Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 4 Aug 1938, p. 8

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Page Eight THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4th, 1938 ROWSOME'S BAKERY and GROCERY WHERE QUALITY TELLS and SELLS WEEK-END SPECIALS Wheat Flakes Corn Flakes Baking Bran 23c bag 3 pkgs. 23c 14c bag ENTER THE OXYDOL CONTEST TO-DAY ! You May Win $1000 or a Radio Get your Entry Forms here with your package of Oxydol! Don't Delay ! Stuffed Olives 11 oz.--25c 18 oz.--35c Ne< Giant Size PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 bars 25c Miracle Whip Salad Dressing 32 oz--54c 8 oz.--21c Bran Muffins, per dozen ........................................ 20c Raisin Walnut Tarts ...................................... 2 for 5c Make the kiddies healthy and happy by using Rowsome's Quality Bread We Carry Ottawa City Dairy Ice Cream--The Best The Huge 5c Mel-O-Rol pleases all. E. W. ROWSOME Phone 150 We Appreciate Your Order Colborne COAL and WOOD Sewer Pipe and Land Tile Mixed Slab Wood a Specialty AH the Above are the Best Qualities that can be bought FOR PRICES APPLY TO jll43m F. P. STRONG COLBORNE "Miss Canada" Sight -seeing Boat Special Excursions FROM PRESQU'ILE TO PICTON SCHEDULE--Daylight Saving Time Going-- Returning-- Lv. Presqu'Ile .. 8.00 a.m. Lv. Picton ........ 3.00 p.m. Ar. Trenton .... 9.15 a.m. Ar. Presqu'Ile .. 8.00 p.m. Ar. Belleville....10.15 a.m. . Ar. Picton ........ 1.00 p.m. Presqu'Ile to Picton ................ $1.50 return • Trenton to Picton .................... $1.00 return Belleville to Picton .................. $1.00 return Rednersville to Picton .............. $1.00 return SPECIAL TRIPS -- Presqu'Ile to Trenton and Belleville 10.30 A.M. (D.S.T.) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday--$1 Return PHONE: Colborne--1 or 66 Trenton--C.N.R. Ticket Office Belleville--727j CAPT. CHAS. E. REDFEARN Magazine Subscriptions We are Subscription Agents for all LEADING CANADIAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PERIODICALS Also Foreign Ones most likely to be asked for GET OUR CLUBBING OFFERS ! Reduced Rates on Any Combination of Magazines THE EXPRESS Phone 44 Printing Office Schoolboy Howlers Schoolboy howlers compiled from replies toy students to questions on examinations: The male ostrich sits on the nest of eggs for hours during tjhe day while during the night he watches his family. Taxes are things what people pay. Then are used to keep the roads nice. Milk is very good for babies. It keeps them quiet white mother has a gossip. The 'Arctic Circle is the circle in the Arctic region where it is day all day long. A stethoscope is a spy-glass for looking into peoples chests with your A mosquito is a child of black and white parents. Mussolini is a sort of material used foT ladies' stockings. A pedestrian is one of those people motorists run over. The Gorgons looked like women only more horrible. The function of the stomach is to hold up the petticoat. Beware of $5 Bills Winnipeg, July 30--Mexican fi1 peso bank notes, markedly similar Canadian $5 bills, but worthless, are circulating in Canada, Police report comiplaints from store-keepers, who tell of receiving Mexican "five-dollar bills" and giving out change in Canadian money. Thomas J. McGuire The sudden death of Mr. Thomas J. McGuire, at his home in Haldimand Township, from a heart attack on Wednesday week came as a great shock to the community and to" his two remaining sisters, Mrs. Margaret MoCauley of Cobourg, and Mrs. Sarah Hefferman of Peterboro. Mir. McGuire was 73 ye airs of age, and wais born in Haldimand Township. In his younger days he was private detective on the Chicago Police Departmlent, and a cooper by tirade. Seventeen years ago he retired and built himself a home in Haldimand Township. He was a faithful Roman Catholic and a member of the Holy Name Society. The funeral took place from Nelson Tait's funeral parlours on Saturday to St. iMohaeFs Church and Cemetery. . Among those Who atended the funeral were Mrs. Margaret Mc-Couley and IMr. and Mrs. J. H. Routh, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Coughlin of Rochester, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leonard and son of Toronto; Mirs. Sarah Heffernan, of Peterboro, andMr. Matt Dunn of -Haldi-miand Township. A Wonderful Flight Christian Science Monitor--"It was an innocent llitle press bulletin, the melee of a many-messaged n ing it almost slipped along to wastabasket. This is how it read: -- "Donald P. Conrigan, the American flier who took off from New York flight to California, dropped unheralded from the skies to-day at Baldon-nel. Ireland." Another 'nut flight,' we murmiured, moving the flimsy along toward 'the 'exit.' Then we caught the implication with something like the impact of a mule's hoof. What's this, what's this1? Ireland? Calif otrnia? Why, this young lad, without fuss, feathers, or fan-fare had quietly hopped off ostensibly on a more or less routine trip to California; skipped across the ocean; added another peg to the quickly accumulating proof that the world is small and men have got to learn, brotherhood. Yes, it belongs to category of deprecated 'stunts.' old crate; no license,; no provisions for failure; no permit. Most unorthodox! . But it was successful. It's going to be hard to discipline that lad!! Roadside Weeds Important Factor in Control Campaign Roads, Show Windows of the F Give Bad Impression When Marred by Unsightly Weeds--Clog Ditches and Spread Plant Disease on Ad joining Farm Lands. Farmers and city dwellers alike, will agree that country roads are the show windows of Ontario farms and are largely responsible for advertising products of the soil. If roads are mlarred by an unsightly growth of weeds, tourists get a bad impression and1 urban residents lose faith in rural Ontario as a producer of agricultural products second to none in the world. There are several good reasons why roadside weeds, should be wiped out of existence. They ('II) infest adjoining farm lands; (2) spread plant diseases; (3) are dangerous to traffic; (4) will gather and hold snow; (5) clog ditches on roadsides and thus hinder the flow of water and proper drainage of the road bed; (6) are dangerous from a fire standpoint; (7) are unsightly to residents and tourists' alike. The Weed Control Act of Ontario states roadside weeds must be de*-stroyed before seeds mature. "The Municipal Council, through its road authority, is responsible for seeing that this work is done. Proper grading of roadsides and removal of stones, stumps and brush will enable the road authority to do his work quickly and efficiently. A thick seed-inig of a good grass miixltuire will make a thick sod which prevents weeds from obtaining a foothold. Chemical killers have proved efficient and many municipalities have greatly improved county and township roads in a weed cleanup via the chemical route. Maybe your municipality has helped you out in this manner. If not. why cot? Don't forget the municipality is re-ponsible for eradication of all nox-ous weeds within its bounadies. E. Northumberland Baseball League Schedule Wednesday, August 10-- Grafton ait Colborne Rosenieiartih at Caistleton Saturday, August 13-- 'QaistleJton at Roseneath Wednesday, August 17-- Roseneath ait Grafton Colborne at Harwood Wednesday, August 24-- Harwood at Castleton Roseneath ait Colborne Saturday, August 27-- Harwood at Grafton Wednesday, August 31-- Grafton at Rosenelaith Colborne at Castleton Saturday, September 3-- Roseneath at Harwood Castleton at Colborne C. R. OOW1E, Secretary-Treasurer E. N. Baseball League Page Read the Condensed Ads c The HeKCuML Drug Store WHERE YOU SAVE WITH SAFETY SEASONABLE BARGAINS FOR EVERYONE KLEENEX 200 -- 15c 500 -- 35c FOR BETTER PICTURES USE KODAK FILM For Developing and Printing Leave Your Films with Us MOONGLOW MANICURE AIDS In each package: 8 Emery Boards................... 2 Orangewood Sticks .......... ( 1 5c 1 Cotton Roll ....................... ) CAMPANA'S SPECIAL Italian Balm ................ 60c Fitch Shampoo ............ 25c 85c value Both for 59c TEK tooth brushes 50c Gypsy Cream for sunburn 50c H ar 3 TUMS for indigestion 10c LISTERINE lc SALE SPECIAL 2 tubes Listerine Toothpaste 50c value for 26c FREE DECORATED TUMBLER with each purchase of a 1 lb tin of Fruit Saline -- 39c KOTEX Regu ar. Junior 23c BACHELOR FOR GENTLEMEN Bachelor Shaving Cream .............35c Bachelor Shaving Lotion........... 50c Bachelor Shaving Talc ................. 35c Bachelor Brilliantine.................. 35c KOTTAGE KIT The travelling medicine chest-......everything that is needed for the Complete -- $1.49 NU-FEET 25c pair 4-Square Floor Wax 39c tin .'. oap 10 bars 25c FOR SUNBURN Use Famous Noxema Ends pain -- Does not s~s 15c -- 54c -- $1.00 FLY-KIL SPECIAL The New Fly-Kil with the pleasant odour and a sprayer Both for 59c MODESS Certain -- Safe 21c DELICIOUS NOURISHMENT -1 at our - SODA FOUNTAIN PAPER SERVIETTES 15c pkg. Bathing Caps 19c - 29c 35c - 39c W. F. GRIFFIS Your Druggist Phone 85w We Deliver Colborne Beach Balls 25 eentis Six Ontario Centres Get Baseball Schools _ :ContinuiASg| the effort made las; development .tkf young baseball players in Ontari<>, the Toronto Baseball Club has f^n^unced that it will conduct baseba11 Schools this year ait St. Catharines T" ndon, Kitchener, Owen Sound, Bam<: and Peterboro. Last ye?1'- the Club held1 a school at Maple ke^f stadium in Toronto, but owing to faot that a great many players were unable to make the trip trt !Ue Queen City, it was deemed ady^a.hl'e to go out into the Province this summer and reach as many points ;i!g possible. The places selected Are regarded as central points emwra-t'ing the Ontario Baseball Association, it is planned to spend two dlaVs in each place. The dates sel<*aterl are St. Catharines, August 15, 1116 London, August 17, 18; Kitchener AlU*Uist 19, 20; Owen Sound Amgusit 212. 23 and Peterboro. August 26, 27. Clyde E3**SH, Dan Howley and Bert Perry of tfi® Toronto Club will assist the amate^'^lub officials In the instruction rhe players and the operation of tilH school. The various amateur c*™8 in Ontario are cooperating 'in *very way to make the tour a sue*568*, an,,j it is expected that a large nr1™^ of amateur players will take g^ntage of the opportunity to imipro>e their knowledge of the game. There W™ be no tuition fee and players of a" classes are eligible to attend. Pr^f^nce will be given, of course, to tho^ pia.ycrs already reg-ed wit'h t))e O.B.A. It is planned to hold th'e s"hool sessions from 11 m. to 4 r?-m. eaoh dayi Still wit!1™ striking distance of a play-off be"1™ in the International League catmPi(ign, the Maple Leafa 'making £<<iat efforts to improve their position in the standing and launch a firing streak that will carry them out of the second division. They have a trge numlber of important dates at *iome during the month of August, jilting with the double-header on Cltlc Holiday, August 1, against Sy^'iste, The clulbs in the southern e?no ^ t^e ,cjrcuit all have to make ar3*?,,. v,lgj;t t0 Ma,pi,6 L€af Stadium an ^ \iriy doubleheaders will be played. Tn^ Leafs will make their final swing: al"Mind the southern end starting Au"^*!. 4th and will be away from home ^tll Monday, August 15. when they PlEy hosts to the Newark Bears. The >' Hll remain home until the end of the month with the exception of Au#u&. 25, which is an open date in thhe schedule, and Sunday engagement!18 :u Syracuse and Montreal on Av.;eu ! 21 and 28. respective- AT MRS. LLOYD'S Permanents in all the Latest Styles '_ AT SUMMER PRICES Curl Ends, Oil Curl cnus, flair bonrafn TRY THE NEW ETERNOL OIL SHAMPOO cleanses, re-conditions hair, covers grey hair. Does not interfere with permanent waves PHONE COLBORNE 147 FOR APPOINTMENT BARGAINS at Redfearn's Variety Store Women's and Girls' Sockees .................................. 15c Broadcloth Slips ...................................................... 25c Hair Bandeau, braided silk .................................... 20c Men's Socks.............................................................. 25c Boys' Zipper Sweaters ............................................ 59c House Dresses, small sizes................................... 50c Ladies' Dresses ...................................................... $2.95 ALL KINDS COAL AND WOOD Jas. Redf earn & Son PHONES: Store 1, Residence 66 COLBORNE It is ind'06* a compliment to the Agricultural Apartments of the Provincial and ,Feleral Governments that firoin pract;:icaiy all' of the adjacent States, not' °>ly to speak of They are Here! What ? 2000 SAMPLE CLOTHS for Men's Suits and Coats for Fall 1938 TAILOR MADE -- AS LOW AS $18.00 Samples Shown in Your Home Buy the Modern Way--Right in your own home! Our Low Expense permits us to sell High Quality Clothes at Very Low Prices Special Values in Blue Serge 48 hour Dry Cleaning service on Men's Suits and Ladies' Dresses. Steam Laundry Agents Fred W. Hawkins Tip Top Clothes Dealer COLBORNE Percy Woods of near Elmiira pleaded guilty in police court at Kitchener terther afieeM/stadentroflgricuItOTe recently of driving a buggy at night are sent in" %r hundreds to attend without having a light attached to and study th, agri.Cuitural, horticul- the side. He was fined $1 and costs, cultural an<$ Restock displays at the . ,.,„,, . „ Canadian J«bnal Exhibition, I "Drive more safely m 1938 is a _--i-^._ j resolution every automobile owner Read corf^ed adis on page 5. ! might well make for this year. Dozens of military bands--glittering scarlet and gold--martial music such as brings a patriotic surge to the hearts of everyone--th.'s is the Military Tatoo, one of the outstanding attractions at the Canadian Na-tonal Exhibition, held this year on Saturday, August 27th only.

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