Page Four THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 27th, 1944 SALEM (Too late for last week) . Win Before you blame your telephone... Bnr Engineers designed the mouthpiece of your telephone to give best results at one-quarter of an inch from the lips. When your lips are farther away than this, your voice is transmitted less strongly . . . less clearly. Failure to remember these simple facts accounts for the great majority of "trouble" reports. Help avoid needless service check-ups, and at the same time let those you talk to hear you without strain. Just remember: Talk clearly, normally, directly into the telephone, with your lips just one-quarter of an inch from the mouthpiece. Gi</Ut# U/Uifs & Motets holding the continue to hold ... SAVE FUEL AND HOT WATER UNIT With conservation of both fuel and equipment a "must" in all Canadian households this year, the Canadian Institute of Plumbing and Heating has issued a bulletin giving tested pointers on the wartime care of gas water heaters. Burners, states the Bulletin, should be brushed at least twice a year, thus assuring a clean, bright flame and the elimination of backfiring. Sediment, which if not drained off wjll impair the efficiency of the heater through its insulating effect, should be removed by opening the drain faucet at the bottom of the storage heater every month or two. Close the faucet as soon as the water clears. Tanks as well as pipes should be properly insulated. Water in the tank should never be heated above 140 degrees. Higher temperatures waste fuel and may injure the heating and piping. In most cases this merely means setting the thermostat to the temperature desired. Finally, advises the Institute, make sure that your entire system is in good working order and that you have no leaky faucets or other waste factors. A check up by you plumber is well worth the little it will cost and may save you an appreciable amount in waste eliminated. :hildren and Mrs. Anna Brown visited Mrs. Brown's brother, Mr. Wm. Scriver, at the Canal, on Saturday last. The burial of the late Mrs. Wm. Alyea, of Belleville, took place at the Salem Cemetery on Saturday. Friends of Mr. Matthew McDonald will be glad to know he is much improved in health. Mrs. R. J. Armstrong was the winner of the door prize at the Men's Club euchre last week, a ten dollar War Saving Certificate. A good kind of cash which one does not lend or Mr. Chas. Buchanan spent the week end at the home of his sister, Mrs Wm. Brown. Friends here were glad to welcome back one of our own girls, when Mrs. Myrtle Taylor and children of Port Hope moved into the house lately occupied by Mrs. Leonard and owned by Mr. E. Frederick. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed at our church on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Knapp and children entertained a group of their neighbours on Friday evening last at a Euchre party. Mrs. Albert Barnes won first prize. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown and family were Sunday dinner guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Buchanan. We extend our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Goodfellow of East Colborne, the parents of our Member of Parliament, who on April 20th, are celebrating their 57th wedding aniversary. A family party is being held in their honour. Miss Thelma Heckbert, Reg. N., of Belleville, and a friend, also a Reg. N., spent Wednesday at her home here. April 25th, 1944 Mrs. Hugh Milliken and daughters, Jaqueline, Helen and Linda, Smiths Falls, and Mrs. Harry Coulter, Mrs. Harold Long and Gary, Trenton fpent Friday last at the home of Mr pnd Mrs. R. J. Armstrong. Petty Officer Whaley, from an East Coast port, is spending a furlough here with' his wife and daughter and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Whaley. Mrs. Leslie Vanslyke is spending a few weeks at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCulien. TO SUBSCRIBERS Our mailing- list has been corrected up to Wednesday of this week. Look at your label and see if you have been given proper credit. If you arc paid up, we thank you. If you owe us, we wounld appreciate an early remittance. CASTLETON April 25th, 1944 Mrs. Lloyd McMurray and Joe returned home on Saturday, after spending the weekend with her brother, Mr. Arnold May, Toronto. ; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Blakely and baby. Belleville, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Frank Mc-Quoid. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ellis and family, Milbrook, spent tne weekend with her .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shred and his mother, Mrs. Lilly Ellis. Miss Nina Bush, Brighton, spent Sunday with Mrs. Edna Barton. Miss Ethel Spencer is spending a few days with Mrs. D. Ducie. Miss Helen Baptist and Carl spent •Sunday with her parents, Mr. and I^js./L. W. Naish Mr. Stewart Williams and his mother, Mrs. B. Wililams, are home for a few days. Mrs. Douglas Wnitney and children spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pappineau. The young people held a dance on Friday night at the Community Hall. A goodly crowd atended. After paying expenses they had $15.00 to send to the Evening Telegram British War Victins' Fund. Mr. Arthur Johnson, Oshawa, spent the weekend with his family here. Pte. Keith Clarke, Camp Borden, <>nd Mrs. Clarke and baby, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ellis. Friends of Mr. P. A. Thompson are glad to see him well enough to be around again. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Devine have moved into the Gaffiield house. Miss Frances Dingwall, Peterboro, Mr. Jack Dingwall, Toronto, spent (he weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Dingwall. Mr. Elwood Moore, Oshawa, was home over the weekend. Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Simpson and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Bookout on Saturday. Mrs. Hattie Warner is home again after spending the past three weeks with her son, Mr. Ziba Fox, Toronto. Mrs. Ella Warner is in town again for the summer. Miss Betty Shredd, Bowmanville, ipent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Shredd. Man's to Rebuild To-day man faces the most supberb opportunity which has come to him. His world lies in ashes. It is now his to rebuild.--Henry J. Kaiser. Worthy of His Country He is most worthy of his country , who loves it, and refuses to live on j Check-R-Chix We can fill orders for Chickens--May & June delivery Order Now and Save Disappointment BARRED ROCKS -- WHITE ROCKS -- WHITE LEGHORNS -- NEWHAMPSHIRES Seed Potatoes P. E. I. CERTIFIED COBBLERS FOR PLANTING 75 lb. bag $2.95 C. P. RALLS Division Street, COBOURG SPONSORED BY J-J^ J IVIAYHEW JEWELER PROPERTY FOR SALE FARM, 5 acres, choice garden land, newly built frame house, cottage design, soft and hard water, good cellar, barn 30x48 ft., stable for 5 head, good hen house, good garage. This property is within iy2 miles of Colborne. Sacrifice for quick sale. FARM, 300 acres, good land, some orchard, spring w^ater in pasture; new frame house, large barn, 40 head, 10-horse stable, hen house. $11,000 or exchange. FARM, 75 acres, well watered and fenced, good level land, good buildings, on county road. See this one--$1500. FARM, 65 acres more or less, lot 34f con. 6, Cramahe Township, mostly workable, trout stream, frame house, 6 rooms, bank barn. SOLID BRICK HOUSE, 7 rooms, with modern conveniences, barn, half acre of land, in Village of Colborne. Persons having properties for sale are invited to list them with the undersigned. We pay for advertising. S. E. ROBINSON Auctioneer and Real Estate Agent PHONE 78r23 COLBORNE, Ontario ASK THE VICTORY LOAN SALESMAN FOR A COPY OF THIS LETTER-- It enables you to buy Victory Bonds through your bank-on convenient deferred payments FILL OUT THE LETTER AND GIVE IT TO THE VICTORY LOAN SALESMAN--IT IS AN ORDER ON YOUR BANK TO BUY BONDS FOR YOU You can buy Victory Bonds with cash which you have saved . : . and you can buy more bonds with money as you get it, on convenient deferred payments. Every Victory Loan salesman has printed copies of the deferred payment letter at the right. (You can also get this form letter at any bank.) All you do is write in the name of your bank and the YOU HAVE SIX MONTHS TO PAY THE BANK FOR THE BONDS--THE INTEREST THE BONDS EARN, PAYS THE BANK INTEREST ON THE LOAN You make a first payment of at least 10% of the amount of the bonds you buy and pay the balance when it is convenient for you to do so, within the next six months. Bonds earn 3% for you and this income pays the interest on the loan during this period. - Be sure to buy Victory Bonds on this plan as well as for cash. Canada needs more money to pay her enormous war bill. " you do is write in the name of your bank and tne JS^^mS war bill. Let your country have the use of amount of the bonds you wish to buy and signi^ "^HLmm$£jb a^ money y°u can save- 6-42 ^^zW^BUY^/flCTORY BONDS M ££4^ ^ WW^^-- M W NATIONAL WAR FINANCE CO/AMITTEE