Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 1 Jun 1944, p. 3

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS. COLBORNE, ONT., JUNE 1, 1944 GERMAN BACK-TALK IN ITALY German caption on photo above, received in London from Stockholm, says picture shows German field piece in action against Allies on the southern Italian front. WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Water Can Be Used To Start A Fire Water is almost universally thought of as a primary, fire extinguisher, writes W. P. Keasbcy in the Christian Science Monitor. , However, under certain special foe. Most of us have used a burning glass or have seen one used. A burning glass is merely a lens of magnifying glass ground in such a way that it brings to a sharp focus the rays of right which pass through it. When used in bright *unli8ht it can concentrate all the rays that fall on its surface (say three inches in diameter) onto a tiny area nich bigger than a pinhead. This of i Mil:- sponding concentration heat, and when the sunlight fall-ling on the burning glass is focused on dry paper, dry shavings, or other readily combustjlbe material, the heat will soon cause the substance first to char, then to smoke, and finally to burst into flame. Water has two properties ii. common with glass and these properties make it possible for water to start a fire. Clean water is transparent like glass. Also, like glass, •water bends rays of light that pass through it at an angle. This bending of light rays by water is familiarly seen in the fact that a stick or a pencil, thrust into water at an angle, seems to bend where it enters the water's surface. Since water lets light pass through and oends it as it passes, H water is placed in a clear glass container of the proper shape, it can act like a burning glass--it can concentrate rays of sunlight to such an extent that their focused heat can cause combustible material to burst into flame. Water in a goldfish bowl might produce such an effect. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. What would be considered the 2. ' Should a girl begin to put on her wraps when she has dined with a man, and is leaving the table? 3. Is it good form to make a lengthy call of condolence? 4. If one has received a wedding announcement, it it good manners to write a letter to the bride? 5. If one has to pass people who are sealed in a theatre in order to reach one's seat, is an apology. 6. Where is the proper place to scat a woman guest of honor at the dinner table? 1. One would lie nioiiopoluhtp: one is bored; the other, letting the rt aches you. 2. Xo; either the girl's escort or the waiter should assist her. 3. No; this call should be as brief as possible. 4. Yes; it would be nice to send best wishes, but it is not obligatory unless air irvitation to the ceremony is received. 5. Yes; apologize quietly and then r ass on as quickly as possible. 6. To the right of the host. LEADS FRENCH Cicero, Roman orator, was aided in his work by a secretary who devised a shorthand system to, record Cicero's speeches as he dictated /* tf you suffer MONTHLY -FEMALE PAIN You who suffer cramps, headaehe, e to female fi is -- should lias a soothing effect oi Headach ! Nothingismoredepfes- & (sing than headaches... FT' ,Why suffer?... Lambly's 'AV .will give instant relief. . j Lambly's is good for ear- *■ srhe, toothache, pains in • . ■, 'back, stomach, bowels. TKudf > AMBLY'S HEADACHE POWDERS Leader ot the Fighting French forces driving through German resistance, in Italy is Gen. Al-phonse Juin, pictured enjoying a quick sandwich snack near Cassino. He was formerly military commander of the Algerian district of. French North Africa.. Rest Your Eyes At the end of a busy day, soothe your eyes by lying flat, feet propped in the air at a level.above the head; place warm compresses over the eyes, and relax your body. BOI 'MECCA" OINTMENT War Bill Will Pass Trillion Dollar Mark By the end cf this year the cost of the war to all belligerent nations will be near the almost unimaginable total of a trillion dollars, says the Winnipeg Free Press. The bill will pass the trillion mark in 1945, according to figures compiled by the Tax Institute of New York. A trillion dollars is a million million or a thousand billion--a sum never used in human history before to reckon the cost of war or any other activity. The Tax Institute calculates that the Axis so far has spent about the United Nations. But the balance of • xpeoiiittire.- is now -'lifiing rapidly and this year the United Nations will spend $150 billions as against an estimated* total Axis expenditure of $50 billions. It must be remembered, of course, that a dollar will buy more in the Axis countries than in the Allied countries, where wages and living standards are •higher. Lend-Lease Trucks ; Aid Russian Drive Nearly 250 planes, more than 230 tanks, and 7,000 other military motor vehicles a week were sent over-' seas from the United States to Allied nations during January and February under the Lend-Lease program, Leo. T. Crowley, United States rorcic't! Economic Adminis-iptor, reported. Mr. Crowley credited tens of thoo-ands of Lend-Lease trucks with playing a vital role in the gbviei westward drive in the Ukraine and Crimea. ^Furthermore, Soviet - produced tank' were augmented In the offensive drives by Lend-Lease General jfcernians, Mr. Crowley added. ' ijpince March 11, 1941, the United State's .ha' produced more than 103,-OQti planes, 50,000 tanks and 2,000,-000 other military vehicles, Mr. Crowley reported, adding that the United States retained four-fifths of the plane' and two-thirds of the other equipment. Capt. Stanley F. Peoveak of Santa Clara, Mich., snaps a picti a Jap he captured at Hollandia, New Guinea. If Captain Peoveak's pal hadn't held him up, the prisoner would have fallen smack on his face--because he's one Nip who had been nipping too freely on a bottle of sake--the Jap quivalent of corn likkler. j j More nn More men smoke Picobac than any other Pipe Tobacco in Canada Have You Heard? latest news about her neighbor's accident, and turning toward her husband, who was immersed in the evening paper, she said: "Henry, can you see anything in the paper about Mr. Jones running over his mother-in-law?" "Not yet," replied Mr. Peck. "I haven't come to the sporting news!" A little bird s telegraph :s, "I de- And said to hi If wireless telegraphy comes into vogue, We'll all have to sit on the air" " "Why do you insist on keeping a parrot?" "Because," answered the lonelv man, "I like to hear it talk. The parrot is the only creature gifted with the power of speech that is content to repeat just what it hears without trying to make a good w TYPE METALS DOMINION & MONARCH TYPE FOUNDRIES Tribunal Chairman (to CO.): And what would you do if a German attacked your mo- . ther? Conscientious Objector: I'd lay three to one on mum. "Doctor", inquired the anxious patient about to go under anesthetic: "How long will it be before I know anything?" "My dear sir", responded the exasperated medico, "aren't you expecting almost too much from a little ether?" Suitor -- "Darling, how can I ever leave you?" Father (shouting downstairs) -- "Bus, train, or taxi cab." The first lifeboats were designed at the end of the eighteenth cia- GET TOP VOTo'li i-ll K FOR ewrvN<U-Vr.MV'T.>|. Notch' ,')ti!'.'< Is fun'1 Wri K f<! " 19 t i ' ' tie REDUCED PRICES FOR CHICKS, Barred Rocks and Leghorns lie, I.e I r 11 ... i i P | .Strain. Rooks "are "o.R.S. bo-eel. ing. All breeders arc blood t< st-cd. One dollar books your order. J. D. Johnson, Fergus, Ont. RIGHT NOW YOU WANT CHICKS hi i In i SJlrnon-'?<'x'<d. "■,'»)<., t "V-d" .-...'•k •-•) 'liiilo Soi d for p. ii . , log i. about Tec!..'ili','obi,.lis! Tkr',- 1 ii .'"i them m hoyaine 1 f ST.'Oi'rK!! MKAVl HiiKRIl PUL-ItU 1 ^ 1 Httin, tlnt.h6r" 130 J°h" N" itj':;;-. 'i-A ' > Kb ;.;s ,.- HANH In Dai > d i i 1 ' j , i 'limited Boift1' tal-o'^'lm no'c's * mi'^rdmary CM. !•• \1 ■ have dors. ,-,„;. best m \V'"m ' ' I 1 i soororx; .m'ssio-ni \ i > i I '> l' 'l. ' O - i'i' i ' 1 si sfssiy - M/'Hoiivs: :: r.w 1H1I PSII7PES. Order from fiis ad. any lo v> Pro, d Mixed Chicks $12 50 per 100. S. ml for Price last on Cocker,-0--. .Poll,-Is -ml Started Tost. UKKVIKW POULTRY 1 > I ' IO ,e 78. Exeter. Ont. 10c BARRED ROCKS 10c ORDER NOW FOR JUNE ' AND ' July chirks. First come. first served. Barred Rocks mixed 10c, Barred Rock Pullet' 17c. I.c'g-horns mix.. .1 !>e. Leghorn pullets' 20c. Barred P.o.k e-ockorcls Sill.00 per hundred. Leghorn cockerel* $2.00 per 100. All egg-s set from 25 oz. eggs or better and from hiarb produeiim- stock. Pua im r.te.-100% live deliver!-. Si.no books your order. Balance CO.P. Sc-xing Depot, Chatham, Ontario. DYEING & CUEANING HAVE TOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to ua for Information. We ars slad to II 1 ei ! ' - . jes . * 1 7- . - ihent H, fearkfr'B Dve Works JgSJited, 7*1 Tong« Str««t, Toronto. HAIRDRESSING ""AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE Refined oigi .. 1^ \ Jrk.| Si jiidid 358' n\oor 'sttreetfTor^ 44 ^ICing^^s.reet.^Hamilton, and 71 UAIIN HAIUIlliEfeslNIi THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressins Academy, 137 Avenue Road. Toronto. IT'S IMPORTANCES'--EVERY SUF-Munrcl's Drue, Sio'i-?"" 3351 ^Igln, STOMACH AND 1'HKEAD^-jVUR.V.S muiieTwlhy"|iold'|inil wit0?' this Remedfes.1 Stoe'c I toI is'ts. Toronto5' 3.* Ont. BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 45c bottle Ottawa ^ agent Denman GOOD^ADVICE! EVERY SUFFERER Jos"lyi ' ~M5 "1 Is I UOt- FINER "SNAPS" COST LESS PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Canada's largest finishing3 studio does the finest work at lower cost. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c "Your prices for such quality work a.a really ecmumital," write, a eustomer at Peterborough, Ont. "I I i icui i 1 scinated by the p r om p t and' re fi a b 1 e^servi e'e ' a ii d° i n future will send all my rolls to 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 25c Size 4x6" in Beautiful Easel Mounts o .... i. .. - , ..■ sian Walnut or -Pack Ebony finish "frames,^ 50c each. If enlargement STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 'I'll, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print lour Name and Address Plainly on All Orders. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION *our films properly^ developed and' , 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE ,i'o,U may not get all the films you ;|rant this^year^but you can get all -^IMPERIAL, PHOTO SERVICE «£ Station J. Toronto. B .' PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY ■,-opatent Solicitors. Established j\I8tO; 14 King West, Toronto. -Booklet of Information on re- FOR SALE .;■&(/ ACRES--ONE MILE FROM £il«rth. Mrs. E. J. Leach, R.R. No. 1 .Perth. 1W> ACRES, i,i MILE FROM OR1L-lia, highway 12. modern home, buildings, clootOeiiy, ,,,-iced R>» Quick sale. Eos. 174. QrUlta. - 130 ACRES, DAIRY FARM, BRICK house, eight rooms, bank barn. Implement shed, garage, lots of shade trees, artesian well, water in house and barns. Hydro, .-We teen miles from Toronto. Apply R. E. Bateman, Unionville. :<••• ACRES--BURGESS, 5 MILES from Perth. Wm. Matheson, Perth 4- 'Mi. IM ROUSE. NEW. ~, ACPl-l land, for sale cheap for cash. Mrs. D. Evan', Sprucedale, Ontario.. BURLINGTON, 5 OR 20 ACRES; apples and pears, bearing: no buildings. Box 141, 73 Adelaide West, Toronto. FARMS POP SALE, IN TEMISK-amh.g- district. close to highway, Zalek Vertlieb. Wawbewawa, Ont. 2000 BIRD NATURAL HILLY TUR-kcy Ranch eem ippcd cod sleeked. Automatic Ramm Trout Ponds, Fruit and fine furnished home. Will coach buyer on operation. Whaling Turkey Ranch, Moore-field, Ontario. TO CLOSE ESTATE 150 ACRES for sale, 95 cleared, till acres bush and swamp; large stone house, new- turn.',, e, large bank barn, both well reef, 0; ,,,,-iuv, „,„„. location on county stone load two miles from A, ton: price, J7.000.00. Apply George Some!-, ,11'e, Acton. Ont. JERSEVS WE ARE NOW ui--l.-i.niNr, BULL calves from a few weeks old to serviceable ago. by our herd -ires and out of po,,d ioodii.ir.o-. high classified dams. The best strains for typo and production are represented. I'-i,-.- are rm,Ft reasonable. DON HEAT, FARMS. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO. NEW ZEALAND WHITE RABBITS, inn:,,,- stc„-k. 2 moo.lis. weight 4V- lbs. mature at 12 lbs., SI.I.Oil trio. Pedigreed, < .c r;, m , , ,1 live delivery. Wc btiv all vou raise. Writ: United Babbitry, Dartmouth, N.S. DeWALT SAWS AND WOODWORKER Machines. Newest types available from direct factory representatives for Canada. Quotations gladly furnished on application. DeW o . on Ltd., 402 West Pender St.. Vancouver, NEWLY RECONdFtTONED BOOTS dition, a$3.25 delfvered!" ladies' $2.m5 d(l.i"in3 • .' 1 , ,',"n- antee. State size, send money order. Ruskin & Co.. Peterborough, Ont. •SEEP POTATOES -- SIVNn '-', ION A Chippewa and c, Of.cd s, I,ago v; ! irties, imnodia:,- -h niifiil. supply limited. Earle Tulley, PI..'-.■■!-: !..• PRA' OK i 01 . v, m.f 4 months. SPi.nr. spaye 1 r, males. <l v-e.des. siia.c.. J. • , ford, Perth, Ont. vu ve's"xi>'j'ARMLRS "son"-V mis-s i his onnortunitv. You can make all the Trans want novo of ordinery set. Guaranteed to bear to weasel si;;.-. SI.00 for plan and in-sfruct'Oins Sl.fo mode! trap Included. Peter Zi.pnic. WaKhrm, Quebec. _ SLIPIT I! \;;n.':.-.-' P-PESSING -- i i 11 houeshold uses 25c up at no'-t grocery, hardware and chain stores. A product of Lloyds Laboratories. Toronto. ELECTRIC MOTORS. NEW. USED bought, sold, rebnk:; belts pulleys, brushes AH.-.. Eictu,-Company Ltd., 2326 Dufferin St. Toronto. FOR SALE JUST OUT, ILLUSTRATED CAN-adian catalogue, 1944 edition, £0c. Vincent's Stamp Shop, 294 St. Catherine West, Montreal. WAR MAP BARGAIN. AN EX., ing and thoroughly readable map showing- dated evtnis, a map • t',!'roam.o,',n' En,."' Printlngt'Prc^ i-.....■ Las Sir, , i. Too: so. r- i-: 'o I-io', ,-i.i;,-- rent .'.u-;n a-.:, boys. $42.50--$44.00--$44.75 and $48.50. For ,, omen and girls, J, ;. 50--$45.<n -- itli.Mi and Sa'-.Sb. o, , money order •■in! writ, lolght :f. rider to McBride's, 36 Queen East, Toronto. FA.xe-V WESTERN STYLE RIDING Ma'tingab :- and rilling In idles, in brown. I„n. black Pat hr r, ^:: I nick.] spotted, for small horo.-s only, $8.5i,. foi both, and ot above in pony siz. ST.an. Sent postpoj. Send money order to A. ]•;. Po:g, 557 York St., London, Ont. MACHINES REPAIR33R $1.50. Parts extra. If ronii: I. Parts still available. A. -jilb.Tt, 2229 Dundas St., Toronto. MILKING MACHINES GENUINE HI N MAN KLIOIEOS am! i ts f, i , id -t! 1. d to - Row-e ' & "company * Lim'i t/d, ""r o'l tributors, 47 Crang Ave., Toronto. HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED FLOORMAN AND tion. Apply Fyle H791M, N, -est selective Service Office. WANTED FULLY QIO. teachers for Home Econom cs and General Shop, to teach gr , le work in lnooiii g l„ l id's. W: i 'I tit ll 1 HI I S Hoard.' 345 Fa'irvieiv Blvd., River- general housework, good home. Mrs. C. H. Day, Pen n io lo 1 bo: .« P.-, I: lid.. Islington._ WANTED MANUFACTURER of l.lol TNI j a"* in' Apply B. Phillips Com,;., i.y 1., -- WILL I-/ ', . -ASH pop i ■ W 'I Lawn Mowe, and Elo-lri, l-.eii .-- rei, lying- ' it'si":.k.v" Av, no, Wis •'-sor, Ont. ■-.\ x--i-:-: - '0,1.1. c--i'A~; s-r;7M ~ Best cash p; ice- paid. s< i.d v, r lots te._ A. Stern 2aal St e y- - disi-ipl'ma-iim! s'l'aJ'" eii'r ':','.';.-.! i - FARM TRACTORS WANT!-: I.. ANY CONDITION. PRS. ferably^ I , ui , o > v, .,. , l - ONTARIO."

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