Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 13 May 1937, p. 5

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 13th, 1937 Paga Five THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, issued every Thursday morning by H. S. Keyes. Subscription $2.00 per annum in advance; $2.50 to U.S.A. Transient advertisements 12 cents per line first insertion and 8 cents per line for jach additional insertion. Business cards not exceed ing one inch $7 per annum. Yearly contracts at uniform rates. Dr.W. PORTE MARSHALL, Physician and Surgeon, King Street, Colborne. Telephone 71. BR. E. J. GAR FAT, Dentist, has taken over the office formerly occupied by Dr. Campbell, Fowler Block, Colborne, Ont. 37-81 Lumber for Sale Rough or Dressed Lumber, Pine Flooring and Clapboards Orders Delivered H. I. ALLEN Phone 33r3 Castleton Mrs. CASTLETON May llth, 193' Wright of Toronto spent GEO. A. GROVER, K.C., Barrister & Solicitor, 371 Bay Street, Toronto. Phone Adelaide 3815. A. D. HALL, Barrister, Notary Public, etc. Office, King Street, residence. Division Street, Colborne, Ontario. 116-34 INSURANCE B. E. R. WILSON, General Insuracne and Real Estate Agent, Money Loan at 5 to 6 per cent. Office Brunswick Block, Colboine, Ontario, Phones--Office 10, residence 13. MARRIAGE LICENSES AUCTIONEERS S. E. ROBINSON EXPERIENCED GENERAL AUCTIONEER Colborne, Ontario Sales of Any Kind--Large or Small Conducted Anywhere REASONABLE RATES OSCAR C. MORGAN Auctioneer and Reai Estate Broker BRIGHTON Several good farms for sale; also some valuable town property. P.O. Box 288. Phone 245. 38-6m The Up-Town Mill Boss Laying Mash, 20%, per cwt..................... $2.50 Robin Hood Flour, bag $3.90 Order Your Corn Now Oil Cake, per cwt..... $2.50 Special price on Ton lots Bran and Shorts AT CLOSE PRICES Grinding a Specialty A trial will convince you J. F. Haynes & Son Phone 53f Colborne BOARDERS WANTED ACCOMMODATION FOR BOARDERS --moderate price pleasant ro< MRS. WALTER HARNDEN, East Colborne. ml3x DOMESTIC HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTED for general housework. One in the family. Must be a good plain cook. References required. Apply, MRS. CHARLES LARKE, Colborne. TO RENT HOUSE AND LOT, one mile north of East Colborne. Barn, garage, 5 acres of land--2 in pasture, rest .suitable for grading or poultry run. Buildings all in good condition. Apply at Express Printing Office, Colborne. m6-13x PASTURE TO RENT AUCTIONEER and REAL ESTATE BROKER. The undersigned is an experienced auctioneer -- pays for the clerk, pays for the advertising, and guarantees a satisfactory sale or positively no pay. Sales conducted anywhere In the Province. Pure tied stock sales a specialty. Phone at my expense. ARNOLD POOLE, Castleton. Ontario. Phose No. 10r23. E. QUINN FUNERAL DIRECTOR Colborne - - Ontario Oay or Night Calls Promptly Attended MOTOR HEARSE Phone 111 - Colborne J. BLACKLOCK & SON Grafton Directors of Funeral Services MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended PHONE 38, GRAFTON M-CRACKEN A. McARTHUR FUNERAL D RECTORS ELDEN McFAYDEN n5-36 Licensed Emoalmer BRUNSWICK HOTEL Colbor te First-Class Meals an:. Accommodation 6lve us a call when in Colborne i., F. WOLFRAIM • - Proprietor BUILDING MATERIAL Rough and Dres*ed Lumber, Flooring, Clapboards, etc CUSTOM SAWING W. W. MUTTON Colborne, R. R. 2 Phone--Castleton 19r3. B. J. WALLER ELECTRICAL SERVICE HOUSewiRING and REPAIRS Electrical Appliances Repaired : PRICES COLBORNE Tinsmithing and Plumbing Complete Line of 8TOVES AND FURNACES STOVE PIPES AND ELBOWS Stoves to be sold on Easv Payment plan. Call and get terms. A. B. MULHALL Ireland Block, King St., Colborne PHONE 162 PASTURE for CATTLE, HORSES-- Running water. Apply to ALBERT IRWIN, Colborne, R. R. 4, Phone 9*rll. m6-13.. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE OR MARES--1200 lb--quiet single or double, young and sound. W t ell either ono. GEO. RUlSAW, Co.borne R.R.5. a29tf HOUSE FOR SALE HOUSE--Formerly ' known as Mrs. Sw nons's, Norton Strtet, Colborne. Entirely remodelled and redecorated within. Hardwood floors. New electric wirag and plumbing. Complete bath room and running water. Heated by stove or furnace. Drawers. Woodshed. Summei kitchen. $1400.00 Apply at the premises. J. L. Rimmington. f4-ll-18 VALUABLE VILLAGE PROPERTY-- Modern conveniences, $1600.00; also other propertes, both farm and residential', at sacrifice prices to rea ze on mortgages and close out estates. These are all offered at low prices to make quick sales. Apply to A. D. HALL, Colborne., Graham Ontario. al3tf FOR SALE FARM of 100 acres, Township of Cramahe, good buildings and well watered. Apply to F. P. Strong, Colborne, Ont. 817U FARMS TO RENT FARM TO RENT about one mile south of Colborne, on lakeshore, containing about eighty acres. Good buildings for summer and winter Late tenant, George Ives. Apply 1 G. E. R. Wilson, Colborne. dotf POULTRY FOR SALE BARRED ROCK COCKERELS--A few choice, leg banded and blood tested by O. A. C. experts, at $2.00 each. Not banded nor blood tested, from R. 0. B. stock, $1.50 each. Also Hatching Eggs and Baby Chicke from O. B. S. stock. ARNOLD POOLE, Castleton. Phone: Castleton 10r23. j28 W. S. BELL Jewellery Repaired Watches & Clocks Reasonable Still in the same place 1 Door East of P.O., Up Stairs Colborne QUEENS HOTEL COLBORNE Under New Management FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS at Reasonable Rates GARAGE IN CONNECTION Local Agent for HILL, THE CLEANER, TRENTON FELIX J. MURPHY, Proprietor Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Gerow. Miss Mary White spent Sunday with her friend. Miss Verna Whitney. Mr. Bernard Pomeroy has started a successive bread route to Burnley. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Haynes spent Sunday with his father, Mr. Enos Haynes. Mr. Clark Pomeroy of Peterboro spent the weekend with hi* wife- and family here. Mr. Arnold Olmstead, teacher near Kingston, slpent the weekend with, friend's here. Miss Audrey Carter of Coliborne spent Sunday with her friend. Miss Blanche Tait. Mrs. N. Gaffield has returned to her home, after spending the winter in Warkworth. Miss Velma Arkils and Mr Harry Harrison of Belleville spent the week end with Mrs. Arkils. Master Loftus Pappineau of Bow-manville spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Quinn. Mr. Raymond Bowen of Bowmanton sp. nt the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bowen. The Mother's Day Programme was I held in the basement of the United Church on Sunday morning. Miss Gertie Newman of Oshawa spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Newman. Master Billy Harnden of Vernon-ville spent the weekend with his grandmother, Mrs. S. M. Purdy. Mr. Floyd Blakely of St Thomas is spending a few days with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Blakely. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Pomeroy. Ronald and Beverley, had dinner on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Findlay. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bowen spent one day last week with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Syd Matters, Toronto. Master Ben/Harnden of Vemonville spent a few adys last week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Ziba Harnden. Miss Isobel Harnden, teacher of Vernonville School spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ziba Harnden. Mr. and Mts. Ross Whitney, Salem, and Mir. Douglas Whitney; Orland, spent Sunday withthei r mother. Mrs. Whitney. Vie are sorry to report that Mrs. Ziba Harnden's brother, Mr. William Harnden of Eddystone. is ill in Cobourg Hospital. Coronation Dance was held in the Orange Hall on Wednesday even-under the auspices of Castleton L.O.L. James Stark and daughter Donna of Starkville are spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Moore. The Castleton junior boys' ball team played a game of ball with night last week. Thte Castleton boys won. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Erskine of Cobourg and Mrs. Erskine's sister cjf Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs. Harry Moore. Miss Marjorie Purdy of Toronto ai Mr. and Mrs. Donald Purdy of manville spent the weekend their mother^Mrs. S. M. Purdy. Mrs. Herman Lane. Luella and spent Sunday with Mrs. Lane's sistei Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson, at Aca$ emy Hill. The Girls' Mission Circle held ii onthly meetng at the home of' Mb Marjorie Carr A number of gir| " ere present and Mrs. Hinton talki ?ry nicely to the girls. The Women's Prayer Band of the Wesleyan Methodist Church started up for the first this season at the home of Mrs. A. Olmstead, on Wednesday afternoon. May 5th. A birthday party was heW in honour of Mrs. Graham on Saturday afternoon. May 8th.. Several women present and all wished Mrs. happy birthdays. The Young People's League presented their famous play, "All on Account of Polly." A good crowd was present. After the play the young people of Morganston served lunch. Miss Alowa Pappineau spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. B. Crisp. Mrs. G. Corbyn of Colborne spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Graham and other friends and relatives. The Young People's League held its weekly meeting in the basement cf the United Church on Wednesday evening. The President, Miss Harriet Bowditch opened the meeting with hymn 325, followed by the Lord's Prayer. Some business was brought up. Moved by Miss Bowditch that the league give the Church Board $10. The final Presbytery will be put on at the town hall on Tuesday night. On Wednesday, the 19th. Rev. Roy H. Rickard and Capt. C. E. Redfearn will be present at the League to show a description of the Queen Mary. Mrs. McKague took charge of an interesting programme. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. Special Bargain EXCURSIONS TO ALL STATIONS IN western canada Going Dates: Daily May 21st to 31st, 1937 Return Limit: 45 days. APPROXIMATELY ONE CENT PER MILE Good in Coaches Only SLEEPING CAR PRIVILEGES Pa-sage Tickets also on sale, good In: j (a) .tourist sleeping cars at approxi-j mately 1|4c per mile, plus regular! berth fare. (b) parlor and standard sleeping cars j at approximately 1J/2c per mile, j plus regular seat or berth fare. j ROUTES -- Tickets good going via Port Arthur, Ont., Armstrong. Ont., Chicago, 111., or Sault Ste Marie, | returning via same route and line j only'. Generous optional routings, i Theobald's Savings Store GROCERY SERVICE STATION Gas -- Oil -- Grease -- Coal Oil OUR PRICES ARE LOWEST Give Us a Trial and Be Convinced -within limit of ticket, j both going and returning--at Port Arthur. Ont., Armstrong. Ont., and west; also at Chicago, ill., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., and west, in ac- [ cordance with tariffs of United j States lines. Full particulars from any agent j Canadian Pacific COURT OF REVISION Village of Colborne NOTICE is hereby given that the , Court of Revision for the Municipal- j ity of Colborne will be held in the Council Chamber. Colborne, on THURSDAY, MAY 27th, 1937 at 8 p.m., for the purpose of hearing i and determining all the complaints against the assessment for the cur-1 rent year. All parties concerned will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. H. S. KEYES, Clerk. ! Colborne, May 10th, 1937. ml3-20 j COURT OF REVISION Township of Cramahe NOTfiOE is hereby given that the Court of Revision for the Municipality of the Township of Cramahe will be held in the Town Hall. Castleton, on FRIDAY, MAY 28th, 1937 at 1 p.m., for the purpose of hearing ind determining all the complaints against the assessment for the current year. All parties concerned will please take notice and govern themselves G. R. Castleton, May 7th, 1937. Butter wrappers at Express Office. TAKE YOUR CHOICE Goodyear tires to suit GUARANTEED A TIRE FOR EVERY CAR A new tire deserves a new tube We are tire headquarters. Famous Goodyear Tires always in stock. All many prices. Drive in or telephone for service. W. J. Onyon c rnone u£ DO YOU KNOW THAT MORGANSTON May llth, 1937 The new tank at the factory installed on Monday. Mothers' Day will be observed May 16th. Music by the male choir. Mr. Harry Darkins gave a very interesting talk at S. S. on his trip to England. The Jubilee Singers gave an excellent entertainment on Monday night. Proceeds over $40. Mr. and Mrs. G. Sprung of Forest Hill Village were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds on Sunday . There have been three new telephones installed on line 31--Jas. and Wm. Puddaphat and Mr. Mitchell. The comimunity was saddened on Saturday by the sudden passing of Mrs. Walter Glover of acute indigestion. Her sister from Victoria has been with her several weeks. The funeral service was held at the home on Wednesday, conducted by Revs. Moore and Hinton. Because of their mineral content If April showers bring forth May flowers, the landscape hereabouts ought to be a scene-of fragrance and as well as strength builders. 'beauty next month. 25 MILES TO THE GALLON and Seiteb f Pontiac is setting New Economy I Records as well as New Sales Records. Pontiac is bigger than j ever .. . the engine develops more horsepower than ever, with increased acceleration and hill-climbing ability. Your neighbor has a new Pontiac.! He'll tell you! THE LOWEST PRICE CAR WITH- 117-INCH WHEELBASE 89 HORSEPOWER SIX-CYLINDER ENGINE For Greater Power and Smoothness . . . Finer Performance . . . yet with Greatest Economy. KNEE-ACTION AND CENTRE-CONTROL CROSS STEERING Providing utmost Comfort . . . and Driving Ease. AN0LITE PISTONS Increase Bearing Life 150%. DOUBLE-STRENGTH, 4-WAY CANTILEVER FRAME Provides the most rigid founda- PONTIAC HEADED FOR RECORD SALES AND A BRILLIANT FUTURE W. J. Onyon Sales & Service Phone 122, Colborne

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