Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 9 Mar 1944, p. 5

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 9th, 1944 Page Five THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, issued every Thursday morning by H. S. Keyes. Subscription $2.00 per annum in advance; $2.50 to U.S.A. Transient advertisements 12 cents per line first insertion and 8 cents per line for each additional insertion. Business cards not exceeding one inch $7.00 per annum. Yearly contracts at uniform rates. LEGAL___ A. D. HALL, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office and residence King Street, Colborne Ontario. AUCTIONEERS ARNOLD POOLE IUCTIONEER and REAL ESTATE BROKER. The under signed is an experienced auctioneer -- pays for the clerk, pays for the advertising, and guarantees a satisfactory sale or positively no pay. Sales conducted anywhere in the Province. Pure bred stock sales a specialty. Phone at my expense. ARNOLD Poole, Castleton, Ontario. Phone No. 10r23. S. E. ROBINSON Colborne - Ontario REAL ESTATE BROKER AND VALUATOR EXPERIENCED GENERAL AUCTIONEER Sales of Any Kind -- Large or Small Conducted Anywhere Lowest Rates for Guaranteed Service I Pay for Clerk and Advertising OSCAR C. MORGAN Auctioneer and Real Estate Brokei BRIGHTON Sales Conducted Anywhere at Reasonable Rates Several good farms for sale; also some valuable town property P. O. Box 288. Phone 245 38-6m WATCHES -- CLOCKS JEWELLRY Cleaned and Repaired Prices Reasonable W. S. BELL Jeweller -- Colborne W. W. D. McGLENNON (Successor to G. E. R. Wilson) GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE CONVEYANCING ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES BRUNSWICK BLOCK Colborne PHONE 29 Ontario LIFE AND MORTGAGE INSURANCE THE DOMINION LIFE ALLAN J. TERRILL Representative COLBORNE - ONTARIO FUNERAL DIRECTORS E. QUINN FUNERAL DIRECTOR Colborne - - - - Ontario Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended MOTOR HEARSE Phonne 111 - - - Colborne, Ontario McCRACKEN & McFADYEN Colborne AMBULANCE SERVICE IN CONNCETION Day and Night Calls Promptly Taken Care of J. M. BLACKLOCK Grafton MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended PHONE 38, GRAFTON BLACKSMITHING Clare Goodrich GENERAL BLACKSMITH AND HORSESHOING 2 Miles East of Castleton BUILDING MATERIAL Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Clapboards, ei.c. CUSTOM SAWING W. W. MUTTON BRUNSWICK HOTEL Colborne First-Class Meals and Accommodation Give us a call when in Colborne LT.-COL. J. F. WOLFRAIM, Prop. QUEENS HOTEL COLBORNE FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION at Reasonable Rates GARAGE IN CONNECTION Local Agent for HILL, THE CLEANER, TRENTON FELIX J. MURPHY, Proprietor Very little is known as to the agricultural possibilities of the Yukon Territory other than in the scattered areas where Dominion Experimental Sub-stations have operated at Dow-son, Mayo, Carmacks, and Carcross. A small town is the place where they ask a fellow "where are you goin?" when ho appears dressed in his best clothes. VERNONVILLE _WANTED__ COLLECTION OF STAMPS. O Canadian Envelopes. Stamps e: changed or purchased. PROBER' Box 277, Colborne. m2-9-lt VACUUMS FOR SALE VACUUMS REPAIRED 'GOOD VACUUMS FOR GOO: Housekeeipng." Also, guaranteed ej ?ert repairs, lubrication, replao nents, etc. C.U.C. Sales and Servici Branch at Cane's Radio and Singe service. Telephone Cobourg 11! 3tf WANTED Small Farm -- OR -- Village Property R. L. MacKay East Colborne -- or -- 112 Yonge St., Toronto MORTGAGE SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of thi 'owers of Sale contained in a certaii lortgage which will be produced a he time of sale, there will be offeree or slae by OSCAR MORGAN, Auctioneer, at PUBLIC AUCTION n Wednesday, March 22nd, 1944, a he hour of one thirty o'clock E.D.S.T a the afternoon at the farm of Jame: Jerard Shea and Irene McColl, o iear Castleton, Ontario, the follow ig property, namely: ALL AND SINGULAR those certaii arcels or tracts of land and premises ituate, lying and being in the Town hop of Cramahe, County of North mberland, being FIRSTLY: nortl lalf of Lot 33, Con. 5, 100 acres ■ECONDLY : north west corner Lo 2, Con.5, 4 acres ; THIRDLY : nortl ialf of Lot 32, Con. 5, 70 acres, al a the said Township of Cramahe anc lore particularly described in Mor gage No. 13338 to the Commissions 1 Agricultural Loans. ON the said farm there is said t< ie erected a dwelling house witl uitable farm buildings. THE lands will be sold subject t< reserve bid. TERMS OF SALE : Twenty-five pes ent of the purchase price to be pale [own at the time of tne sale, the ialance to be secured by a mortgag; nth interest at four per cent pel FOR further particulars and condi ions of sale apply to COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURAL LOANS, East Block, Parl't Bldgs., TORONTO, Ontario. (12-9-16 N. R. TIME TABLE iastbound Trains-Jo. 14 Daily ...................... 11.29 a.m Io". 10 Daily (Except Sunday) 4.02 p.m Io. 18 Daily (Except Sunday) 11.02 p.m. (* fo. 118 Sunday Only...11.41 p.m. (* *) Stop to detrain passengers fron Toronto. Vestbound Trains-- Io. 19 Daily ........................ 3.59 a.m Io. 9 Daily (Except Saturday) 6.36 p.m Jo. 5 Stops on Saturday for mail ........ 3.23 p.m No matter what work you have ac omplished in the past -- you an nly as good as you are to-day. Poultry Wanted highest Prices Paid If you have any for sale Phone 52 - Colborne Cream Permanent Wave Machineless Permanent Hair Styling and Shaping in all the latest styles Why not get rid of that Itching Dandruff and Falling Hair No need to have bald spots when you can have a new growth of healthy hair Give It a Trial ! MRS. LLOYD Phone 147 -- Colborne March 7th, 1944 A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr. Aylmer Tripp, when his mother, Mrs. Ada Tripp was united in marriage to Fred Graham, of Cas tleton. The happy couple will reside at Vernonville. Mrs. J. Deviney was supper guest at the home of Mrs. Thos. Johnston. Grafton, Friday evening. Recent word received by Mrs. J Deviney and family irom Alex. Cossar, overseas with the R.CA.F., tells of his promotion to the rank of Flight-Sergeant. Mr. Cecil Deviney visited his fath-d, Mr. Albert Deviney, at Christk Street Hospital, Toronto. Miss Mildred Welton, of Castleton ;pent the weekend with Miss Marjorie Warner. Mr. Alec Woodruff, Centreton, called on friends in the village Saturday. A large number of neighbours attended the (auction sale of Mr. Cross, Eddystone, on Thursday. Mr. Jas. Kerr spent the weekend at Cobourg. Bessie Harnden, C.W.A.C, Toronto spent the weekend with her father Mr. Henry Harnden and brother, Mr. Russel Harnden. Mr. and Mrs. J. Calnan visited Mr. and Mrs. C. McGuire, Colborne, on Saturday. Esther Harnden, C.W.A.C, Camp Borden, visited friends at Montreal recently. Mrs. J. Deviney and Mrs. W. S. Gillespie attended the World Day of Prayer, at Grafton, on Friday last, Mrs. C. Gillespie returned home on Monday from Cobourg General Hos pital, after an attack of appendicitis. Rev. and Mrs. O'Brien, Mrs. Chatterson and Mr. Fred Graham.^Castle-ton, were recent guests at the home of Mr. Aylmer Tripp. Quite a number from here attend ed the dance at Eddystone school-house on Tuesday night. Mrs. L. Chisholm received word lhat her housband, Pte. Chisholm met with a serious acicdent somewhere in England, when the truck in which he was riding overturned, fracturing five ribs and his collar bone. Seventeen ladies gathered at the home of Mrs. C. B. Turk Thursday afternoon last week and completed two quilts for the Red Cross. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robson and family, of Morganston, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Robson. Miss Marion Deviney, Peterborough Normal School, spent the weekend at her home here. Mrs. Alfrad Larry and Mrs. Jos. Collins are visiting friends at Toronto for a few days. Mr. John Massey, Roy and Ralph are visiting friends at Weston and Grimsby for a few days. A large number of neighbours gave a charivari at the home of Mr. Aylmer Tripp in honour of the newly-weds^ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham. SHILOH March 7th, 1941 Church service here next Sunday will be in the evening at 7.30. Miss Rena Muaon spent a few days last week with Mrs. Douglas Mutton, Dundonald. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Mutton and Jean spent Sunday at Port Hope. Mrs. John Purdy and Ronnie, of Thornhill, are spending a few days this week with Miss Nellie Mutton. . Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mutton and iss Rnea Mutton spent Sunday with relatives at Cobourg. A miscellaeous shower v/as held for Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dale (nee Marie Purdy) last Friday evening, March 3rd, in the schoolhouse here. They received quite a number of useful gifts. The everting was spent in games and a lunch was served. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. George E. Mutton, who are celebrat- ig their golden wedding sary to-day. March 7th, 1944 Mrs. Edward Hinman has arrived home, after spending the winter witai son and wife, Dr. and Mrs. Harold Hinman, Mexico City. On Friday afternoon she attended the Junior Red Cross meeting at Sharon school-house and gave a very interesting talk on her trip. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert McLaughlin, Colborne, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thorne, Hilton, were Sunday guests : Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Chatten, of Hilton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Chatten. Congratulations to Mr. Alfred Ped dlesden on being our only resident who celebrated his birthday, after four years, on February 29th. Mrs. Clarke Harren is visiting friends at Toronto. LAKEPORT March 7th, 1944 Mrs. Leslie Jones,is visiting at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Stevens, Toronto, spent the weekend at their home Mr. Henry May of Castleton spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Warner, where Mrs. May is con valescing after an operation at the Cobourg General Hospital. DUNDONALD March 7th, 1944 , Service at Eden Church will be at J1.00 o'clock next Sunday morning I Mrs. W. W. Mutton, Shiloh, visited Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mutton and Mr. Garnet Mutton on Thursday last week . Miss Ruth Onyon, Colborne, spent Tuesday night, Feburary 29th, with her friend, Eileen Wright. Word has been received that Sgt. Air Gunner Winston Packard, R.C A.F., has arrived safely in England Little Miss Dcnna Mutton, Shiloh, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mutton on Saturday last. Several families from this neighbourhood attended the funeral in Colborne on March 1st of the late W A. Moore. Mr. W. M. Miller, Oshawa, spent ? day last week at "The Cedars." Corporal Roy Packard, Veteran Guard, spent a short leave with his wife and family last weekend, then left for his new post at Farnham, Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mutton wen Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Thompson, Cobourg. Clifford Godwin, R.C.A.F. Montreal, Mrs. Godwin, Toronto, and Mrs. Arthur Peters, Colborne, were weekend guests of Mrs. Roy Chapman. Capt. M. Dudley, North Bay, Mrs. Dudley and children, Castleton, were weekend guests at "The Cedars." Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Finch, Ruth and Earl, Campbellford, visited Mr and Mrs. Archie Samons, "Pleasant View Farm," on Thursday last week. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pearson, Elma and Nancy, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pearson, Edville. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Samons and Rita, Cobourg, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Samons, Pleasant View Farm." Mr. Raymond Chapman received minor injuries to the hip one day last week when he was kicked by a horse owned by Mrs. Roy Packard. After resting several days he resumed work but fainted as he started for the barn and the fall resulted in a cut on his face, and Mrs. Ross Wright and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Samons on Friday evening last week. Probably because of wartime disturbances, little attention appears to be paid to the'fact that this is leap year, with the privileges it brings single ladies. Now is the time for all men who were born equal to show what they're equal to. RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS A.B.D. VITAMIN TABLETS--25 days supply $1.20 75 days supply $3.35 COD LIVER OIL TABLETS--40 days suuply $1.00 120 days supply $2.75 BROMO QUININE TABLETS..........87 for 60c COUGH AND COLD REMEDIES, ETC. POULTRY AND STOCK TONIC Pre War Prices Prevailing on All Products Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded SEE OR PHONE YOUR RAWLEIGH DEALER RICHARD MIREAULT PHONE 109w EAST COLBORNE If you have anything to sell, or want to buy anything- try our Condensed Ads. PROPERTY FOR SALE FARM, 75 acres, well watered and fenced, good levei land, good buildings, on county road. See this one--$1500. 15 acres of choice garden land, good 6 room house and barn, hen house, within 2 miles of Cobourg. Priced to sell. 2 acres, farm land, first-class frame house and bank barn. Hydro installed--$1000. FARM, 87 acres, first-class buildings, hydro, plenty of standing wood, well watered--$5500 cash. FARM, 65 acres more or less, lot 34f con. 6, Cramahe Township, mostly workable, trout stream, frame house, 6 rooms, bank barn. SOLID BRICK HOUSE, 7 rooms, with modern conveniences, barn, half acre of land, in Village of Colborne. 150 ACRE FARM, in Township of Haldimand, with suitable buildings, hydro installed. This is a choice farm in good state of cultivation. Also several other properties listed. Persons having properties for sale are invited to list them with the undersigned. We pay for advertising. S. E. ROBINSON Auctioneer and Real Estate Agent PHONE 78r23 COLBORNE, Ontario I owe my life to the RED CROSS r^r EDMUND QUINN Campaign Chairman North St. Phone 111 SUCH is the grateful testimony of countless fighting men who kept their "rendezvous with Death" and live to tell the tale. Every Red Cross triumph over death, wounds, disease and human agony is that in which you may take pride. Because it is YOUR Red Cross. Thus it is you who help those in pain and peril. Now as the dreadful carnage of war increases--as more famine-strickened countries are made accessible to your Red Cross, the need grows at terrific pace. So much money is needed to maintain a steady flow of parcels for prisoners of war, of blood serum, medical supplies and dressings, surgical instruments, hospitals and hospital equipment, food and clothing, to name but a few of the demands on your Red Cross. Raise your sights --give MORE--your Red Cross needs your mercy dollars NOW! CANADIAN RED CROSS

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