Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 3 Dec 2003, D03

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The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e sd a y D e c e m b e r 3, 2003 - D 3 Both Oakville Ice teams make their point By Norm Nelson BEAVEK SPOFtTS EDITOR hockey. SENIOR ICE. It's safe to say that the senior Oakville Ice. who play in the National Women's Hockey League (N W H L), weren't quite as ecstatic about their one point which they squeezed out of a 7-5 loss to arch rival Brampton Thunder on Friday night and a 1 1 tie with Montreal Axion on Saturday afternoon. Unlike the Junior Ice they weren't in hostile territory but in their own lair at Canlan Ice Sports Oakville with improving crowds on hand to watch the best women's hockey league in the world. And unlike the great comeback pulled off by the Junior Ice. the Senior Ice watched a pair of third peri od leads slip away. On Friday night they were up 53 going into the third period only to be hit by an unan swered four-goal Brampton barrage. Kimberley Insalaco, a member of the U.S. national team, scored a pair for Oakville with singles to fel low U.S. team member Kristen King, Kira Misikowetz and Carly Haggard. Assists went to Canadian Olympic gold medalist Therese Brisson (2). Raffi W olf (2), King and unretired former Canadian team mem ber Nathalie Rivard. And on Saturday, the Ice were up 1-0 in the third peri od only to give up the tying goal with less than two min utes remaining. Kristen King got the lone Ice goal from Kimberley Insalaco and Carly Haggard. It was a tough stretch for the Ice who ushered in the week the previous Monday with a 2-1 loss to the Toronto Aeros. Oakville's goal was scored by Michelle Lorion from Shannon Grimbly and U.S. team player Genevieve Richardson. Tuesday marked their only win, 4-1 against T E LU S Lightning from Durham. Carly Haggard sealed the win with the final pair of goals after openers by Raffi W olf and Michelle Lorion. Assists went to Christine Brownlee (2), W olf and There are many parallels between the two Oakville Ice teams besides the fact that they both managed one point out of two weekend hockey games. One difference, though, is how the two teams felt about the one point. The junior Oakville Ice, who are a young, expansion franchise in the South Western Girls Hockey League junior division.were justifiably ecstatic. On a long road trip to Windsor and faced with a Saturday double header against the league's firstplace team, and coming off what coach B ill Metcalfe termed as a poor practice on Thursday night, they had plenty of excuses in their hockey bags. But instead, they played a decent opening game, nar rowly edged 3-2. Goal scor ers were Stephanie Secord and Taylor Metcalfe. The second game looked to be going a similar route, as they were behind 2-0 going into the third period. But it was then they reached inside not for excus es but for extra effort to tie the game up at 2-2 -- the tying goal with just 18 sec onds remaining -- which made for a long but satisfy ing bus ride back down the 401. Goals were scored by Carle Eusepi and Erika Mauro. " We're just starting to knock on the door," said coach Metcalfe. "W e haven't opened it yet. But we're knocking. " I think they're getting better and better every week." And they'll probably need to continue their improvement this weekend if they hope to get a point from their home stand which they host at Canlan Ice Sports Oakville at 1:15 and 3:45 p.m.. respectively. Fresh from a double header against Windsor, the league's only undefeated team, they are going from the frying pan into the fire as they host the league's only undefeated team. Clearwater. Check it out if you want to see the best in girls junior Barrie Erskine ·Oakville Beaver Therese Brisson of the Oakville Ice, who skated to a gold medal with the national team at last year's Olympic Games, skates past Bram pton Thunder player Catherine Bertrand in National Women's Hockey League (NWHL) action at Ice Sports last Friday. The same two teams are back at it this Friday in what promises to be a continuation of their already exciting rivalry. Paula Mailloux. But neither were the Ice exactly hanging their heads over their week's work. Outside of their game against T E LU S, which they won, the Ice played what are probably the three top women's teams east of Manitoba. The Toronto Aeros and Brampton Thunder, after all, are one-two in the central divi sion (ahead of the third-place Ice) while Montreal Axion is in first place by a long shot in the east division. Against this combined trio, the Ice have only one win in 10 games (collec tively, 1-7-2). Individually, the Ice are 0-2 against Toronto, 1 -4 against Brampton and 0-1-2 against Montreal. And, like the Junior Ice. they get no reprieve this weekend. This Friday, it should be another dandy, as the the Ice, for the third straight Friday, play the Brampton Thunder. Opening face-off is 7:30 p.m. at Ice Sports Oakville. And on Saturday. 2 p.m., the Ice visit the Toronto Aeros. "They're definitely up to it," said Metcalfe, who is the owner of both Ice teams. "They're excited in the dressing room. They're clearly starting to jell." Have Soccer Smarts? , / \ J Prove it! . #, . Correctly answer our trivia question each week in the Wednesday Oakville Beaver. Submit all 5 correct answers fo r y o u r chance to WIN a · , How > · 7 / many \ * / World Cup's\ . . · V nas has tngiana Enaland V · · as^ J n won? X GIFT CERTIFICATE $150 l p - ;' 'All entries must be received by Dec. 20, 2003 S O C C E R 187 Cross Avenue U U O R L -D (A c ro s s fro m O a k v ille G O ) (9 0 5 )8 1 5 -8 9 3 9 w w w .soccerw orldcentral.com M o n. C lo se d , Tues., W ed. & T hurs. 1 0 -6 · Fri. 10-7 · Sat. 1 0 -6 · S un. 12-6 ennnomn TIRE Minor Oaks Hockey Association house league report , · BANTAM WHITK (Nov 25) A ttlVO Personal Fitness & Sports Therapy ^Studio 1 (goals to Benji Card). Rumours Grill 6 ·(goals to Corbin Lam 3. D ave Dickason. M ark *Kostiw, Steve Jensen A ssists to G abriel Carle. M ike Welfle. M ark Kostiw 2, Corbin Lam. Steve Jensen 2, Steve Folks, Jordan Knapman). Blue Leaf 5 (goals to Nicholas A lberga 3. ·Evan Cudmorc, Jeffery Jam es, assists to Dylan * ` Brcttingham. Jeffery Jam es. M att Lemieux 4. ·N icholas Alberga), A Room O f My O wn 3 ·(goals to Jamie MacNicol. Daniel Houdayer . JCyle Dean . assists to Anthony Lapp 2. Sam N ease, Andrew N ovakow sky. Jam ie M acNicol). Allstate 6 (goals to Spencer Maveal. Cody W ilkinson. Kevin M cK ay 2. A ndrew Mijatovic. Ryan G ucrricro assists to Kevin McKay. Ryan Gucrricro. Corbin Keith. Corey Johnson 2. Spencer M aveal), Bronte M overs 4 (goals to Rick Carley. Jerem y A quino. Chris -McCrackcn. Zac Hage, assists to Zac Hage 2. Chris McCrackcn, Peter Henry. Rick Carley, Peter De Vooght). CARS 4 (goals to. Derek Vandenboom 2. Tyler Vanlierop, Chris Edwin, assists to Tyler Vanlierop 2, M ichael S tone, Derek Vandenboom). Grey 2 (goals to Ryan Brady 2, assists to M ark E llio tt D avid Novati. Rob Hunter). out to C hristian W O LSELEY 0 D ionne). FR O N TIER this r Christmas S o o th e tired, a ch in g feet Slip into som ething truly com fortable: a 4 function foot bath. Ste a m , vibration, moist heat or aeration. A cu p re s s u re rollers, textured foot surface. 43 9260 4. R eg. 79.99 Sturt w ithu s . SAVE $20 I 1/2 PRICE JUVENILE RED (Nov. 30) BANK O F NOVA SCOTIA 7 (goals to Corey Halyk 4. Brent VonHagen. Michael Gomes. M ike Fraser, assists to M ichael Gomes 2, Lucas Flett. M ike Valentinuzzi, Jeff Green, David Punnett), SU RECU T CO NV ERTING 4 (goals to Kevin Sinclair 3, Josh Smyth; assists to Brent H iggias 2, Josh Smyth 2, Kevin Sinclair, Derek Fitzpatrick. Greg Barsevich, Dan Turczynski). STA R FL EET C O N STR U C TIO N 6 ( goals to Kyle Sidock 2, Patrick Gadbois, Ryan C halm ers. Stephen Debolster, Jeff Bentley; assists to Kyle Sidock 2, Jeff Bentley 2. Justin R ow itt 2, Shane DaRosa. Patrick Gadbois. Ryan Chalmers). HAMILTON PAPER BOX LTD. 4 (goals to Kyle M acDonald 2 David G rcb, Phil Gervais; assists to Dan Gray 3. Jon Nicholl 2, Paul Gunn 2). DATEX. C A 3 (goals to David Bruce, Ryan Flynn, Tyler Legein; assists to Cam Foley 2, Scou Fisher. Taylor Stevens. Tyicr Legein and shut out to Burton He&slip), BEHAVIOUR IN STITUTE 0 BANTAM RED (Nov. 30) TECH SPA N A U T O M O TIV E 0. PROC O R 2 (goals to Karl Feltm ate. Adam Davidson: assists to Kyle Watkinson and M ike Tuske: shut-out to Adam Mitchell). ALFRESH BEVERAGES I (goal to Ryan Corbett; assist to Jacob Bayard and Nick P escod), A C C EN TU R E 1 (goal to Ted W ronski; assists to Philip Com eau and David M cCam us). CLINTAR 5 (goals to Matt Hagglund. Brandon Pasta, Patrick M cKinlay. Bradley Waller. Luke Sullivan, assists to Bradley Waller 2, James Rippin. Patrick M cKinlay and Matt Hagglund). ACROBAT 7 (goals to M att Andrews 2. D avid Josefik 2. Pat Torrance, B radley Rusheleau, Jonathan Sweeney-Bergen; assists to Pat Torrance 2, Jeff Bingham, Anthony Greco. Matt Andrews and Matt Hanson). NAIRN SALES & M ARKETING I (goal to Robin Funk; assist to Daniel Keresteci; shut 2 7 " to olbox Plastic with lift-out tray. 58-0924 6 R eg. 29 .99 2/3 o ff R e m o ve s co rk in se c o n d s Corkscrew/opener. No twisting required. Lets you look like a pro. 42-5882. Reg. 39.99 ^ ^ MINOR OAKS HOCKEY ASSOCIATION INC. Applications are n o w being accepted fo r M inor Oaks Hockey Town Rep Coaches for the 2004 season. Applications will now be accepted up to January 5, 2004 Interested candidates may obtain an application form from the M.O.H.A. Websites or its Website www.moha.on.ca AKCOSTEEI. Brake Event IN F IN I N< A L WEI GIFT CARDS S e rvice s offered are available at m ost C a n a d ia n Tire Auto C en tre 25 J : C E r T T t F lE a with the installation of CERTIFIEDTM Premium brake pads and shoes. ` $ 5 0 C a n a d ia n T ire g ift c a rd o ffe r in c u d e s $ 2 5 fo r fro n t p a d a n d $ 2 5 fo r re a r s h o e (o r p a d ) re p la c e m e n t. O ffe r v a lid o n ly o n re g u la r-p ric e b ra k e p a rts a n d lab o ur. G ift C a rd s a re re d e e m a b le a t C a n a d ia n tire fo r S to re M e rc h a n d is e . A u to S e rv ic e s (e x c lu d in g th is o ffe r) o r G a s. E x c lu d e s w a rra n ty w o rk . D e ta ils in s to re 98- 7 1 : MINOR OAKS HOCKEY ASSOCIATION INC. 1026 Speers Rd., Unit 8-9, Oakville (905) 338-9220 Fax: (905) 338-9677 DUN DAS & TR A FA LG A R ROAD 4 0 0 D u n d a s S t. E a s t · 2 5 7 -T IR E STORE HOURS: Mon. -Fri. 8:00am-9:00pm · Sat. 8:OOam-7:00pm Sun. 9:00am-6:00pm O A K T O W N S H O P P IN G P L A Z A 5 5 0 K e r r S tre e t · 8 4 4 -0 2 0 2 STORE HOURS: Mon. -Fri. 8:00am-9:00pm · Sat. 8:00am-7:00pm Sun. 9:00am-6:00pm

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