Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 4 Jun 2003, B2

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B 2 The Oakville Beaver, W ed ne sd ay June 4, 2003 to the METROLAND WINE CONNECTION - the easy NEW way for you to have superb wines from aw ard-winning boutique wineries, delivered to your home. Handpicked by two of Canada's forem ost wine experts, W elcome back these premium quality wines were chosen for their splendid flavour, ve rsa tility and outstanding value. The wines featured here are exclusive to the METROLAND WINE CONNECTION" and are not available at the LCBO. SPECIAL OFFER: WINNERS OF THE 2003 ONTARIO WINE AWARDS P a latin e Hills 1 9 9 8 V idal Icew in e V K '· ( 2 0 0 m l.) K acaba V in eyard s 2 0 0 2 P inot G ris BOTTLE PRICE: S20.00 c iL v rp ·Ja r w in e o f BOTTLE PRICE: S17.95 LUSCIOUS MATURE ICEWINE, MAGNIFICENT TM E VEAR FINALE TO ANY MEAL GREAT ALTERNATIVE TO CHARDONNAY FROM A HOT NEW WINERY A decadent dessert wine, billowing ripe summer peach and nectarine aromas. Rich and luxurious, it lingers forever on your tongue. Perfect with apple crisp and ice cream. C h ateau des C h arm e s 1 9 9 9 C a b e rn e t-M e rlo t V BOTTLE PRICE: S18.95 If you like the popular and refreshing Italian Pinot Grigio, you' ll love this! A perfect companion to any fish dish. H e n ry of P elham 2 0 0 2 Sauvignon Blanc . BOTTLE PRICE: S14.95 K SILVER · STYLISH SAUVIGNON, COMPARABLE TO THE BEST OF NEW ZEALAND! -- G0LD BORDEAUX-STYLE BEAUTY FROM ONE OF NIAGARA'S PIONEERS A perfectly balanced blend, combining the elegant blackcurrant flavour of Cabernet Sauvignon, with the silky mouthfeel of Merlot. Have it w ith your best beef tenderloin. Grapefruit aromas with a hint of crushed pineapple are the very definition of refreshment. Have it with shellfish, salad or on its own on summer's hottest .days! A ngels G ate 2 0 0 2 P inot N o ir ^ _ . BOTTLE PRICE: S18.95 ONE OF FOUR WINNERS FOR THIS OUTSTANDING -- i- '* NEW WINERY bronze V RESTRICTED QUANTITIES LIMIT THREE PER CUSTOMER pu|j 0f r|pe tD |ac|< ChetTy aromas, this Pinot compares to the best of Oregon's top wines. A great match for roast duck or lamb. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THESE WINES AND THEIR MAKERS, PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE Order online @ WWW. MI XED ca s e AS SHOW N * OPTION B METROLANDWINECONNECTION . C O M or call T ODAY BE T WE EN 8AM - 8PM --------------------- $ 71? ° . 1-866-216-1225 O n l y w h ile q u a n titie s last OFFER ENDS THURSDAY. JUNE 5th OPTION B REDS c a s e AS S H O W N * $74? ° OPTION WHITES case REDS Creekside 2 0 0 1 Bench C abernet SCORE 87/100 BO TTLE PRICE $11.75 ; TREMENDOUS VALUE IN A RIPE AN D FLAVOURFUL RED. | A pe rfe ct co m b in a tio n of C abernets. S auvignon and Franc. ;w ell balanced w ith just the rig h t a m o u n t of oak T errific w ith ish ishke bo b on the BBQ. W H IT E S Creekside 2 0 0 1 Bench C hardo nnay SCORE 88+ /100 BO TTLE PRICE $11.75 GREAT ALL-PURPOSE W HITE W ITH A PERFECT BALANCE OF FRUIT AND OAK. AS S HO W N >30 A ro m a s o f le m o n peel, p e a ch e s and pears. C lean, c ris p a n d s u b tle . P e rfe ct w ith ro a s t tu rk e y o r c h ic k e n w ith gravy. Legends Estates 2 0 0 2 C ha rd o n n a y M usque SCORE 8 8 /1 0 0 |Legends Estates 2 0 0 2 C abernet Franc SCORE 88/100 BO TTLE PRICE S12 4 5 | A R E D W IT H P O W E R T O L A S T F R O M O N E :0 F THE DECADE O F T H E B E S T V IN T A G E S * r v, ,.gL« ,, BOTTLE PWICE $12 45 * A d e l i v e r y c h a r g e of o n ly $ 6 . 9 5 fo r th e first c a se + $ 1 . 9 5 for e a c h a d d i t i o n a l c a s e a t t i m e of o r d e r i n g . N o w a v a i l a b l e in N o r t h e r n O n t a r i o for $ 9 . 9 5 for the first case. Good w e ig h t and flavour, w ith lo ts o f b la c k fr u it on th e nose and palate. W ill age w e ll. A g re a t m a tc h fo r g rille d p e p p e rste a k. iM arym ssen 2 0 0 0 C a b e rn e t-M e rlo t SCORE 89/100 BO TTLE PRICE $ 1 2 .9 5 FROM THE GROWER OF C A N A D A S OLDEST CABERNET SAUVIGNON VINES. SLIGHTLY OFF-DRY. W ITH A REFRESHING SPRITZ. A GREAT SUM MER SIPPER. P eaches a n d c itru s fru it, w ith a lin g e rin g fin is h o f sw eet ta n g e rin e s . G reat w ith p o rk and fre sh applesauce. Chateau des C h a rm e s 2 0 0 1 Auxerrois SCORE 86/100 BO TTLE PRICE $ 9 .9 5 MORE ENJOYABLE TO DRINK THAN IT IS TO PRONOUNCE! Since you asked ... 1. What exactly is the M etroland Wine Connection? Metroland Wine Connection is a NEW SERVICE which allows you to have wines of superior quality and value delivered to your door. The wines featured here are not available at the LCBO. 2. Is the Metroland Wine Connection a club ? No. There is no club to join and no m inim um purchase required. 3. Why are these wines not available at the LCBO? The LCBO is a retailer geared towards larger, high volume producers that are able to meet substantial inventory requirements. We select only the best products, prim arily from sm aller volume producers. 4. When w ill I receive my M etroland Wine Connection order? Canada Post w ill deliver your wine w ithin one week of purchase, just in tim e for Father's Day!! 5. What if I don't like one or all of the wines I receive? Your satisfaction is fu lly guaranteed. Please see www.m etrolandw ineconnection.com fo r fu ll details. ; B lack ch e rry, b la c k b e rrie s and m in t. G e n tle ta n n in s and go o d s tru c tu re . E njoy it w ith la m b and m in t jelly. A u x e rro is (o k s -e r-w a h ) is th e p e rfe c t a p e ritif. C ris p an d dry, its le m o n and lim e a ro m a s a n d fla v o u rs are th e p e rfe c t a n tid o te to th e h o tte s t su m m e r. Meet the experts GORDON STIMMELL As many of you have already discovered. Ontario DAN KISLENKO "The best w ines a re n 't necessanly the m ost expensive- The Metroland Wtne C o n n ectio n " m akes it fun and easy for wine lovers to enjoy ejc e lle n t wines a t reasonable p n c e s ." ; j wines are one of the world's best-kept secrets. The wines offered by the Metroland Wine | Connection ' are truly outstanding examples of their type and ityie. GORDON STIMMELL W INE CRITIC TORONTO STAR DAN KISLENKO W INE CRITIC THE HAMILTON SPECTATOR our w ebsite, !

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