Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 20 May 1937, p. 1

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71st Year No. 20 THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 20th, 1937 $2.00 a year in advance; $2.50 to U. S. A.. "Vox Nostrae Scholae" This week we are printing chara sketches of Portia, the heroine The Merchant of Venice. These sketches were written by members Of the upper school class in English. From the first we notice Portia's wit and cleverness. Her description of her suitors reveals her as a good judge of character. All her wealth and noble birth have not made her proud or affected. Portia is very honest. One instance of her honesty is shown when she says "If I live to be as old as Sibylla, I will die as chaste a3 Diana, unless I be obtained by the manner of my father's will." No partiality or even the slightest hint as to which is the right casket is given to her suitors. Portia does not praise herself to Bassanio, or make him aware of her superiority; rather does she say, "hut the full sum of me In sum of--something, which, to term in gross. Is an unlesson's girl, unscho-ol'd, unpractised; Happy in this, she is not yet so old But she may learn." She tries to make Lorenzo and Jessica feel at home when they come to Portia must have been extremely clever to plan the trial and to conduct it in such a manner as to outwit the Jew. With great cleverness " Shylock on until he Colborne Women's Institute On Tuesday, May 4th, 1937, the Colborne Women's Institute met at the town hall with a fair attendance. Thi President. Mrs. Cook opened the meet ing in a smart businesslike way, by •he singing of the Institute Ode and the repeating of the Institute Creed. The Secretary, Mrs. E. Yarrow read the minutes and different communications and a few letters of appreciation for things received during the month. Mrs. Colling was again made Honorary President and M Cox is Finance Convener. Sunshine reports were given by Mrs. McManus and Mrs. Harvey. Current -- Armstrong. A reading, which was very much enjoyed was given by Mrs. Cook, on "My Neighbour.' Branch Directors appointed rs. F. Armstrong and Mrs. I. Goheen The Hostesses Mrs. MacGregor and Mrs. Cox served a dainty lunch which was much enjoyed and the meeting closed with the National Anthi May 12th being Coronation Day and day never to be forgotten, the W. I. marched to the park with the other Colborne organizations and as the Union JacSs of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion waved in the summer breeze, the President, Mrs. Cook said a few words very befitting for the occasion and planted the Ins- caught i: to outwit Shylock and accomplish what the Duke and his counsellors1 were unable to achieve. Portia is unselfish and when she J learns of Antonio's imlisfortune she 1 at once sends Bassanio to him. That j r-he is of a. teasing nature is shown | when she takes the ring Bassanio had j sworn to keep. Portia mocked Bas- j sanio about the ring which she took i from him, but she was really serious in spirit. When Bassanio speaks about I Portia as "fair and fairer 'than the word, Of wonderous virtues," he i speaks nothing but the truth. trap, She! was Zl jtlfcute Tree-Long May It Live. Tuesday, June 8th Meeting Hostess'--Mrs. Irish. Convener--Mrs. Rose. Current Events--Mrs. Bert Moore. Topic-^History of Our School. Roll Call--iWhere I Attended School Demonstration--A First Aid Kit for School or Home. Cake--'Mrs. Rose, Mrs. Yarrow. Sandwiches--Mrs. McManus, Mrs. Mrs. W. Moore. President--Mrs. Cook. Secretary-Treasurer--■! Everybody Welcome. William Barrett The death occurred on Thursday, May 13th, 1937, of one of the oldest residents of Cramahe Township, Mr. William Barrett, after a few weeks" illness, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Wm. H. Oliver, Lake Shore East. In his 92nd year, he was born in England, coming to Canada when a young man and settling in Cramahe. For may years he conducted a blacksmith's business at Edville, retiring only a few years ago, when he \ to live with his daughter. He has always been held n the highest re*-gard in the community He was a consistent Methodist (now United), and in politics a staunch Conservative. His wife predeceased him Feb. 8th, 1931. The funeral service, on Saturday, was conducted by Rev. Roy H. Rick-ard, at the home of his son-in-law, Mr. W. H. Oliver, a good number of old neighbours and friends attending. Interment was in the Wait Cemetery. The pall'bearers were W.J. Cochrane, S. J. Cox, Russell Dixon, Wm. G. Grant, Cecil Gummer and E. M. Hin- Victim of Accident Buried at Cobourg Elwood 'Clayton Metcalfe Portia is a very beautiful woman who has many suitors. She is not only beautiful but also intelligent and Returning to his home, gracious. She is very witty and Place. Torointo, after ; straightforward. Her wit is shown Whitby, where he ha when she is talkng to Nerissa aibout largements to the plant of Metcalfe j brothe: the unwelcome suitors who have Foods, Mr. E. C. Metcalfe. President j vive. come to choose the casket. She loves of that Company, died suddenly Fri- j Bassanio and is true to him. She is day night, May 14th. 1937. Cobourg. May 15, 1937.--The funeral of George Smith, 51, killed Wednesday in an accident at Toronto, was held this afternoon with interment in Cobourg Union Cemetery. Rev. J. B. Rhodes of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church conducted the service. Born in Scotland, he came to Cobourg while a youth in 1910, and entered the service of the Canadian National Railways and worked as car inspector for many years. He member of the Railway Carmen of America. s is survived by his wife, who was Miss Alice Campbell of Scotland, and eight children of whom there are three daughters, Alice, Jane, Eliza-j beth and Isabelle; five sons, William Ancroft j George of Colborne, and Robert, visit to ! Frank. Edward and Clarence of Co-hspected en- j bougr, and three sisters and two the Old Country also sur- PERSONAL Mr. James L. Peebles of Oshawa is visiting Colborne friends. Mrs. J. L. Barnum of Brighton spent a few days with Miss E. Spilsburv last week. Mrs. B ed Mrs j last week. Mrs. J. R. Davis and baby boy spent Friday and Saturday visiting Mrs. Cecil Davis. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Post spent a few days in Buffalo. N.Y., visiting their son. Mr. Jay Post. -Miss Annie Young has returned home after spending the winter ths with friends in Picton. Mr. Gerald McCutcheon of Toronto is spending the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. C. McOut- Mrs. J. A. Cameron of Montreal is spending the week visiting her broth Outhbert Cumming, • at the Brunswick. Mr. J. F. Nelson and daughter, Miss Irene, were at Frankford on Tuesday, attending the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Jane Huffman. Mrs. Larke has returned home from Calgary. Alberta, where she was vii iting at the home of her daughte: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Menzies. W. Bellamy. B.A., and Mrs. Be lamy of Whitby and Miss Madeline Bellamy of Toronto spent the week efcd with Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Brintnell. ! Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Joslin were called to Toronto Saturday by the sudden death of Mr. E. C. Metcalfe, then rrjotored back with the body to Picton. w'jhere a Masonic Funeral was held Monday. TheTe was a very large attendance and many floral tributes. (Capt. Grant Redfearn, Capt. W. E. Redfearn. Capt. Ralph Redfearn. Mrs. Ci R. Coyle, and Mrs. W. J. Cowie, wpre called home during the week: cfing to the illness of their mother, Mfrs. Harry Redfearn, who was seized th a cerebral haemorrhage and has siaice been in a critical condition. Hfr many friends hope a change for better will ensue. High and Public School Teachers All Re-engaged and intelligent In the way she handles the court case, and at times She is precise and strongwilled. He" love of fun is shown when she and Nerissa plot the ring story. Although ______ J' • ,______, '<> pray^ sanio was at Venice, we pard( because of the noble work she did in freeing Antonio from Shylock's clutches. She is honourable and true to her father by choosing a husband as he wished it and by not telling amor her suitors which casket is the right one. In all she is beautiful, wealthy, wise, tactful, witty and honourable. Portia may be described as a distinguished, beautiful young woman with an education of high order. She *-was very modest about her position and took }>ride in her station of life, but was not conceited. With her keenness of intellect, vivacity of spirit end self control. Portia can be described as a lady of wondrous virtues. She did not fail to carry out the wishe3 Of her father expressed in his hard will. All the suitors, whether desirable or undesirable, were treaed graciously and politely. Portia concealed her feelings towards them and cleverly hid her fears. Bassanio's choice metj .with her highest approval. She told ; Bassanio that for him she would be trebled twenty times, and she gladly lent him a large sum of money to help his friend Antonio. Portia was very clever to be able to get to Venice and disguise herself; as a lawyer in the trial scene. During! the trial she showed her wit and firm- At Mrs. Lloyd's Permanents in all the Latest Styles at Summer Prices Curl Ends ....................$2.00 I Oil Curl Ends .............. 2.50 Hair Styling and Shaping Coronation Curls All the Very Latest Styles Phone 147 -- Colborne for appointments Mr. Metcalfe, a native of Picton,; was for years President of the Deser-1 onto Canning Company, and latterly! of the Whitby firm. For ten years he ■ llor or Reejjj Son Shoots Mad Bull After Father is Gored Mtiss Marjorie Robinson At the regular monthly meeting of Colborne School Board, held Monday evening, May 19th, 1937, all the teachers of the High and Public Schools were re-engaged 'or another year with some getting increases in salaries, which are not yet up to the figures paid before the cut in salaries of a few years ago. High School Principal McCutcheon (same) $2550 Miss M. Mitchell (same) ......$1360 M. Beecroft (same) ............$1250 Miss D. Davidson (inc. $50) ..$1050 Public School Principal Cracknell (inc. $97.50 $1330 B. Roberts (increased $50) ......$800 Miss E. McGlennon( inc. $25) ..$775 Miss I. Nelson (increased $25) ..$775 The matter of increased insurance on the school buildings, also boiler and accident insurance was referred to the Finance Committee to get further information as to rates for coinsurance, etc. Principal Cracknell was requested to get full informaton regarding Government grants, etc., for teaching of Domestic Science for the girls at the Public School. Manual training for the boys is proving satisfactory under the direction of Mr. Roberts, and the Domestic Science classes would be held at the same periods under the direction of Miss Nelson. The following accounts we High School W. A. Youngs, removing ashes 5.00 A. G. Brown, removing storm windows .................. 1.75 Birks-Ellis-Ryrie, Coronation medals .................... 16.50 COMING EVENTS CONSERVATIVE CLUB F. G. Gardiner, K.C., Reeve of Forest Hill Village, will be the guest speaker at the regular meeting of the Conservative Club on the evening of June 3rd, 1937, in the Club Rooms, Colborne Don't forget the date. Public School Colborne Hydro, lights ...... Johnston's Drug Store, supplies M. Brintnell, insurance, S years..................... 1.75 >.02 Conservative affairs, he had alway; declined to seek party office. Mr. Metcalfe is survived by his wife formerly Florence Helena Orser and by two children, Clayton of Whitby and Mrs. Thomas Dice Brighton, May ^.--Thrown twice ---- The funeral took place Monday Picton for burial from the United Church there. Rev. F. S. Dowling of St. Catharines officiated. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Joslin of Colborne attended the funeral. ness of will. After it she brings in a bit of humour by requesting Bassanio's ring which she made him promise to keep forever. Portia's whole character may be summed up in these few lines: "A perfect woman nobly planned, "To wanm, to comfort, and command; "And yet a spirit still and bright "With something of an angel light." j The meanings for the words derived j from "audio" are given this week: Audience--assembly. Audible--that which can be heard. Auditor--one who examines, or a j hearer. Auditorium--a place where an audi-: ence sits. Obedient--submissive or dutiful. Audit--to examine. Audition--hearing. Audiphone--an instrument to assist I the deaf 'yy sound waves. Auditory--that which has the power j of hearing. Audiometer--an instrument by which I the power of hearing can be meas-) Audile--one whose thoughts the form of mental sounds. a#mer. Brighton, was taken to Belleville Gen-' eral Hospital yesterday with serious Whitehouse was badly gored! Deseronto !before his son' Albert' diverted the! Trustees present--F. J. Armstrong, W. G. Grant, C. L. Keating, H.S. Keys, O. E. Johnston, H J. Mayhew, B. Graduates as Nurse McCracken, D. C. Pebles, A. L. Philp, *" Quinn. Dr. W . G. Robertson, W. Seed. Victoria Day, Monday. May 24, 1937, Colborne Post Office will he open from 10.00 a.m. until 12.00 noon. Outgoing mails dispatched at usual hours. Regular delivery and collection of rural mails. On Wednesday evening. May 26th, 1937, at 8 o'clock, Illustrated Picture Address on the greatest steamship afloat, the "Queen Mary," by Rev Roy H. Rickard, B.A., M.R.E. Also great experiences of a Captain who sailed from early boyhood, will be given by Capt. C. E. Redfearn of Colborne. Special music. Lunch will be served. Adults 15c, children 10c. The regular monthly meeting of tha Wicklow and Vernonville Women's Institute will be held1 on Wednesday afternoon. May 26th, 1937 at the home of Mrs. W. Robson. Convener--Mrs. J. Deviney. Sulbject, Spot and Stain Removal; Clothes closet and storage space. Roll Call, The handiest thing my home. Current Events, Mrs. W. Gillespie. Sandwiches, Mrs. Hoskin Mrs. A. Kernaghan, Mrs. E. Ker-naghan. Cake, Mrs. F. Kernaghan. Mrs Knight,-Mrs. Larry. Delegate's report ot Distrct Annual. L. M. Turk. Secretary. diss Marjorie Robinson, daughter Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Robinson of s one of the class of ENGAGEMENTS______ The engagement is announced of Eva Lillian, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eratus O. Cooper. Toronto, to Mr. Colin K. Tisdale. son of Mrs. Mary K. Tisdale, Port Hope. The marriage will take place quietly early in June. --Globe and Mail. evening. May 14th. bull's attention and removed him safety. Later in the day the bull charged at Billy, younger son of the family, and Albert promptly brought his rifle and killed the animal. Dr. Harold Clarke, Brighton, said Whitehouse had several ribs on both sides broken and severe chest injur- VICTORIA DAY LONG WEEK-END FARES Between all points in Canada and to certain destinations in the Uuited States FARE AND ONE-QUARTER for the round trip ! Tickets good going any time from I noon on Friday, May 21st, until '■ 2 p.m. Monday, May 24th, 1937. Return Limit to leave destination j not later than midnight Tuesday, May 25th, 1937. ake Minimum Special Fare - 25c TIP TOP TAILORS SUITS. TOP COATS, TROUSERS on display at C. A. Post's Beautiful Cloths--New Styles Shown in your home on request Tip Top Suits are Built Right Let Us Show You Get Our Price on Work Boots Laundry Called for and Delivered Suits Cleaned and Pressed FRED W. HAWKINS Colborne The definitions for a number of words derived from "sentio" (I feel) are given. All of the words contain The definitions:--having the faculty of perception; a number of words containing a complete thought; the act of agreeing; a faculty of perception; a mental feeling; comprising sentences; short and pithy: perception by the senses; perceived through the senses; perceptible or judicious; having feelings easily affected; an organ of sensation. Canadian Pacific Speeding Motorists Fined At Magistrate Campbebll's Court, held in Colborne Wednesday morning fines of $5.00 and costs of $3.85 were imposed upon sixteen motorists for driving at excessive speed through the school area in Colborne. All were cl eked at over fifty miles per hour. For next week's court Chief Farrell has had thirty-two summonses issued for speeding motorists. Dominion income tax collections _ the fiscal year ended March 31st totalled $102,365,241, an increase of $19, 655,438, or about 24 per cent. Canada exportel 9.463.724 pounds of tobaccor af all types to Great Britain in 1936, as compared with 7,076,537 pound's in 1935. ! Harry Flindall, a farmer near Belle? j ville, was fined $10 and costs of $19.10 j recently, when he was found guilty of carrying on a dairy business withii the town limits without having sec ured a license to operate from th< Ontario Milk Control Board. The curious fact about the case is that the charge was brought against Lin-dall because he sold his milk too low to conform with the decree of the Milk Control Board. The Board the Belleville price at 9 cents a quart or 5 cents a pint, but Flindall, who produces his own dairy products his farm, felt that he would hardly be playing the game with his customers, many of whom were on relief, should be advance his price beyond what he felt it was fair to charge, and kept on selling at the rate of f quart and 4 cents a pint. nd Mrs. W. H. Oh -er wish to jr^ thank their friends and . eighhours '^»r kindness and sympathy extended inV-heir recent bereavement; also for floral tributes. x Read condensed ads. on page 5 BRING HOME THE BACON! Come to the EUCHRE PARTY Trinity Church Parish Hall -- on -- FRIDAY EVENING May 21st, 1937 at 8 o'clock Admission -- Only 10c last questions: 1. The Koran is the scriptures of the Mohammedans.. 2. An Anodyne is a drug or agent to assuage pain. 3. The gnu is found in Africa. 4. "Hobson's choice" is a choice without an alternative; the thing offered or nothing. 'or next week:: 1. What is the Decalouge? 2. What seas are connected by the Bosporus ? 3. Which is the larger, the earth i* the r . How long is ; Sancho Panz; COMING! To Colborne City Mission Rev. C. N. Good who will conduct the following services: BIBLE STUDY-- Thursday, May 20th, at 8 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE-- Friday, May 21st, at 8 p.m. PREACHING SERVICE-- Sunday, May 23rd, at 2.30 and 8 p.m. L. SIDER, Pastor. Express Printing Office for all asd Magazines at Club Ratei Mrs. William Pomeroy The death occurred at Cobourg Friday, May 14th, 1937. of Mrs. Mary Pomeroy, aged 85 years. She was the wife of William H. Pomeroy, whom she married 58 years ago. She had been a life-long resident of Cobourg and was the daughter of of the late William and MarySmith. who emigrated from Ireland in the early part of last century and settled in Cobourg. Besides her husband she leaves a daughter. Mrs. Leslie Wilson of Cobourg, and two sons. Wilfred of Ottawa and Charles at home, as well as grandson, William Louis of Kitch-She is also survived by two sisters, Miss Ella Smith of Cobourg and Mrs. Elizabeth Blair of Toronto, a (brother, David Smith of Co-Interment was in Cobourg Union Cemetery on Sunday. Rev. William Sinclair of Belleville conducted the ft'neral services. Rare Columbus Coin rare silver coin is in possession of R. S. Newman of Castleton. It ne of forty thousand 25c coins issued by the United States Mint in 1893 to commemorate the World's Columbian Exposition held that year in Chicago, Ills., and also to commem-> the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus. One side bears the date 1893 and the head of Queen Isabella of Spain, who was responsible for the financing., of the expedition; on the reverse are the Words, Board of Lady Managers, Columbian Quar. Dol., and the -figure of a kneeling woman carry-i staff over the shoulder. It is only coin ever issued by the United States bearing the head of a foreign sovereign. DEATHS BARRETT, William^At the residence of his daughter, Mrs. William H. Oliver, Cramahe Township, Thursday, May 13th, 1937. William Barrett, in his 92nd year. Interment in Waite Cemetery. DAN FORD, Claude --At the Red Cross Hospital, Coe Hill. Thursday, May 13th, 1937, Claude, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Danford. Interment in the Anglican Cemetery, Coe Hill. METCALFE, Elwood Clayton --On Friday, May llth, 1937, at his home, 8 Ancroft Place, Toronto, Elwood Clayton Metcalfe, beloved husband of Florence Helena Orser, in his 51st year. Interment Picton, Ontario. William and Mary Smith, who emigra- IN MEMORIAM MURPHY- , Murphy. 21st, 1935. shall meet our loved one gone. Some sweet day bye and bye. --Ever remembered by Wife and Famly. KEMP--In loving memory of a dear husband and father, James Kemp, Oolborne. who passed away May 21st, 1934. In my heart your memory lingers, Sweetly, tender, fond and true, There is not a day. dear hushand. That I do not think of you. --Lovingly remembered by x Wife and Family. Trenton P.O. Over 75 Years The Christie family lave served the iblic in Trenton Post Office for ore than 75 years. The late J B. Christie was on the postal staff from 1861 to 1917, and had been Post Master from 1873 until time of his retirement. His son Jack Christie has been of the staff since 1909--28 years. If for any reason j copy of The Express, ouch with this office : Express Office Here's A Simple Spray To Keep Dogs Away If flowers and shrubs are sprayed with a dilute nicotine sulphate dogs and cats will avoid them. The spray is harmless and the smell is very offensiive to these animals, even when applied so thinly that persons Nicotine sulphate may be bought at any seed or drug store and should be used at the rate of one-half tea-spoonful to a gallon of water. The spray evaporates and should be renewed after rains, or about every two weeks in ordinary weather.

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