Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 2 Jun 1938, p. 4

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Page Four THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1938 CASTLETON May 31st, 1938 Mr. Douglas Macintosh has gone to Kirkland Lake to work. Mrs. C. Whitney spent Saturday with friends at Campbellford. Mrs. Edith Warner is improving her home by having it painted. Mirs. M. MicFiggins of Fenella called on Mrs. J. Baptist on Sunday. Miles Cardie Homes spynt Sunday with her friend. Miss Helen Naish. Mrs. Harold Coffee of Toronto is visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Coffee. Mr. John Prater of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bowen, last waak. Mr. and Mrs. Young of Warkworth spent Sunday with Mr. Robt. McGregor. Mr. J. Arkils of Bancroft spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. J. Mir. Ed. Johnson of Rochester spent the weekend with Mr. and Mirs. Jack John's Kill- ling ea on Sun-Mend, Mr. eth Gaffield. A. B. Sayles of Oak Height 5 a guest at the United Church mag© on Monday, •ci'al meetings a me contitnuing in ree Methodist Church this week, al speakers at all meetings!. Riay Bowen lis very busy these getting ready for the big event 3 toiv.-n hall on PrCda- Mr. and Mrs. Rex Haynes spent Sunday with his father, Mr. finos Mir. and Mrs. Clarence McGregor amd family of Grafton spent Sunday with relatives here. Rev. M. L. Hinton will assist at the 40th Anniversary of the Glenalda United Church on the Coe Hill Mission. ;Mlr. Hinton was the minister at that Church 30 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Vanwii kiin, Mirs. S. Vanwicklin, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mai lory and Mrs. Star from Rochester spent the weekend with Mr. and Mors*. Herman Lean. The Women's Missionary Society will hold am at home on Thursday. June 2nd. at the home of Mrs. Jas. Honeywell. All women of the congregation are invited to attend. The many frtiendls of Mt. David Dingwall! sir. dieleply regret his illness. At tiniie of writing he is very low. A most beloved and honoured gentleman whose quiet life left its mark The Pentecostal Church is holding special meetings every night this week. Mondays and Saturdays excepted. The services wil be conducted by Evangelist Hobson. Special music at every meeting. iMir. Orville Kelly of Warkwonth ha aftei Bsir ; Ullio s Co- Mn Chas. Hainrdera, at Cammel. Mr. Smith and daughter, Mrs. C. I Puffer, and the latter'? moth^r-in-'aw. i Mrs. Puffer of Cramahe Hill, spent Sunday with Mrs. R. Puffer. Mr®. J. E. Wolfrtatai, Mr®. P. A. Thompson, Mirs. W. Covert, Mr. W. Wo'lfraim spent Saturday in Cemtre-'oii. attending Mr. Frank Wolfraim's M-rtInlay party. Mii,ss H. Bowditch, Mrs. Chas. Wol-1 fraim and Mts. H. Welton at'ended 1 the direetoirts' meeting of East North-1 umberlamd Women's Institute at : Codtrington. Mr. and Mns. Everett Males and ! two children. Mr. Herbert Rogers^ j Miss Bivnnhami. Mr. and Mns. R. U.\ Mlales of Rochester spent the week end with Mr. and Mns. Abe Warner. I I bourg Pre: The member® of Castleton Women's , Institute are planning on visiting the i Gnaftori Women's Institute on Thujrs-i day. June 16th, at the home of Mrs. I J. Biacklock. There will be' no rogu-| la;r June mieeting here. About thirty children and adults enjoyed the trip to Toronto by railway on Saturday. The Museum.. Zoo, ! Parliament buildings, as well iais the I Royal York Hotel and other important buildings were a sight seeing to all. Those who took this trip will not soon forget it. The Women's mieeting of the Wes-leyan Methodist Church, was held at the home of Mrs. A. Olmstead, on Wednesday afternoon of last week. The President, Mrs. ,T. A. Bennett opened the meeting with hymn No. MORGANSTON 'May 31st, 1938 Mr. Orvai Kelly is announced to conduct next Sunday services. Mr. and Mrs. M. Ames of Plainville were visitors at Mr. C. Massey's last Sunday. The Aid had a large attendance at the home of Mm. B. Vanblarieom last Wednesday. Mir. and Mrs. Percy Moore and Mrs. George are on a motor trip to Saskatchewan. Mirs. Huyck, Mrs. Niohol and Mrs. Pomeroy left on the excursion to Moose Jaw, last week. Several of the children, Mir. Bray and Miss Hardinge were among the 900 in the Toronto trip on Saturday. Mr. and Mns. Keith Hadley and sons amd Mr. and Mrs. S. Hannah of Trenton visited the former's parents. Mr. and Mir®. Reynolds, on Sunday. 1 followed by prayer. The Bible reading, Psalm 27, was read by Mite. J. A. Bennett. The moll call was answered by a Scripture verse. Readings were given by Mrs. Olmstead. Mrs. Bookout and Mrs. Gillespie. Do not forget the big event to 'he held in the town hall, the Mommoth Amateur. Contest. Keep the date open, Friday, June 3rd. Valuable' Prizes. An opportunity to take part in Ken Soble's Program. This contest is to be held as the closing night of the League for the season. The winner may appear before Ken Sable June 8th at Roseneath. The winner at Roseneath will have the opportunity of a radio audition at Toronto. Remember the date--June. 3rd. Contest sponsored by the Y.P.L. For further details see Ray Bowen. FREE METHODIST MISSION CASTLETON Sunday School--2.30 p.m. Preaching Service--3.00 p.m. Evangelistic Service--7.30 p.m.. Prayer Meeting--7.30 Wednesday eveining. Revival Services aire on nor.'. Everyone welcome. Sunday 7.30 p.m Week nights 8.00 o'clock. C. W. Kay, Pastor. I. M. Louckis, Evangel st. LAKEPORT May 31st, 1938 Mrs. Yandervoort of Hamilton is visiting hen- sister. Mrs. Adams. Mr. Gordon Kirk of Detroit, Mich., is visiting his moth. r. Mrs. J. Kirk. ' We aire saury to report Miss Mary Fagg is not very well ait time of writ-Mr. and Mrs. Harry Day and baby of Oartmiel visited friends here on Sunday. IMr. and Mrs. R. McAd'am® and Mr. C. Bugg of Oolbome visited Mr. and Mirs. Ben More on Sunday. We 'are 'sorry .Mrs. .lames Shaw is ill and in Cobouiig General Hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Hanry Edwards of Oobourg is spending a few days 'at the home of his brother, Mr. Archie Edwards. Messrs. Mac Pettibome, Geo. Bishop and Bob Irvine left on Tuesday evening to work on the extwa C.P.R. gang. Mr, and Mrs. D. Orroek, Mr. and Mrs. B. Warner and daughter Ada, Mrs. Ben More and Mr. and Mins. Harry Oke spent last Friday evening in Cobourg. EDVILLE May 31st 1938 of Mr. Mrs ■ Mellon- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Samis and children, Leslie and Muriel, spent Sunday ait the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Howe. Miss Dorothy Walker spent the past weekend at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mir. amd Mrs. Harry Walker, Toronto. Miss Dorothy M'c-Donald and Mir. Billy Sprung spent the weekend at Toronto, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Sprung. Dr. and Mrs. VaniLuven, accompanied by their mother, of Consecon, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Famrow during the past Mirs. Jos. Mutton, accompanied by her daughter, Misis Helen, spent somie time during the past week at the home of her sisters. Misses We'llie amid Annie Himtman. BIG EVENT MAMMOTH^ AMATEUR CONTEST IN THE TOWN HALL CASTLETON Auspices of the United Church Young People's Society FRIDAY JUNE 1938, AT 8 P. M. Open to all for all kinds of entertainment. Applicants to notify Ray Bowen, Castleton, not later than June 2nd. Independent Judges. PRIZES: 1st $3.00 - 2nd $2.00 - 3rd $1.00 Winner of 1st prize to appear before Ken Soble in a contest at Roseneath June 8. Winner at Roseneath will be given a Radio Audition at Toronto ADMISSION: Adults 25c - Children 15c RAYMOND BOWEN, President Mrs. W. R. BAXTER, Treasurer VERNONVILLE May 31st, 1938 Mrs. M. Oalnan visited friends in Colborne last Thursday. » Miss Bessie Harnden visited friends in Oobourg on Friday last. Mrs. Alec Woodruff visited friends in Oobourg for a couple of days last Mrs. Winter of Lakeport is visiting at the home of Mt. and Mrs. C. H. Winter,. Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston) of Cobourg called on friends in the village last Friday. Members of Women's Institute attended the summary and talk on Friday held at Cobourg. IMr. .and Mrs. Joe War man of Toronto visited her mother, Mrs. A. Mac-Murray, over the weekend. Miss Isobel May of Castleton has been visiting her friend, Miss Bessie Harnden, for the past week. Mrs. James Deviney was in Rochester on Friday, attending the funeral of her uncle, Thomas Ventress. Members of the Junior Glee Club attended the Cobourg Capitol Theatre to see the picture "Merrily, We Live" Mr. and Mrs'. Tom Kernaghan and daughter of Lakeport visited at her pairemts' homie in the village last Thursday. Mrs. Alfred Larry and daughter, Miss Ber nice Lartry, spent Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mr. amd Mrs. Jack Cowey. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Morton, Mr. and Mirs. Joe Ansell amd daughter of Port Hope spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fitchett. Informal.ion concerning the names of persons wro have certified seed potatoes for sale, and the treatment of the seed and the spraying of the crop when necessary in Ontario, may be obtained from O. W. Lamhine, Dominion Seed Potato Certification Service. Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. BROWN'S CORNERS May 30th, 1938 Jas. English. Mns. V. Coombs of Wooler spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ferguson. Mr. and Mr®. Oeicil Coombs of Wooler wiere Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ferguson. Mr. Gordon Muniroe and two daughters were im Toronto on Saturday last taking in the excursion. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fish called on Mir. amid Mrs. R. Bellamy of Union Xeighheurhood on Tuesday last. Mr. Lockie McCracken. who is employed with W. Fraser. M.P. spent Sunday with Mr. Walter Ferguson. Mr. and iMr®. Arthur McCraicken attended the funeral of Miss Hannah Canr, at Norham. on Moncay last. Mir. and Mrs, Manley Patrick and daughter of Wicklow were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. NeJsotnj Fish. Mr. and iMlrs. W. W. Rose were Sunday guests with their daughter and son-in-tow, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Metcalf. Sorry to report that Mastor Hughie McManus is confined to his bed with plural pneumonia. We all wish him a speedy recovery. Quite a number of neighbours and friends from Colborne called on Mr. and Mras> Hugh MicMamus to enquire for .Master Hughie. who at time of writing is not much improved. Mr. ind Mrs Hen mil Mr. Cole's son. who underwent am operation in Cobourg General Hospital recently. Canadian flue-cured tobacco on the Britiish Market competes primarily with that produced in the United States and Southern Rhodesia. Prices received for Canadian toba.ccc compare favourably with those paid for Americal leaf and have been consistently higher than those pa'd for Rhodesian tobacco. Wicklow-Vernonville Women's Institute 1938 -- 1939 august - j Hostess--Mrs. IM. Rutherford j Convener--Mrs. W. Gillesp:e 1 Subject--Girls' Day j Roll Call--Wear flower beginning with your initial | Current Events--Marion Devinev -- Girls' Work -- Mrs. OFFICERS and COMMITTEES President--Mrs. WT. Calder 1st Vice-Pres.--Mrs. W. Hoskin jr. 2nd Vice-Pres.--Mrs. W. Gillespie Secretary--Mrs. C. B. Turk Treasurer--Mrs. H. Fiske Press Reporter--Mrs. J. Deviney Assistant Press Reporter--Mrs. A. Kernaghan Directors--Mrs. MacGregor Mrs. C. Rutherford, Mrs. H. Knight, Mrs A. Kernaghan, Mrs. Fenton, Mrs. J. G. Waite. District Director--Mrs. F. Kernaghan District Representatives--Mrs. W. Rutherford, Mrs. C. McGuire Pianists--Mrs. Knight, Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. M. Rutherford Auditors'--WrVs. C. Waite, Mrs. M. Rutherford Membership Committee--Mts. A. T. Waite, Mrs. G. Findlay, Mrs. G. Rutherford. Sunshine Committee-- Wicklow: Mrs. Winney jr., Mrs. G. Findlay Vernonville: Mrs. Turk, Mrs. A. T. Waite East End: Mrs. Fenton, Mrs. McGuire School and Home Committees-- Wicklow: Mrs. F. Kernaghan, Mrs. Knight Vernonville: Mrs. J. Massey, Mrs. Deviney ' Stone School: Mrs. Skinkle, Mrs. A. Kernaghan. East End: Mrs. T. Wells, Mrs. E. Kernaghan Conveners of Standing Committees Community Activities and Relief-- Mrs. J. Deviney Health and Child Welfare--Mrs. F. Kernaghan Legislation--Mrs. A. Rutherford Peace Education and International Relations--Mrs. C. Rutherford. Home Economics--'Mrs. W. Hoskin jr. Historical Research and Current Events1--'Mrs. Fenton Agriculture and Canadian Industries --Mrs. MacGregor Education--Mrs. M. Rutherford Canadianization--Mrs. A. Kernaghan Lunch Committee--Mrs. W. S. Gillespie, Mrs. W. Haig, Mrs. C. A. Waite, Mrs. A. Kernaghan Met PROGRAMME MAY Hostess--Mrs. MacGregor Convener--'Mrs. C. A. Waite Subject--The Call of the Great Outdoors- and The Miracle of Spring Roll Call--A Verse of Nature Poeti Current B)vents--Mirs. Skinkle Demonstration--Ironing a shirt--Mi H. Fiske Sandwiches--IMrs. Calder, Mrs. De- Contest-- Sandwiches--Mrs. Hoskin sr., Mrs. A. Kernaghan, Mrs. E. Kernaghan Cake--Mrs. F. Kernaghan. Mrs. A. Larry, Mrs. Knight SEPTEMBER Hostess---Mrs. A. Kernaghan Convener--Mrs. J. G. Waite Subje-.-t--Fall Gardening Roll Call--Storing of winter vegetables and bulbs Current Events--Mrs. Wells Jar of Fruit for Old Folks' Home Sand .viches--Mrs. Leeming,.. 'Mrs. -Wr-- MacGregor, Mrs. Massey Cake--Mrs. McGuire, Mrs. Pierson, Mrs. Robinson OCTOBER Hostess--Mrs. Wm. Calder Convener--Mrs. W. Rutherford Subject--Health and Happiness Roll Call--Health Hints for Winter Current. Events--.Mrs. Massey Report of Belleville Convention Sandwiches--Mrs. A. Rutherford, Mrs. C. Rutherford, Mrs. G. Rutherford Cake--Mrs. M. Rutherford, Mrs. W. Rutherford. Mrs. Sherwin. NOVEMBER Hostess--Mrs. Fiske Convener--Mrs. Findlay sr. * Subject--.Meaning of the Christmas Spirit Roll Call-^Christmas Suggestions Current Events--Peace paper--Mrs. W. Calder Demonstration--Mrs. Winney ChristmajsiExchange--Mrs. MacGregor Sandwiches--Mrs. Skinkle, Mrs. Turk, Mrs Ushei vine Mrs Fen to This contest is to be held as the closing night of the League for the season june Hostess--Mrs. J. G. Waite Convener--Mrs. A. Kernaghan Subject--"Lady Tweedsimuir" Roll Call--Canadian Wjomen of Note, and why Current Events--Mrs. Fitchett Report of District- Annual, Collection for Picnic Prizes Sandwiches--Mrs. Fitchett, Mrs. Gendron, iMrs. C. Gillespie Cake--Mrs. W. Gillespie, Mrs. Haig, Mrs. W. Hoskin jr. JULY Picnic--Cobourg Park Convener--Mrs. J. Deviney Lunch by all memibers DECEMBER j Oyster Supper at Grafton Town Hall I Conveners--Mrs. F. Kernaghan, Mrs. j Knight, Mrs. Turk, Mrs. G. Rutherford. j For memibers and their families only JANUARY ; Hostess--Mrs. C. B. Turk i Convener--Mirs. A. T. WTaite Subject--Home Economics Roll Call--An Economy Wrinkle Current Events--Mrs. Gendron sr. 1 Sandwiches--Mrs. Wells. Mns. PI. Williams, Mrs. Fr. Williams Cake--Mrs. Wilson, Mrs.Wimiev. MraC Carswell FEBRUARY Hostess--Mrs. G. Findlay sr. Convener--Mrs. M. Rutherford Subject--Poetry and some poetry set to music Roll Call--Quotation from my favorite poet. Current Events--Mrs. E. Kernaghan Sandwiches -- Mrs. Deviney, Mrs. Fenton, Mrs. G. Findlay, jr. Cake--Mrs. G. Findlay sr.. Mrs. Fitchett, Mrs. Gendron sr. • MARCH Hostess'--Mrs. Knight. Conveneir-^Mrs. McGuire Subject--The Home Beautiful Roll Call--Housecleaning hints Current Events--Mrs. Fr. Williams Sandwiches--Mrs. C. Gillespie. Mrs W- Gillespie, Mrs. Haig Cake--Mrs. Hoskin sr., Mrs. Hoskin jr., Mrs. A. Kernaghan APRIL Hostess--Mrs. W. Gillespie Convener1--President Subject--Annual Meeting Roll Call--Pay Your Fee and Join Current Events--Mrs. Gendron jr. Sandwiches--Mrs. E. Kernaghan, Mrs. F. Kernaghan, 'Mirs. Knight Cake--Mrs. Larry, Mrs. Leem'ing, Mrs. MacGregor

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