Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 6 Dec 2003, A20

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20 - The Oakville Beaver Weekend, Saturday December 6, 2003 % T h « C * n tr« Skills D cvotopm & nt A TYmlning D irk G c-bhardt D ire c to r o f F itness iB IIK i D ear Dirk: 183 Lakeshore Road West. Oakville. O ntario L6K 1H7 i Between Kerr St. & Dorval Dr.) 465 Morden Rd, Suite 109 Oakville ON L6K 3W6 PH: 905-845-1157 FAX: 905-845-5878 www.thecentre.on.ca DAVID BALDAZZI Coordinator/ Counsellor, Job Shop ALLIANCE CHIROPODY (FOOT CARE) CLINIC 232 South Service Rd. E. Salima Kassam Registered Chiropodist 905- 845-2291 C fc Do you have any suggestions to help me get through the holidays without gaining weight. · T he holidays can be a challenge. H ere are a lew A * lips to help you to enjoy the festivities without * com prom ising your fitness. · If th ere i\ an item that is in question just have a taste and chew is slowly. Follow it with a sip o f a hot liquid. This will satisfy your taste buds. · If you are consum ing alcohol choose wisely: 1 oz. o f Gin, Rum, Vodka or Whisky 3.5oz. Red Wine 3.5oz. While Wine 12 oz. Regular Beer 12oz. Light Beer 0 grams o r carbs 1.75 grams of carbs 1 gram o f carbs 13 grams o f carbs 4.5 gram s o f carbs Or. i\ · I've heard th a t "n e tw o rk in g " is th e best w ay to find w o rk b u t I've alw ays th o u g h t o f it as so m e th in g th a t on ly w orks for executives. Is th is so m e th in g th a t co u ld w o rk fo r m e too? Q« My child seems to walk funny - 1see no arch and his feet seem to roll inwards. Should I be worried? · Fat small healthy snacks throughout the day so that you are not starving when you have a meal. · Remember you m ust burn all the calories that you ingest during the day o r you will gain weight. Cardio. Cardio, Cardio! · Remember nothing lastes good as being fit feels. Absolutely! N e tw orking w orks for every'one, w h eth er " you're in th e executive suite, in the office o r o n the shop floor. It's really just a n o th e r nam e for m eetin g people, sharing in fo rm atio n and talk in g a b o u t needs. Frankly, w e all n e tw ork everyday. T h e only difference is th a t o u r objective is usually so m eth in g o th e r than em p lo y m en t. For exam ple, we often talk to o thers w hen w e need a good b abysitter o r a recom m endation regarding the m aking o f a m ajor purchase. F inding a job should be no different. T h e im p o rta n t th in g is to be specific a b o u t w hat you're looking for a n d to ask for a n o th e r contact. T h is way, you'll have a b e tte r chance o f being connected to som eone w ho m ight actually be able to help you and yo u r n e tw ork will keep grow ing. Its th a t simple! R eady to give it a shot? Join us on Wednesday D ecem ber 17th a t our O akville office fo r "Everyone N etw orks!" This in fo n m il netw orking session is a great w ay to share inform ation w ith other jo b seekers a n d to speak to recent em ployed graduates o f the Job Shop program . For m ore inform ation, call Grace a t 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -1157. Sponsored by H u m a n Resources D evelopm ent C anada. H a p p y H o lid a y s ! A _. ^ ^ T h e Body Shaping Fitness Studio For\\bmcn./4^| For more information, please call ( 9 0 5 ) 8 4 9 -1 9 1 9 A Many foot ailments, like other body ills, have their origins in childhood and are present at birth. Your child's developing feet are very important to monitor as they have to carry the weight of the body for an entire lifetime. Normal foot development involves a heel-toe gait pattern by age 3 and normal arch development by age 7. Problem signs to keep an eye out for include: · Complaints of join pain while standing, walking or running, · Knock knees or bow legs, · Uneven wear on the bottom of shoes, · Prior injury to back, knees or ankle, · Obvious foot problems, such as bunions, corns or flat feet. Remember that lack of complaint is not a good sign. The bones of growing feet are so flexible that they can be twisted and distorted without the child being aware of it. If you have concerns about your child's feet, contact your chiropodist for a thorough foot evaluation and special shoe fitting advice for children. Call 905-845-2291 to Book An Appointment Today -3 A s s a n te Assante Capital Management Ltd., - Member CIPF Cornwall Business Centre 101 -1 54 0 Cornwall Road, S B I b^ Hopedale Shopping Centre Suite 220, 2nd Floor Dr. R osenblat D.D.S. 14 H enry St., M ississauga (Streetsvillc) 905.821.1092 trulyou AM ALIA R UG G IER O 1 Oakville, O ntario L6J 7W5 9 0 5 -8 2 7 -0 3 0 1 Brenda Semoskie, CFP Financial Advisor Q Q I've been reading a lot of articles recently obout mutual fund MERs is there anyway I can decrease my overall investment fees? My teenage daughter bites her nails quite a bit. How bad is this for her teeth? a WIGS A N D HAIR REPLACEMENT W hat Causes Hair Loss in women? when you purchase a mutual fund or wrap account (a mix of mutual funds with a few added services) you might pay a commission when you buy or sell a fund but you also pKvays pay an onnual fee called a Management Expense Ratio or MER. o On most mutual funds and wrap accounts the fee is deducted before investors receive ony return and it goes to pay the investment company and your advisor. The average fee on a Canodian stock mutual fund is around 2.76% and 2.88% on a global stock fund which could amount to almost $3,000 per year per 5100,000 invested. o Rother than bond funds or some stocks funds discuss substituting individual bonds and ETFs (exchange traded funds) os ways to decrease your overall costs. Use costs os one of the screening criteria - cost should not be the only consideration as some excellent investment are worth paying more for. There are many excellent options available when investing don't be ofroid to osk questions of your advisor · this is your financial future!! Call today and start achieving your financial goals. Nailbiting, is a nasty habit that affects up to 41 per cent of children, and resulting dental bills could be costly. Unfortunately. I see nailbiters of all ages in my practice everyday. The front teeth are not meant to be in a constant chewing mode and damage can result. For example: · The edges of the front teeth can chip or wear, or this enamel of the front teeth can crack. Enamel is not designed for the pressures of nailbiting or constant chewing. We may need to place white fillings to rebuild the enamel or perhaps even crown the front teeth. Nailbiters with braces are at a particular risk of developing root resorption - or shortening of their roots. Along with the pressure of being moved by the braces, the added force of constant nail-gnawing could cause the roots of the teeth to shorten. The shortening takes a long time, but if the root gets too short, teeth can be lost. . Traumatic ulcerations to the gums can result, as a sharp nail can get imbedded in the gum tissue, ouch! i Infections and fungus can spread from other body parts of the mouth and vice versa. Bacteria in the mouth can infect the nail bed or even the entire finger. So you must help her stop this habit! A · A 1. A ndrogenetic Alopecia: -T his is genetically related hair loss. It is a very com m on form o f hair loss for w om en. W om en inherit the genes tor hair loss just as m en do. It is caused by a com ing together o f androgens. which are male horm ones, a nd gene? that we inherit irom both sides o t the family. T his can affect a surprisingly high percentage o t w om en, often in their 20s a nd 30s. Som etim es it is exacerbated by or is provoked by changes in delicate balance o f m ale horm ones that is disturbed d uring prem enopausal stages. W hen this happens, w om en m ay experience som e tn inning o f their hair. 2. Tclogen effluvium : - It refers to the natural process o f shedding hair. T hese are the little hair that you notice w hen you com b, brush or wash your hair. T his is part o f the norm al lifecycle o f hair growth. 3. A lopecia Areata: - T his L s an autoim m une genetically related disease. It is often evidenced by circular patches. W hile this can also affect hair o n o ther parts o f th e body. 4. P seudopelade o r follicular de g e n era tio n : T his is com m on if African-American wom en w ho do a lot o t perm ing or cosmetic treatm ents to their scalp. W ith years o f perm ing, using colorants and harsh chcmicals o the scalp the result can have a negative effect o n the hair follicles deep in the scalp a nd cause the hair to scar, and eventual loosen the hair follicle. m m T H E S O L U T IO N Few wom en realize that there are m any types o f m edication and treatm ents that can reduce th e sym ptom o f these devastating hair loss diseases. I f you believe you arc suffering from one the above maladies, it is suggested that you see y our doctor or a derm atologist to determ ine your options. You m ake also consider m asking these sym ptom s w ith a natural hair replacem ent solutions. T odays sophisticated nair systems can be designed to com pensate for your hair loss while you are undergoing treatm ent. For m ore inform ation, call Am alia at 905-821-1092 o G re a t th in g s s ta rt w ith a w a rm h e a lth y s m ile ! thedentist@ dentistry4.com ww w.dentistry4.com I f you have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: 4 Ask the Professionals" c/o The Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Road, Oakville L6K 3S4 or fax to: 905-337-5568

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