THE COLBORNE EXPRESS. COtBQRNE, ONT., JULY 13, 1944 Pruritis-lntense Itching Relieved quickly by this Medicinal Ointment There are two forms of itching which are especially distressing. First pruritis vulvae-- from which only women suffer and second pruritis ani--itching at the rectum from piles, pin worms or varicose veins. The causes of both these forms of intense itching are often difficult to locate but what you do want, at once, is relief from the severe and depressing itching. Then let Dr. Chase's OINTMENT help you for it brings relief almost as quickly as applied. Once used it will always be kept at hand for quick use when the need arises. 60 cts. a box. Economy size Jar $2.00. Dr. Chase's Ointment OTTAWA REPORTS Good Wheat Crop For Present Year In Sight In Canada And United States Apprehension regarding wheat supplies for the present crop year* have been largely dispelled according to the Dominion Bureau of Statistics survey of June 30. A billion bushel crop is in sight in the United States": and the outlook in Canada is promising though it is too early to interpret Canadian conditions in terms of bushels. Substantial increase in acreage and maintenance of present crop prospects in the prairie provinces, however, could only mean better than average production. Both countries will have sizeable carry-over stocks of old wheat on July 31 when the current crop year closes. The southern hemisphere countries of Australia and Argentina are now seeding their new wheat crops, with both expecting to show increase in acreage over last year. British growers are reported to have seeded three million acres, or nearly double the prewar average. Prospects in neutral countries, principally Eire, Spain, Portugal and Turkey are favorable, though Spain and Portugal are likely to remain on an import basis for 1944-45. The position of occupied countries also appears favorable with the possible exception of Romania. The harvest in North Africa is believed to have yielded a fair surplus which can probably be diverted to Italy. The southern Italian crop will also be available to the United Nations instead of the Nazis. : to the There is a further food supplies of the Nazis this year with the Allies driving up through northern Italy where a large crop is usually produced, and now attacking in France, where harvest has commenced in the southern areas. In India where a wheat crop of about 387 million bushels has recently been gathered, there still appears to be a shortage. Conditions are not as critical as last year but it is expected that im- The Agricultural Supplies Board vill pay 20c a bag for dried pods if milkweed floss, collections begin-ling the first or second week of September. Country schools, where cash payments will be made, will be the chief collection centres. The silky floss in the seed pods will be used in life preservers for the Armed Forces. No milkweed leaves are being collected this year. WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Sound And Sight Our sensfe of sound is sometimes dependent on our sense of sight. Since steamboats became numerous in the harbors of the world ship captains have communicated back and forth with each other by means of blasts of the .ships' whistles. With the increased number of Diesel motor ships in use, a problem developed. The mortor ships used air whistles instead of steam whistles. Consequently their whistle blasts were accompanied by no billowing plumes of steam. Since the steam could not be seen, ships' captains had no way of knowing which of perhaps a half dozen motor ships anchored in the same general vicinity might be signalling. John Hays Hammand, one of the most prolific of* American inventors, seeks to provide-the motor ship with a visual, as well as an auditory signal. He has devised a gadget that will spray white powder into the air each time the air whistle is sounded. Thus it will be possible to "see" the sound as well as hear it. We hope the designers of the streamlined Diesel trains will take advantage of Mr. Hammond's invention. The train whistles mean a lot to those who dwell in* the sparsely, inhabited, portions of our country. Germany Loses Portugal's Wolfram Germany recently was deprived of her last major source of wolfram--source of steel-hardening tungsten -- by Portugal's decision to stop all exports to Germany and to shut down her wolfram mines immediately. It was a major diplomatic victory for the Allii on the eve of the great STEEL + TUNGSTEN ■■ ARMORED STEEL Extra strength, longer wear, increased toughness, more protection against aging and internal heat --these are the properties of Firestone Vitamic Rubr ber and they all add up to longer tire life. get the Firestone e values of Gum-Dipping, Safety Locked Cords and Gear-Grip Tread-proved features that made Firestone tires the choice of champion drivers. If you are eligible to replace your tires insist on Firestone tires made with the new synthetic rubber fortified with Vitalin. You can put them on your car with the full confidence that you are getting the utmost tire value. DER FUEHRER? Veteran of this, and the last war, Maurice Thorburn, 39, aircraft worker of MacDonald Brothers, Winnipeg, Man., can do an imitation of Hitler that will pass in any strong light. Shortly after he joined the Royal Canadian Engineers in Sept. 1939, he gave a pre-view for high ranking military men "which went over with a bang. New to theatrical work, he found himself in demand at army entertainments. And when he went overseas in 1940, he "executed" Hitler for the troops at Alder-shot. Returned to Canada in 1942, he joined MacDonald Brothers' Aircraft Ltd., where he is procurement supervisor. In the last war the served with the Royal Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. Should a girl be in time ,to' receive her escort when he calls, or would it be better to keep him waiting for a few minutes? 3. What can one use as a substitute if one cannot afford cut flowers, or expensive table decora- 3. What is really the best phrase for one to use when acknowledging' aVwhatUwoi graving i cards for : for % 5. Is it ;ir mothe i child in fatheri criticise or reprove! presence of guests? I 0. Is it proper to cut lettuce or) any other salads with the knife? Answers 1. It would be silly to keep him waiting if she is dressed and ready. M o = pretty potted plant of some kind, or perhaps a vase containing some sprays of wandering jew or some similar plant. 3. "How do you do?" 4. The fashion in type and size of cards change from time to time, so it would be preferable to consult your stationer and ask him to show you samples of cards most popular today. 5. No and there is no excuse for doing so. This should be done privately. 6. No; the fork should be used for breaking them. Quartz crystals suitable for electrical instruments have been recently found in Colombia; how extensively is not yet known. -:-, STARTLING CURE STOMACH ULCERS --- Current issue of Aviation Review, largest circulation aircraft magazine in Canada, gives news space to a new remedy for peptic ulcers. It was evolved by Dr. B. M. Sparling, a Toronto osteopath who is quoted as saying the new method "has been 100% effect- ail far Monty Presented With New Caravan Tl carSvlS h-ich has been built bv w ar workers in "their spare time as a gift to C eneral Mont- gom ry ,v U made to his own de- At pie in desi gn and equip- ment mbling a motor-driven -box. There re two com- parti lents, a bedrooi r with a tip- up 1 unk.' portable table, wash bash and bookshelf, and a lounge with desk map-hole ers and din- ing table, which ca n be quickly com- erted into a con ference room. Urn dec sions will probablv be takei whii i will resh pe the course of E uropc an history. Britain Plans Aid To Bombed Churches Of the 14,000 bombed churches in Britain, some may be rebuilt on new sites, others will be repaired or replaced by substitute buildings, and full'reinstatement will Easy to roll, delightful -- to smoke a s FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO be considered only for churches of historic interest .according to proposals published by the War Damage Commission and a committee representing the Christian church- DOWN WITH 'EM! One of the first things citizens of European towns liberated by Allied forces do is to let the world know what thery think of their erstwhile Nazi and Fascist masters. Typical reactions ape shown above. At left, a Frenchman smashes a swastika erected by Nazis over a triumphal arch. At right, a Roman policeman risks his neck to tear down the black flag of Fascism from a public building. Have You Heardl A cens us taker on asking a wo- man how old she was. received the following answer: "Do y u know how old the Hill girls are next door?" "Sure,' he replied." "Well, I'm as old as they are." The ce nsus taker wrote dowa "As old as the hills." oOo Novelist: "I'm describing a scene that took place ten years ago. Tell me what kind of frocks the women wore in those Novelist's Wife (bitterly):-"The sort I'm wearing now" oOo "Sedentary work," said the college professor, "tends to lessen the endurance." "In other words," the student butted in, "the more one sits, the retorted the professor, lies a great deal one's lost completelv!" . , oOo Soldier to girl: I can't sea what keeps you girls from freezing. Girl: You're not supposed standing i Stop*Itch of Insect Bites-- HeatRash ,eathkte^ 'trouble*. D„ D. D. PR^RiraO^Grea^... stocks D. DJD. PrWcRMT-ION." rU88'8t BABY CHICKS *hreTlveekT CHICKS 'I_ffiU AND old ;n ' rF-T 'Hocks, day old pulle r hundred, hea/s IF YOU •WANT SUMMER CHICKS, order them now as our last regular hatch is the 17th, after that to order. For immediate delivery we've plenty started chicks, pullets, cockerels. Cull your non productive stock, buy good, young 3 ALE OF GOVERNMENT Approved chicks from bloodtested breeders. Barred Rocks, White Leghorns, New Hampshires. White Rock, Light Sussex, Black Aus-tralorps, Hybrids, non-sexed as low as 7.95 per hundred, pullets 10.95, heavy cockerels 6.95. Shipped C.O.D. Also two and three week old started chicks and eight week old and older pullets at reduced prices. Top Notch Chiekeries, Guelph, Ontario. CHICK BARGAINS FROM Government Approved bloodtested breeders. White Leghorns, Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, White Rocks, Light Sussex, Hybrids and other popular breeds. Non-sexed as low- as 8.95 per hundred, pullets 10.95, heavy cockerels 7.95. Shipped C.O.D. Also two and three week old started and eight week old free range pullets and older, at reduced prices. bleeding and p r o t r 'Kiing piles should know Bunkers Herbal Pills treat the cause at its source. Money back if the first bottle does not satisfy. Buy from your druggist. Nervous, Restless On "CERTAIN DAYS" Of The Month? If functional periodic disturbances make you feel nervous, cranky, high-strung, toed. weak and "dragged out^ Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Here's a product that helps nature. Follow label directions. Pinkham's Compound Is worth trying! Made In Canada. LYDIA E. PINKTAM'S l~ AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE MEDICAL es. No c STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of ill-health muneT'why Mulveney'a DON'T WAIT--EVERY SUFFERER of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. _ BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM < offensive odor instantl bottle. Ottawa agent RECOMMENDED--EVE er of Rheumatic Pains is should try Dixon's R( lunro's Drug Store, 335 Rtawa, Postpaid $1.00. PHOTOGRAPHY TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE Vou may not get all the films you tvant this year, but you can get all by sending your DOUBLE SIZE Super Prints De"rel«8pedX7ndrprin0teS 49c REGULAR SIZE FILMS FILMS 39c FILMS rn Mall No. 127--Mcs No. 120 or 620--40c No. 116 or 016--45c These Prices Include Five Cent* SUPERIOR FILM SERVICE LAND ALONG = &Schools,'IC.P.R. SANDWICH EAST, good standing INVENTION FOR SALE -SLIPIT HARNESS DRESSING ■ Finest leather and harness pr servative. Slipit also has mar houeshold uses 25c up at mo; grocery, hardware^ ,a,r!?.J. ARMY BOOTS STEWLY RECONDITIONED BOOTS of our armed forces, perfect condition, $3.2* delivered. Ladies'-armv shoes, perfectly rebuilt, $2.25 delivered. T antee. State s,*0, order. Ruskin & Co..' : ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt: belts, pulleys, brusr PERFECTION _ _ WILLOW, __. Hanger Limb Company, 85 King Street West, Toronto, QUANTITY OF HELP WANTED AT ONCE, WOMAN TO take full charge in farm homo. One adult to cook for. Widow, preferred, respectable place. Good wages. Permanent home if satis- age. Far BurwelL STUDENT NURSES WOODSTOCK GENERAL H O 8-pitai School for Nursing will admit a class of student nurses for three years training in September 1944. Students holding; to the Superintendent of Nurses, Woodstock General Hospital, Woodstock, Ontario. KXI'KRIK.WEn SINGLE MAN FOR mixed farming, good wages, board, and regular hours. Apply; to Roy Baker, R.R. 2, Maple, Ont. EXPERIENCED FLOORMAN AND tion. Apply Fyl'e H791M, Near- TEACHERS WANTED 'IED TEACHER WANTED ,S. No. 8 Raglan. Duties to -- "ept. 5. Appjy statins LiOl RKES; TEACHER FOR PUB-lic school, grades 1 to 10. Stats age, salary, experience and references in answer. Secrotary-