Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 6 Aug 2003, D4

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Contact: Rod Jerred Phone: 905-845-3824 (ext. 5559) Fax: 905-337-5567 e-mail: rjerred@haltonsearch.com W l l >N I S I ) .\V . A l i .1 S I ( i. _»(x > . t · | n i«< · | >4 BUSINESS Bounty Enterprises Presents A B B A N A N IA THE ROCK MUSICAL With STAYIN' ALIVE/THE BEE GEES and SOLITARY MAN/ NEIL DIAMOND SHOW with members of the Kitchener Symphony Orchestra and Chicago Transit Horn Section CAST OF MAMMA MIA 'Closest thing to Abba' GLOBE & MAIL 'Fantastic' TORONTO SUN Vocally superb" WINNIPEG FREE PRESS Employees of St. Law rence Cem ent celebrate th eir recent Portland Cement Association Environm ental Perform ance Awards. 'Best Abba Production in The World' WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13 - 8pm TICKETS $35.00 AVAILABLE AT THE OAKVILLE CENTRE FOR PERFORMING ARTS St. Lawrence Cement employees celebrate environmental awards Em ployees o f St. Law rence in Mississauga, just across the Oakville border, recently celebrated the com pa ny's recent environmental awards in the cement industry. In M arch 2003. the plant won Portland Cem ent A ssociation Environmental Performance Awards for Environmental Performance and Energy Efficiency. The plant was also runner up for the Com m unity Outreach and Innovation categories. In addition, based on its performance in all categories, the Mississauga plant won the award for Overall Environmental Excellence. The 200 plant em ployees recently cel ebrated the awards with a barbecue and flag raising. The annual North American Cement Industry Environmental Awards recog nize the efforts o f cement producers' innovative practices, programs and proj ects throughout North America. The aw ards are co-sponsored by the the Portland Cement Association (PC'A). the Cement Association of Canada (CAC) and the Cement Americas Magazine. Large gains in energy efficiency were obtained by the Mississauga plant w hen it shifted production from wet manufac turing process to dry process kilns. Between 1991 and 1998. St. Lawrence invested more than $16 million in major projects to phase out the wet kilns and increase the capacity o f the precalciner/preheater kiln. Between 1990 and 2002, the average specific thermal ener gy consumption of clinker production was reduced by 149c, from 4.2 GJ/mt (1990 level) to 3.6 GJ/metric ton. Substituting clinker and cement with less energy intensive mineral components such as granulated blast furnace slag, sil ica fume, and other pozzolanic materials allows the plant to maintain output while reducing its specific C 0 2 emissions. In 2(X)2. the plant introduced the high silica fume cement. The use o f silica fume replaces a portion o f the clinker in the cement, thus reducing the energy input of the final product. The Mississauga plant has adopted the World Business Council for Sustainable Development Greenhouse Gas Protocol for monitoring and reporting C 0 2 emis sions from cement manufacturing. The plant reduced its Specific Net C 0 2 emis sions to 639 kg C 0 2 /m t o f cementitious product. This is a 21.5% reduction from 1990 and a 1.1 % reduction from 2 0 0 1. Phillipe Arto. President and CEO of St. Lawrence Cement, congratulated the employees for their achievement. "These awards symbolize our com mitment to sustainable development. It is rewarding to be recognized by our indus try peers and we are proud of these envi ronmental successes," said Arto. Among other notable achievements, the Mississauga plant's Environmental management system was registered to ISO 14001 in February 2002. becoming the first cement plant in Canada to obtain this certification. St. Lawrence Cement Group is a lead ing producer and supplier o f products and services for the construction indus try, namely cement, concrete, aggregates and construction. The company operates in Canada and on the eastern seaboard of the United States, and employs a total of 2.800 people. 130 Navy Street, Oakville, Box Office 905-815-2021 TABRICLAffl) LAST CALL! on selected SPRING & SUMMER CLEARANCE Province funds biotech initiative OFF FABRICLAND'S ORIGINAL PRICES Sale in effect on selected in-stock seasonal merchandise from Jul.23-Aug.10/03, while quantities last Not valid with any other discount offers. Applicable discounts will be taken off Fabricland's original chain-store prices. Look for the red sale tags. Sale goods sold as-is. All sales final. FABRICLAND'S FALL PR EV IEW SALE STARTS AUGUST I 1th, WITH SA VIN G S OF 4 0 % OFF ALL N E W ARRIVALS FOR SEW IN G CLUB M EM BERS! OUR NEW MEMBERSHIP YEAR GOES ON SALE AUG. 11th WITH EXCITING NEW « IMPROVED BENEFITS! O P E N S U N D A Y S 12-5 140 R e b e c c a St. O A K V I L L E 8 4 4-77 28 Infoline: 1-888-780-0333 W ebsite: w w w .fa briclan d.ca The M in istry of E n terp rise, O p p o rtu n ity and In n o v atio n has approved funding in the am ount o f up to $ 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 th ro u g h the B io tech n o lo g y C lu ster Innovation P rogram to d ev elo p the R egional B io S cien ces In n o v atio n Plan for H am ilton and the R egions o f H alton and Niagara. The proposal for funding w as sub m itted by the G olden H orseshoe BioInnovation C onsortium , a partnership o f the business and science com m uni ties in the City o f H am ilton and the reg io n s o f H alton an d N iagara, M cM aster U niversity and its affiliated hospitals and research institutes. Brock University. M ohaw k C ollege. Sheridan Institute o f Technology and A dvanced " S upporting the grow th o f biotechnology in Halton is im p o r ta n t to o ur continued econom ic prosperity and diversity." · Regional Chair Joyce Savoline Learning, and N iagara College. T he funding, m atched by the co n sortium . will enable the developm ent o f a regional biosciences strategy and innovation plan for H am ilton. Halton and N iagara regions. "Supporting the grow th o f biotech nology in Halton is im portant to our continued econom ic p ro sp erity and diversity." said Joyce Savoline. chair o f H alton regional council. " By participating in this initiative, we hope the benefits o f partnering with ed u catio n al in stitu tio n s, b u sin esses and neighbouring m unicipalities will contribute to the developm ent o f a biotechnology strategy in O ntario," said John Ayling. H alton's director o f business developm ent. B iotechnology has been called the grow th sector o f the 21 st century, and is an em erging sector in Halton. W ith C anadian biotech revenues of $5 b illio n in 2002. attractio n and grow th o f this industry in our area pro vides an opportunity for diversified growth. We're on the move! Between A ugust 1, 2003 and O cto b e r 31, 2003, the C anada C u sto m s an d R evenue A gency (CCRA) offices located at 120 King St. W., 26 A rrow sm ith Rd. and 150 M ain St. W., H am ilton, w ill be m oving to one location at 55 Bay Street N orth P.O. Box 2220 H am ilton O N L8N 3E1 MOVE SCHEDULE August: 120 King St. W. - A ppeals, R evenue C ollections, V& E (A udit) Septem ber: 26 A rrow sm ith Rd.- C ustom s, V erification an d Services. Investigations October: 150 M ain St. W. - C o u n te r Services, C ash. Form s, M ailroom . SR&rED, Excise Duty, GST/HST Rulings, D irector O u r office hou rs are M onday - Friday. 8:15a.m . - 5:00p.m . T elephone and fax n u m b e rs will rem ain the sam e. NOTE: If you w ish to visit a specific m e m b er of o u r staff d u rin g the phased-m ove period, we suggest that you co n tact th at p erso n to confirm th e ir location. For more information, please call: Make Careers 2003 your connection to local career and job searchers by advertising in Metroland's careers magazine To book an ad please call: PERSONAL 416493-1300 Katie Fabian, kfabian@metroland.com. ext. 276 Jane Whitnall, jwhitnall@metroland.com, ext. 237 or contact your local sales representative Personal tax: 1-800-959-8281 Business tax: 1 -8 0 0 -9 5 9 -5 5 2 5 Form s / Publications: 1-800-959-2221 W heelchair accessible. C anada C ustom s and Revenue A gency Agence des douanes et du revenu du C anada m Mdniland Printing. Publishing and - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DistributingLid. V y C L l I f A v id I* BOOKING & MATERIAL DEADLINE: Tues., Aug. 5,2003 DISTRIBUTION DATES: Tues., Aug. 19 and Wed., Aug. 20,2003 PROMOTIONAL VICTORY: S taff of the Royal Bank. 2329 Lakeshore Rd. W., recently won a friendly com peti tion betw een all Oakville bank branches to see which b ra n c h could best prom ote the sale o f O akville W aterfront Festival adm ission buttons. T he Bronte area Royal Bank had the best effort, with festival posters on walls, a four-foot cut out of Ja k e from the Lake (Festival mascot) holding a balloon m ade of adm ission buttons, pam phlets on display, and tellers w earing buttons and vol unteering inform ation about the festival.

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