Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 17 Mar 1938, p. 7

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COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORNE, ONT., MAR. 17th, 1938 Classified Advertising AGENTS WANTED AGENTS. DROP EVERYTHING FOR our line. Whirlwind seller, big re-aazing profits. Craige WANTED: MAN FOR RAWLETGH Route. Route will be permanent if you are a hustler. For particulars write Rawleigh's, Dept. M.L. 397-101-C, Montreal, Canada. ARTICLES FOR SALE SPECTACLE FRAMES, i scriptions filled. Specia By mail. Schaefer Optica BOOKS i > MAGAZINES TOUR FAVOURITE MAGAZINES OF-fer thrilling and fascinating entertainment, vital instruction, and helpful inspiration at surprisingly low prices. Subscriptions make excellent gifts, too. Complete list free on request. D. Scott Service, Toronto 10, CARPENTERS, PAINT HANDBOOK FOR CARPENTERS, Painters, Handymen, etc. Concrete, Bricklaying, Sawfiling, Brazing, Sol- COOD USED CLOTHING. LOWEST prices. Write for catalogue. Yonge Street Clothing Exchange. 502 Yonge Street Toronto._ EDUCATIONAL Stationary Engineers lor examination unless you are ^properly prepared. MAKE SURE OF Write School of Statioi fog, Paris, Ontario. DEAF? BONE CONDUCTION. A NEW METH-od that gives you natural hearing through the bones of the head. The Potter Bone Conduction, the smallest made is applied to the bone behind the ear. nothing on nor in the ear. The miracle of the age. Write to H. Potter Company, 405 Ryrie Building, Toro irn DEVELOPING AND PRINTING Roll developed and printed, 25c; reprints, 10 for 25c. Ray's Photo Service, Station J, Toronto. FREE!--TWO BEAUTIFUL ENLARGE-ments (one colored) with roll developed, eight glossy, fade-proof prints, 28e; highest quality. Machray BOLL DEVELOPED AND ELECTRIC, HAND OR POWER MEAT choppers and bone grinders; fully ^ guaranteed. A. J. Deer Company, 158 FOR SALE--150 ACRES IN LAMBTON County. Apply N. Leach, R.R. No. 3. Wyoming, Ontario. FOR SALE -- EASTERN FEMALE mink bred to Steven and Martin males, $35. John Watkinson, Strat-ford, Ontario._ FUR FARMING Mink raising -- sample copy magazine 10c, book catalog free. Fur Trade Journal. Box 31, Toronto, On- WIGS, TOUPES, TRANSFORMATIONS, Braids, Curls, and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for illustrated catalogue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co.. 528 Bathurst, Toron- • 000 EDMONTON CITIZENS TESTIFY for (R. and S.) Powder, herbal remedy--rheumatism, arthritis, neuritis, ______onth"$3; two months. $s! iggists, or J. C. Mclntyre, Herbal-Edmonton, Alberta. Agents: Ly- NOVELTIES DRESSED DOLL, EASTER CHICKEN, Cow Boy Doll, Paper Hat, Balloon Dancing Monkey, Blow Out and Horn all for 60c postpaid. Circ I Robert Harvie. 238 King St. East, OFFICE EQUIPMENT -FIRE-PROOF SAFES, $50 AND UP, Cash Registers, Credit Systems, Counter Check Books. Send postcard for --' ited folders. McCaskey Sys-nited, Gait, Ontario. OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR, st of inventions and full informa-in sent free. The Ramsay Company, tgistered Patent Attorneys, 273 USE PIDARD markabh medy f o i heaves. Satisfaction is guaranteed egardless of the length of time your horse has juffeied from this disease. By mail $1.00. Chs. Eug. Girard. Ste. othee. Laval. Quebec. LYONS' TRADE-IN DEPT. 478 Yonge St. CHESTERFIELD SPECIALS ^I^Q1? Three piece suite, upholst QIO.JO ed ln d quality m erial, Marshall reversible spring eu ions. Thoroughly clean. $22.50 ^orrlV^°ter $32.00 !enXUIta -pic( tapestry. Reversible muiiH. Thoroughly cleaned. $42.50 sha'le re^at erial with figured reversible Marshall cushions, in perfect condition. Terms. BED ROOM SPECIALS «99 Cfl Large triple mirror vanity, $^.3U compietely refinished, steel be^d to match, sagless spring and new, $39.00 su^ed, with sagTe^spr/ng! alnut finish. . 1 1 ■ ' < ' - - large chiffonier. Completely refinisho< . tfiQ flfl 5-piece suite, large dresser, «PD»-W triple mirror vanity, full size bed, with sagless spring, and double-door ehiffrobe. Completely refinished. DINING ROOM BARGAINS $21.50 f'olid oalc _extension chai buffet and 6 leather table and 6 leather seat chai $45.00 ™™ •fet^t™ Completely refinished. $59.00 S"?»r,t,n,n? p.iei ' Englis: _______n table, cmna ci iather upholstered chai solid oak refinished. $89.00 and 6 leather seat and back Completely refinished. BASEMENT SPECIALS $14,95 1 " .li.'d.os r,arg ■ Completely t of all kes. All guar- $11 50 Kitchen cabinet with pore, ?n.ou ]ain top Good condition <Cg QC 3 and 4 burner gas stoves, a * in good condition. $5 95 and up' Lar^e assortment ( $12.50 Sectional bookcases, completely refinished. goods are completely reconditioned carefully packed, ready for prompt sold under a money-back guaran- LYONS' TRADE-IN DEPT. 478 Yonge St. -- Toronto LEARN TRUE SIGNIFICANCE OF latent forces in your nature. Send stamped, addressed envelope. Box 352, New Westminster, B.C. QUIT TOBACCO, SNUFF. DRINKING, easily, Inexpensively. Home remedies, Testimonials. Guaranteed. Advice free. Box 1, Winnipeg. ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, COM-fort, positive support with our ad-straps or steel! Write, Smith Manufacturing Co., Dept. 219. Preston, Ont. SAVE MONEY. MAI- : i'ACE CREAMS, lotions, chest rubs, cleaners in your .>:••■=t formulas 50c. Woodhead, Bo> QUIT TOBACCO. SNUFF, DRINKING, easily, inexpensively. Home remedies-. Testimonials. Guaranteed. Advice BREEDING COl_____ oit, St. Jude, Quebec, writes: "Barred Rock Special Mating pullets commenced to lay at 4 months and 8 days. Laying 62 per cent in October and eggs graded nearly all a i«ro-»» Send for copy of Tweddle I with Tweddle ( tell 5 lalogue u their Tweddle Chic CHICKS -- BARRED ROCKS AND White Leghorns; all breeders blood-tested and under Government Approval; I. J. Ardagh. Streetsvllle, Ontario, Box E. to 3 we as long as this supply lasts, for prices. ISray 1 atcherv. 130 John St. North, Hamilton, Ontario. TRENT "BIG - REVENUE" CHICKS are fast becoming a Buy-Word and Standard for Superior Chicks among poultry minded people, because they quickly turn feed and labor 'nto "Profits". Ready now. Trent Electric Hatchery, Trenton, Ont. BETTER BABY CHICKS FROM OUR large Leghorns. Wonderful wintei layers of big, white egg's. Write for ■ ' - : 1 i V , , t ; ■ . o 1_ U . ■. f '■ 11 a I i W : o o I, Poultry Farm, Aylmer, Ontario. F'li; IMMEDIATE I •<• UP. COCKERELS 1!'.. up. Would you weigh l'i tn_ lbs, /eight? Write for a GUARANTEED I T LAST JOU^ C iod testing, twelve years of Sele * Breeding and fifteen rears of . rience to produce chicks that e 133 and Windsc It is well to be a leader, but be ireful what you lead. Someone has probably told you that a masseuse lives off the fat of the land. If she washes dishes for $5 a week that is servitude. If she does it for nothing, that is romance. Wasted opportunities are usually found on a bench in the park or hanging around a pool room. A few may begin at the bottom and rise but more people begin at the bottom and stick there. Instead of more people per square mile, the world needs more square people per mile. About all you can say for minding your neighbor's business is that you never run out of something to do. Maybe we do get short weight for our money but the grocer has a long wait for it. --o-- We've tried everything, even going to bed early, but ideas don't seem to come any easier. Still, how'd you like to be so homely, that, whatever you did, people wouldn't talk about you? Good salesmanship is selling goods which won't come back to customers that will. One thing about a radio speaker, he stops when his time is up, not always true of some after-dinner speakers. Today is no different from the day on which you began your record Over the radio we hear classical music, jazzical music and jackassical It's the easiest thing in the world for us to raise the devil with our children for raising the devil we used to raise ourselves when we were children. Read It Or Not No moving object can reverse its course without coming to a complete stop--such as a bullet meeting a cannonball. My Work Let me but do my work from day to day, In field or forest, at the desk or In roaring market-place or tranquil Let me find it in my heart to say When vagrant wishes beckon me astray, "This is my work; my blessing, not my doom; Of all who live, I am the one by whom This work can best be done in the right way." Then shall I see it not too great, nor small, To suit my spirit and to prove my powers; Then shall I cheerful greet the laboring hours, And cheerful turn, when the long shadows fall At eventide, to play and love and rest, Because I know for me my work is best.--Henry VanDyke. From the Grave "I am here from the grave, and I want to be heard immediately because I want to get back," said a man, in earth-soiled clothes, to the judge at a small Hungarian court. He was a grave-digger. The lifeboatmen of England saved 523 lives last year. TANNING EXPERT TANNING OF HIDES FOR harness, lace and robes. Bear, deer furs. Free list and tags. Towne & RANI) Iff ALARTIC Bought--Sold--Quoted GMrttO ff«« |X{HAN6t 60 KINO ST. W. - TORONTO Handshaking Has Drawback Originated As An Act to Bind Contracts, Not Salutation Handshaking, once a gentle gesture of agreement, peace or friendship, continues in modern times to develop painful consequences -- as the retiring Governor of New Jersey recently discovered when the ceremony raised a blister on his right hand. Presidents at their levees have often suffered muscular lameness from taking this salute, says the New York Times. At an official reception, in Canada Duke of Windsor, then Prince of Wales, felt a bone crack under the overhearty handclasp of a cowpunch- Part of Ancient Ceremony The custom of handshaking did not originate as a salutation but as an act binding a contract. The grasping of hands was part of the ancient Hindu marriage ceremony. It passed into a mannerly courtesy in Rome. Giving the right hand of fellowship as mentioned in the Bible (Gal. 11:9), spread throughout Christendom and had become usual as a salutation in the Europe of the Middle Ages. Extending the right, or sword, hand symbolized an unarmed approach. All through Byzantium the custom reached the Moslem communities, where it was adopted as a lqgal formality, but there the joining of hands meant the pressing of thumbs together. Some African tribes substituted the handclasp for their habit of showing de- ior. less oi gMn ( English Shake Least Thus the handshake was at iod hitherto likely to give but to be a reassuring, ingratiating greeting. The heavy grip began as a more or less clumsy attempt to emphasize one's inner feeling of hail-fellow cordiality. Even that is considered less of an ordeal than the greeting customs of certain aborigines -- the embraces of Australian blacks, the nose rubbings of Polynesians, Malays, Eskimos and Laplanders. The Japanese obeisances and genuflections, accompanied by hissing, is supposed to have derived from the cowering or the crouching attitudes of humility in the ancient East. Among modern Europeans the English are said to shake hands less frequently than others; the French do shake hands upon meeting and departing; and the Germans repeatedly, on the slightest occasion. Cave Man's Words Still Used Today Professor-Says Phrases Are More Figurative Now Figures of speech which were an integral part of the cave man's simple language now occupy a prominent place in the modern vocabulary, according to William Hawley Davis, professor of English at Stanford University and editor of the Stanford University Press, Palo Alto, California. Davis said the cave men used such figures of speech as "back-biting," "back-scratching," "skinning alive," "girding up one's loins" and other expressions much in use today. Existence Very Real Then Davis said that existence on the cave man level was still very real to the average person. To the cave man, explained, a "bone of contention," an "eye for an eye" and "cut-throat com-petititoti" meant more than they do to us; but we can still use each freely. "Literally," he said, "the cave man 'wielded a big stick,' 'left no stone unturned,' 'kept an ear to the ground,' found a 'bird in the hand worth two in the bush' and 'killed two birds with one stone,' whereas now these expressions are used figuratively. Derived From Horses "In a similar way people still employ a large number of figures derived from horses. These include 'raring to go,' 'prick up his ears', 'bridle at,' and 'take the bit in his teeth'. "These must be increasingly vague to the generations growing up since automobiles have displaced horses. We may expect them to be used less and less because fewer people find that they convey thought effectively." Shooting Star's Tail The reason why a shooting star appears to have a tail trailing behind is that an image remains in our eyes for about a sixteenth of a second. Since the falling meteorite (wrongly called "shooting star") is moving very quickly, it has covered quite a distance before than sixteenth of a second has passed; so there appears to be a tail. It is the same phenomenon that makes the spokes of a whirling wheel look solid; and it is also the basis for the apparent continuous action on the movie screen on which sixteen pictures are flashed every second. DIXIE is the thrifty mans tobacco. Its a cool slow-bumiiu smoke/ GARDENING PREPARATIONS In few other things does a little preliminary planning yield such tangible returns as in gardening. It is possible to construct a house without a blue print, though the job will usually be regretted. Gardens, too, can be created in this fashion but the results are apt to be confused with the natural conglomeration of weeds, tin cans and abandoned motor cars which litter up the usual vacant lot. A little planning is most esential and it- will enhance the interest in the hobby, pastime, work or whatever gardening is called, as well as add very materially to its real value. Now, while the earth is still dormant, or at least too wet or too cold to indulge in any but the hardiest kind of planting, is the time to begin these plans. All that is necessary is a pencil and paper, a seed catalogue, and possibly a Government bulletin or two. SHRUBBERY For the permanent sort of gardening, that is the kind using perennial flowers, shrubs, trees, grass and other things that grow for years, some preliminary planning is absolutely essential. True, most Canadian garden authorities advocate informal planting for the average home surroundings, but even in simple informality some previous notion of the final results is desirable. Otherwise, there are going to be tiny shrubs hidden by large ones, grass is going to be too shaded in one quarter and delicate flowers burnt up in another. Even in the vegetable patch, it is a splendid idea, so the horticulturists state, to plot the whole patch roughly to scale, and then lay out the rows so that tall corn, staked tomatoes and similar things have plenty of room each way, but beans, carrots and beets do not get more than from 15 to 24 inches between the rows. NURSERY STOCK Early spring is generally considered the most favourable season for planting nursery stock. Under the latter heading comes a wide variety of plants, including rose bushes, shrubs, fruit and ornamental trees, perennial flower plants, vines, raspberry bushes, asparagus, strawberry plants and a host of other permanent things. In purchasing such material authorities emphasize the importance of securing fresh stock from a reliable Canadian source. Roots and stems should be pliable and moist and if there is any upper growth, as in the case of shrubs and trees, there should be evidence of live green buds. Tallest Human Stops Growing ALTON, 111.--Robert Wadlow, tallest human in medical history, who observed his twentieth birthday last week, is nearing the end of his phenomenal growth, according to physicians. Measurements revealed Wad-low is 8 feet 8% inches tall. He weighs 465 pounds. Records examined on his birthday showed the youth's rate of growth in the last four years has diminished one-half inch each year. He grew only one and one-half inches last year. Between the ages of 9 and 12 he averaged from four to five inches of growth each year. "AUTO-GLIDE" A JOY TO RIDE e Hundred Miles per Gal. gasolii for men, women, boys and girls 1 Bicycle ride, * Glide You can ride Jold toy O. Limpet Crusade Brings Back Blushing Beauty Expert Says Lack ,of Blood In Faces Is Making Girls Fade The common blush, practically discarded since sorority sisters discovered Freud and found that the whole business was just an inferiority complex, is going to be revived in an effort to keep American women from becoming a race of gargoyles. A crusade to restore the blush to good standing was announced last week by Miss Grace Donohue, Chicago redhead, who described herself as a "professor of beauty--within: and without." They've Forgotten How Miss Donohue said that the trouble' with American girls is that "most of' them have forgotten how to blush, i The result is that they never get any! blood in their face, their skin fadesj and they become ugly." So she is forming a national association of "blush of the month" clubs, the only requirement for which is a blush. Ten Grades of Blushing Miss Donohue will distribute mem-bership cards to her blush clubs and is preparing a list of 10 guides to blushing. Among the slogans wiH be "How are your vaso-constrietors today?" and "try an old-fashioned blush--it's gland." The vaso-con-strictor, Miss Donohue explained, is the nerve that enables persons to blush and blushing is good for thg glands. To the best blushers Miss Donohue is considering awarding as prizes pictures of Sonja Henie, Helen Hayes and Robert Taylor. She described them as the best blushers of our cups ot GARFIELD TEA^ fo *W U4M the uwf way tS^= KEEP CLEAN INSIDE! You'll like the way it snaps you back, overnight, to the feeling of "rar-in' to go" fitness and inside cleanliness! Helps eliminate the left-over wastes that hold you back, cause headaches, Indigestion, etc. Garfield Toa is not a miracle worker, but if CONSTIPATION bothers you, it will certainly "do wonders!" 10c and 25c of drugstores -- or, WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLES of Garfield Tea and Garfield Headache Powders to: GARFIELD TEA CO., Dept. IOC, Brooklyn, N.Y. MINARO'S LinjmeKT REUNION of BRITISH FAMILIES We are prepared to advance passage money (without interest or other charges) to British people desiring to bring out to Canada their wives, families, relatives or friends. Apply for particulars to nearest Steamship agent or to BRITISH DOMINIONS EMIGRATION SOCIETY (Established J 8S2) 217 Bay Street Toronto (Head Office: London, Eng.)

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