Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 22 Oct 2003, C 2

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C2 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday October 22, 2003 Model ship can take 4,000 hours to complete (Continued from page C1) when the rest o f the family gener ally sleeps in, giving him more tim e to build the intricate boat h e's currently assem bling from scratch. He estim ates the project will take him three years com plete. T h e cu rren t project is the U.S.F. Confederacy, a boat from the A m erican Revolution. To get the p ro p er tones o f the boat, Benton is using eight different types o f w ood: yellow heart, English boxw ood, blood w ood, ebony, red gum, holly Brazilian boxw ood and pear tree w ood, w hich he takes from his ow n pear tree in his backyard. To describ e the process o f building the boat, w hich will take up to 4,000 hours, Benton said, "I d o n 't think the w ord is patience, but perseverance." Benton, w ho runs www.tallshipm odels.com , a site that con nects m odel builders and buyers from all over the world, is working on a plan to open a brick-and-m ortar store in Oakville. "W hat I'm looking for is to w ork this into full-tim e," he said. He foresees selling not only ships built by him self and other builders, but prints o f fam ous ships and shipbuilding kits. He also hopes to hold his classes in the building, and he expects them Special to the Oakville Beaver It to o k tw o y ea rs fo r M orey B enton to co m p lete th is scale m odel o f H M S Diana. T h e B ritish heavy frig a te w as built in 1795 a n d h a d 38 ca n n o n s. Barrie Erskine · Oakville Beaver M orey B enton uses m ag n ify in g glasses to w o rk on on e o f th e d etailed accessories fo r his la test p r o je c t to be his m ost stable source o f incom e. In the m eantim e, h e's sim ply trying to set up som e w eekend classes to see how many people are interested in the hobby. "Scale model building is the ultim ate challenge," Benton said. "And in the end, you end up with som ething unique, a three-dim en sional w ork o f art." People ju st starting out general ly d o n 't w ork from scratch, but for Benton, now that h e's at that level, there's nothing as thrilling. He even makes his ow n ropes for the ships, and his own brass cannons. " Scale model building is the ultimate challenge. In the end, you end up with some thing unique, a three-dimensional work of art." · Morey Benton It is as if he is obsessed with the notion o f building the perfect ship, and with every ship he feels him self getting nearer. " You can get that way," he said. you ju st need to control it." T hat's w hy he keeps a regular schedule, so he d o esn 't w ork longer than he should at the cost o f his family life. His tw o children are 12- and 16-years-old. Benton also keeps him self busy with other hobbies. He has a black belt in Tae Kwon Do and h e's a scuba diver and a licensed pilot., but model shipbuilding is his passion, and working with model ships full time would be a dream come true. F or m ore inform ation about classes, e-mail m oreybenton@ tallshipmodels.com. O ak v ille C e n tr e F o r T h e P e rfo rm in g A rts W e d n e s d a y , N o v e m b e r 5 / 0 3 · S h o w t im e 8 : 0 0 p . m . Tickets $29 aft B ox O ffice - 905-81S-2021 P ro d u c e r s o f A b b a m a n ia . S ta y in ' A liv e / T h e B ee G e e s. S o lit a r y M a n /N e il D ia m o n d a n d E lv is . T h e W a y i t W a s p r e s e n t: T h e C a v e r n e n /T h e B e a tle s G VE -fe tfth o o n rr' FESTIVAL OF THE ISLANDS * t n * aaaaag* LONDON FREE PRESS "the Bradet all orer again* TORONTO S T « V ra * , Mgod ru rtK H r A r Bradn" SOUND OF M ISIC FESTIVAL I f . p ra t . h m ike a udiratt k n o n c m .innlr Youth orchestras find new home at St. Joseph's T he H alton Youth S y m p h o n y 's (HY S) tw o orchestras have a new home. St. Jo se p h 's P ortuguese R om an C atholic C hurch has w elcom ed the H Y S into their building on Bronte Road. The HYS orchestras have been using Q ueen Elizabeth Park School for the past three years, but with the school closing, the orchestras w ere forced to find new accom modations. "We had a great working relationship with Q.E. Park," said HYS president Godfrey Aedy. "We certainly appreciat ed our tim e there. In fact, we were not sure how we would find another hom e that would be as central and as suitable." St. Joseph's parish was enthused by the opportunity to host the 85 people in the tw o orchestras that m ake up the HYS. The orchestras still have a hurdle or tw o to ju m p though, as they have alw ays used instrum ents at the schools w here they rehearsed. They now need to find funding to buy their own instru m ents and find suitable storage. The HYS provides orchestral experi ence for young musicians from across Halton. The program is funded through membership fees, grants, corporate and individual sponsorships and fundraising. T here are positions open for all brass, percussion, double bass and all strings. T he HYS can be reached at w w w.haltonyouthsym phony.com or by phone at 905-616-2760. thomas h . M arshall, q.c. BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS NOTARIES PUBLIC 296 Randall Street, P.O. Box 955, Oakville, ON L6J 5E8 Telephone (905) 844-0464 Fax (905) 844-3983 » Thom as H. M arshall, Q.C. is pleased to announce that R eb ec ca L. C arey, b a (H o n s), l . l . b . has joined his practice of law as an associate. She can be contacted a t 905-844-0464 ext. 22 and will be practicing in General Practice, Employment Law, Family Law and Wills and Estates. H allow een ^ TABM CLAND We're Your + tax price per batch* 23 Litre Batch, approx. 30 bottles* Home Dec & V Fashion V Headquarters! Exclusive Members' Offer! October 30-26 Only* CHECK O U T OUR LIMITED TIME OFFER Entire In-Store Stock! Simplicity Patterns Only 99< each L im it 10 per M em ber, w h ile q u a n titie s la st. Not v a lid w ith a ny o th e r d is c o u n t o ffe rs. Im o. $2 m $3 m $4 m $5 m I CLEARANCE TABLES Halloween comes early at Bookers B ookers Bookstore will celebrate H alloween this Saturday, Oct. 25. T he store th a t's located at 172 L akeshore Rd. E., will host tw o local authors. A lison B aird w ho p enned The Witches o f Willowmere , and Joyce B urnell, w hose w ork is Ghosts o f Oakville, will be on hand and signing copies o f their books from 1-3 p.m. Refreshm ents will be available. For m ore inform ation call 905-8445501. \ N O w 1 / 2 PRICE! That's $1 m $1.50 m $2 m $2.50 m FINAL DAYS! SALE ENDS OCTOBER 3 1 , 2 0 0 3 . SEE PARTICIPATING STORE FOR FULL SALE DETAILS! WATCH FOR OUR NEXT U-Brew D istrib u to r for Ofcirff O tfm JH b -- W1NFS " \BUY I GET 2 FREE SALE, STARTING MONDAY, OCTOBER 27th OPEN SUNDAYS 12-5 140 Rebecca St. O A K V IL LE & Representative for Mondiale Wines 844-7728 _________ In fo lin e : 1 - 8 8 8 - 7 8 0 - 0 3 3 3 W e b s ite : w w w .fa b r ic la n d .c a 447 SPEERS ROAD, UNIT 7 905.339.1278 4 . H o w d id y o u h e a r a b o u t P u b lic L ib ra ry M o n th ? C h e c k a ll th a t a p p ly : _ L ib ra ry w e b site _ A n n o u n c e m e n t _ L ib ra r y M o n th p a m p h le t O a k v ille B e a v e r _ L ib ra ry S ta ff _ T V S h o w s _ ln - lib r a r y p o s te rs _ L ib r a r y V o lu n te e rs 5 . D id y o u re c e iv e a c o p y o f o u r P u b lic L ib ra ry M o n th b r o c h u r e ? ' If ye s, w h e re ? _ In th e lib ra ry _ D e liv e re d to m y h o m e N am e: A d d re s s : Phone # : _ October is Public Library Month in Oakville! E n te r for a chance to win! 1 . T h e O a k v ille P u b lic L ib ra ry is " Y o u r C e n tre f o r _ ____________ 2 . W h a t a r e o u r o ffic ia l 4 N E W c o lo u rs ? ____ If channel surfing is your only form of exercise, see your doctor about diabetes today. 3 . D id y o u le a rn s o m e th in g n e w a b o u t us th is m o n th th a t y o u d id n t k n o w b e fo re ? Yes N o __________ If ye s, w h a t? Please fax your entry form to: 90 5 -8 1 5 -2 0 2 4 Know who to turn to OAKYULI n I CU UO IM [Q L J I dia betes ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION canaoienne DU 0IA8CTE by Friday, October 31st. I IBRARY www.diabetes.ca I-800-BANTING (226-8464)

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