THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, OJLBORNE.'ftW.'f JOKB iS, 'Mi Sunday Lesson School LESSON I. JOSHUA: A CHOICE OF LOYALTIES -- Numbers 27: 15-23; Joshua 1: 1-9; 24: 1-31. Printed Text--Josh. 1: 2-6; 14-21 IOLDEN TEXT As for me and my house, we will serve Jehovah. Josh. 24: 15. THE ! ESSON IN ITS SETTING Tin. |--Joshua lived from 1537 L.r.--1427 B.C. Place:--The Jordan River is that twisting, rapid body of water dividing eastern and western Palestine, flowing from the Sea of Galilee to the Dead Sea in the south; Shechem was located in Kphraim between mounts Eba! and Gerizim- on the highway between Judaea and Galilee; Timnath-ser-ah was five miles southwest of Shechem, and seven miles north of Shiloh. Joshua appears in the Old Testament narrative considerably before the events recorded in the first passage assigned in our lesson. Thus in Exod. 17: 9-14, we find him assigned by Moses the task of choosing men to go »ut and fight with Amalek, a conflict in which Joshua was victorious; in Exod. 24: 13, Joshua is called the "minister" of Moses, meaning "his helper". The New Leader At the command of the Lord Moses took Joshua, the son of Nun, in whom dwelt the Holy Spirit, and, setting him before Eleazar, the priest, and before all the congregation he laid his hands upon him and gave him a charge, the words of which are recorded in Deut. 31: 7,8. Immediately upon the death of Moses, God finally confirms previous promises to Joshua, «nd leads him into the great task immediately before him with a gloriously encouraging and strengthening message. 2. Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan. The major part of Pales^ tine and the great proportion of events in sacred history are located on the western side of the Jordan River; the territory on the eastern side is, for the most part, quite barren, and today very sparsely populated. Thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel. Palestine >.k referred to as a gift of God nearly two hundred times in the Old Testament, beginning as far back as the twelfth chapter of the book of Genesis. Five hundred years have now passed since that early promise, and God is now about to bring to fulfillment the hopes of the children of Israel for a permanent 3. Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, to you have I given it, as I spake unto Moses. Cf. Deut. 11: 24; Josh. 14: 9. Land of Promise 4. From the wilderness. Tim wilderness is what is known as the wilderness of Arabia or the desert of Arabia, located to the south. And this Lebanon. This refers to the great mountain range known as the Lebanon Mountains far north in Syria. Even unto the great river, the river Euphrates. The nearer of the two great rivers of Mesopotamia, about 1,780 miles long, mentioned as one of the rivers of the Garden of Eden (Gen. 2: 14). All the land of the Hittites. And unto the great sea toward the going down of the sun. This, of course, refers to the Mediterranean Sea. Shall be your border. This huge territory was never fully occupied by the Israelit-ish people in all the hundreds of years that intervened between the conquest under Joshua and the Captivity under Nebuchadnezzar, eight hundred years later. 5. There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee; I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. 6. Be strong and of good courage; for thou shalt cause this people to inherit the land which I sware unto their fathers to give them. One might say that Joshua was to be strong both negatively and positively -- he was to be strong in resisting temptation, and ■ he was to be strong in carrying out the task which God gave him. Approximately twenty-five years have passed since the death of Moses and the entrance of the children of Israel into Palestine. Joshua is now an old man (110 years of age). 14. Now therefore fear Jehovah, and serve him in sincerity and in truth; and put away the gods which your fathers served beyond the River, and in Egypt; and serve ye Jehovah. Put away all the images of the dead deities of the ancient world, who could never give to them one tiny particle cf all the grace and wealth that God had conferred thei upon Are You Listening? By FREDDIE TEE 1 ilf! Iiiijiiinliiiili RAD Ml iiliiiiliiii! O -^-^ LOG-iiiSlf, u.i, 0 <foo woo 1200 ijoo moo ir«o ft e. bOO ■700 * In ir-.Eugurati ig thus c olumn of a Weekly Menu of best we Discovers Polio Cure? 1 424, 73 I : Wei ironto. Airlanes Gossip Tuffy Goff who plays Abner of "Luni and Abner" is going to spend his vacation in Canada fishing for trout and salmor. of-the mil: from our ( of pro- son (90), night on Federal For instance Edward G. Robinson's "Big Town" is first on the air at S p.m., E.D.S.T, Tuesdays and then again at 12.30 midnight. The same applies to Al Jolson's show, also "Gang Bv . rs", 10 p.m. Wednesday and 1 a.m. This later broadcast is for Pacific Coast listeners. The Canadian Radio Corporation, producers of DeForest Crosley, Majestic and Rogers, have just released a very complete radio log, listing all domestic, foreign and U.S.A. 16hg and short wave stations, also ?ekly Copy will be mailed free to anyone writing to Canadian Radio Corporation, 622 Fleet Street West, Toronto. Do You Know? HOW SOUNDS ARE MADE When you hear tl : realistic thunder rumbling or crashing explosions on a radio program, you have, no doubt w'ondered how they were made. This phase of radii Here' the 1 w-down on the sound business. Thunder--By beating a woolly urumstick on an electrically charged screen contacting a pickup, a very realistic thunder crash is Rain--Is imitated by birdseed thrown of a revolving tlir - fed by a hopper into a chute. Airplane--Easy! Just massage a tom-tom with an electric vibrator. Horses' Hoofs are cups slapped in gravel; waves are dried peas shaken in a screen. It all goes to show --yoi yoi New Special Events Unit Latest engineering development of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is a new mobile broadcasting unit, an acquisition of the Corporation's Special Events Department under R. T. Bowman, director. The uMt, which was demonstrated last week to eastern Ontario news- to Banff to do a series of National Parks broadcasts, will be used for the presentation of a wide variety of special programmes. It is believed that it will assist mater! illy in the development of important international exchanges and will be inavluable as a means of advertising Canada abroad. Dr. J. Eugene Saint-Jacques, of Montreal, who has attracted worldwide attention to himself because of his successful experimentations with intravenous injections of animal charcoal since 1933, has given new hope to mankind, in declaring that he believed animal charcoal injected in the spine may prove a positive cure for infantile paralysis. When you see "Robin Hood" you're going to see some remarkable archery; it will look as if Errol Flynn is a wizard with the bow and arrow. Bu the man behind the bow was really Howard Hill, and you will be able to see him in a film of his own before long--one of those Pete Smith shorts. Hill will go William Tell one better by lining up fifteen Every Man's Choice 15. And if it seem evil unto you to serve Jehovah, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amor-ites, in whose land ye dwell. A choice not only must be made by men, but a choice is made by every man. All human life demands a God. The men most loud in their declaration today that there is no God and will not have God are worshipping a God all the time. Human life is so constructed that it cannot live without an object of devotion, something that appeals to desire and to which all life is responsive. But as for me and my house, we will serve Jehovah. A man of Joshua*s achievements, a man of his unquestioned character, a man to whom millions of Israelites had looked for guidance and leadership, that man has an enormous influence over others, and now he is going to throw that influence, with all the power he possesses, into his pleading with the people of Israel to follow the only true and living God. 16. And the people answered and said, Far be it from us that we should forsake Jehovah, to serve other gods; 17. For Jehovah our God, he it is that brought us and our fathers up out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage, and that did those great signs in our sight, and preserved us in all the way wherein we went, and among all the peoples through the midst of _whom we passed; 18. and Jehovah drove out from before us all the peoples, even the Amorites that dwelt in the land; therefore we also will serve Jehovah; for he is our God. 19. And Joshua said unto the people, Ye cannot serve Jehovah; for he is a holy God; he is a jealous God; he will not forgive your transgression nor your sins. 20. If ye forsake Jehovah, and serve foreign gods, then he will turn and do you evil, and consume you, after that he hath done you good. Joshua, realizes that these people do not fully apprehend the profound significances and consequences of what they are saying. Joshua does not say that God will not forgive sin when sin is confessed and put away, but he does declare that he will not continue to bless his people and blot out their iniquities, or bear them away, if they continue in their sin and forsake the Lord their God. 21. And the people said unto Joshua, Nay; but we will serve Jehovah. They repeated previously expressed confidence in their own ability to serve the Lord and obey his law, and by their public protestation bare witness against themselves if they ever broke their engagement. Following this, Joshua set up a stone on this very spot, which for all the generations to follow would be a reminder to Israel of what had taken place that day. Record pretty girls with apples on their heads and shooting the apples off. Remember the days when no -er admit that any actor had a double for any stunt? They used to make Douglas Fairbanks have one sometimes, when the stunt was too dangerous--and he'd manage to do it himself when the vasn't afraid. Speaking- of Flynn--recently he worried Warner Brothers 110 little. He bought a new yacht, and decitied to go on a six months' trip in search of adventure. The executives objected. They finally gave him three weeks off. He had to go to Miami to get the yacht; he was to sail it through the canal, and fly to Hollywood to work in "Sister Act". Off he went, and off he stayed. He spent four weeks in Miami. A studio representative went after him, and went back without him. So Jeffrey Lynn, whose face isn't exactly familiar on the screen as yet, was given the lead in "Sister Act," with everybody cheering for him, and now the studio's delighted with his work. It may be another of those cases where a star walks out and a new star walks right in. If Jeffrey Lynn does climb to stardom he can thank Bette Davis for giving him a start. While appearing in a road company of a New York stage success he was given a screen test by Metro. Nothing came of it so far as Metro was concerned, but Miss Davis saw the test and wanted Lynn for a role in "Jezebel." He didn't get it, but Warner Brothers liked the test and gave the young man a contract. They're admitting now that the clever Miss Davis was right when she refused to play in "Comet Over Broadway," saying that the • Mi BETTE DAVIS story and dialogue weren't up to scratch. One newspaper man called it "a very badly written story full of inane dialogue." Jimmy Cagney has bought three tractors for his farm at Martha's Vineyard, and would rather talk crops than movies any day. They're a smart family, those Cag-neys; his sister took honors at Hunter college the other day. Unlike some news broadcasters, Boake Carter writes his own stuff, his wife, who used to be society editor of a Philadelphia newspaper. ODDS AND ENDS: -- Judging by recent demonstrations, it looks as if television would be in its infancy for a long time to come . .. Helen Hayes is willing to return to the movies if somebody can find her a story as good as "Farewell to Arms" ... "Farewell," etc., has recently been re-edited, because of the mix-up in international affairs, and will be reissued ... If "Women Against the World" comes your way you'll see Alice Moore, daughter of Alice Joyce, in a leading role . . . The novel, "Sixteen Hands," has been bought for the screen for Bob Burns; it's a story about a mule . . . He'll do "Arkansas Traveler" too . . . And he went to court the other day to ask that the records he made in 1933 and 1934 be kept out of circulation, on the ground that they injure his reputation as a creative artist ... In 1934 he made $1500; in 1937, $400,000 . . . Nothing like getting a good break, and deserving it! Rode 578 Miles On Toy Tricycle A 44 - year - old Melbourne ex-Serviceman, Alfred Wilkinson, has just ridden 578 miles from Melbourne to Sydney on a child's tri- Pointless sort of thing to do, you think? Not at all. He did it in 9 days, 23 hours, 25 minutes-- call it 10 days for the sake of working out the fact that he earned $62.50 a day by his feat. The tricycle was an ordinary stock model, 2 ft. 6 ins. high, the only alteration being the fitting of a special saddle and a longer saddle pin. One of the conditions was that while he was riding his feet should never touch the ground. Germany is expected to spend $4,500,000,000 on rearmament this year. Save Memento Of Rebellion Movement Is On Foot to Preserve Historic Blockhouse In Alberta--Figured in Riel Rebellion, 1885. Crumbling in places, Fort Eth-ier blockhouse stands today as one of Alberta's few mementos of the Riel Rebellion of 1885. Efforts to have the structure preserved by the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada have been made to Judge F. W. Howay of New Westminster, the board's western member, by service clubs of Edmonton and. Wetaskiwin, Alta. Five miles north of Wetaskiwin and about 35 miles south of Edmonton, the old blockhouse stands only a few yards from the main highway linking Calgary and Edmonton and less than 100 yds. from the Calgary-Edmonton line of the Canadian Pacific railway. The fort's foundation is slipping now, with a possibility the whole structure may tumble into a ravine running alongside it. Some of the hewn logs in its walla are rotting and the near-cyclone which swept through Alberta May 12 ripped some planks off the roof. But most of the logs in It are still sound. Especially well preserved is the floor between the first and second storeys. Initials in the logs and trenches, some of them still marked in the surrounding ground, show a large force was -stationed there back in 1885. Dancing Star HORIZONTAL 1, 5 Dancer pictured here, 10 Bugle plant. 11 In. 12 Hint to a mystery. 13 Exclamation. 15 To care for. 17 Flock.' 18 Melodic passage. 20 Exists. 21 To love excessively 22 Beast of burden. 23 Fortified work 26 Dress bottom. 28 More costly 30 Dress arm. 31 Distinctive theory. 32 Hog. 34 Fish. 35 Queer. 37 God of war. 39 To perform. 41 Monkey. 43 Sound of surprise. 44 Stalk. partner. 45 Deposits. 59 Now he stars 47 Neuter irl motion pronoun. ----s. 48 Magistrate. VERTICAL 50 Shed as blood. T v 52 Wall-bred 2 Vexes. womar 54 Notice of a future marriage. 56 Stir. 57 Os. 3 Always. 4 One who dallies (pi.) 5 Judgments. 6 Musical note. 7Funished with 58 His «-- (pi.) antlers, was formerly 8 Virginia his dancing willow. 9 Vocal composition. 12 He danced ! professionally 14 Sickles. 16 He is famous for his-. 19 Usefulness,.,^ 23 Invasion by police. 24 To abdicate,. 25 Measure 01 27 Golf devices. 29 3.1416. 32 Treeless plains. 33 Springing gait. 36 Low caste ill India. 38 Thing. 40 Pussy. 42 Helper. 44 Dispatched. 1 46 Coin slit. 49 Aeriform fuel. 51 Idant. 53 God of sky 55 South east. 57 Before Christ. THIS WILL MAKE YOUR MOUTH WATER IUSCIOUS, ripe, red strawberries and crisp, golden-brown *~ Shredded Wheat topped off with a generous serving of milk or cream. Nature's perfect flavor offerings, delicious, light, wholesome ... a complete meal for the hottest days. SHREDDED WHEAT MADE IN CANADA - OF CANADIAN WHEAT