Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 17 Sep 2003, A7

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday Septem ber 17, 2003 - A 7 Educational assistants, Bronte Harvest Fest Saturday public board at impasse No new dates set for contract talks By Tim Whitnell S P E C IA L T O T H E B E A V E R Chamber tickets on sale Tickets are still available for the Oakville Chamber o f Com m erce's 49th Annual President's D inner on Wednesday. Sept. 24. Single tickets cost $95 or $750 for a table o f eight. Making the keynote address at the dinner will be Alan Fotheringham along with special guest emcee Cathy Wegner o f CHTV. The cham ber's annual general meeting will be held at 4 p.m. and is free for chamber members. The networking reception and silent auction begins at 5:30 p.m. with the dinner at 6:30 p.m. The dinner is being held at the Oakville Conference and Banquet Centre. 2515 Wyecroft Rd. Call 905-845-6613. ext. 28. The Halton District School Board and its educational assistants remain at a contractu al impasse after a third mediation session resolved nothing. The president of the Halton District Educational Assistants Association siiid the latest meeting on Wednesday, which includ ed a provincial mediator, resulted in no new proposals from the board. Lynne Gurzi said the board presented the same offer it had in June. She noted that contract proposal was rejected by a 340-9 vote by the LA membership; the same deal was rejected outright by the EA's negotiat ing team this week. There are no new dates for talks. The Halton EAs' contract expired more than a year ago. Educational assistants work primarily with special education students in Halton's public elementary and high schools, although they are also found in JK and SK classes and in large class settings. Gur/.i's group consists of about 400 per manent and contract workers as well as about 120 casual and supply personnel. EAs have been essentially working to rule since the group announced it was put ting 13 sanctions in place effective Sept. 2. Halton board trustees quickly passed a couple of resolutions in response to the sanctions. The board authorized the director of education, its top administrator, to deduct pay from EAs if they don't abide by their contractual duties. The board also gave the education director the power to lock out EAs or even close schools if he deems the safety of students or the security o f board property is compromised bv the sanctions. Dawn Beckett-Morton. lead contract negotiator for the Halton public board, says it has offered a two-year deal that is worth almost 16 per cent in salary and benefit improvements to the majority o f EAs. including a provision that would increase the paid work day to six hours from 5.5 hours. Gurzi said the offer from the board equals a SI.15 per hour increase over two years but that EAs at other boards have been getting raises in the SI .45-SI .55 range. She reiterated her claim that Halton's EAs are the worst paid in the Greater Toronto Area. Beckett-Morton countered by saying Halton EAs' remuneration is almost identi cal to their counterparts in HamiltonWentworth. She said Halton trails Peel Region in EA pay and is likely behind Toronto EAs as well. "But our members don't live in Toronto." she said. Gurzi said the annual income for an EA in Halton is about 5 2 1.(XX) compared to approximately S33,(XX) in the Peel and Kitchener boards and the top salary of S38.(XX) that EAs in Dufferin-Peel get. Beckett-Morton suspects part of the dif ference in pay between Halton and other GTA boards is due to the longer contracted work hour, at the latter. She said none of the Halton board's employee groups is a wage leader and that is a function of government funding available to the board. Gur/i said she has been getting some phone calls about the EA's sanctions. "I've had a couple of calls from parents concerned about the sanctions but not about their kids' safety," she said. "At all costs we do not put kids at risk." Amusement rides, chili tasting and a street dance will highlight the second annual Bronte Harv est Fest on Saturday. Lakeshore Road W est betw een Bronte Road and Nelson Street will be closed for the event. O rganized by the Bronte Village Bia. the festival is from 9 a.m. - 11 p.m. The day begins with a Belgian waffle breakfast at V innie's Cafe. The day will feature a pumpkin dec orating contest starting at about noon. Local artists will be participating in a pumpkin carving contest. Judging will be at about 3 p.m. Local restaurants, including V innie's C afe, T w isted Fork. M ixed G rill Catering. Coach and Four. M anchester. H am pton's and Tin Star, will be partici pating in the Chili C ook-O ff com peti tion. to be judged at 1:30 p.m. Those w ishing to taste the chili at the different locations, starting at about 11 a.m.. can pay $5 at the Bronte Village BIA booth and receive a hand stamp. That hand stamp will also allow par ticipants into the street dance with the Supreme 45s at 7 p.m. G ables A m usem ent Rides will be set up at the Bronte Village Mall parking lot from Sept. 17 to 21. F or m ore inform ation, call Liz Behrens. 905-825-3258. In case o f bad weather caused by ^IG^THIS Gifts & Gear for Gardeners Mississauga-Oakville Bridge Centre Fall And The American Contract Bridge League B . . . 8 w eeks, S129.00 Bridge F Monday evenings 7:45. beginning Septem ber 15th \* ' W ednesday afternoons 1:30. beginning September 17th ' Lessons F " R " P . . . 8 weeks. $129.00 or e g in n e r s or is t y layers Wednesday evenings 7:45pm. beginning September 17th Tuesday m ornings 9:45am . beginning September 16th IS CLOSING! G reat buys on g azebos, fu rn itu re , fo u n ta in s , statuary gifts, hom e decor m o re! A ll s a le s fin a l. M o n . - T h u rs . 10 *6 · Frl. 1 0 - 8 S a t. 1 0 - 6 · S u n. I 2 - 5 N o v i c i : B r id g e G a m e s f o r N e w e r P l a y e r s Monday mornings weekly at 9:30 Tuesday evenings weekly at 7:30 Please call (905) 8 2 0 - 5 7 2 8 m .ray nerbridne.com OAKVILLE C O U N C IL & STANDING C O M M IT T E E M EETIN G S Monday, Sept. 22, 2003 a n m rig & D u ig'jejogE knt Planning l'ou don't hare lobe a Millionaire... To shop like one! We sel beautfd upscale new 4 used fumstwigs on oonsignmert at a fracfion o* regular pnees Featuring a fine selection of Bedrocm Suies, Onng Room. Chandehers, TaUes. Accessories. WaJ Unts & Amores. Solas. Fne Art Children's Furniture. Lamps, Area Carpets. Custom & Estate Jewefcry. Gaiden & Outdoor. Lres nOLde DeBoers, Gfcbard, Thomasvie. Ethan Alen. Art Shoppe among others. Home &. Design C entre 2575 D undas Street W., Unit 26B, M ississauga Tuesday, Sept. 23, 2003 C om m unity S erv ices Com m. C om m ittee R oom 1 - 7:30 p.m. Administrative S erv ices Com m . C om m ittee R oom 2 - 7:30 p.m. CwWSung Co uncil C ham l bers 7:30 p.m. (905) 607-3372 FREE FREE FREE Adult ENGLISH CLASSES with computers (LlfsIC) Full-time, Part-tim e, Evenings, W eekends H om e Study Program turntable C A LL < s>REGISTER TO D M !!! Thursday, Sept. 25, 2003 Special Council M eeting Council C h am b ers 4:00 p.m. Monday, Sept. 29, 2003 Council M eeting Council C h a m b e rs 7:30 p.m . 0u sating network alows us to sel your tunmiure quridy at a (air pnee without the rconvenence 451 Wyecroft Road Oakville 905-815-1949 www.tradingplacescanada.com Burlington, Halton Hills, Milton, Oakville (905)875-3851 Peel Region Program Information: 1905)270-6000 TENDER FOR: TENDER NUMBER: The Rental of Equipment complete with Operators for Sidewalk Snowplowing T-23-2003 PUBLIC NOTICE Citizen Appointments to the Com m unity Advisory Committee to P e tr o -C a n a d a PtTROCANADA' A pplications are now being accepted for m em bership on the C o m m u n ity Advisory C o m m ittee to P etro-C anada. T h e C o m m ittee's m an d ate is to w ork cooperatively w ith P etro-C anada Refinery, in reducing negative en vironm ental im pacts o n the co m -m u n ity and to investigate c o m m u n ity co m p lain ts and to m ake recom m endations concern-ing th e en vironm ental effects o f Petro-C anada's o p eratio n s at the O akville Refinery on the local com m unity. M em bers o f the public are invited to subm it th eir expressions o f interest in serving on the C o m m ittee, accom panied by a resum e o u tlin in g e d u c a tio n a l, b usiness, tech n ical, a n d c o m -m u n itv experience. A pplicants should please n o te that m eetings are held on the fourth T h u rsd ay ot ever)' m o n th , at 3:30 p.m . at the O akville Refinery site. A pplications m ust reach the C lerk's D ep artm en t o f the Tow n o f O akville no later th an 4 :30 p.m . on W ednesday, O ct. 1, 2003. A nyone requiring fu rth er in fo rm atio n m ay contact: C arol Provost, C o m m ittee C o -o rd in ato r Tow n o f O akville, 1225 Trafalgar Road O akville, O n tario , L6J 5A6 ·> (905) 3 3 8 -4 1 2 9 cprovost@ oakville.ca SEALED TENDERS on form s provided will b e received by the Town Clerk, 1225 Trafalgar Road (2nd Floor), Oakville. Ontario, L6J 5A6 until 2:00 p.m., local time, on TU ESD AY, S E P T E M B E R 30, 2003 Specifications an d ten d er form s may b e obtained from the Town of Oakville Purchasing S ervices (Finance D epartm ent), 1225 Trafalgar Road (1st Floor), Oakville, Ontario; Telephone 905-338-4197. A Letter of Intent will b e required with the tender subm ission. Tenders will b e o p en e d publicly at a m eeting of the Tender Opening Com m ittee at the Oakville Municipal Building, 1225 Trafalgar R oad, Oakville, Ontario on Tuesday, S ep tem b er 30, 2003, at 2:30 p.m . local time. The Town of O akville reserves the right to reject any o r all tenders and the lowest price will not necessarily be accepted. Manager. Purchasing Services Missing manfound safe Halton Regional Police have located an Oakville man. who w as the subject of a missing person's bulletin issued on Friday. Police report 40-year-old Darryl Scott Lessels was found with the assistance o f the Niagara Regional Police and Niagara Park Police. Lessels had been missing since Sept. 8. This advertisement may be viewed on the following Town of Oakville approved website: http://www.vaxxine.com/opba 1225 T R A F A L G A R R O A D · O A K V I L L E , O N T A R I O · L6| 5A6 (9 0 5 ) 8 4 5 -6 6 0 1 www.oakville.ca Apology Please be advised that The Oakville Beaver inadvertently ran editorial in the Saturday S ep tem b er 14 edition o f Downtown A m biance that had previous ly appeared in the BIA dow ntow n publication. T he O akville Beaver apolo gizes to the BIA and regrets any inconvenience this mav have caused. Comes Alive... With The Gardening Experts Plant these bulbs now for beautiful colour in the spring. Choose a we drained, sunny place. Hillsides and raised beds are best. Forever Young's Website Is Your Road Map to Retirement FURNITURE £* -- JOSHUA CREEK TRADING -- Daffodil Bulb HOME DECOR------------- M any styles of Bar Stools CHOOSE YOUR FINISH MADE IN CANADA *Q Q ^ ' ' 1 AO W * Upwife, deugner decor at a priceyou can fii/e w tfh Slip Covered Sofa · Extra slip covers o n ly $ 5 9 9 · Option Down fill · Hundreds of fabrics to choose from (MADE IN CANADA i 5p | E C E S $*> 000 w w W -- Solid Ash Classic Contemporary 5pc Bedroom Suite n O O CO 00 · English dovetailed drawers · Solid Ash inside and out Fall M um s If you're looking for a great selection of top quality garden mums hurry in to G arden Gallery2 gallon. Includes headboard, footboard and frame, 2 night tables and tall boy dresser ^ Fall D ecor H as A rrived Decorate your hom e w ith a great selection of fall decor. Choose from Indian C o m , gourds, tall silks, co m stalks and more. Euonym ous Save now on this all time favourite. 3 gallon. Reg. 29.99 Pond C learance Hurrv in and save o n our com plete select ion of pond supplies. MADE IN C A N A D A · Choice of finish £ Cl) C c o> 0 ) 0 C °p C £ > i--~S o ^ 9 9 All o th er sizes 19" S av e s10 Heritage Leather Sofa Y our cho ice o f to p -g ra in le a th e r J ^ O O MADE IN CANADA o r 3 for *20 B U R L IN G T O N 2243 Fairview St. 3 0 ' O f f our regular prices 30 o ° ff our regular prices o >* a> o <D LO 9 I S SPEERS HOAD J Holland Park DUNDAS 294 York Rd. (905)639-7740 C h a tl0 9 8 U IT Mon. - Fri. 9am - ^pm Sat. 9am - 6pm Sun. 10am - 5pm (905)628-8562 M on. - Wed. 9am T h u rs. - Fri. 9am Sat. 9am Sun. 10am 6pm 9pm 6pm 5pm > 0) o c °? 2 8 o ^ p iiii 1 0 2 9 SPEERS R O A D , O A K V I L L E (S pe er s R d . £ , 4 t h L in e b e s id e T ia ^ H o kto n sJ MON. - WED. 10-6. THURS & FRI. 10-8, Q . - ? SAT.10-6. CLOSED SUNDAYS V O j' o 4 i* > 7 > 7 row green Prices in Effect to Septem ber 23, 2003 ^ OkHeflota

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