THE COLBORNE EXPRESS. COLBORNE, ONT., JULY 6, 1944 Wo men! Why not help your man to better health by recommending this Vitamin Bi Tonic which has so greatly benefited you. Most women know about Dr. Chase's NERVE FOOD from experience or the report of friends. Many have learned to depend on it when loss of sleep, fatigue or indigestion warns them of nervous exhaustion. Why not see that the man in whom you are most interested has the benefit of this proven tonic when troubled with similar ailments. OTTAWA REPORTS That, Because of War's Demands, Canadian Gasoline Ration Will Probably Be Cut If the invasion develops into a long, drawn-out struggle, it is likely that Canadians will have to get along with less gasoline, Hon. C. D. Howe, Minister of Munitions, told the House of Commons recently. Referring to the demands made by war on gasoline production, Mr. Howe said it required 2,000 gallons of fuel to move an armored division one mile. A fleet of 5,000 bombers and escort fighters raiding Germany uses up some S,250,000 gallons of aviation gaso- Richmond Hill, IS miles from Ottawa, and Vankleek Hill, Ontario, are among centres holding centenary celebrations of agricultural fairs this year. The Vankleek Hill Fair started in 1844 under the name of the County of Prescott Agricultural Society when English currency was still in use in Canada. The first feature of the cen-'■ tenary program took place recently with the planting of evergreen trees in the fair grounds. The first organized agricultural fair in Canada was held at Windsor, N.S., in 1763, and at Pictou, I W,S^ 'JjJ first fair was heW 127 years ago. Because of reduced supplies of steel available for civilian use, Wartime Prices a \ Trade Board has prohibited the use of metal eavestrough and conductor pipe except for repair and maintenance. Sales of hot air furnaces have been frozen and these can be obtained only through applications approv- How Can 11 By Anne Ashley Q. How can I was-h feather pil- A. Boil for 15 minutes in a boiler of water softened with one-third cupful borax and one table-spoonful ammonia. Do not use soap nor soda. Lift out, lay on the washboard and scrub with a stiff brush dipped in heavy suds. Rinse in two waters, squeeze as dry as possible, shake thoroughly and pin to a line in the shade. Shake and turn several times daily. It may take a few days to dry them thoroughly. Q. How can I remove rust from white materials? A. Rub the juice "cut lemon on the s )f a freshly n, hold the ning kettle, Three Canadian ships in the armada carrying allied troops to breach Hitler's Atlantic wall were originally designed for holiday traffic with no thought of grim business on the Normandy Coast. The Prince Herfty, Prince David and Prince Robert were built for the Canadian National Steamships at Birkenhead, England. In the Pacific Coast service and in Atlantic waters each of these three Bister ships covered great distances and carried many holiday travellers until 1939 when taken over by the Royal Canadian Navy. The H.M.C.S. Prince Robert became an anti-aircraft cruiser while the other two were redesigned as combined operations cruisers. Press despatches from the front reported that the Prince Henry was one of the first ships to land troops in France while the Prince David also launched her landing craft in the early stages of the attack, and the Prince Robert was an important unit of the protective fleet. While Canadian National Steamships officers had no thought of war when ipecifying the type of ship required, they did ask for power and speed and thus, unknowingly, provided the basis for useful cruisers. The builders installed high pressure boilers feeding &eam turbines to develop 16,000 horsepower and a top speed of 23 knots. The purpose was to maintain an exacting scnednle, The Prince ships were designed for 334 first cabin passengers with deck space for 1,500 day passengers. When launched these ships were each of 6,000 tons. In war dress their top decks, which carried much of the cabin accommodation, were dismantled. H.M.C.S. Prince Robert has been more frequently in the news than her Canadian National sisters, early capturing a rich prize in the Pacific, and afterwards staging a fierce battle against enemy aircraft while guarding a convoy in the Atlantic. These Bhips sailed to the Land of the Midnight Sun but no Alaskan adventure imagined by Jack London, Robert Service or Rex Beach approached that recent action off the Coast of Normandy. they apply for a purchase permit. i new Ceiling prices for honey ir WPTB order gives prodt higher return for No. 1 white honey than for other grades. In sales of bulk honey at wholesale price, the difference is one cent a pound, with No. 1 white honey priced half a cent higher than last year's maximum price for non-pasteurrzed honey. Canadian-grown cherries have been put under a price ceiling for the first time. The Chemistry Division of the Department of Agriculture has made exacting tests to prove that hay cut early is much more nutritious than when cut} late. Red clover cut when 50% in* bloom was found to contain 26%. THORNTON PURKIS AGENCY NEW PARTNERS ed by Board representatives. Because of fir shortages, sale of wooden extension ladders over 7 feet in height are prohibited except under permit. Board officers explain that fruit growers and other farmers who need ladders will be given 1 more protein, 7% more calcium! consideration when I and 4% more phosphofous""Trfan rH»p clover with 80% of the heads ed brown. Timothy well headed out had 45% more protein, 8% more calcium and 40% more phosphorous than timothy in full bloom. Alfalfa when 5% in bloom tained 19% more protein, about the same amount of calcium, and 2% more phosphorous than alfa cut when just past full bloom. Dr. T. M. Stevenson, head of the Forage Crops Experimental Farm, says that when alfalfa is cut at the right time the stems make up about half the weight of the hay and the leaves the other half, but about 70% of the protein in alfalfa is in the leaves. To save the leaves, he says, "Don't let the sun go down on the hay in the swath . . . get it into windrows." W. THORNTON PURKIS New partners In the advertising agency of Thornton Purkis are Gladvs Race and William Thornton Purkis. Miss Race has been associated wtih Mr. Purkis for many years first as secretary, then as space buyer, and for the last few years as account executive. She is the first woman admited to partnership in a Canadian agency. The other MISS GLADYS RACE partners, Mr. Parkis' son, is a lieutenant with the Third Canadian Anti-Tank Regiment Overseas. Bill has been associated with the agency since his graduation from Upper Canada College and the University of Toronto until four years ago when he enlisted. Prior to the war he was executive assistant in the agency's Montreal office. 'Invasion Bank' ___ Taken To France The army took its own amphibious "invasion bank" to France, ft came in waterproofed cash box- es filled with 4,750,000 francs (approximately $95,000), a lorry, two tents and three men. A spokesman said "this is real, genuine French money brought from the Bank of France before the collapse we are circulating again." Just off the press -- New, Large, Colored, European INVASION MAP 10c ; In Coin or Stamps to Co\ This Offer for a Limited Time CLASSIC PUBLISHERS--DEPT. W. 7 ADELAIDE W. -- TORONTC 1 10c Total tonnage of Canadian coins struck in 1943 amounted to more than 1,050 tons, an increase of 400 tons over any previous year, according to the 1943 report of the Royal Mint tabled in the House of Commons by Hon. J. L. Ilsley, Minister of Finance. Average output was three million coins a week. The coining division operated on a 24-hour day, seven-day week schedule for the major part of the HeadacJ Nothing is more depressing than headaches... Why suffer? ...Lambly'* „ will give instant relief: \\\ Lambfy'sisgoodforear- C#*.\ ache, toothache, pains io 1tU/\ f.' b»ck, stomach, bowels, mud/m «J HEADACHE POWDERS u A. These intil the in I get rid of ant re usually black ants, each the ant hill dir-ivith kerosene or I the A. Wher pour boiling watei or rub with glyce lukewarm water, are old and dry, disappears : stains are fresh ter through them, :erin and wash in If the stains ipply javelle as the stain age Q. Ho* the : aterial. I wash glo; the skin will not harden? A. Wash in lukswarm soapsuds and rinse in the same temperature water. Dry on glove stretchers, pulling and stretching the gloves as they begin to dry. Th, out the fir St V&eS fade tj^odin ajtijoe The Pick of Tobacco British Bakery Unit Praised By Yanks Front-line American Army bakers, armed with bazookas and .50 caliber machine guns, are ready to produce 30,000 pounds of bread a day for the invasi6n armies, using British mobile bakery units given them under reverse Lend-Lease. "When we came off the ship we were presnted right away with this unit," said the officer in charge of SAFES Protect your BOOKS and CASH from FIRE and THIEVES. We Cabinet, for any purpose. Visit DR. or^write for prices, etc. to 145 F^on<) s*- E., Toronto J.6rJ TAYLOR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS a company of bakers at one of the biggest U. S. Army ordnance depots in the United Kingdom. "The British said: 'You're a baking company; here's your equipment.' We soon found the British equipment would bake as much bread as the equipment we had trained on in the States, and with half the manpower. It could be set up and dismantled quicker, BABY CHICKS STARTED CHICK BARGAINS TWO and three week olds: Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, Light Sussex, White Rocks, White Leghorns, Hybrids in non-sexed, pullet and cockerels at bargain prices. Send for price list. Day old non-sexed as low as $8.95 per hundred, pullets $10.96, heavy cockerels $7.95. Free catalogue. Also eight week old and older pullets. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. SPECIAL PRICES FOR JULY Barred Rock Mixed ...... 9c White Leghorn Mixed ____ 9c Barred Rock Pullets ..... 16c White Leghorn Pullets ... 16c >on't delay. $1.00 books your order Carleton Hatchery Britannia Heights, Ontario BND OF SEASON SALE OF TOP Notch Government Approved chicks from bloodtested breed-exfl^ Barred Rocks, White Leghorns, New Hampshires. White Rocks, Light Sussex, Black Aus-tralorps, Hybrids non-sexed as low as $7.95 per hundred. Pullets $10.95, Heavy Cockerels $6.95. Shipped C.O.D. Give second choice. Prompt delivery. Top Notch Chiekeries, Guelph, Ontario. STAR BOARDERS HAVE N in the poultry house. Old. profits. We ha' birds an ample supply ot started pullets and chicks. Dayold pullets, chicks, cockerels. Immediate delivery. Look ahead to winter markets. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. BARGAIN SALE Approved Chicks from bloodteste breeders. White Leghorns, Bai hundred, heavy bre $10.95, heavy breed $7.95. Shipped C.O.D. Give i delivery. 95 per pullets ______b. ImmediL.. . hatch July 14th. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. ITCH CHECKED in a Jiffy or Money Back condition 60 • plm.ples and otheritching stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly cr'-- ntense itching. Don't suffer. Ask your drus oday for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. :k relief from itching caused by eczema, -, pimples and otheritching \ liquid If you suffer MONTHLY FEMALE PAIN Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Pinkham's Compound helps nature. Thousands upon thousands have reported benefit. Follow label directions. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S SSHSS" STARTED PULLET CHICKS-- Ready for shipment. Barred Rocks and New Hampshires. 3 weeks old 30c. 4 weeks old 35c. All from Canadian Approved Blood-tested stock. Martindale's Farm Hatchery, Caledonia, Ont. PROMPT DELIVERY OF TWO Rocks, Hybrids. Send Also day old non-sexed as low as $7.95 per hundred, heavy cockerels $6.95, pullets $10.95. Shipped C.O.D. Give second choice. Prompt delivery. Also eight week old and older pullets. Top Notch Chiek- lelph, Ontai COLLECTION WE COLLECT ACCOUNTS AND NOTES RECEIV- largest agency for best results. Financial Collection Agencies, Federal Bldg., Toronto._ DYEING & CLEANING ANYTHING NEEDS eantng? Write to HAVE .. dyeing or c for informs i glad to questions. Depart-Parker*s Dye Works 791 Yonge Street To- HAIRDRESSING AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE women, learn hairdressing at Canada's finest and largest schools. Refined, dignified work. Splendid pay. Write or call for free literature. Marvel Hairdressing Schools, DON'T DELAY! EVERY SUFFER-er of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, PROVEN REMEDY--EVERY SUF- Neuritis should try D!x< edy. Munro's Drug Stor gin, Ottawa. Postpaid i PHOTOGRAPHY PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Send your film rolls to Canada's largest photo finishing studio. GET BETTER PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE Any Size Roll--6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c wrltes'B"I™want you toWkno'w how' pleased I am with your wonderful work and prompt service." We have such letters from all over Can- ENLARGEMENTS I for 25c 4x6" In Ease. Mounts. SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4x6" on ivory tinted mounts 7x9" in Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 59c each. If enlargement coloured, 79c each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A Toronto Print Your Name and Address Plainly on All Orders. ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW. USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electrio Company Ltd., 2326 Dufferin St, QUANTITY OF LARGE WILLOW trees. Hanger Limb Company, 85 King Street West, Toronto, HELP WANTED preferred, respectable plac TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c REPRINTS 8 f IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE FETHERSTONHAUUH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- FOR SALE 12 ACRES, SANDWICH EAST, near Windsor City limits, 3rd. Concession Rd. Immediately ad-Joining improved Walker Home-sites Subdivision. Contains about six acres good standing timber. Black loam. '" 3rd. fid. 5,300--100 ACRES GOOD CLAY loam, creek through pasture field, good fences, 2 bank barns, driving shed, hen house, lovely 11-room modern brick house, double garage, public school < property. In Clarke "" Apply to Owneri Miltor son, Kendal P.O., Ont. COMMERCIAL ICE REFRIGER-ator, * excellent condition, $25.00. A. J. Brady, R.R. 1, Whitby. RUMELY OIL-PULL TRACTOR 25 x 40, good condition, spade cleats. Make offer. Ferris, 66 NEW INVENTION -- PORTABLE Tacker, automatic one-hand compression, drives self-feeding Hansen Brad--Tacks, quickly. Eliminates using hammer. Free demonstration literature. Dominion Supply Co., 183 Bathurst, To- SLIP1T HARNE! Finest leather and harness preservative. Slipit also has many houeshold uses 25c up at most grocery, hardware and chain stores. A product of Lloyds Laboratories. Toronto. TEMPORARY CONSTABLES WANTED Ages 31 Years and Over MARRIED; PHYSICALLY FITj AT LEAST B' 0" IN STOCKING FEET) 160 LBS.; OF GOOD CHARACTER AND FAIR EDUCATION. TO BE AVAILABLE FOR APPOINTMENT IMMEDIATELY. UNIFORM CLOTHING SUPPLIED. Service Office, 174 adina Ave. REFER TO FILE H-783M STUDENT NURSES WOODSTOCK for three years training in September 1944. Students holding secondary school graduation diploma wishing to enrol in this class, kindly addrss application to the Superintendent of Nurses, Woodstock General Hospital, Woodstock, Ontario. EXPERIENCED FLOORMAN AND all round printer, permanent position. Apply Fyle H791M, Near- Police Cadets Wanted Age \Sy2 To \7y4 Years Ed i. . to t high of shorthand and typewriting a Good physical condition with ever likelihood of meeting followin minimum qualifications on attaii ing age of 21 years: Height 5' 10' weight 160 pounds. IMMEDIATE APPOINTMENT APPLY IN PERSON To Employment and Selective Se; vice Office '"' TEACHERS WANTED JULIN ISLAND; PROTES- well, Manitoulin Island. Duties to commence Sept. 1st. Apply stating qualifications and salary, expected to John McKay. Sec, R.R. No. 1, Manitowaning, Ont. QUALIFIED TEACHER WANTED for S.S. No. 8 Raglan. Duties to comrnence Sept. 5.^Apply stating Daniel Budarick, Palmer Rapids. ' BOURKES; TEACHER FOR l'LB-lic school, grades 1 to 10. State age, salary, experience and refer- TEACHER WANTED -- EX! ienced, Protestant, teacher school section No. 1 North ! brooke. Duties to begin Set Apply stating salary, qua] tions and experience. D. J. Ni Sec.-Treas., Elphin, Ont.