Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 1 Oct 2003, A5

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday October 1, 2003 - A 5 Thanksgiving food drive starts Saturday By Howard Moze! OAKVlLli-: BEAVER STAFF As people look to the next provincial government to address issues like affordable housing and the m inim um wage, one way they can help those in need at the grassroots level is by donat ing to O akville's Fareshare Foodbank. According to spokesperson Dudley Clarke, the annual Thanksgiving food drive (Oct. 4-18) is traditionally the biggest event o f Fareshare's year so by giving, residents can help the more than 300 families w ho visit the foodbank every month. "It's a question o f people earning enough to cover the bare essentials o f life plus rent." said Clarke. `T h is is something the average person can do to help." F areshare's client base includes working poor, those on welfare, single mothers, people with disabilities and a "high num ber" o f im m igrants strug gling to carve out a new life. Broken dow n for this past September, this includes 477 adults. i41 children. 22 new clients and nine epeat clients - "people for w hom com ng once a m onth is not enough," explained Clarke. "We have had one o f the biggest m onths w'e've had in a very long tim e," he added. The num bers are only going up: in 2002, Fareshare saw 15 per cent more clients than in 2001 and so far this year, it's seen a 9 per cent jum p on average each month. All non-perishable food items are welcome, but o f particular need are tinned meats, tinned fruit, apple juice, jam s, canned vegetables, pow dered milk - food Fareshare always seems to run short of. The public has the option o f drop ping off donations at any o f O akville's fire halls or at Fareshare itself, located at 1240 Speers Rd.. Unit 6 . The food bank will be open during the drive from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.. except Thanksgiving Day. To make donating easier, the usual L oblaw s' drop-off bins have been aug m ented by receptacles in an assortm ent o f other stores, not ju st the m ajor chains. Anyone wishing to donate money can also send cheques (for w hich incom e tax receipts will be issued) to 1240 Speers Rd.. Unit 6 , O akville. Ontario, L 6 L 2X4. Cash donations will also be accepted at Loblaw s' custom er service desks. Like last year, the fam iliar brow'n paper bags usually found in the O akville B eaver w ill not be used. Instead, it can be found in the Toronto Star. Volunteers, mostly students, will be handing out bags at area Loblaws stores at different times throughout the food drive. For m ore information or to volunteer (please call first) dial 905-847-3988. Fareshare Foodbank. w hich is run en tirely by vo lu n teers, has served needy Oakville fam ilies since 1988 but is not supported by level o f govern ment. It does, however, receive help from a wide base o f socially conscious civic groups, area businesses and indi viduals. Knights o f C olum bus m em bers, for exam ple, are "alw ays w illing to com e in and help." said Clarke, w ho added that Ford o f C anada donates the use o f two m inivans for the tw o-w eek drive. Businesses in the area also step up with everything from toilet paper, dia pers and personal care products to cookies, fresh-baked bread and frozen meat. Suspicious man at StJames Church school prompts police warning Halton Regional Police are investigating two reports of a suspicious man in Oakville on Sunday and Monday. On Sunday, Sept. 28. between 5-5:30 p.m. a 13-year-old boy and his sister were at St. James Catholic Church on Morden Road. During the service, the boy went to the washroom where he saw a man committing an indecent act at the urinal and in one of the washroom stalls. The boy told his par ents about the incident when he got home. Then on Monday, Sept. 29, at 3:25 p.m.. a man was found in the hallway of St. James Catholic School on Morden Road. The man said he was picking up his daugh ter. but wouldn't give a name and it was dis covered he had not signed in at the office. The man was last seen leaving the school and walking toward Morden Public School. In both instances, the man was reported to be a white male, between 35 and 40 years old. nearly six-feet tall and with a muscular or heavy build. He had an olive complex ion. short black hair possibly with a bald spot, what were described as "large" eyes and maybe a mustache. The suspect was wearing a black leather jacket and beige pants on Monday. On Sunday he may have been wearing a w indbreaker. Anyone with information about the man is urged to call police at 905-825-4777 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477). A thena A w a rd Gala O ct. 15 The Athena Award will be presented to the seventh Oakville recipient on Oct. 15. The Athena Award is presented to someone who has mentored and encour aged women to reach their full potential, given back to the com m unity and achieved professional excellence The Athena Gala Dinner is at the O akville C onference and Banquet Centre. Tickets cost S65 and include the champagne reception, dinner and wine. Tickets may be purchased at the O akville C onference and Banquet Centre. 2515 Wyecroft Rd.. Sanctuary MediSpa. Unit 500. 3044 Cornwall Rd. or A da's Flowers, 250 Speers Rd. orders can be made through Athena Oakville at 905 -467-7919 or athenaoakville@cogeco.ca. VISA and M astercard accepted. s ' M M ti/ d m s k W H e e 'r e a l l o w D e c & y fL ^ m Special Selection! COSTUME SATIN PRINTS & SOLIDS 150cm wide 100% polyester Great costume prints; large array of colours & designs. Our Reg 9 98 m Now 3 99 m Special Selection! FUN FURS Choose trom solids, skin prints & long hair shaggy solids Our Reg 14.98-24 98 m Now 33% Off Our Reg Price Special Selection! SPARKLE SPANGLE KNITS 115cm wide Assorted colour spangles: some solids Our Reg 14 98-15 98 m Now 6 99 & 7 99 m Special Selection! CRAFT NETTING 100% nylon, in assorted widths & qualities Huge colour range. Our Reg 1 69-5 98 m Now 99-1 22 m Special Selection! HALLOWEEN PRINTS 115cm wide, 100% cotton Ghosts, goblins, spiders & witches - great party decor! Our Reg 10 98 m Now 5 49 m Save 50%! Special Selection! SPOOKY WITCH FABRICS Assorted widths & qualities in basic black! Reg. 3 98-6 98 m Now 1 22-2 49 m Y o u r e e n , H o m F a s h io n Headquarters! Special Selection! HALLOWEEN PEEL & STICK FELT SHAPES FELTiES Great selection ol glitter & non-glitter pre-cut peel & stick felt shapes. | Pumpkins, bats, ghosts & more! Great for Halloween crafts & decorating. Our Reg. 8.98 pkg. S e p te m b e r 2 9 -O cto b e r 5 O n ly! E n tire In -S to re S to ck ! BUTTERICK PATTERNS Only 2.99 each Not v a lid w ith any o th e r discou nt offers. Now 50% Off Our Reg. Pricel Sale in e ffe ct Septem ber 29-O ctober 31, 2003, on selected in -stock m erchandise only. S orry no special orders. Look fo r the red sale tags. 5380 South Service Rd. OPEN SUNDAYS 12 - 5140 R e b e cca St. O A K V IL L E S T . J U D E 'S A N G L I C A N C H U R C H "C E R E B R A T IO N O F T H E A R T S " L A U N C H E S IT S 13 T H S E A S O N St. J u d e 's 2003-2004 c o n c e rt series ste p s " O u t o f B a c h s " p re s e n tin g a u n iq u e a rra y o f o u ts ta n d in g local a n d in te rn a tio n a l artists. F ro m th e highly a c c la im e d L os A ngeles G u ita r Q u a r te t to special g u ests fro m th e O akville S y m p h o n y O rc h e s tra , to th e fin a le w ith Jim G allow ay a n d his 17-piece W ee Big B and, th e series will o ffe r a tru ly in s p irin g c o n c e r t e x p e rie n c e . 844-7728 (Between Appleby & Buctoiki Burlington (905) 631-6515 Call the dance professionals at ) Fred Astaire Dance Studios and vou'li be dancing and twirling, too! Ballroom dancing is fun - and great exercise. What are von waiting for? 0 j Th e Leaves> A r e n 'tTh e O n l y T h in g s T u r n in g T h is F ^ ll BED J ) DANCE STUDIOS' Fall 5pecial 5 hours of dance for $20* L im ite d t o f i r s t 3 5 c a lle rs S a t u r d a y N o v e m b e r 8, 2 0 0 3 - 8 :0 0 P M T H E L O S A N G E L E S G U IT A R Q U A R T E T " O u t o f th e B a c h s" f S p e c ia l g u e s ts , t h e L o s A n g e le s G u ita r Q u a r t e t - r e c o g n iz e d as o n e o f t h e w o r l d 's p r e m i e r i n s t r u m e n t a l e n s e m b le s , will o f f e r a u n i q u e b l e n d o f "f o c u s e d v irtu o s ity a n d m a v e ric k c h a r is m a ". T h e 2 0 0 2 G ra m m y N o m in a te d L A G Q h a s g iv e n r e c ita ls in s o m e o f th e g r e a t c o n c e r t h a lls a r o u n d th e g lo b e , p e r f o r m i n g th e w o rk s o f R o s sin i, B a c h , H a n d e l, B izet, T c h a ik o v s k y ...a n d e v e n B asie! 225 Lakeshore Road East, 2nd Floor D ow ntow n Oakv ille 1 block west of Trafalgar Rd. (Entrance from both Lakeshore Road and parking lot off Church Street) (9 0 5 ) 8 4 2 - 3 7 9 7 ' N e w a d u lt s t u d e n t s o n ly S a t u r d a y F e b r u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 0 4 - 8 :0 0 P M T H E O A K V IL L E S Y M P H O N Y O R C H E S T R A A n E v e n in g o f S p e c ia l S e le c tio n s F e a tu r e d will b e a d u e t o f F lu te a n d H a r p , a H o r n T rio , V iolin a n d P ia n o , a n d a S trin g Q u a r te t a n d D o u b le H o r n C o m b o w ith g u e st a rtis ts J o s e p h P e le g - C o n c e r tm a s te r o f O S O . Ju d ith K e n e d i-P e le g - P ia n o , Jo an B ro w n e - P rin c ip a l F lu te O S O , H e a th A llen - P rin c ip a l F re n c h H o r n , a n d S h a r le n e W allace - P rin c ip a l H a rp O S O . C H I D D E N T O N , R o b e rt C h a r le s " B o b ' S a t u r d a y M a y 8 , 2 0 0 4 - 8 :0 0 P M T H E W E E B IG B A N D 'S 2 5 T H A N N IV E R S A R Y C E L E B R A T IO N E llin g to n , B a s ie a n d m o r e We w e lc o m e J im G allow ay a n d his 17-piece W ee Big B an d f o u n d e d in 1978 as a ja z z r e p e r to r y o r c h e s tr a , h o n o u r in g fa m e d artists, c o m p o s e rs , a n d b a n d le a d e rs su c h as D u k e E llin g to n , J im m ie L u n c e fo r d , C o u n t Basie a n d m a n y m o re . T h is is a very sp ecial o c c a s io n f o r th e B a n d as it c e le b ra te s its 2 5 th A n n iv ersary . - Peacefully at The Brant Centre in Burlington, Ontario on Sunday. September 28, 2003 at the age of 86 Beloved husband of the late Georgina Loving father of Ken and his wife Noreen and Karen Grandfather of Ryan and his wife Sheryl Nicole. Spencer and Robert and great grandfather of Rhys Visitation at SMITH S FUNERAL HOME 1167 Guelph Line (one stoplight north of the QEW), BURLINGTON (905-632-3333) on Tuesday 3-5 and 7-9 p m where Funeral Service will be held on Wednesday, October 1, 2003 at 11 a m Interment Highland Memory Gardens, Toronto If desired, expressions of sympathy to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of O ntario or the Lung Association would be sincerely appreciated by the family. MARTIN, Nancy iee Ellis. McIntyre, Saint, Baxter) Passed away Monday. September 29. 2003 in B urlington. Predeceased by sisters Francis and Mona, brothers Wesley and Lionel She is survived by brothers Russel and Douglas and sister Constance, daughter Mona, grandchildren Jennifer and Hunter Atteberry and Aaron Cedoiia. great-granddaughter Riley Louise, step-sons Bob and Tom Martin and her husband Allred Martin Memorial Service al 2326 Sovereign St. Oakville on October 16,2003 from 3-6pm Interment St. Jude's Cemetery, Oakville. Family Sendees A lc o h o lic s Anonym ous If you drink, th a t's yo u r bu sin ess If you w ant to quit, That's O urs! F o r f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n a n d c o n c e r t tic k e ts c o n t a c t St. J u d e ' s A n g lica n Church 1 6 0 W i l l i a m S tr e e t - O a k v i l l e 9 0 5 - 8 4 4 - 3 9 7 2 The O ah z'ille B e a v e r h a s been a fjroucl sp o n so r f o r oz>er 10 years KETCHEN, V era - (Past President ol the South Peel Hospital Auxiliary. Past President V O N . former active member of the Lionettes of C redit Valley) Passed away after a lengthy illness at Credit Valley H ospital on Sunday. September 28, 2003 in her 91st year Beloved wile ol the late W Mansell. Loving mother ol Fred and his wife Anne. Ken and his wife Donna. George and his wile Eleanor. Dianne and her husband Ed Wilk. Jeanne and her husband Bill Slauko Marlene and her husband David Sculah Much loved grandmother of several grandchildren and great grandchildren. Dear sister ol the late Dorothy Quick and Albert Norman Friends may call at the Turner & Porter Peel Chapel, 2180 Hurontario S t, Mississauga (Hwy 10, north of QEW) from 7-9 p m. Tuesday and 2-4 and 7-9 p m Wednesday Funeral Service in the Chapel on Thursday. October 2, 2003 at 11 a m Interment SI John s Dixie Cemetery. II desired, donations may be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation ol Ontario or the Trillium Health Centre Foundation. (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 Com m unity Notices

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