Page Eight CO-OPERATION IN PLANNING IS STRESSED New Department no Brain Trust or Santa Claus, Says Porter--Vital for Postwar Hon. Dana Porter, Provincial Minister of Planning and Development told the Progressive Conservative Business Men's Club last week that the paramount objective of the new department was to co-operate and coordinate with municipal officials and other provincial departments towards developing and maintaining postwar employment and utilizing to the fullest extent our natural resources. Mr. Porter said the new department could not be considered a brain trust nor a Santa Claus. "The main objective of the department is co-operation," he said. "It will be the job of the planning minister to collaborate with the Ministers of other departments towards developing and maintaining postwar employment and towards developing the Provincial resources." The planning minister said the whole question of rehabilitation of our armed forces was not a mere matter of "giving a meagre pension or placing a man on a farm with "It is a much more broad and vital business," he said. "It really means that we must prepare a condition of society into which returned men may come back and become assimilated. This must not be a society which is looking backward in the hopeless attempt to recover some dream of the past, nor one that is straight-jacketed by the blue laws of rationed mediocracy. It must be a society on the move, where men shall not only find a place for their initiative but a pressing demand for it." Commenting on the new labor legislation adopted by the Drew Govern-mene Mr. Porter said that it was a real progressive step in the interest of labour. NEW ADDITION TO EAST BLOCK QUEEN'S PARK New Million Dollar Adjunct Part of Postwar Plan--Will Modernize Treasury Depart- A million dollar addition to the East Block, Parliament Buildings, will be constructed by the Ontario Government as a postwar project Hon. George Doucett, Minister of Highways disclosed last week. Mr. Doucett said plans have already been completed for the construction and the building will be erected after the war when materials are available. The new wing will complete the present East Block which now has three sections north and one section south of the main tower. The East Block will occupy the entire area from Wellesley to Grosvenor Street. Plans have also been drafted to house the treasury department now in the old building, with modern vaults and equipment for handling bonds and securities. The entire basement will be taken up with a huge garage for highways, public works and provincial police cars. Mr. Doucett said the offices in the new wing will be modern and streamlined. There will be large rooms in place of the present small offices. The wing will be six stories high i-nd will be similar in structure to the rest of the East Block. A Scotsman, leaving his friend's house, where he had been visiting, held out to his host's small boy a threepenny-bit and a penny, saying, "Now, Sandy, which one will ye hat?" Young Sandy, being a cute wee beggar, said, "Och, Mr. McTavish I was always taught no' to be greedy, so I'll hae the wee one." McTavish, not to be outdone, replied, "Weel, Sandy, for being a good boy, and mae being greedy, I'll gie the big one tae ye." APPROVAL GIVEN $15.00 LIMIT ON RAILWAY TRAVEL FOR ARMED FORCES ON LEAVE Kingston, May 26.--Approval of a $15.00 ceiling in railway fares payable by personnel of the Canadian Armed Forces when travelling to bona fide homes on annual leave ebmarkation leave in Canada is i nounced by the Minister of National Defence, the Minister of National Defence (Naval Services) and the Minister of National Defence (Air) in a joint statement to-day. This becomes effective on and after June 1, 1944. This means that personnel of the Canadian Armed Forces when travelling on annual leave or embarkation, leave to bona fide homes in Canada* will not pay the railway companies more than $15.00 for the round trib no "hiatter how far their homes are from point of departure. Orders-in-Council in 1941 and 1942. authorized the Minister of National Defence to enter into an agreement' with the railway companies whereb^ personnel travelling to their bona fide homes in Canada on annual leave or embarkation leave would be "a'bl# to purches a hound trip ticket for V$ of the cost of a single fare. The De-> partment of National Defence pai< % of a single fare and the railv companies absorbed the balance the cost of the return rail ticket. Thijrj hase been in force since the 10th' July, 1941. In view of the long distances which some personnel of the Armed Forces? have to travel in order to reach theini homes, the Ministers of the three services and their advisons recommended to the Government that the cost to the individual travelling in excess of $15.00 for those entitled to this transportation concession should be absorbed by the Government. This, is what has been approved, ONTARIO HOUSE SERVING TROOPS AND THEIR WIVES To provide a meeting ground for many nationalities and promote their interest in this country, Ontario House in London is operating two new services for members of the armed forces. Major James Armstrong, Ontario Agent General, reports that the two new services are the Ontario Services Club, and the Soldiers' Wives Information Bureau. The former is operated by Mrs. Arthur Purvis of Ottawa and the latter by Miss Amelia Prentice of Toronto. The Service Club facilitities will be available to all members of the armed forces. There will be canteens, lounge rooms and libraries for officers and ether ranks, a leave accommodation and information bureau and sleeping accommodation. Snookie--"How did you find the girls at the dance?" Rookie--"I mistakenly opened a door marked 'Ladies' and there they were!" This is how it will work. An example would be the case of a soldier whose home is so far away from his station that the single fare would be $60.00. Under the exisiting arrangements the railway company would collect $20.00 from the soldier, bill the Government for $20.00 and absorb the remaining cost of the return rail ticket. Under the new arrangement the railway will collect $20.00 from the soldier, bill the Government for $25.00 and absorb the remaining cost of the return ticket. For ordinary leave, personnel of the three Services will continue to enjoy the concession granted by the Canadian Railways whereby, at any time when travelling on leave, they may purchase a return ticket for the price of a single fare. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Respecting further restrictions in the sale of Spirituous Liquors in the Province of Ontario IT has become necessary to reduce again the amount of spirits which can be purchased by individual permit holders in the Province of Ontario. This is something over which the Liquor Control Board of Ontario has no discretionary authority. Under P.C. 11374 the Dominion Government limited the amount of spirits which could be obtained for sale in the Province of Ontario to 70 percent of the amount obtained from November 1st, 1941, to October 31st, 1942. That means that by the order of the Dominion Government there became available in Ontario for annual sale 1,153,594 gallons of proof spirits. It is a problem in simple arithmetic. All that the Board can do is to adjust the quantity available to holders of permits so that the total amount procurable for sale under the Dominion Government Order P.C. 11374 can be distributed throughout the whole year. Due to the increase in the number of permits, and the extent to which the permit holders are purchasing spirits each month, it now becomes necessary to reduce the amount which can be purchased by individual permit holders or there will be no spirits available for sale during the closing months of the present year. The following table shows in simple form exactly what has been taking place: Number of Permits outstanding at month end Monthly ration Aggregate I to fill monthly ratior January, 1943 January, 1944 March, 1944 155,295 1,227,459 1,282,938 160 oz. 26 oz. 26 oz. 108,702 proof gals. 139,623 proof gals. 145,934 proof gals. A recent survey of the sales for the present year and the amount still f available under the limits imposed by the Dominion Government make it necessary to limit purchases on the following basis as of the first of June. I FROM THE FIRST OF JUNE UNTIL THE END OF THE PRESENT OPERATING YEAR EACH PERMIT HOLDER WILL BE PERMITTED | TO PURCHASE ONE BOTTLE (25 or 26 ounce) OF SPIRITS EVERY f TWO MONTHS OR TWO HALF-BOTTLES, WHEN AVAILABLE. LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD OF ONTARIO Victor T. Goggin CHIEF COMMISSION! NOTICE to Plot Owners at the Union Cemetery Will the plot owners of Union Cemetery kindly „ send in your donations to the Secretary-Treasurer, as soon as possible, in order that your plots may be cared for this season. HARRY McCRACKEN, Secretary-Treasurer. LISTEN TO THE Trent Valley Ramblers Radio Station CHEX, Peterborough Wednesday, June 7th at 9.00 p.m. FEATURING--Clair Wyatt and his Violin Jack, the Yodelling Cowboy Dorothy, the Singing Cowgirl McCracken&McFadyen AMBULANCE SERVICE j ., and E. McFadyen, Embalmer Undertaking Prices to Suit Everyone SERVICE THE BEST Redf earn keeps Coftl keeps Redf earn Quantity of Dry Wood on Hand LADIES' HOES 66c -- WHITE SOCKEES NEW SHIPMENT OF LADIES' DRESSES -- CHILDREN'S DRESSES --V-- ENGLISH CHINA AND GLASSWARE CUPS and SAUCERS -- PLATES and NOVELTIES --V-- MEN'S WORK GLOVES AND SHIRTS BOYS' COTTON PULL-OVERS Jas. & Redf earn Son PHONE No. 1 KING STREET COLBORNE \y^SO LITTLE CHILDREN^ MAY PLAY ONCE AGAIN ot The Hospital for Sl.k Children. The continuance of tab oNontk Your help is urgently needed -p/ease mail a 0l|h,rte _ donation Today I , .. THE HOSPITAL 5ICK CHILDREN 67 COLLEGE STREET,TORONTO A SURPRISE SUBSCRIPTION TO THE HOME TOWN PAPER How about sending e weekly reminder to that relative or friend who has left town? You are too busy to write an occasional letter, let alone a weekly one. The home town paner will be sent regularly each week anywhere in Canada or the British Empire for $2.00 a year--less than 4 cents a week. $2.50 a year to the United States. THE COLBORNE EXPRESS If you have anything to sell, or want to buy anything- try our Condensed Ads.