn the number of students at the var1 ious discussion groups on Careers Night in our district collegiate IIerewithtlie topic the group smoker andthe number in the class Agriculture Stewart Page and Dr Fleming 19 Nursing Miss Helen Shanahan 19 Physical Culture in two groups for girls Mrs Phyllis Moody 28 for boys Ken Robinson Business Opp0r4 tuiiities Nettleton on Bank ing andEmerson Swain on Man agement 14 Music Lloyd WTuf ford 16 Teaching Secondary schools Mrs Olive Palmer 19 Engincering Mr Coulby of the Hydro office 18 Forestry Adamson16 Pharmacy Georgie Caldwell 11 Medicine Dr Ross Turnbull and Dentistrijr Bruce Johnston combined attendance of 16 Telephone Work 57 EiiGairick Electrical Engineering James Poppleton of the Hydro office 18 Aeronautical Engineering Flight Lieutenant swordfager of RCAE Station CampBorden 10 Library Work Miss Audrey Gray and Journalism Walls combined attendaneeof 19 Building Trades Ernest Alexander and Philip Love Electronics Reg Freeman 11 Law and Related Work John Ma theson 11 Air Stewardess Home Economics Dietetics unable to ob tain someone to take this group so Mr Morrow covered the subjects 19 Nursing second group Miss Slianahan and Miss Booth 26 Bus iness John Mitehinson9 Clerical Career Frank Servais 13 Teach dingementauPLMLScottLiO closer study of the above at llll rho 111 nglitriltJlil inflJVl Wll 1y MDWH WP Mum lii ll hospitals and institu each week ll 31 hospitals lted Iillltltlllls which make possiblei hing to Garrick Bell lele Iphone manager Within tic2 lfora subscriber and Stlllltitll to YLUI EU Oi iVlCECHAIRMEN iin lttil1lf1tll ll Ii rs eipiI to limo 11 liriilallil hitil lwli fiviiIj 31 Value 1111 Mill and aii iIi II 111 Ice lei validx anti Ii ltny Liningsioii is tIllilt IIi paiizii tlllillllluli ml the dine in lllllllt and Ilixiia is non gettiii lllllll It llmii lili Ililaii Ul llzi ll IIIltl 11111 111 litilllili till and who Eliltl help to ltltlllilll tliiiz Illwlnli IIltllli llilllt than Ilin Ilid ill llll tin oi iliii aeiih illtt They tittltlmitflltii 1mm ZIntlYtl2t bliI IgiIiIt llllltilllltl llti lli Iiatioii against fox til lltllI aiial 11 51 UllllSli iiiciiiii ikctiisaltorts at Poirotsons iiiriioy 11101111Iiiikici ioiirs llt may ioi siliplililg Winn lliIl an perpetual Ilailziiess Some iigit iii 115 KH mamuxv 11 iLtJEdL 13 11 1111 uphill hattfe that they iillll ciii lied Ilits is ill the Iihi llltlll lll lIIIllIl Iiid Ililllii dicis clubs at eteiIIi uiltaic ieIi ties llttl rom is on lll ioli lav iii and day out Vtll Iii and yeast every grateful aiim uiii would like to give personally ii llt or she could lilil ltiti ions IIIo It the llttl fast or crippled veteran biiiiizsl coiiituris does an errand leave book aiiaiigss drive and oiiieU times arranges paiIv tioiis the Red tross shows pictuiis Cross has equipped arts and tlilll many iiiIeiesIIIii and protable hobbies to men who need these activities 11 their days ire not to be long and wearisoiiie Part of your contribution to tile lted ross eaiiipiiigii which begins on the Lilli otVthis month will go to help make life brighter for these men who are still paying the heavy cost of our peace 120 New Telephones Now In Barrie Service Situation Relieved Neaily 120 new telephones aie in service iii llarrie as the result of the recent installation of ctlllip Itlfllliltllie exchange here accord wccks all but 11 of the waiting list that stood lastliiioiith at 147 will have telephone service the manager said The new equipment coilsirts of 500 teriiiinzils each representirii Iiew telephone number aailabc meet the needs of Bairie for considerable time Some waiting applicants cannot be served at prch sent because of shortan of out equipment here the teenager ex plained Projects are already underway ing to kirowabout carpentry to provide tilernccessaiy outside wires and cables to connect those waiting with the exchange and everything possible is bcing done to bring service to allwlio havel ordered it Mr Garrick statt Tlccurrent installation is tle satend large addition to ieiiiIusi tlltl at iuidlcs will produce 65000 turkey pouits within the olil llroiii the hatchery at IIIILdIes they are slapped to new lulll lu illl fileXl six months This is one of the largest turkey hatelicrics not oi lettlltl tlltl west to Iiie prairie province and u1 illlllit llie laIIerons have been lttllVlllrit mini Canada The lattersoiis recently moved their hatchery to la ll Misti1 iowiisliip tor the past 21 years mm Hllmmmy Mwuoia lllI im on tin itii llllt of tspia to Iiiidiis out With Ih sort ell help that JOIIN son of Mr and Mrs Andrew Patterson examines tray of eggs ready for the incubator Turkey eggs cost from 26 to Simkm an amp climb out 41 cents cacti depending on the percentage of hatching More the car without tumult than 2000 laying hens in Simcoe provide cg at Ciiiidles MRS WILFRED BISHOP daughter of Mr and Mrs Andrcwi Patterson here holds patrol the young poultsthn 24 hours old the birds are worth about 80 001115 In few weeks worth 10 times this amount gs for the hatchery side wires and tables but theieytlieyll be 15 now no scaicityif exchange llatch First Turkey Poults Toda 65I ll Today Monday March hundreds of baby turkeys are at the Barrie exchange in less than year and half In October precedented demand for Scrvice but thecontinuing heavy demand sebumexhausted thesevfacilities The exchange extension inBI rie is part of our vast Bell pro gram of expansion and improve mentrwhieh lllt cts every commun ity in Ontario and Quebec in which we serve Mr Garrick stated Ever since 111 vxur we have been faced withTa iat dcmaiirl 101 ser vice everywh the sharp increases in the cost 01 buildings andI iraterials we are making every Mort to iiicetftriisl demand by Inding Cl 31a and buildings cur wire and cable networks and outexchange equip ment for thought There has been great cry for student nurses N0 tiee the total of 45 girls whoiat tended the forums Teachers have been in much demand There were 49 pupils with Mr Scott and Mrs Palmer Electronics new field brought out fine class of 26 An so for Physical CulturgEngineer ing and the other vocations Ernie Alexander and Phil Love had an enthusiastic group of boys want plurtibing bricklaying decorating etc Miss Gray and were deeply touched by the interest showni in library or journalistic careers It would take far movement the first column to touch 0n eachand every subject what the speakers said the trendof the questioning and so one but suffice to say that each groupleader brought out very specifically which fields are filiedi and which are not filled at present and prospects for therfuture Of this however all were in with good education for reliabillt plant John and Edward two sons of Every vocation has great opportun Mr and MrsPatterson are carry ities fengraduates with thdse at in ity industry and iesponsibility tributes breaking through the shells 00 Andrew Patterbons new hat 1947 some 700 terminals were add Chery at Cundles mile northrof Barrie They are the first ed at the exchange to meet the 00 of 65000 that will be hatched before the incubation season is concluded next July The poults hatched today were in the incubators 28 days When ed considerable success in the tur Ikcy raising business over 21 years it has not been without struggle Iniactthc hazards of raising tur keys are probablygroater than in any other branch of farming And the larger the scale oftlie cnter prise the larger the element of the risk The Patterson eggs in one basket and turkey edits are verybig To provide 65000 ing purposes the Pattersons have 1600 laying hens 0n theirfariii Midhurst Then to spread the risk they also purchase cgs from three other producers one as far away at Victoria Harbor an other near Elmvalc and third near Barrie Eggs 26 Cents Each Each egg is valued at 26 cents Then after the hatch is off there is premium on the hatching p00 centage For an 8070 hatch the eggsarc paid for at 41 cents each turkey one day old isrvaluud at about 80 cents Howeverif the turkey raiser can keep his bird for afew weeks he can have bird weighing possibly 20 poupds and it will bringabout 60 eentszt pound dressed weight are usually pounds and hens at about 13 pounds Of course it aturkei tom was kept for 1010112 months would weigh about 40 pounds All Christmas time many of the toms exceed 30 pounds Thosewho havel raised turkeys know something about eases thatcan take heavy toll in short time who have raised thousands of birds in21 years havebattled one ail ment after another Wild animals havca fondness for turkey meat too One night last summer single fox killed 64 young turkeys on the range at the Patterson farm On another occasion 87 birds about 10 weeks old were destroy ed by foxes in two nights The turkeys raised by the Fat are all broad breasted Vv dmwvvw gt Why wa White the Pattersons have enjoys in begsxv x4 MSW4 or we they are 24 hours old they will be shipped out some to western Can adasme 19 the maritimescand some toturkey ranches in Ontario Many of these poults will be sent to the Patterson farm on the 7th line of Vespra Township For 21 years Mrand Mrs Arid Patterson raised turkeys on their Gilawe farm in Vespra The and in site of rew have their 2210 Ml eggs for batch near tile in Barrie being hatched today at PatterSonsHatchery at Candles Thionlquniicheii Honorary President Bcirrie Art Group TIIOUGIIIFULNESS COUNTS When weak alldSle it does not seem to be any trouble to pass the time butas one improves and bel gins to sit up and take notice the problem of putting in the hours of each day becomes harder andl Two still life groups were set upl H01d0gloflicketg 552 and 937 by MW gall Marshall at 111C MCell llrom Thornton benefit carnival 1y meeting of the Barrie Art Club p1 Thursday harder Then it is that visitors and lctteis and cardsmcan so much fGRANBY IQuci LEEIDERMAIL LispUseful last 51555 Recovering Auto Stolen At Tortenham Sdtwday Eaily last Saturday morning James Bullen ofTottenham report ed to police that his auto had been Stolen The message was sent out police radio from Barrie and an hour later the ear was recovered in York County Provincial poliee patrolling on highway 27fnorth of spotted the missing ear and arrested Horace Cheeseman He was taken custody and charged with theft of the autotheft of mantel radio and theft of two bottles of whiskey Donald Weston brought Cheeseman to Barrie and he was taken to the county gaol FIRST DUTCH LOCOMOTIVE The first electric loc0m0tive to ctlrerlands W11 shortly be put into service by The 115 hele handraist Toms sold sisted of atop hat gloves and an ash tray setiagainst brilliant yel low backdrop Mrs Hazel Barker led the dis cussion following the sketching About nine memberswere pres ent at thiiccting Most of them had no training in art but were aboutFJtLThe Club which was formed with the sponsorship Council is open to anyone interest edin art and no previdus training experience is required members The executive has been increased to include Bruce TarBush press secretary and Mrs Bowman membership committee Thomas Mitchell RCA is hoiioraiy presl dent of the group ANDREW PATTERSON hatchery business continued to ex pand and last year work waslstart ed on spacious new twostorey agreement The enthusiasm and structureat Cundles keenlinterest of the students was appreciated and encouraging The completion and battery of 12 ciec speakers stresscd that in every tricdnoubators has been transfer field thereisno substitute along red the dis by provincial The Pattersons This new budding Is now near enthusiastic Art roml the farm to the new into oil the Recreation on the work at the farm Pattersons operate one of the largest turkey haltclierics in T0 ZONE ORILLIA Canada The 65000 turkey poults Steps to complete Orillias new that will be hatched at Cundies in building bylaw and to set up the next few weeks will have rzoningmplan rfortheertowniarembeL retailsalesvaluewelIinexees ing taken as result of special ofhalf million dollars meeting of council end of this yearn of the Prov ths The tersons bronzeT be the most popular and most pro Turn to page three please before the 71191 im Tim ifil Lu 711 311 11111 tiIII lI taillinit Iii out in zii13I lilill lllllllizttlu liw iiw In 12 it iiial thesi lLlII we 5illttll iii Iolil le reachvl iizii 11 Ilillibtil IiirIlid ll iiuiinr l111gt Lii oil111 v13 vl of iii limiiizi l1 BUT THREE UNHURT AT 130 AM TODAY trict residents escaped injury although their car was totally ireeked when il jumped 11 livevfoot embankment and roll cil over twice lcrald Knowles of Stroud was driving the car from ril llll towards Barrie Entering the town at the east end iicar Ciurgiaiuiils sentiee station 13141 I1it1eii 11 iii ll 31 iii 11 2h ll1i1 22 all 11 I=l 11 Ye vII li hind e1 1111 1111lijv lI in ltlll lllillIl ll lJie Illlfllllill1IlilltIlliillllltlllji lit IlI camp lII lilll i1 llitlllitl Iiu llls liltillll wrap when thither Iiiinu lioziie witi p101 130 iiii today three dis Twice Weakly MON DAY and THURSDAY Two Persons Nearly Drowned Yesterday In Kempenfeldt Bay lao perm Wilt ltiil diewutc livzitpciiieldt Bay on Sunday iztiizioan oie was it i1Iiiuid boy and the other grown 31111 Iios ptlJUIIW thought the ice was tllllt sII but these two utltlttll ii1iiie lie need for criiiioii on the ltt Itllll time oi year ixl lllllt Ml lllllNl vl II Hllrdlt 11 sziuilai II All ill iiII Iilil llUlIi 211 of iiiiilsyil1 12 llii oliiixi Inrip oi lsI 1111 =11 Iiiiili Iii in bi imzui 11 11 null2113 plunged lllt 111 Iio the water lII II it the Iillltl Iiriti io iI llowcveg 1211 iii 1Iwl Io incai iiiv 7I IrIitzl he IIIilll ill oio mum ii tl Eci ice iioiiie ll 81 li Ist Baring iilll lt 11 gt ol rm tlllttl out letoiri le =ti Ii =ii the trip had El 11tl iplo Vltiiill Ehiwis Illlll of Ihee 111 11 Io warn others that time 11 Illlr Itangeiourt places on llt oi liougli iiiosI of lli lll Itll llii splIili in tllltllll Line of the year on 111 IItii llfi FIREABHIGADE SAVES REIDS SUMMER HOME iLlllth that 11 loxoiitii was un happily sllilllbitl on Saturday night when he reached his stlltn iiiiI home on the Shanty Bay Rondalw lllrl iasf Ii llariie He found the had been outch by the the carwcnt over couple of humps in the road andkyvent out of control IIilx ear vccrcd to It left and climbed the bank and the 1933 model was totally wreck 011 before it rolled to halt Gerald Knowles of 5110111 and Gordon Peacock 11R Shanty Bay had been in the front seat and Harold brother obGerald Knowles had been in thr rear seat Altliouglirbad lrov Cons Doiiuld Weston investigated the accident No other vehicle was involved lWith Farm Study Meets lart Page agricultural representl alive for North Simtoe described lthe live series of farm study group meetings held in recent weeks at Orillia Vascy Giithrie Elmvzilei one and Midland about 20 woinen and 45 men The open Vlnltl has been these groups rolling We had do well THIS TU KEY POULT seems aptriflie piiizied to Iiridhnseif out of his shell Sveialhundred littlefellowslikethisare Steivart Pbgel Pleascd At Elnivalc this week we had 30 ladies and 60 men atOriIlia 715 men aiidiG ladies and at Midland great help to us added Mr Page We have particularly good crowds in the largericcntres The larger the town the harderjt is to get IWeaning Is IsSued But onccthings start coming they Ull Saturuay IItoIIilngMhlE Iteitl had telephoned Io Edward Clark and asked iiiiiIIIl put tire on in the cottage lie itas iiitcndingto take the tlillllIIl Barrie that night lr Clark opened up the cottage and cot the fire going During 111 day he tended the tire and lie was mlkln iinal check about 339 then he found that the wood bo had takeii lire While trying to put the re out with snow llr lark called iiiiii Erie Garrett happened to be de liiering papers in the district As soon as he saw the tire he ran across the ioaitto the home 01 II Arbour where he telephoned to the Barrie liic department gt The fire brieade arrived in iiiiie to quell the blaze Although the cottage was in remote area 011 the main road there was such 11 small amount of snow that the big fire truck was able to drive right iii The 200 gallons of water on the tire truck was enough to get the life under control and the building was saved However the damage to the furnishings and interior got the cottage ainountcd to several hundred dollars roar of $an Plow Described As Prank An employee of the town George lMiller was placed on suspended batldimc in Oriliia the rst Vtcar50mlm For 31x momhs at the magistrates court last Wednesday for taking vehicle without the North SimCOCS agricultural lcp owners Consent The ychiclc was pg Iresemmve is quite frankly happy truck belonging to The town and to see these sessions coming to an lbcmg 50d as snow plow end as he has beenTpTesentatiar 1V every centre Cvew week as won may 24 Miller had taken the truck as carrying on heavy 0mm SCth from where it was parked on the eat 3110 of Maple Avenue and had been found by Provincial Consta At 1130 on the night 6f Febru ble Albert Pearce drpvihgJUp Lc titia Street towards Sunnidale Road at 125 in thermOiningx The driver of the truck Reg Andrews WEuchre and dance iii Gilford who had been eating in Prysonfs Grill when the theft occurred gave Hall Friday MalCh 11 330 Dmilevidencc No evidence was Offered Good music Admission 50c i31tb in Millers defence Defence coun Barrie Collegiate Glee Clllbisel John Woods KC informed 18 case contact Ivan Maw at 11r42 eVCJllllg and the orCalvin Shaw at 18121 group made sketches of thcin At the conclusion of themceting the members lined up 1le work and discussed it with each other Most of the work was inpastels 1314111 St Patricks Teaausplces Wo mans Association Collier St Un ited Church Thursday March 17 36 Homemade baking will be for sale Admission 25c 13715b verysuccessful grouping con Euchre bridge and erokinole Stroud community Hall Tuesday March 830 pm sharp Admis sion 35c lunch included Institute members please bring lunch Good prizes 13b Annual Irish concert presented by St Marys YPC in Library Hall March 16 and 17 Threeact comedy drama and mixed chorus Tickets at Crosslands Drug Store 1213b Midhurst Junior Young People present Talent Concert Friday Mar 11 pm Township Hall Midhiirst Admission 25c and 50c lunch included Proceeds for new Sunday School 13b Euchre and dance Ivy Orange Hall Tuesday March pin sharp Dancing froriiltl30130 mm by Poms orchestra AUSJ ltI pines Ivy Junior Farmers Admis TRY AN EXAMINER WANT All 51011 50c Lunch counter 1213 opcretta tEnchanted Isle Colleg the court that the whdiething had 12th AUdllOFlumg MillCh 17 and just been prank theaccused 615b thinking itfa joke to take the truck The magistrate fpund Miller not guilty of theft btit guilty oftakini vehicle without theownrs con sent lunioit Red Cross Collects $62256 In Simcoe Centre Inspector Scott has form wardcdi $152250 to Miss Dorothy Crozierdireetor of the Junior Red noss62l Jarvis St Toronto This money was collected from the ele merntary publicschools in the in spectorat of Simcoe Centr The largest individual 5TOiint was forwarded from Capt Drennan principal of the school at Camp Borden He sent cheques totalligWSIizQIHQ William Bell principal 0t Prince of Wales School atrBiirrie sent $8111 The smaller schools in F103 Tiny Innlsl Oro Vespra and Barri sent varying amountstomake the grand total of $62256 my AN Examines Wm PBQNEleh qu

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