THE COLBORNE EXPRESS. COLBORNE, ONT., APRIL 20, 1944 PREVIEW OF INVASION An indication of what skies over Europe will look like when the Allies invade Hitler's continental fortress is given in the spectacular photo above, showing massed descent by U. S. paratroopers in England, put on for Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, supreme Allied Commander. A Sailor's Letter From British Isles The following extracts from a naval officer's letter home are well worth passing on: "Although this is the first time lince June of 1942 I have been in the British Isles, the contrast between then and now is quite apparent. The pedple are just two years more tired. .•'dreadfully tired; tired of blackouts, of rationing, of queuing up, of war generally, but there- is no sign of any less determination of seeing this thing through. When I was here last the first big raid had just gone over Cologne, and its effect was like a tonic to all England. However, jince then the mighty raids have continued with such regularity and dulling monotony that the original effect of the tonic has worn thin, and its place has been taken by that old feeling of dog-tiredness. I should think that the actual invasion will come like,.a .T.pring tonic to a too-long Winter-suffering people. I hope so." Bagpipes, Too? The Red Cross and St. John societies have announced the shipment of 14,000 musical instruments to British prisoners of war. As if uncertain of their category, it was added that bagpipes were included TOJO' IN HAWAII Inspection holds no fears foi "Tojo," tiny mascot pup of thii V. S. Marine, standing in line foi inspection following delbarkatior it Pearl Harbour from a Navj task force aircraft carrier. It Really Is Not The Bear's Fauli The black bear is one of the most playful and humorous of all animals, but he is still a bear. He does »ot seek man's company in the firs jlace, and, when it is thrust upor lim, he is likely to abuse it. If h< s pampered he expects more pam wring. If he is given half a pi< «e will take the other half, if it i: within the reach of his powerfu paws. Then there are complaint: that he has become a nuisance, am he is shot. And it really is not hi: fault. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1 If someone is relating something that is very disagreeable, what should one do? 3 Would it be all right for a mother to give the bride away if the bride has no father? 3 How should a man introduce his wife to a woman who is much older? 4 Is it correct to have the date on an invitation to be engraved as Wednesday, Marcn 29? 5 Is it proper to say to a woman "Here is a man I want to introduce you to"? 6 Is is all right for a person to leave his napkin in his chair when he leaves the dinner table? Answers 1 Do not let it upset you. but change the subject as soon as possible. Forget it and do not repeat it as only those things which arc pleasant are worth remembering and repeating. ? Yes, if she wishes 3 "Mrs. Smith,' I would like you to know my wife." 4 No: the date should be spelled out. Wednesday, March twenty-ninth. No, The man should always be presented to the woman. Say, "Here is a man 1 want to introduce to. you." 0 No: the napkin should be left on the table. Before the letters SOS were signal at sea," the letter.-, CDQ RHEUMATIC Pains! ^v"'EM ^^^^ L^oc Headache sing than headaches... /T^^V | Why suffer?...Lambly^s f Lamfly'sisgoodforear- ^S^)y-Jk ache.coothache.painssn ^yy,^ back, stomach, bowels. Tieadf r H you suffer MONTHLY "N FEMALE PAIN You who suffer cramps, neaaacne, backache, and tired, nervous feelings-due to female functional disturbances -- should try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It has a southing effect on one of woman's most important organs. Also a fine stomach tonic! Made In Canada. but pic How Can 111 By Anne Ashley Q.How can I remove scorched spots from clothing? A Rub with a white cloth moistened with peroxide. Do not use on colored garments as it will remove the color. Q How can I save celery so that it can be used later for flavoring? A After washing and drying celery tops place them in the oven until thoroughly dried. Store the leaves in air-tight glasses and use them for flavoring. Some persons prefer them to celery seed. Q. How can I mend granite utensils? A Press some putty into the holes in granite utensils and bake until brown in a hot oven. This is an effective method. Q How can I remove the odor of gasoline from clothing? A Hang the garment outdoors for several hours, then bring it into the house and hang where the Q How can I test the quality of coffee? A Pour about a tablespoon of ground coffee into a clip of cold water. If the coffee floats and colors the water very slowly, it is pure. If any of the coffee sinks to the bottom, or stains the water quickly, there is some adulterant Your Watch Does 17 Miles Per Day Most modern watches tick five times every second', which is equivalent to 18,000 time, every hour.:, The average size of a balance wheel, is a little more than half an inch,^ so that in one hour it will travel 43.S12 inches. At the end of the. day it will have done nearly seven-. SPECIAL PRICES (OR JUNE AND JULY Barred Rock Mixed ....... 10c \, u- Hainre-b'i a- Mix.-.! ---- 11c ' •• L. Kin.: m Mix, .1 ---- 10c Parr, d Roek Pull-ts ...... 17c White Leghorn Pull, is ---- 20c j......iOfj . -« !.->.. i.....ks > our order. Carlelon Hatchery, liritnnniu Heights, Ontario. baby rm.-K-T' i'kh After M:.y 1, ni.iMl. Tbr-..-bc-r * Hatchery, Harrow. Ontario. RIVERSIDE GOVERNMENT AP- typct<i>l" •! i m'tb- Su"'Jf.v.-. VvrStV. for folder. MnvV-' PT.W SAFE NEIGHBOURS. BUY Government a .if r. •y .1 docks price Siist i ' ' jiti * 1 QUALITY CHICKS, ALL OUR i; ' svv. !l ■:-:---!::-'-s.^ Light forJSprier - "l'-u'^ W " l'lohrbalt '& O. b. s. b \i:;:::n P.o. cipcks CHICK.-' -- IMVEOl A';-;; SMFMEXT. Pallet's' ' j -'.1 > f > Ma'^'aid BUY PAYWELL CHICKS IN MAT AND JUNE. THE QUICK of"' plenty 'of'" Fall eess White Leghorns Barred Ro-ks. New Hampshire* and Hybrids avail-able. J.oekorby Lea^ Poultry Farm, 1NI.IVIDCAI.LY R.O.P. S ! E E I), Rocks Leghorn X Roek. Sll-sox Leghorn, Reds. 10 .« discount „ri r ■'.-!, ; .- -.!- ' - now. IP tehhm Eggs. Etc. Rruttner's Poultry Farm, Lucan Ont. STARTED CHICKS, SUSSEX, Etc. FROM 1 WEEK OLD TO^2 MONTI IS c'hicksrhareS raiseV'Imde'i 'ideal con.liti am d: ^ays fer'red "to"™1" p u ' iu building under electric brooders. Order Now (as started -hicks and pullets won't be available a little later on) and buy from a real Poultry Breeding Farm of 5000 Breeders on ONE Plant. Lakeview Poultry Farm. Wein Bros., Exeter. Ontario. _ PROFIT COMES FROM AIMING AT perfection. Thai's as true In^the more'sii--.-^ fiiO ou'll "1 f you' buy the best chicks y..:i can get for the money and give them your best, care 'and -the >..;.>-: Miit- wid-s'variety of'ore,-.b- for you to choose from. Government Approved bloodtestedbreeders, Oay-old, non-scxed, pullets or cockerels. 1 Also sta'ied .hicks t« .i end three •weeks old and obi--.- puller.- eight weeks and older. Send for catalogue and pricelist. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. LAKEVIEW OFFERS YOU BROAD BREASTED SUSSEX cockerels if \ ou want a real heavy breed cockerel. Hybrids or Ne-v Hamps. if you want something; m a fast maturing bird for broiler or up to 5 lb. dressed roaster. Several thousand available for immediate delivery if you act ! quickly. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Wein Bros., Exeter, Ontario. DREAM COME TRUE Dream of all boyhood came true for this youngster when he got to make • friends with elephants Df the Rihgling Bros., Barnum & Bailey Circus when it arrived in New York. He's pictured fearlessly patting the trunk of one oi the big fellows. Britain Needs More Volunteer Drivers Thousands of volunteer truck drivers, including women, will be needed this spring and summer to help in the invasion of the continent, said the London "Daily Mail" ■ <-..<•:- "i'l U "<-.".' to,, drive medium-sized Truck"-: so that nun can be upgraded to heavy long-distance trucks. Voluntary drivers will take the strain off the over-uorkt.-d British railways. WHAT SCIENCE IS JMHNG Birth Of Earth Granting that the earth was torn out of the sun by a passing star in the form of a huge mass of gas, what was its early history? asks The New York Times. Dr. Perky G. Nutting presents this vivid I. :agine a huge ball of dense gas with a temperature of about 5,000 degrees C. The outer layers cool first. During the cooling process the gaseous earth is violently agitated, so that some elements combine to form liquids which alternately rise and then fall back in the form of rain. After the temperature of the earth drops a thousand degrees the first liquid core forms--a core of iron and iron alloys. At the liquid surface the atmospheric pressure is about thirty-two pounds to the square inch, or more than twice what it is now. The first solids appear at a temperature of 3,000 to 2,500 degrees C, and they probably float on the liquid sphere. Deeper down are heavy vapors of metal and of a few stable compounds of high density. All these vapors condense at higher levels, rain down and vaporize over and over again. At intermediate and higher levels water vapor (as much as 1.85 tons to the square inch) condenses and pounds down in the form of rain 'but never reaches the surface. At the outer limits of the planet there are free gases, very cold. When the earth cools down to 1,500 orOOO degrees C, silica and sili silicates form. They cover the core of the earth to a depth of miles and miles and supplant all but a few metallic vapors. In fact, there are vast Loss Of Oil Wells Won't Stop Huns The Red Army's advances imperil about 40 percent of Germany's petroleum supply--about 6,000,000 tons annually--in Ploesti, Poland and Estonia, but even if the Germans lose it, the Petroleum Press Bureau said last night, "it would be unwise to look for paralysis of the German war effort." It was explained that while the German army strategy "would obviously be severely hampered," the Germans \\oud be defending less territory in shorter lines of communication and thus w aid not need as much oil as before. The bureau added that continued bombing of German synthetic oil plants was necessary because of widespread use of such fuels by the Nazi army and air force. snow-storms of these silicates. How does life begin? Dr. Nutting does not know. But he believes that it originates in the polar regions. REWARD There is an urgent need for cars lo transport war workers to and from work. If you know which1 he6 has no essential use. We Will Pay Up To $50.00 Reward Do Not Delay. Urgent! SHULLY'S 2128 Yonge St. Toronto MAyfair 3844 BABY CHICKS TWEDDLE CHICKS HAVE AL-wavs given a good account of themselves, but this year more than ever we are receiving Riow- |tf Tweddle chicks. When^ chicks ^velopeintorgoodSlaj^eUrs and good meat bird K. II I Id R R Lcghojai"'^ has PULLETS ^ AND CAPONS ^ROM ACT QUICKLY IF. YOU WANT some of these good Tweddle two CHICKS FRCM A BREEDING FARM OF 5000 LAYERS DUETTO HIGHER 1> RO-- X "now" iTami... Sussex X Leg-yon r' order'1";".!!- '" M a ■- ~" and' June chicks ^NOW. -Only ^limited imrn- Farm.°' We'i n'°Bros.",e" ter.""oil 1 Limited"' 7!nd'Ymige 'street °To- AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE RldeYu~-U .1 Oil IU I L hi A H N HAI KDKES-SINO 1HK on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing^ Aoad- W I G S, .TOl.'l'ES. TEAXSFOBM-ations, Switches, Curls and all types of finest quality Hair alogue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co., 528 Bathurst Street, ' MKDICAL DEAF THE NEW STREAMLINED COM-pact Potter Telephone is the smallest bearing aid available. It is eb-ar. powerful, niak-s ..inmost reasonably priced. Try it. 229V Ventre si'.'. Toronto. Estab- WANTED, EVERY Sl'FFEREE OF Rheumatic .Rains or Neuritis_ to STOMACH ANI> I'll EEAO W its'.' Remedies. Specialists T.....nto FRUIT JUICES: THE PRINCIPAL ingredients in Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis. Sold only Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1-00. BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 45c bottle. Ottawa agent. Denman OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full reformation sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 27 3 Bank Street. Ottawa, Canada. I'llOTOUIlAI'HY MAIL YOUR FILMS TO IMPERIAL FOR QUALITY, exposure ^l^photo ""lervice *StM SPECIAL PRICES ON COLORED AND r'KAMED ENLARGEMENTS " ANY SIZE ROLL DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c DON'T TAKE RISKS WITH YOUR El LIVES STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Ib'niV" 14 "'"li'in'g0" West, b Toronto. we are grow EES AND MAKK* and Bsaye "money^'Belle" Kiver white sweet CLOVER, $6.00 at ion'," bag s C 411 v. "exp ress _ pr e pai d. _FOR S.1.L1-:_ '"saba 'Apply' tV Mrs/S^H.'ciraham, FARM, 100 ACRES, 4 MILES FROM FIVE HUNDRED ^ACRES. BRICK ^rbes-t c'ampbelT^B.oute^No?"^ & Co.. Peterborough.' Ont. EGG BRUSHES -- DIRTY EGGS made clean with a few strokes. Brushes, 50c. Refills, 7%c, postpaid. Special prices to Egg Stations. A. L. Reichmuth, March-well, Saskatchewan. DeWALT SAWS AND W'OODWORK-afnV from direct factory repre- gladly furnished on ' application. DeWalt Disher Corporation Ltd., 402 Wrest Pender St., Vancouver. B.C._____ GRINDER--Greey, ^^meen^^^inc^. EE.xn7FhXel^ T»vn:'ty°Dc,l!C"«: BLACKSMITH'S WHEEL PLATE-- Eight dollars. JARDINE TIRE UPSETTER-- Twelve dollars. Equipment in Orono. Contact •; .w land Smith, 16 Wroxeter Ave., Toronto. ESSEX-KENT GUERNSEY Association offers Heifers, Bulls, R.O.P. Breeding. Write A. Kendriek, Essex.____ FOR SALE, COUNTRY STORE AND mentCeandas1tock.C Good location, RaVmon d *Deaii ppe, Am he rst burg. Ont., R.R. 1. SL1P1T HARNESS DRESS1XG -servative63 S1l1pitanalso d has many houeshold uses 25c up at most grocery, hardware and chain stores. A product of Lloyds Lab- A LAD DIN HOMES, *l,20G-*7,500. page book"6 Howard Sb,' Remington Park. Windsor, Ont. ELECTRIC MOTORS, XEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belt!, nullevs brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd.. 2326 Dufferin St.. Toronto.__ V R^E3 ^ E^ ^ -- ^ C O^LO^ R E^ D. ^ ^ N^ ^1^ tr R WANTED IN f[OURd ^f^^y pi-ov't-d' ("hick "h!i'^ery^^iN'o TEACHEItS WANTed, ^ WUJTEST-plomtis'^s^ar'y^^ Ee'igh1 ' M ' o.mellf^^s'ec iV, s, WANTED "FOR CASII. WASTE BoT'43, "postal 'station' "k, 15 \Vya'iubitte St. \V., Windsor'