THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORNE, ONT., MAR. 10, 1938 Classified Advertising j FRAMES, tl-50. PRE-fillecl. .Sperial low prices. ;haefer Optical, 156 Yonge, ks and magazines «JURITE MAGAZINES OF- [■•ITAUL.E BUSI- HANDBOOK CARPENTERS, etc. Concrete, X, Brazing, Sol- CLOTHING FOR SALE Jlothing Exchange WHERE TO BUY CL.YDESDALES, Domestic and imported. ,10 head regis- 10 stallions, various ages. 40 young brood mares and Allies. West Point Farm, H. C. McLaughlin, Owner, Gait, Ontario._ BONE CONDUCTION. ' METH- through the bones of the head. The Potter Bone Conduction, the smallest made is applied to the bone behind the ear. nothing on nor in the ear. The miracle of the age. Write to H. r Company, 405 Ryrie Building, mto. : )l'ished 1917. PRINTING ----1 developed and prints, 10 for 25e. Ray's Photo Service, Station J, Toronto. articles for sale ""feathers WANTED -- GINSENG GOLDEN SEAL poultry, goose and duck feathers. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. Heller, 147 Harrison St., Toronto._ films and prints for 25c. Photo-Craft. ZERO PRICES. EXPERT WORK. ROLL with free enlargement 25c. Trevanna Studios, 93 Niagara Street. St. Cath- FREE1--TWO BEAUTIFUL ENLARGE-ments (one colored) with roll developed, eight glossy, fade-proof prints, 28c; highest quality. Machray HT pRINT OUR OWN NEGATIVES AT home on any surface, cloth or paper, without skill or darkroom. Less than each! Miracle Foto Kit complete --- for 150 prints, " with Lnstructii Richmond East.'To- FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH EVERY 25c order. Roll film developed and 8 prints. 25e. Reprintf 3c each. Bright-ling Studio. 29 Richmond St., E., To- for sale guaranteed. ... , King St. W., Toi J. Dfer Company, 158 NATURAL LEAF TOBACCO, MILD, medium or strong, (i lbs. »1.00, postpaid. Joseph Horvath. Amherstburg, fur farming 14.50 Breakfast Roc eel jjanel beds, Way sagles 1Q BA 3-Pi ere Chesterfield "suite, gen-l».OUuine French JacC|Uard coveHng Marshall cushions--a i,,;p. 29.00 1:;;,.;;v."r;M ,™\\% nut. Marshall springs I nmuiliout "re-VM.-1W,. .-ushions. liLc new. really iaso'b;rrur'^'z?0™ leather seat 'chairs in iTo, : "shape BQ AO M°dP'-n C-pie, • He.iroom Suite, W.UU|arf!e dresser, v t.i.y with Venetian ^mirr.^s.^ehifro..... and full size tr, ss. eomplefeiy n-fl',,'inew ma " 89.oo !;:.,;:.'.:";.•. .•'•'l:;;.;,v•'!1',,1,f, fet, china cabinet, < x , i,,n" ' 'able'" i; upholstered .-Lars: east new tension table, ehlna • ahinei and six leather upholstered .■),;, in perfect condition. S-Vnd money order for onmplcte price of^goods^ Money^ hack guarantee. LYONS CHESTERFIELD MFRS. Trade-In Department 478 Yonce Straet - Toronto WIGS, TOUPES, TRANSFORMATIONS, Braids, Curls, and all types of finest duality Hair Goods. Write for illustrated catalogue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co.. 028 t'.athurst, Toron- 7 Yonge St., Tor .MUX AND LADIES. LEARN BARBER-ing or Hairdressing, under New Mo-ler System. Free Information. Write 590 Yonge Street, Toronto. MAGAZINES WESTERN, DETEC- 5000 EDMONTON CITIZENS TESTIFY for (R. and S.) Powder, herbal remedy--rheumatism, arthritis, neuritis, stomach troubles, etc. Two weeks, $1.50; one month $3; two months, $5. Druggists, or J. C. Mclntyre, Herbalist Edmonton, Alberta. A cents: mans, Montreal. HEPATOLA RELIEVES STOMACH, liver, kidney and bladder troubles. Symptoms: Pains in right side, under digestion, gas, constipation, colic. Product of German doctor. Price $5. Mrs. Geo. S. Almas, Box 1073X, Saskatoon, Sask. Pile Treatment" will help rid . of the terrible discomfort of bleeding, itching or protruding plies. Sent postpaid in plain wrapper on receipt of $1.00 Money back if not delighted with results. Address, Davis Pharm-acal Company, 350 Oakwood Avenue, NOVELTIES DRESSED DOLL, EASTER CHICKEN, Cow Boy Doll, Paper Hat, Balloon, Dancing Monkey, Blow Out and Horn all for 50c postpaid. Circular free. 100 King St. East, Robert Harv OFFICE EQUIPMENT , Gait, Ontario. patent attorney ROY L. KNOX, REGISTERED ATTOR-ney. Information regarding invention Patents; Drawings; Registra-tlons: Sales. 14 Metcalfe, Ottawa. AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of inventions and full informa-The Ramsay Company, men wanted MEN Routes of 8 this year. Reliable hustler should start earning $30 weekly and increast rapidly. Write today. Rawleigh's ML 397 - 101-C, Montreal, Canada. personal Particulars, 10c. Conflder dian Corresponden" ° Calgary, Alta. LEARN TRUE SIGNIFICANCE OF latent forces in your nature. Send stamped, addressed envelope. Box 352, New Westminster, B.C. QUIT TOBACCO, SNUFF, DRINKING, easily, inexpensively. Home remedies, Testimonials, Guaranteed. Ad- s or sieei. write, SMimn jxrauu-ring Co., Dept. 219, Preston, Ont. photo finishing ic -- BEAUTIFUL HAND-PAINTED enlargements with every eight . Falcon Photo' ' •OULTRY AND VOW magazine 10c, book c italog free. Fur Trade Journal Box 31. Toronto. On- JERSEY GIANTS (WHITE or BLACK) Plymouth Rocks (White or Barred), Indian Runner Ducklings. Catalogue. Edzell Poultry Farm, Trinceton, Ont. GROW ANGORA WOOL! CLEAN! IN-terestlng! Profitable! Free literature. Otto's Angora Ranch. Drawer 2098, Colborne, Ontario. MY VERY BEST LARGE BRED TO Lay White Leghorn Chicks. 9c; big even Barred Rocks, 10c. All blood-tested. 100% arrival. Bob Kimber-ley, Box W, Essex. Ontario. FURNITURE HUGE SALE OF TRADE-IN FURNITURE Every article completely reconditioned and sanitarily treated in Toronto's largest used furniture market. Special attention given to mail orders. ft OB Dressers, excsilent condition, all finishes. 14 50 SinSer drop head Sewing Ma-chine, perfect shape. 8 95 Da>'-be<-s, complete with new mattresses. 11 95 Kitchen Cabinets, perfect shape --porcelain top. 7 95 3 and * burner Gas Stoves-- ' **"■' perfect condition. CHICKS -- BARRED ROCKS AND White Leghorns; all breeders blood-tested and under Government Approval; I. J. Ardagh. Streetsville, Ontario, Box E. TRENT "big - REVENUE" chicks are fast becoming a Buy-Word and Standard for Superior Chicks among poultry minded people, because they quickly turn feed and labor into "Profits". Rea,dy now. Trent Electric Hatchery, Trenton, Ont. POULTRY EQUIPMENT, HIGH QUA-lity at low cost. Mad. n Canada for Canadians. Write for our new catalogue. Model Incubators Ltd.. 196 River St., Toronto. TRAVEL MADE HIM CONSTIPATED Salesman Says Kruschen Keeps Him "On His Toes" "I am a commercial traveller," writes a correspondent, "and due to endless travelling by train and automobile I find that I become constipated if I do not keep myself internally clean. Kruschen Salts is the inly thing that will do this effectively and not interfere with my work. I take a large dose of Kruschen every Saturday night and on Sunday, when I have no work to do, the Salts act on me. On week-days I take a small dose on rising. It is necessary that I be 'on my toes' all through the day, and this is the only way that it possibly can be done."--V.L. Kruschen Salts is an excellent recipe for maintaining a condition of internal cleanliness. The numerous salts in Kruschen stimulate your internal organs to smooth, regular action. Your inside is thus kept clear of those impurities which, when allowed to accumulate, lower the whole tone of the system. hatchery BRAY CROSS-BRED CHICKS ARE hardy, fast-growing birds. Hybrid vigour. Pullets lay early and make heavy layers of extra large eggs. See catalogue. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. North, Hamilton, Ontario. l St. North, Hamilton arels averaged 4 to 4% lbs. - -- T catalogue, i St. North, spectacles COLLECTORS! TEACHERS! CORON-ation Souvenir Stamps. 60 different, showing who and what it's all about, 85c. Guiton, Box 14, Station K. To- EXPERT TANNING OF HIDES FOR harness, lace and robes. Bear, deer furs. Free list and tags. Towne & Sons, Merritton. Ontario. Mexico Is Full Of Fine Game Animals There Just As Ferocious As In Africa The man who goes off to Africa to hunt big game and cure a broken heart may be overlooking a better bet near home--Juan Zinzer Is here to try to prove it. Zinser, Chief ot the Mexican Game Service, brought his enthusiasm and his facts to the third North American Wildlife Conference at Baltimore. Elephants in Africa?--Mexico has tapirs, which are rarer and not as dangerous. The only hazard in tapir hunting, in fact, is that a fleeing animal might run over you, he says. A herd of tapirs disorganized a Mexican revolutionary army once by stampeding through the ranks. They stand about four feef high at the shoulders and weigh 1,000 pounds. Africa has lions, but Mexico has cougars, smaller but just as vicious. Africa has leopards. Mexico counters with the offer of jaguars. Mexico also has pecaries, about the size of small pigs and much more dangerous to hunters, and ocelots, which are apartment-sized leopards. Fingerprints Can Be Forged Man's Demonstration Impresses Court and Brings About His Acquittal CROYDON, Eng. -- A man who proved fingerprints could be produced on an article which has not been touched by the fingers that made them was acquitted of burglary here. David Pearce, 30, suggested that fingerprints found on a bottle and identified as his had been put there by someone else. He demonstrated, producing a small mirror and a pad of plastic substance. He pressed the pad against a prison officer's finger, then against the mirror. A print appeared on the mirror. "That," said Pearce, "is a fingerprint of this officer and his finger has not touched the mirror." He added he could place the mixture on a glove and obtain the fingerprints of anybody by shaking hands with them. A police expert declared forged fingerprints as described by the accused could be detected but the jury decided on acquittal. THE FAMOUS RUBBING LINIMENT I Rub on -- pain gone. I Get the new large econ-size--Also avail-in smaller, regular Along Canada's Mining Highway As a result of outstanding diamond drilling indications, first on Hardrock and then on the adjoining Macleod Cockshutt property in the Long Lac Camp of Western Ontario, market valuations of the shares of these companies have increased in aggregate value approximately ten million dollars. Other companies in the area were also beneficially affected in market valuation. A strong revival of the whole area is indicated. Favourable diamond drilling results have been obtained on the Cheminis property of Larder Lake and on the -Lacoma property of Tavernier Township, Quebec. Intensive diamond drilling is becoming more and more the method of preparation for important mine development. The bride and groom see only the dimples. In a few short months they are disappointed when they discover so many freckles on each other's disposition. Teacher -- "What is the name of a group of islands belonging to the United States?" Pupil -- "Huh? Why -- ah --H Teacher -- "Correct." All workers are of two classes -- those who do their best work today and forget about it; and those who promise to do their best work tomorrow -- and forget about it. She (gushingly) -- "Will you love 1 I i 'Love you? I shall idolize you. I shall worship the ground under your little feet. I shall -- um -- em -- you are not going to look and act like your mother, are you?" Watts -- "Don't judge a married man too harshly because he flirts with a waitress." Catts -- "Why not?" Watts -- "Well, he may be only playing for larger steaks." READ IT OR NOT! The average American man is five feet 8 inches in height. The average woman, 5 feet 3 inches and weighs 118 The four-year-old boy, perched on his father's knee in the crowded bus, looked hard at the stout, gaudily dressed woman as she bustled in and edged herself into the only seat left. Little Boy (loudly) -- "Mother, it's a lady!" Mother -- "Hush, my dear, we know it is." Little Boy (looking puzzled) -- "But mother, you just said to Dad, 'what on earth is this object coming in." Socialist Father -- "What do you mean by playing truant; what makes you stay away from school?" Son -- "Class hatred, father." THE BEST WAY When you have done the best you can, And tilings continue looking blue, Just hold your head up like a man -- There's really nothing wrong with you You'll get your break, it can't be long Before the clouds will show the blue; If you keep on, the best you can, There's really nothing wrong with you. It costs a lot to live these days, More than it did of yore, But, when you come to think of it, Isn't it worth a whole lot more? Plans Parachute Leap From Six Miles Up JOHANNESBURG.--William Kerr, 33-year-old commercial traveller of Springs, Transvaal, who holds the Empire record for a parachute descent with a jump of 22,395 feet, is preparing for an attempt in March on the world's record of more than He is undergoing a rigorous course of training to prepare himself for the bitter cold and rarefied atmosphere BUILD UP he will encounter at great heights. Kerr trains at night after finishing his work which takes him all over the Transvaal. He carries with him a special electrical machine with which he is able to expel the air from his room and create a rarefied atmosphere. He pulls on his fly-suit, cap and gloves and places a special oxygen apparatus in position before expelling the air. Penguin in Zoo Is Hatching Egg Molly and Moe await an event next month that will make history -- the first hatching of a penguin in a zoo on this continent. Excitement ran high at the Washington Zoological* Park, when attendants reported "Molly has laid an egg" the first pengiun egg ever laid at the That was three weeks ago; Molly and Moe began building a nest. When the last straw had been put in place Molly sat on the nest and Moe went over in a corner to wait. The incubation period is believed to be about thirty days. The prospective mama and papa take turns sitting on the egg, he said. Moe sits on the egg half of the time, and being a considerate husband, he works the night shift. When one is sitting the other stands guard to keep away other penguins. Canada Is Using Her Own Tobacco Imports Decline -- Exports Amount to IS P.C.--Increase Forecast. Dr. N. T. Nelson, Agriculture Department expert, last week told a conference of tobacco officials in the department that Canada's most important tobacco market is domestic and that 85 per cent, of the crop in this country is marketed at home. Dr. Nelson, chief of the tobacco division of the department's experimental farms branch, estimated the 1937 crop was worth $17,000,000 and contrasted it with that of a decade before which had a farm value of $6,813,221. Cigars 71 Percent. Domestic He said that 15 per cent, of the nation's tobacco crop is exported, chiefly to the United Kingdom, and that with further improvement in quality and assurance of supply exports could be increased. In recent years, he continued, a considerable decline has been noted in Canadian use of imported leaf. In the decade following 1927, he said, Canada's imports of tobacco leaf declined from 18,500,000 pounds to 2,-500,000, because domestic manufacturers recognized the improvement in the home-grown leaf, due largely to efforts of the tobacco division. Canadian-made cigars now contain 71.7 per cent, domestic leaf, Dr. Nelson said, while cigarettes contain 75.9 per cent, and smoking tobacco 85.8 per cent. A Greater C.N.E. Hoped For 1938 Fine Agricultural Show This Year Is Predicted Hon. P. M. Dewan, Ontario Minister of Agriculture, predicted in Toronto last week at the luncheon of the Canadian National Exhibition Association, that the 1938 Agriculture Show would be the best on record. He pointed out that the attendance last year was considerably cut down by the infantile paralysis epidemic. Indications are that there will be a FREE FOLDERS TELL HOW NATURAL MINERAL PHOSPHATES Improves Yield and Quality of all For full details write Dept. W. Mineral Colloids (Canada) Ltd. 137 West Wellington St., Toronto ^Scratching '* RELI pimples, athlete's foot, rashe tions, quickly >i<" tio, liquid D. O. st. Stops the most intens. Itchinf la-t. AskforD.D. D. PRESCRIPTION. 2t Issue No. 11-- '38 "V'OU'LL ROLL BETTER | WITH OGDEN'S" V/he. oll-y, ... your-own" with Ogden's Fine Cut, you're heeded straight down the highway to happier smoking. It's top-notch cigarette tobacco--rolls 'em the way you wanf 'em--cool,mild, and mellow from tha firsf puff to the last. Why "truck" with anything lesssatisfying than Ogden's? You ought to use the best papers,too,-- "Chantecler" or "Vogue". much greater attendance at tlnV year's show, he said. "Beacon Light" to Canada Sir William Mulock, former ChieJ Justice of Ontario, in addressing th«| luncheon, recalled happenings of six.j ty years ago when the C.N.E. open* ed for the first time. The origins^ idea was that of the founder of Th«| Globe, Hon. George Brown, who own^ ed a farm near Brantford. "Sincsj that time the show has expanded and| is now unparalleled." The C.N.E. it a "beacon light" to Canada, he adV ded. Young Men Pint Snail M In These Live Fields: Practical Radio and Electronics or Commercial Radio Operating (Wireless Operator) Both fields are alive and offer many opportunities ! We are informed a shortage of operators is developing abroad. This field is not overcrowded, nor are other branches of Radio. Resident training at this College is now available on low monthly terms. We can now offer you a special plan whereby part payment may be made after completion of course. This is your chance to qualify for G overn-ment Certificate in RADIO OPERATING (Wireless) and to pave the way for Home Study Course is also Available Applicants must be mechanically and electrically inclined, with two years high school, and between 17 and 40 years of age. Writ* TODAY for full particulars UlA RADIO COLLEGE OF CANADA 883 BAY STREET, TORONTO NERVES STOP THEM SCREAMING I If you worry--with that queer taut feeling in your stomach--take PHOSFERINE. A few 60c, $1.00 and S1.50. What to do for your RHEUMATIC PAINS ^^There comes a_ time when every Rheumatic ing the right remedy?" Sufferers everywhere have asked themselves that question lately and decided that the time had come for a chai.-ge. Wisely they changed over to Fynnon Salt, a combination of Natural Salts of the Earn. What a difference within a week I A new out,, look on life--a new sensation of well-being. Ano* 3 Sodium, Potassium, Lith leral salts necessary to clear icids. It is no one-way "hi -----Jit. The combined effect of i----- gredients in Fynnon Salt is fo beneficial that Rheumatic Pains seldom remain. Gently but " they pass------ USE PIDARD slfgtti New and ra-^>w^M markable ra- ■ medy f «B-fl-fH|V heaves. ... iMlmWr^mSmitm^ isfaction is ■HHH|HHHH| guaranteed JHHMMNHHMfl| regardless of ^■BBBWHsHaw the severity >r length of time your horse has juffcied from this disease. By mail $1.00. Chs. Eug. Girard, Ste. •othee, Laval, Quebec.