Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 4 Feb 2004, A02

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A2 -The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday February 4, 2004 M oney needed - n o t p r o m is e s N D P 's K o r m o s t e ll s O a k v i ll e p o lit ic ia n s (C ontinued from page A1) ment takes place, the benefits to the whole society are huge. It's not a handout, believe me, it's a way for government to make money, not spend money." Stanford noted that only one of the 18 new assembly plants announced for North America since 1990 has been located in Canada, and suggested the battle for the flexible manufacturing plant is a pivotal one for the industry. " This is a turning point in our industry and Oakville is kind of a historical Stalingrad," he said. " We have to turn it around here." Local politicians were at the weekend meeting to offer their commitment to the battle to bring flexible manufacturing to Oakville. "This, to me, is a once-in-alifetime opportunity that we can't afford to let slip by," said Canadian auto Workers economist Jim Stanford Liberal M PP Kevin Flynn. Bonnie Brown, who has been Oakville's Liberal M P for a decade, told the audience that she would take their message back to Ottawa. " 1 know it would be very foolish of me to promise that something w ill happen," she said. " A ll I can assure you is that I will work very hard on this file." While Brown's remarks drew lukewarm applause from the group, they raised the ire of fiery NDP M PP Peter Kormos. Kormos criticized both Flynn and Brown for suggesting they would bring the message to their respective governments. " You're not delivering pizzas for God's sake, you're members of the legislature," he said. `That means not delivering messages -- that means delivering money." Added Kormos: " If (Premier Dalton) McGuinty and (Prime Minister Paul) Martin think it's expensive to keep these jobs, let me tell them something -- it's going to be a lot more expensive to lose them." Mayor buoyed by Throne Speech (Continued from page A1) R e s e r v e A R o s e fo r Y o u r S w e e th e a r t.. B ook Y o u r T a b le T o d a y ! 218 Lakeshore Road East, O a k v ille O n tario R eservation s Recom m ended: 905 845 8623 S7 billion will be allotted to infra structure development and rejuve nation over the next decade. The impact of the one per cent share of the fuel tax would gener ate an additional $2.5 million annually to the Town to be used for infrastructure development and service delivery. Over 10 years, Oakville's share would be $25 million. "We're on the right track, but the infrastructure gap in communi ties like Oakville is growing every day," said Mulvale. " We need this funding sooner rather than later." Monday's Speech from the Throne highlighted a range of opportunities for the Town. Also detailed in the Throne Speech was relatioaship building between the provinces and territo ries. "We hope this statement trans lates into including the municipal level of government which is clos est to the people," said the mayor. Other specified priorities Oakville hopes will receive on going support include health pro motion to help reduce the inci dence of avoidable disease like SARS, and a modernized student loans program. " Education should be afford able and provide opportunities for low-income students," said Mulvale. "It's my hope that affordable education will increase the number of skilled workers in our commu nity." With what appears to be a new chapter opening for municipal-federal relations, the Town hopes to see the necessary funding for these priorities at the upcoming federal budget deliberations, according to the mayor. " If we don't see change, we'll continue to push the Federal gov ernment to implement the new deal for communities," added Mulvale. " We couldn't be at a better place right now." The GST relief to municipali ties means that Ontario municipal governments will recover more than $150 million of municipal property tax dollars that are now sent annually to the Federal gov ernment. " Government taxing another order of government is difficult to explain and justify to taxpayers," said Pat Vanini, executive director of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), a group for which Mulvale is also president. 'Today is the beginning of a new deal for all municipal govern ments, no matter the size. Renewing municipalities is at the core of moving Canada forward, it is the core of moving Ontario for ward," said Mulvale. in an AMO statement. Ontario municipalities face a $5 billion annualized infrastructure deficit. Mulvale wants the next step in the "New Deal" to begin immedi ately. " We need a trilateral framework agreement for Ontario that articu lates the guiding principles for this new financial and working rela tionship. Such an agreement would provide the basis for new sources of revenue and revenue sharing for Ontario's communities. To do any less would detract from today's momentum and commitment," said Mulvale. adding. " AMO is ready to come to the table." Interactive Real Estate from Oakville Beaver HOUSE HUNTING is n o w a s s im p le a s SH U TTE R S UNLIMITED INC. ABC! A. go to w w w .h a lto n s e a rc h .c o m B. C lic k on th e In te ra c tiv e Real E state ic o n . C. N o w th e fu n s ta rts V ie w e a c h p a g e of R e a l E s ta te and find w hat in terests you. N ow click on the ad and it w ill a p p e a r on you r s cre e n . C lick ag ain on the h o u se im ag e to featu re it. W a n t to s e e w hat e ls e th e a g e n t h a s ? If th ey list their w e b site and e-m ail a d d re ss, just click on th e link to his or her w e b site or for m ore inform ation you ca n co n tact the ag en t by e-m ailing through the link sh o w n . In so m e c a s e s , you will e v e n find a link to a m ap to sh o w you the lo catio n. C a n it g et a n y sim p le r? MANUFACTURING & SALES H h il Serving Southern Ontario Since 1988. NO PAYMENTS, NO INTEREST D o n 't p a y f o r O N E fu ll y e a r O . 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