Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 6 Aug 2003, A8

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Contact: Wilma Blokhuis Phone: 905-845-3824 (ext. 250) Fax: 905-337-5567 e-mail: blokhuis@haltonsearch.com \VKI ) M i S I >AY. A l ( il S T (i. 2 0 0 3 · I Please forward announcements fo r Update to Wilma Blokhuis, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speen Rd., Oakville. Ont. IJ>K 3S4; Fax 905-337-5567, email blokhuis® haltonsearch.com, or call 905-845-3N24 Ext. 250, BEFORE SOON Monday to be included. Notices are listed free o f charge. WEDNESDAY AUGUST 6 Art on the Bluffs at Sovereign House. 7 West River, in Bronte, features Sheila Creighton. Margaret Creighton and Ed Krahn to Aug. 17, hosted by Bronte Historical Society. Wednesday Evening Fun Runs - meet at The Running Company, 118 Thomas St.. at 7 p.m. for 5K. 7K and longer courses. Free. Call 905-815-1952. Top Hat Marching Orchestra is looking for new members - brass, woodwinds, and percussion. Rehearsals every Wednesday, 8 - 9 :3 0 p.m., at Burlington Legion. 828 Legion. Burlington. Call 905-335-1798 or visit www.tophats.org. tion. call Jim at 905-855-2484, or email aplus@primus.ca. FRIDAY AUGUST 8 Singles and Social Dance, every Friday during the summer, 8 p.m. - midnight. Holiday Inn, 590 Argus Rd. Open to people 50 and up. Admission 58. Call 905-8764540. SATURDAY AU GU ST 9 Red Cross First Aid and CPR Courses Standard First Aid. Emergency First Aid, Basic Life Support (CPR), Aug. 9 and 10 or Aug. 23 and 24, Oakville Red Cross. 167 Navy, call 905-845-5241. SUNDAY AUGUST 10 Children' s Day at the Oakville Museum - Old Fashion Garden Party, 1 - 4 p.m. A day for family fun and lots of activities on beautiful grounds of Erchless Estate. Bring picnic lunch. Come dressed in 'Tennis Whites.' old fashion garden games. Squeaky the Clown, tea or lemonade with pie made by the Oakville Museum Volunteers. Make and take some fun crafts. Tickets sold in advance. $20 for a family - includes two adults and up to three children. For tickets and information call 905-338-4400, or visit museum at 8 Navy St. For more info, check www.oakvillemuseum.com. Acton celebrates 12th annual Leathertown Festival, 1 2 - 5 p.m. Huge outdoor summer street party with six blocks of entertainment, more than 100 vendors selling everything from crafts to temporary tattoos, entertainment, buskers, pie eating contest, board park, bouncy castle, pony rides, vintage motorcycles, pet show, dunk tank, and art show. Free admission and park ing. Proceeds to community projects. Action at Regional Rd. 25 and Hwy. 7. MONDAYAUGUST U Burlington Family Resource Centre is offering Family Drop-In starting today and continuing on Mondays from 2:30 - 5:30 until Aug. 25. Children of all ages with their parent/caregiver are welcome for an after noon of fun for S5 per family. Call the Centre for details at 905-632-9377. Weekly Walks by the Water along Waterfront Trail with the Bronte Bunch. Group walks every Monday year round for fun. fitness and friendship. Meet at back door of Coach and Four. Lakeshore and Bronte. Walk begins 7:15 p.m. Aprts walk refreshments. Beginners welcome. Approximately 7K walk. 1.5 hours. Call Sylvia. 905-616-2330. TUESDAY AUGUST 12 Alzheimer Society o f Hamilton and Halton is providing horticultural workshop at the Royal Botanical Gardens. Walk through the Herb Gardens, a hands-on herbal vinegar activity, and a picnic lunch. The cost for the day is $15 per person. Registration is required. Door prizes will be drawn for participants. If you are interested, contact Celia at 905-529-7030. Bronte Creek Provincial Park Adventure Club day camp Junior Naturalist Program and Time Traveler Club have been combined to form Adventure Club. Tuesdays to Aug. 26. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Open to ages 6-10. Preregister by calling 905-8276911 ext. 271. BoardMatch helps business, law, accounting, marketing and IT personnel find positions on the boards of directors of char ities for free. Attend an orientation session 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Metro Hall. 55 John Street (at King). Toronto. Contact 905-696-5139 or www.boardmatch.org. Oakville ParentChild Centre, Oakville Distress Centre. Canadian Mental Health Association, Canadian Red Cross. St. John Ambulance and Halton Helping Hands are among organizations seeking board members. A Cappella Showcase invites all women who like to sing to join them for their Summer Sing Program, every Tuesday to Aug. 19. This four-part harmony chorus meets from 7 - 1 0 p.m. at St. Volodymyr's Cultural Centre, on the south side of Dundas between Third and Fourth Lines. Help fo r Parents - Parent Support Group meets weekly. Tuesday evenings. This non-denominational self-support group with trained leaders, helps parents of chil dren who are in trouble at home, at school or with the law, abusive or taking drugs. A member of Association of Parent Support Groups in Ontario (APSGO). To locate group nearest you. Call 1-800-488-5666, or visit w ww.apsgo.ca. Halton VON Foot Care Clinic. Sir John Colbome Centre for Seniors, Tuesdays 1 - 4 p.m. Cost: $20. By appointment onlv. Call 905-815-5960. TOPS (Take O ff Pounds Sensibly) weekly Tuesday meetings. 7 p.m.. at Walton Memorial United Church. 2489 Lakeshore West in Bronte. Info: 905-827-3399. COMMIMTY UPDATE AH THURSDAY A UGUST 7 Women's Caring and Sharing Circle with Dekyi Lee Oldershaw. weekly meet ings on Thursdays. 1 - 2 p.m.. Women's Centre. Hopedale Mall. Ste. 210. Free. Spend an hour in a warm, accepting atmos phere of other women. Share challenges, life experience and wisdom. On-going group will become self-facilitated in September. Cali 905-847-5520. Weight Loss Support Group - Oakville for women between 45 and 65 who want to lose between 10 and 50 pounds. Join group of dieters who will meet weekly at 11.30 a.m. for 10 weeks. Dieters will be provided with a healthy, nutritionally balanced diet plan and will receive group encouragement towards successful weight loss. Weekly meetings will monitor progress and provide for an exchange of ideas and recipes. (This group is not affiliated to any profit or non profit organization and as such you will not be asked to pay any fees or to purchase any thing.) For further information cal 905-8470660. Halton A nd Peel Professional Executive Network (HAPPEN) networking support group for unemployed business pro fessionals. 8 a.m,, in Mississauga. Speaker: Jamie Broughton, Living Edge - Push Your Comfort Zone. Members S5, non-members S10. Call 905-339-0268 or www.happen.ca. Halton VON Foot Care Clinic, Oakville Seniors Recreation Centre, 263 Kerr St., 1 4 p.m. Cost: $20. Bv appointment only, call 905-815-5966. iM ' s Play Ball. Baseball Night, Halton Recreation Club, Deer Run Park, every Thursday, 7 p.m. Fun game of slow-pitch softball. Men and women over 18 welcome. Deer Run Park is northeast of Lakeshore Road and Ford Drive. For more informa BULUtTIN ScotiaMcLeod is hosting a fundraising barbecue for the Terry Fox Foundation on August 14 beginning at noon at their offices at 700 Kerr St. Darrell Fox will be the guest speaker. Lots of prizes, raffles, silent auc tion and bake sale. For more information call 905-842-9000. Bronte Badminton- Club for juniors is starting it's third season this fall. Club plays Sundays at St. Paul's United Church. The 26 week season will run from Sept. 14 and costs $100. For more information contact Bill Hutton at 905-827-7243, or at www/angelfire.com/games4/bronte. Learn to be a great babysitter this sum mer. Red Cross Babysitting Course. Aug. 16 - 17 I - 5 p.m.. Sept. 20 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Call 905-845-5241. Harrison Smith · Special to the B eaver `FORE!' J o h n VVinne p ra c tic e s his g ree n sk ills b efo re h ittin g th e lin k s a t the O ak v ille Ita lia n In v ita tio n a l O p en golf to u rn a m e n t held a t S aw -W h et G o lf C lu b in m id -Ju ly . T h e first Ita lia n O p e n , held 24 y e a rs ag o . w as o rg an iz ed by five local Ita lia n b u sin essm en a n d raise d fu n d s fo r th e C a n a d ia n C a n c e r S ociety (C C S ). To d a te , th e a n n u a l event h as raise d m o re th a n $215,000 fo r local c h a ritie s in c lu d in g O a k v ille -T ra fa lg a r M e m o rial H o sp ital. P rin cess M a rg a re t H o sp ital. C C S an d M c M a ste r U n iv ersity L u p u s R esearch . A n d th e 2003 N o m in e e s a re 4. C IB C 5. Scotiabank Chocolate J 1. W alkers C hocolate 2. B ernard C allebaut - I 3. Sim ply C hocolate Fitness Club 1. Fitness D epot 2. B ody Shaping Fitness Studio For W om en J 3. Energy Fitness C entre 4. C urves 5. IFF 6. T h e G vm 7. Y M CA J 8. Body W ise H ealth C lub -J 9. G o o d Life 10. Premier 11. W om en's C lu b Insurance Broker/ Com pany -J J J 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. State Farm Insurance Powell Insurance T h e C o-operators D an H ynek U tter-M orris V ince T om enson D ickerson H a lto n C aird Insurance Affiliated Insurance Spriggs Insurance 8. T h e Sanctuary 9. LA Nails 10. N ail Q ueen Banquet Facilities 1. O akville C onference C entre 2. B ronte H arb o u r B anquet 3. St. Volalymyr 4. O te llo s o f O akville 5. Le D om e 6. G cln Abbey G o lf C ourse M assage Clinic I . Sirena Spa 2. T h e H ealing Touch T herapy 3. O akville Shiatsu & Massage T herapy 4. T h e A bbevw ood Spa 5. W indsor Esthetics -K athy 6. M cnuha 7. Active Touch 8. O akville Massage and Wellness Courier J I. U PS 2. Puolator 3. D icom B re w Your O w n Beer l.IB C 2. Einstein 3. W in e Kitz Cruise C o m p a n y 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. C ruiseship Breakers A dventure H ouse M arlin B obs Cruises C ruise Ship C entres C ruise Holidays M cTavish Internet Service Provider 1. C ogeco 2-^XPN Solutions J 3. Bell C anada G a ra g e D oor Service I. 2. 3. 4. A dam s D oor System M arkw ood Garaga B & M G arage D oor Brew Your O w n Wine B e s t B u s in e s s /S e r v ic e 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C arafe W in e M akers W in e N ot W in e Kitz Einstein C orks M odeling School 1. Vogue 2. Blair Lancaster 3. C arolyn's M odel and T alent Investm ent C o m p a n y J J 1. Berkshire G ro u p 2. Fiscal Agents 3. T h e C o-operators 6. Edw ard Jones 7. T D W aterhouse 8. C IB C W ood G u n d y 9. Peter W atson Investm ents 10. D undee Securities Accounting Firm 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Perris & M cIntyre C harles Havill Ed Foster G len G raydon W right M ark T. G runw ald H enderso n Partners Bianca T in o D a y Care/Nurseries 1. C h am w o o d 2. Angels from Heaven 3. T im e For Tykes 4. Peek-a-boo 5. B ronte Village 6. Little Scholars 7. Sue D ykstra 8. Sheridan College 9. M unns 10. YM CA 11. M onkcv See M onkev D o 12. W ceW atch Gas Station J I. 2. v 4. 5. 6. Petro C anada- Iroquis Sunoco- T h ird Line W u h N ' G d - Esso R ainbow Shell- T h ird Line C anadian Tire M overs 1. 2. 3. 4. B ronte Movers AMJ C am pbell Van Lines O akville Movers Scannell M oving- Atlas Butcher 1. D ietrich's 2. Just An O ld Fashioned Butchery 3. Brunos 4. D av id s M eats M uffler Shop 1. M cinehc 2. Speedv A uto Service 3. JP Exhaust A ir Conditioning/H eating 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. J 7. 8. A ir C alm A I A ir C o n d itio n in g & H eat A ir C alm Abbey Air A ppleby Systems Aire O n e A pplcw ood Preferred Air Carpet/Upholstery Cleaning 1. 2. 3. 4. Sears A bsolute C h em -D ry O n T h e Spot A ction C h em D ry Gift Baskets J 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Basketcers Basket Designs C ove Classics Jubilee Fruit M arket Fantasy G ift Pak Landscape C o m p a n y J -1 1. Let's Landscape 2. U ncom m on G ro u n d 3. Van Reeks 4. C edargate landscaping 5. C D L Landscaping 6. Bulow 7. M cC artney Landscaping 8. C edargardens 9. D ragonfly Landscaping 10. R ubaroc O il/Lube Change 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 4 th Line A uto G o o d Year Jiffy Lube Eastside A uto C anadian Tire Mr. Lube O akville Tire Dog Training l.M c M a n n Professional D og Trainers 2. Scholars in C ollars C a r A ud io -J 1. Altered Sound 2.A rcade Sound 3. T h e C ockpit 4. A udio Illusion H a ir Salon 1. Pretty W om en 2. U ptow n H air Studio 3. Xclusive H air 4. Images International 5. SilveryBlue B utterfly Spa 6. Civello 7. Riviera 8. Salon Vencre 9. F onelli Salon 10. Fixieus 11. Ivanka 12. BobR Shop 13. W om an the Salon 14. R ainbow Expressions 15. T h e Beehive 16. Ateleir 17. H aircraft D riving Instruction 1. Young D rivers O f C anada 2. Atlas D riving 3. A ok D riving Airline 1. W est J et 2. A ir C anada 3. Jets G o Lawn Care Equipment J J J 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. C u rre n t Power Bon Rov Services Inc Cliffs A shots H a lton T u rf and Tractors Opticians 1. Space O ptical 2. H akim 3. L. C raw ford O pticians 4. Barkley O pticians 5. Next O ptical 6. Sanger 7.G lazier O pticians- C a r W ash J -J 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. `6. H igh C lass C ar Wash S unoco- T h ird Line W ash N ' G o -Esso H igh Class C ar W ash Tow n centre C ar Wash Ziebart D ry Cleaners 1. Royal O a k 2. Top H a t D ry Cleaners 3. O akville D ry C leaners 4. Tec Cleaners 5. C adet 6. Q uccnlinc D ry C leaners 7. Spotless 8.W rights Cleaners A rt School 1. 2. 3. 4. O akville School A n (O A C ) Artskool Studio Pavas O akville A n Socicty Lawn Service Company J 1. 2 3. 4. W eedm an Bon Roy Services Inc N u tri Lawn G reen Lawn C are Catering 1. Lorraines Pantry 2. Jen n ifer's K itchen 3. M id n ig h t C aterin g Paint/Wallpaper Store 1. Painter's Place 2. B enjam in M oore H o m e & Design C entre 3. T h e Paint & Paper Place 4. Speers Paint and Flooring 5. C o lo r Your W orld 6. G lidden Paint 7. O akville Paint and W allpaper 8. B ronte Paint a n d W allpaper Auto Glass Repair -1 -1 1. 2. 3. 4. D ependable A uto Glass Speedy Standard A uto Glass Apple A uto Glass L a w ye rs Office -J J 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. O C o n n o r M acLeod H anna M cD onald & Swan Haxell & Sm ith D iane D aly Family Law K athryn N aum etz N o n h O akville Law O ffice Electrical Contractor 1. 2. 3. 4. D T G riffin N o rth Star Bucci C arbone Chiropractic Clinic J -J J 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. N o ttin g h ill M oore C h iro p ractic N o rth O a k C h iro p ractic Abbey Family C hiropractic Alliance H ealthcare Trafalgar Ridge C hiropractic H a lto n C h iro p ractic H om e Health Care 1. 2. 3. 4. VON N ational Elder Beta H ollyhock Caregivers Vuto Service Centre A (Indepen Independent) J J 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 4 th Line A uto M eineke Argus A uto Eastside Auto M clo M aster M echanic 7. Ace A uto 8. C anad ian Tire Electrolysis 1. 2. 3. 4. Liliannes A bbevwood M elines Bare N ature H om e Renovations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Vellas V anden N oort Total H om e R enovations Classic D esign & Build A EN C o n tra c tin g Trafalgar Ridge Installations Learning Centre -1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. K um on-B ronte Sylvan Learning C entre O xford L earning-Fourth Line O xford< N onc> L earning-D undas A dult Learning C entre Pet G ro o m in g 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B ucksbum V eterinary D oggie D ip and C lip Paws, Claws and C lips Royal T reatm ent D oggie D etailing Cosm etic/Beauty J -J J 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. V ictorian Spa Laser R ejuvenation Images International Silver)' Blue B utterfly Spa M ary Kav-Janice Joyner C arole Visage M ary K ay-Brenda D u n sdon Rosew ater Spa T rillium Laser E m ploym ent A g e n cy 1. 2. 3. 4. Adecco A pple 1 Ketlv Services D rake A uto Collision 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C ars tar O akto w n C ollision Budds C ollision A ction C ollision M antis Racing Limousine Service 1 .2 Exotic Lim ousine 2. W h ite Shadow 3. Asti's P h o to g ra p h y Studio 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. P onraits By M ina Euro P hoto As It H appens Split Image T im eA nd Again Black T ie Photography Brenda Seymore H ot Tubs 1. B eachcom ber 2. A rctic Spas 3. Pioneer Family Pools 4 .C atalina Spa Esthetics 1. Sirena Spa 2. Images International 3. Silvery Blue B utterfly Spa 4. A bbevw ood Spa 5. N utrim etics 6. Fortelli Salon & Spa 7. Body, Face an d Soul 8. Aesthetics in the Trails 9. Fonelli 10. Esthetics 11. Rosew ater Spa M a id Service 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. K athy's C leaning M erry M aids M olly M aid Above and Beyond Two Little W om en BBQ Centre 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B B Q G alore N apoleans Bbq G uys D om ainc Beachcom bcr Cosmetic Surgery Clinic 1. Dr. R obert G lyn Jones 2. Blair C o sm etic C en tre 3. In stitu te o f C osm etic and Laser Surgery J 4. Briarw ood Surgical C en tre -1 5. Laser R ejuvenation C linic 6. Mississauga C osm etic 7. T h e C en tre for Personal Surgery 8. Trillium Laser Hotel/M otel 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. H oliday Inn Express O akville Inn R am ada Inn H ilton G arden Inn Q u a lity Inn H oliday Inn O akville-C entre C o u n try Inn M o n te C arlo Inn Picture Fram ing J t. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. S urronundings Fram ing an d A n G reenings C o n ce p t G alleries A bbozzo Fram ing D en M anicure/Pedicure J 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. Sirena Spa Images International Silvery Blue B utterfly Spa A bbevwood Spa Fortelli Salon & Spa Body, Face and Soul Bank/Trust Companies 1. Bank o f M ontreal 2. T D C anada Trust 3. Roval Bank (P lease s e e p a g e B2)

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