Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 4 May 1944, p. 5

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 4th, 1944 Page Five THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, issued every Thursday morning by H. S. Keyes. Subscription $2.00 per annum in advance; $2.50 to U.S.A. Transient advertisements 12 cents per line first insertion and 8 cents per line for each additional insertion. Business cards not exceeding one inch $7.00 per annum. Yearly contracts at uniform rates. LEGAL A. D. HALL, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office and residence King Street, Colborne Ontario. AUCTIONEERS ARNOLD POOLE IUCTIONEER and REAL ESTATE BROKER. The under signed i experienced auctioneer --" pays for the clerk, pays for the advertising, and guarantees a satisfactory sale or positively no pay. Sales conducted anywhere in the Province. Pure bred stock sales a specialty. Phone at my expense. ARNOLD Poole, Castleton, Ontario. Phone No. 10r23. S. E. ROBINSON Colborne - Ontario SEAL ESTATE BROKER AND VALUATOR EXPERIENCED GENERAL AUCTIONEER Sales of Any Kind -- Large or Small Conducted Anywhere Lowest Rates for Guaranteed Service I Pay for Clerk and Advertising OSCAR C. MORGAN Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker BRIGHTON Sales Conducted Anywhere at Reasonable Rates Several good farms for sale; also some valuable town property P. O. Box 288. Phone 245 38-6m WATCHES -- CLOCKS JEWELLRY Cleaned and Repaired Prices Reasonable W. S. BELL Jeweller -- Colborne W. W. D. McGLENNON (Successor to G. E. R. Wilson) GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE CONVEYANCING ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES BRUNSWICK BLOCK Colborne PHONE 20 Ontario LIFE AND MORTGAGE INSURANCE THE DOMINION LIFE ALLAN J. TERRILL Representative COLBORNE - ONTARIO FUNERAL DIRECTORS E. QUINN FUNERAL DIRECTOR Colborne - - - - Ontario Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended MOTOR HEARSE Phonne 111 ■ - - Colborne, Ontario McCRACKEN & McFADYEN Colborne J. M. BLACKLOCK Grafton MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended PHONE 38, GRAFTON BLACKSMITHING Clare Goodrich GENERAL BLACKSMITH AND HORSESHOING 2 Miles Ea*t of Castleton BUILDING MATERIAL Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Clapboards, eic CUSTOM SAWING W. W. MUTTON BRUNSWICK HOTEL Colborne First-Class Meals and Accommodation Give us a caU when in Colborne LT.-COL. J. F. WOLFRAIM, Prop. QUEENS HOTEL COLBORNE FHtST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION at Reasonable Rates GARAGE IN CONNECTION Local Agent for HILL, THE CLEANER, TRENTON FELIX J. MURPHY, Proprietor COST OF LIVING Since price control was adopted in Canada the cost of living has advanced little more than 3 per cent, as against 33 per cent during the corresponding period of the Great War. Business is sensitive. It comes where it is invited. It stays where it is well treated. CASTLETON May 2nd, 1944 Mrs. Mattie Calbery spent the week end with her brother, Mr. David Ferguson, at Port Hope General Hospital, where he is taking treatments. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coffee, Toronto, are spending a few days this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Coffee. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Barton and children, Campbellford, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Barton on Sunday. Friends of Miss Betty Covert will be pleased to learn she is some better at time of wrting. Miss Marjorie Mcintosh spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mcintosh. Mrs. J. Baptist is spending a few days this week with Mrs. Margaret Wolfraim. Mrs. Clarence Somerville, Colborne, spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Burley. Mr. Andrew Wolfraim has gone to Toronto, where expects to spend the Mrs. Jas. Stark, Donna and Gwen, Newtonville, spent the weekend with Ler parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Moore. Masters Lynn and George Warner spent Sunday afternoon with Roger Reid. Mr. Wm. Covert, George and Carl, Harmony, and Mrs. George Covert, Toronto, were geusts of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Tait on Saturday night and part of Sunday. Mr. Douglas Tait was at Belleville on Sunday afternoon. Miss Ruth Haynes spent Thursday morning with Mildred Weiton. George Wolfraim returned to Halifax on Sunday, after spending two past two weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wolfraim. Calling All Citizens ! Another large "Paper Drive" under way. Paper products are urgent demand and you can help fill this Government demand by simply doing this : Securely bundle all waste paper or cardboard boxes and leave them the United Church shed on or before May 20th. If it is inconvenient for you to bring your collection to the village, the township truck will pick them up while in your vicinity by contacting Mr. Geo. Walker. Remember this request and do your share to make this drive more successful than any former drives. Every little donation to the "Paper Drive" will count. We count on you and you and you. Salvage all your waste paper and bring it to the church shed. DUNDONALD May 2nd, 1944 'clock next Sun- MEANING OF DEMOCRACY I cannot too often repeat that Democracy is a word the real gist of which still sleeps, quite unawaken-ed, notwithstanding the resonance and the many angry tempests out of which its syllables have come, from pen or tongue. It is a great word, whose history, I suppose, remains unwritten because that history has yet to be enacted.--Walt Whitman. Butter Wrappers at The Express. KEYS and RING in Colborne on Monday, May 1st. Apply at EXPRESS PRINTING OFFICE. m4 TO RENT HOUSE, 8 rooms, hard and soft water, good barn, good garden, 3V£ acres; at Lakeport. Possession June 1st. Apply to CECIL PEEBLES, Colborne, Ont. m4-25x QUILT TOPS AND QUILTS ORDERS taken for Quilt Tops or Fnished Quilts. Provide your own colour scheme. Prices reasonable. " Apply MRS. J. W. EVELY. Phone 54r23, Colborne, R.R. 2. a20-27 FOR SALE FARM IMPLEMENTS consisting of Lumber Waggon, Set of 6,000 Spring, Deering Mower, Set of 2,000 lb. Scales, Cultivator, two-horse; Set of Harrows, 3-section. Apply to HARRY McDONALD, 134 King Street, Cobourg. m4 BIRCH WOOD--12 inch lengths--1 cord $4.25, 2 cords $8.25, 4 cords $16.00. HAYNES' WOOD YARD, Colborne. Phone 144w. m23-al3x REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSE, 8 rooms, bath, double garage, about 1 acre of land with small fruits and apples. Apply to HARRY CARTER, P. O. Box 293 Colborne. a27-ml8x VACUUMS FOR SALE VACUUMS REPAIRED "GOOD VACUUMS FOR GOOD Housekeeipng." Also guaranteed expert repairs, lubrication, replace, ments, etc. C.U.C. Sales and Service. Branch at Cane's Radio and Singer Service. Telephone Cobourg 119. 9tf Poultry Wanted Highest Prices Paid If you have any for sale Phone 52 - Colborne Service at 11.00 day morning. Rev. and Mrs. Treffry, Hilton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Eddy, "Hillview Farm." Miss Marion Wright was a week end guest of Mr. anij Mrs. Donald Chapman, Brighton. Ronald Chapman is visiting his sister, Mrs. Bill McKnight, Tornto. Miss Marie Honey has obtained employment at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mutton, Colborne, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mutton on Friday of last, week. Mrs. R. Stimers has returned home after spending the widter months with her daughter, Mrs. Caleb Cole* Wooler. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCracken, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Mutton and faimly, Shiloh, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mutton and Mr. Garnet Mutton. Mrs. E. L. Fulford, Vernonville, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Austin Eddy, "Hilliview Farm." Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mutton and Miss Betty Mutton visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Samis, Colborne, on Thursday last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mutton and Miss Rena Mutton, Shiloh, visited Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mutton and Mr. Garnet Mutton on Sunday evening last. Mrs. Adele Peters, Colborne. was a weekend guest of her mother, Mrs. Roy Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buchanan have moved to their new home near Colborne. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stimers and Kathleen, Edville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Honey on Friday of last week. Messrs. Gordon Honey and Archie Chapman attended the funeral as pallbearers of the late Mrs. B. Ferguson, at Cobourg, on Wednesday, April 26th. The Dundonald Busy Pals will hold their regular meeting at the home of Muriel Mutton on Saturday, May 16th. On Wednesday evening of last week Eden Church held a congregational meeting to discuss the installation of electricity in the church and community hall. The motion was unanimously accepted to make every possible effort and $115.00 was immediately donated. Since then the sum has risen to $200.00. SALEM May 2nd, 1944 Fit. Lieut. Collins, Mrs. Collins, Ann and Jane, Mountain View, called on Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Armstrong on Sunday. Petty Officer-Whaley, Mrs. Whaley^ and baby Carolyn were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown. The funeral service and burial of the late Mrs. Geo. Graham took place at the Salem Church and Cemetery on Monday last. A large gathering of friends testified to the high esteem in which she was held. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Gaynor, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown and children, Toronto, spent last weekend at their summer cottage, at Little Lake. Friends of Mrs. Ellsworth Keys will be sorry to hear of her illness. While improving nicely, she will be iorced to keep very quiet for some time. Mrs. Keys, being an extremely active person, will find thia a bit of a hardship. However, we hope for the best. Mr. Matthew McDonald, who has been spending some time with his sister, Mrs. Albert Barnes, has gone visit his daughter, Mrs. Fred Montgomery, at Union. Mrs. Leslie Vanslyke spent Monday at Cobourg with her husband, who has secured a position there. There was a good attendance at the meeting of Salem Cemetery Board at the schoolhouse on Friday evening last week. Mr. W. J. Onyon, Colborne, appointed secretary, and the names of Messrs. Howard Swain and Kenneth Mutton were added to the Board with those of Messrs. James Cochrane and Cecil Gummer, who with the late H. S. Keyes as secretary, erved so faithfully and efficiently for i number of years. Messrs. Chas. Bellamy and Arnold lives were appointed auditors. Mr. R. J. Armstrong was re-appointed as caretaker. A resolution was passed that the Board hold public meeting annually. LAKEPORT May 2nd, 1944 Mrs. H. May, Wicklow, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Warner on Saturday. Miss Phyllis Oke, Toronto, is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Oke. Mr. Archie Edwards, of Port Hope, »s a Saturday visitor here. Pte. H. Oke, of the Veteran Guard, Kingston, spent the weeKend at his home here. Those from a distance attending the funeral of the late Benjamin Moore were Mr. and Mrs. J. Moore, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. B. Moore jr., Agincourt; Fit. Sgt. Jas. Moore, R.C. A.F., Clinton; Mr. and Mrs J. Ritt-vage and Mrs. Quigley, Cobourg; We ■egret that Mrs. Moore is quite ill at time of writing and we wish her speedy recovery. Buy more War Savings Stamps ! "WHAT-ANOTHER VICTORY LOAN?" --said a Colborne citizen "Mister--the casualty list comes out every day!" --replied a soldier "You Should See My Income Tax!" --said the Colborne citizen "There's a lad in hospital who'll never see again!" --replied the soldier "We're Doing More Than Our Share Now!" --said the Colborne citizen "There's no share when you give your life}" --replied the soldier BELIEVE US: The most impoatant Bond you can buy is the one you can't afford. NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE County of Northumberland Phone Colborne 161 and a Victory Loan Salesman will call on you. ^ffTell your Friends... the minute you have bought your new Victory Bond. Tell them why you bought it -- because you have someone precious over there ... because you want to see that every Canadian has overwhelming weapons to win -- because you are buying a stake in your country's future. Whatever your reason, tell your friends and you'll do another national service -- you'll sell your Friends^ LEND-TILL THE END CT0RY FIRST buy more VICTORY BONDS

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