Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 8 Dec 2004, D06

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D6 - The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday D ecem ber 8, 2004 u s auctions, sates auctions, sales auctions, sales ANDERSON A U C TIO N Fri.Dec.10 Prev.-4:00 Sale:5:00 Polish Hall, 2316 Fairview,Burlington Selling the entire $200,000 inventory Irom the " OREAMWHEELS" nodel collectors store in Burlington. This store was closed 4 years ago and its entire inventory was boxed and stored until this sale. A huge assortment of original boxed diecast collectibles win be sold WITHOUT RESERVE.WITHOUT BUYER'S PREM IUM . COLLECTORS. PARENTS. K ID S. EBAYERS, S A N T A -D O N "T M ISS O U T!! Alm ost all the item s are still in their original packaging with the exception ot a lew older collectibles lhat were used as displays and prom otions. INVENTORY FEATURESCorgi diecast collectibles. Lledo. Revell, space ToysGenesis. M ajorette. Hom e Hardware, Superior. Matchbox. Joytoys. Billings. Onyx. FirstGear. Ertl. Chinese tinplate, some older Dinkys 1000s of item s. Check our website lor photos and any further description we can add D irectio n s- from QEW take Guelph Line south.Fairview is the first m ajor intersection.Turn right and w atch for auction signs about 1 /4 m ile dow n C A SH daily. Guaranteed $l2-$20/hr. ^bonuses Burlington/ Oakville door-to door Fundraisers. Supporting people with special needs Chery 905-617-8363 FU LL- T IM E Custodian required for large Burlington Church Good knowledge of operations of physical plant and property maintenance an asset. Send resume to The Post 5040 Mamway Burling ton ON L7L 7G5 Box 2026 W A R EH O U SE Material Handler Leading distributor of pipe and tubing is looking to make an addition to our team Perm FT position. Afternoon shift (2:30pm11:00pm). Email your resume detailing education, skills and experience to 3)marmon.mail net_______ L ] f I salon & spa help HR general help wanted K T il help wanted general I I general help wanted MAXX Movers Professional' Reliable. Residential, office, piano movers. Local/ long distance From $62/hour 416 823-9705 $45 HR. 2 movers truck. 24' trucks available www.tn umphmoving com 416-8029849; 905-883-4406 RESID ENTIAL snow clear ing HaIton Peet Contractors Snow blowers only. Contracts available. Call John NeH 905-257-6876. S N O W B IR D S . Honest reliable retiree available to house sit. winter months Leave message for Annie. 905 469-2953. Canadian Tire Milton New store requires experienced: Head Cashier Auto Part Manager & Parts personnel Please fax resucne to: 905-878-0180 Attention M arcello or Jennifer More Employment, -- A j H i t t o n tau.i&un ANDERSON AUCTION SERVICE 1-800-448-3120 905-979-0054 www.andauction.com aining training Fashion consultants wanted for Retail Optical Showrooms. Ideal candidates will possess excellent English skills and a flair lor lashion. retail experience an asset & training provided. FA SH IO N C O N SC IO U S R E C E PT IO N IST Oa k v il l e B e a v e r C IR C U L A T IO N D E P A R T M E N T \ 1 i\ f R e q u ir e s a n e n th u s ia s tic District Representative D R IV E R S W A N T E D Circulation Department Driver: for rural newspaper delivery. Driver: for in-town bundle delivery of Looking for a Career as a DENTAL CHAIRSIDE ASSISTANT? INSIDE Sales- Bay Portrait Studio Mapleview. Great opportunity, earn hoi'day$$$ students, homemakers and retirees. Part/ full-time 905-634-1799 H O U S E K E E P E R S required for Burlington senior's residential complex. Full-time days & nights. Fax: 905-333 9646; e-mail: environmental @hearths?one.ca RM T. experienced professional, for W ellness Village Spa to work in Burlington and Mississauga locat>ons. Please fax resume 905-855-9719 or email sherwood@viliagespas com Call M arilyn at H akim O ptical for an appointm ent -416-^39-3^63 Joanne Fabrics Inc. "Here We Grow Again" C ER T IFIED cabinet maker required full-time. Top wages paid and benefits. Fax resume 905-319-0488 Candidates should have the initiative to work well on their own. be innovative, cre a tiv e and work well with children. Experience not necessary - on-the-job training provided for the right candidate. O w n ca r a n e ce ssity. G o o d starting salary with automobile allowance. Forward resume: Attn: Alex Calhoun newspaper to our carriers. S hifts are Tues. & Fris. M ust have a reliable vehicle and cell phone. Forward resumes to Sandy Cole: Fax: 905-878-4057 Email: scoles@ miltoncanadianchampion.com In person: 191 Main St., Milton Prepare for a challenging new career in the dental field. With qualified, specialized training, you'll gain the clinical skills and knowledge necessary to become a highly competent Dental Assistant in less than 9 months. Learn the patient-centered approach and prepare lor the responsibilities of a progressive dental career. CANDIDATES BEING INTERVIEWED FOR SPRING 2005 CLASSES We are currently located within the 401/Dixie area, however, as of January 31st.. 2005 we will move to our new hom e in Oakville located at Winston Churchill South of the QEW. We have an immediate opening within our Customer Service Departm ent for a T h e O a k v ille B e a v e r 467 Speers Rd.. Oakville. ON L6K 3S4 Fax: 905-337-5557 I.mail: acalhoun@»akvillcbca\cr.com M TOPPER'S PIZZA Oakville, hiring Kitchen help evenings/ late nights. Delivery drivers for all shifts. Must be mature, responsible & fluent in English Apply in person. Mon.-Sat 2 4pm at 220 North Service Road West in Town Centre II Plaza No phone calls, please. Automotive Repair Tech. who wants to make Oakville mechanical shop requires licensed Technician. Business is booming call Eric Bilingual (English/French) Customer Service Rep. Will train, however our candidates m ust be energetic, have pleasant phone manor and proficient computer exposure, m in. 30 w.p.m . Please send your resum e to: No Telephone Calls Please Drivers Wanted The Burlington Post Circulation Department needs a driver for delivery crews. Shifts are Wednesday & Friday 4 to 7:30 & Saturday 10 to 2. Must have a reliable vehicle. Please Fax resume attention Tara 905-632-1024 No phone calls, please. Call Now 905*632-3200 Canadian Therapeutic College 760 Brant Street, Burlington careers professional 905-510-2208 BO D Y EST IM A T O R Experienced with mechamca' knowledge and good customer skills a must. We provide stable employment, benefits and excellent working conditions. Resume to P O Box 2028 c/o Burlington Post 5040 Mainway. Burlington. ON 505 505 I careers professional Attn: Anita Montesano Email: amontesano@joannefabrics.com d Jl _ P l Oa k v ille B eaver Circulation Department 'Ti r 'T t .^ --- r r k y z w /JV// Cr/4 4 C /W M W ' SA L E S Person required part time for adult boutique Must be mature* responsible Fax resume 905 455-0058 or apply to: 3040 New St. Burlington. START IMM EDIATELY AND EARN EXTRA CHRISTMAS $ $ $ $ 'S Requires Students Part-time Applicants must: · Have a professional phone manner; · Work well with minimal supervision; · Be comfortable with computers & office equipment · Be comfortable working closely wilh our youth carrier force · Be able to work evenings and'Saturdays Please send your resume and availability schedule to: Scott Cottrell E-mail: scottrell@03kvillebaver.com Fax: 905-337-5557 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE HOLIDAY HELP L7L7QS________________ W O O D W O RKERS required Wooden stair building experience an asset Wages based on experience Benefits/ profit sharing. Shipway Stairs. Burlington, contact Bill Paul. 905 336-1347 ext.237; e-mail bpaui@shipwaystairs.com fax 905-336-8605 E X P E R IE N C E D Wooden Handrail Installers required Su b co n tra cto rs only. Shipway Stairs. Burlington, contact Bill Paul. 905336-1347 ext.237; e-mail bpat^^igwa^statrs com t V l l I office-clerical 50 : We're a Profit 100 C om p an y (tw o tim es over], progressive an dp oised for lo n g termgrow th. We distribute brand n am e fash ion ap parel, accessones an d travel gear fromour Burlington h ead o ffice. Our ongoing success has created the need for a Customer Sales/ Service $14.85 base/appt. Flexible schedules. Ideal for students. LINE WORKERS For a distribution warehouse located in Burlington. Piece work, handling flyers and newspapers. Must have safety shoes. STUDENTS ALSO WELCOME TO APPLY! Oa k ville B eaver GREAT FOR PART-TIME WORK FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS! PRODUCT MANAGER ·Support Director of Sales ·Sales analysis to identify opportunities ·Client interaction and support ·Develop product assortments by customer ·Supplier liaison ·Client interaction and support To be successful you will exhibit proven communications skills, understand accountability and attention to detail in an environment driven by deadlines. You must possess an advanced working knowledge of Excel. 9 05 - 469-6490 LO O K IN G for an Apprenticeship? W e can help. Call the YMCA Career Development and Learning Cehtre in Burlington at 905681-1140 Call Ravi or Jesu at 905-637-8795 or apply in person: 4390 Paletta Court. Burlington Appleby to Harvester to South Service Rd to Paletta After school on Wednesday's. Friday's, Saturday's to go with our drivers as the Oaville Beaver is delivered door-to-door. Suit high school students. Please email scottrell@oakvillebeaver.coni NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE Maintenance Worker Full-Tim e/Part-Tim e for Mount Nem o Christian Nursing Hom e Responsibilities include Maintenance ol physical plant, equip., janitorial, floor care, general handym an skills. Please la x resum e to: 905-335-3699 T IR E and Lube technician required for Burlington Auto Service Centre. F/T, drivers license required, experience preferred. 905-681-2881 M O LLY Maid seeks energetic. dependable people Mon.-Fri., 8:30-4:30 Driver's license an asset Benefits & transportation available Not suitable for students. Call 905-681-7484 (Burl./Oak.) F u ll T lm o AUDIO w>m VIDEO DATA ENTRY/CUSTOMER SERVICE ·Order Entry ·Customer service solutions Excellent key stroking skills (8-10,000 per hour) Preference will be given to bilingual applicants. /j , J v / 'j IZW foi n 'j R E C E P T IO N IS T - Benellt consulting firm specializing in the Aboriginal marketplace Duties are phones and general office administrative support Must be detail onented. team player, able to multi-task, work indeoendently. M S Office proficient and comfortable in a small office environment. Fax: 905-632-9003 OAKVILLE Toyota > s seeking a Part-time Receptionist Fax resume: 416-946-1492 or 905-842-8510 or email: hr@oakviHetoyota.ca. O FFICE Assistant. General office duties, customer services. P/T position 12I5hrs/ wk, evenings. Great for Highschool or College student Fax resume; 905257-8209 E Q U E S T R IA N Products W holesaler needs: Office help, full-time w/excelient computer skills, knowledge of horses, pleasant telephone manner, multi-tasker a must e-mail: sales200467@ notmail.com________________ L V f J retail sales Salespeople High Base Salary. High Commissions Bonuses. Extensive Benefits. Management TVaining. Employment Stability Retail (commission) sales experience preferred Kax your Resume to the attention of: Gabe at 905-637-5705 o r v is it th e F iiir v k - w s i & w a lk e r s L in e I<K<11I<H1 h n le |> t @2001 a u d io v k lc o .c o m / Also luring for ilk- (Mkvtlk- location <H x i i Ii i b R - l m t i r y 2< » r . _______________ Send your resume to careers@throatthreads.com or fax to 905-681-8433 @VlCTORINOX SW ISS AR M Y M O N TH LY P R O F IT $800-$1000 PLUS GAS ALLOWANCE Burlington Early morning door to door delivery of the Hamilton Spectator & Toronto Star Must Have a Reliable Vehicle Community Notices Deaths BOOTHE, P a tricia - Passed away on Friday, Decem ber 3. 2004 at the Trillium Health Centre Patricia (Dunk) beloved wile of Bob Boothe. Dear m other ol Courtney Hsu (Chris) and Kristen Boothe. Loved sister ot Colleen McRae Loving grandm other of Joshua and Austin. A mass ol rem em brance to celebrate the life ol Patricia will be held Saturday, Decem ber 11,2004, Eleven O'clock at St. Dominic Church 2415 Rebecca St Oakville. In lieu ol flowers donations to the Alzheim ers Foundation. 1685 Main St. W.. Suite 206. Hamilton. Ontario L8S 1G6 would be appreciated. Email condolences m ay be sent to kopriva@eol.ca please place BOOTHE on the subject line. Arrangements by Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Hom e, Oakville (905-844-2600) 'A Truly Beautiful Soul' Deaths R IC H A R D S -M C F A D D E N , Je a n Irene (nee Ferguson)* Peacefully, on Monday. D ecem b er 6. 2004 at Milton District Hospital, with family by her side. Je a n Richards-M cFadden in her 92nd year. Loving wife oi the late Allan (Bus) Richards (1981) and the late Jim M cFadden. Beloved mother of Bill (Penny) Richards, Allan (Dianne) Richards. Doug (Marilyn) Richards and Judy (Keith Hincks). Survived by 13 grandchildren and many g reat grandchildren. Friends will be received from the J.Scott Early Funeral Home. 21 Ja m e s St., Milton. 905-878-2669 on Wednesday, December 8th from 2-4 & 79pm. A Funeral Service will be held from the Funeral Home Chapel on Thursday. .December 9th at 1pm. Cremation to follow. As expressions of sympathy, donations to Milton P la c e or the C anadian National Institute for the Blind would be appreciated by the family. T O M M Y ^H IL F IG E R C h ip lP e p p e r A C C O U N TA N T The Oakville Parent-Child Centre is the Ontario Early Years Centre lor the Oakville community offering services to fam ilies and children. Reporting to the Executive Director the Accountant will: · Have a good knowledge of the principles and practices of accounting ·Have knowledge of government accounting and reporting This position is approximately 24 hours/wk. and the Accountant will work out ol the Kerr Street location QUALIFICATIONS: ·Minimum 5 years accounting experience in a non- profit charitable organization ·Experience with financial statement preparation and analysis ·Excellent communication skills both written and verbal ·Knowledge of fund accounting and audit file preparation ·Advanced computer skills required. ACCPAC and Excel Subm it resum e w ith salary expectations by D ecem ber 10th A ttention: Executive D irecto r 337 Kerr Street, O akville. ON L6K 3B7 Fax: 905-825-2611 - opcc@ cogeco.net The Body Shaping Fitness Studio is seeking an exper ienced childcare provider available weekends. Must be fitness minded, well groomed and able to multi-task. Please fax resume to 905-849-1913 $S$$ paid weekly!' Company needs part-time/ full-time help processing unclaimed bank accounts. Call 1-866883-0780 24hrs P A T 'S Party Rentals. Delivery/ warehouse helpers $8-$9'hr, 3-6 days /week until January. Paul Oakville 905845-8301; Simon Burl. 905333-3034. PRO PERTY SuperintendentRetail plaza downtown Oakville. Responsible for day-to-day cleaning, maihtainmg and troubleshooting. Must be self starter and able to work alone. Retired person preferred. Must be a handyman. Fax resume to: 905-844-4274 INVENTORY clerks required P/T and F/T by Western Inventory Service Must be reliable, hard working, have strong math skills, with good command of English, flexible hours. Apply www westerninventory.com. Fax 905-5732477 A D U LTS wanted to deliver newspapers 3 times a week, door-to-door in North Burling ton area. P lease contact Ryan at 905-632-0588 PET Hotel In Burlington and Ancaster hiring PT weekdays/ weekends and holidays, also need weekend' holiday students. Animal care experience an asset. Must be "energetic and dedicated' start at 7am.. and need own transportation. Fax resume to. 905-336-3687 INDUSTRIAL Sewer/ Stitcher. Experience required. Bring resume: 3535 Laird Rd.. Unit 6. (Dundas/ 403 area) Mississauga. BU R LIN G T O N video store requires part-time sales help. Will tram. Start immediately. Call 905-332-9797. O A K V IL L E Maids seeking dependable workers with flexible availability No evenings or weekends. Supervisor positions include company car. $9-$17/hr. Labour intensive. 905-8426243 SU SH I maker for supermarket in Burlington and Oakville. Experience not necessary. 5-10/ hours between 8am-6pm. Vivian 416-666-3519 C A S H IE R required for approx 25/hrs week. Fax resume Attn: Jane. 905-3364921 MICRUISE Ship Jobs!'! life's A Beach in Paradise! Free Benefits: Meals. Room. Flight. Uniform. World Travel 613-741-5801/ 613-764-6209 www.cooljobsinpardise.com TUTORS required Math English. French. Work from home or our local centre. Training provided. 905-3386650 SEA M STR ESS/ Tailor, fulltime Experience required Must be sincere and committed. Excellent wages. Call 905-469-1832 (Oakville) CALL NOW! 905-639-7700 Lyngar Inc. - New Management V 7 T 3 H H skilled & technical help r r f l skilled & technical help H A P P Y people person? Part-Time Retail sales position at our Oakville and Burlington factory show rooms. Competitive hourly rate, pleasant working conditions, we'll tram. Fax resume to Royal Mattress 905-681-2294 ELECTRICAL/ ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLER Required tor Oakville based Aerospace Cable/Harness Manufacturer. Job duties include various assembly operations including wire & component preparation, hand soldering and crimping. The ability to read schematics and familiarity with Military Specifications would also be an asset. Applications without these m inim um skills will not be considered. We offer a very clean work environm ent, com petitive com pensation and benefits. Please forward your resum e to . Box 646 2 c/o O akville Beaver 467 S p eers Road, Oakville, Ontario L6K 3S4 DEN TA L Assistant (exper ience required) needed. Permanent Part-Time for busy modern preventive based Oakville practice. Must be friendly. outgoihg & a team player Please fax resume to: 905-469-3181 DENTAL Assistant required for Oakville office. Mondays, Thursdays and alternate Saturdays. Fax resume to: 905-827-9522 DENTAL Hygienist required for Oakville practice, 3 days week (includes 2 evenings). No Saturdays Fax resume: 905-827-0309 R E G IS T E R E D Massage Therapist, required for busy Oakville Chiropractic Clinic. Phone 905-844-9117; Fax 905-844-9118 C O O KS/ Dietary Aides Needed. Apply to hobstfeldadams@novaservicesmc.co m; or fax 905-699-6724: To start immediately. FT Dental Receptionist. Oakville, evenings. Dentrix/ Assisting experience and asset. Looking for flexibility and a positive attitude. Fax resume to 905-337-3631 EEE1 office-clerical 515 I skilled & technical help PART-TIME COLLECTIONS CLERK 2-3 days/wk. Start immediately Duties include: · Contacting customers on overdue accounts · Short payments & other misc. credit (unctions Salary based on experience F a x r e s u m e to: 905-878-2299 Em ail: c h a r t e n @ r o b e r t s o n s c r e w . c o m Only those under consideration lor an interview w ill be contacted. JONES, Kennedy (K en)- W WII Veteran R.C.A F Suddenly at Headwaters Health Care Centre. Orangeville on Tuesday, Decem ber 6th, 2004 in his 88th year; loving husband of 63 years to Maty; dear father of Barry (Lynn), Pamela. Colin (John) and Karen Whelpdale (Gavin); cherished Grandpa of Scoit. Chtis. Jody. Beckey. J.L and Jim; brother of Beryl Jones. Valerie Irvine and Bonnie Dickie. Ken will be sadly m issed' by m any other relatives and friends. Friends m ay call at the Dods & McN»ir Funeral Home & Chapel. 2 1 First St.. Orangeville (519-941-1392) on Wednesday, Decem ber 8,2004 from 2:00 p.m . - 4;00 p.m . & 7:00 p.m . - 9:00 p.m. Funeral Service will be held in the chapel on Thursday. Decem ber 9. 2004 at 11:00 a m . In lieu of flowers donations to Headwaters Health Care Centre would be appreciated by the fam ily. Family Sendees Alcoholics Anonymous If you drink, that's your business If you want to quit, That's Ours! (416)487-5591 (905) 631-8784 The boutique of the staffing Jndusti Since 1990, Stevens Resource Group Inc. has earned a solid reputation lor providing superior human resource solutions. We provide knowledge and expertise in a variety ol human resource lunctions, including Temporary Staffing, Professional Search and Recruitment and HR Consulting. A guiding principle ol our company is to focus on promoting a culture of initiative, integrity, creativity, team work and trust. We believe.that productive relationships are the result of m utual respect and commitment. We are currently looking lor a BRANCH MANAGER for our Milton location. The candidate willbe responsible tor maximizing the sales revenue, maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction, and providing strong leadership to branch staff. We are looking for a person with the following dem onstrated skills and experience: · 5+years sales and m arketing ·5 +years leadership skills · Excellenl communication and organizational skills · Proven business development and customer service skills · Proficient in MS O ffice Computer Programs To be considered for this position, please forward resum e and cover letter to: Employee Relations Manager 496 Adelaide Street. Woodstock. ON N4S 4B4 Fax:519-421-7497 Email: corporate® stevensresourcegroup.com www.stevensresourcegroup.com 530 sales help & agents 530 sales help & agents Galaxy Broadband Communications provides 2 way high-speed internet via satellite and is now hiring the for the following positions IN S ID E S A L E S : Experience required C U S T O M E R S E R V IC E : The "Original" C hap s requires QUALIFIED LINE COOKS Top $$$ Paid to qualified applicants Apply in person: 3315 Fairview St.. Burl L IN E Cooks & Kitchen Supervisor's Competitive wages. Also. Hosts. Buspersons. Expos & Games Attendants. Call 905637-9797. fax: 905-637-0951 or apply in person to: Mike or Rod at QB's Sports Bar and Grill 4460 Fairview, Burlington. D IS H W A S H E R (experien ced) required Full-Time for Bakery/ Deli in Oakville, call Leo 905-847-1020 or fax: 5-847-1567______________ | 7 n n L S I teaching oppo rtunities Experienced required; som e com puter/ tech. knowledge; ability to work in a last paced environment w/llex. schedule. Shifts vary- days, evgs. weekends. Em ail resum e stating postion applying lor; jobs@galaxybroadband.ca LA W R E N C E , R a n d y - Peacefully, on Monday, Decem ber 6.2004 at the Toronto General Hospital, in his 52nd year. Randy, beloved husband of Janice. Loved son-in-law of Ruth and Robert Black and brother-in-law ol Robert Jr.. Dan, and Rod. Randy will be greatly m issed by his m any nieces and nephews. A Mem orial Service will beheld on Saturday. Decem ber 11,2004 a t Walton Memorial United Church. 2489 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville at 1 1 am. If desired, memorial contributions to the Ontario Heart & Stroke Foundation would be greatly appreciated by the family. Arrangem ents m ade w ith the Kopriva Taylor Com m unity Funeral Home, (905-844-2600). E-mail condolences m ay be sent to kopriva@eol.ca; please place LAWRENCE on the subject line. Legal Notices Notice to Creditors and Others In the estate of Mary Stewart Buchanan, late of 219 Arichat Rd. in the town of Oakville, in the Province of O ntario. ALL PERSONS having claim s against the estate ol M ary Stewart Buchanan, late of 219 Arichat Road in the tow n of Oakville who died on the 19th day ol M ay, 2004, are hereby required to send lull paym ent ot such claim s to the undersigned executor before the 26th day of January, 2005, alter which dale the estate's assets will be distributed having regard only to legitim ate claim s that have been recieved, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim he shall then have notice. Dated at Oakville this 1st day ol Decem ber, 2004 John Buchanan 219 Arichat Road Oakville.ON L6J6C6 536 veterinary 536 | veterinary Veterinary Hospital ` Kennel Help* Part-time; We are looking for an enthusiastic and reliable individual to join our team . Hours include evenings and weekends Custom er Service and anim al handling experience and asset. Forward resum e and cover letter (to be recieved no later than Dec. 17) to: Abbey A nim al H o sp ita l. A ttention: JoAnne Dennehy. 1131 N o ttin g h ill Gate. O a kville, ON L6M 1K5 or fax: 905-827-7027 e -m a il: abbeyvet@primus.ca P lease no phone c a lls . M O ISAKO S, Gus (C o n s ta n tin o s )- (Entrepreneur Hearthside Sleak House. Oakville). Peacefully passed away on Monday, December 06, 2004 at the Ian Anderson House, Oakville. Gus Moisakos. beloved husband of Panagiota. Dear father of Dina Chahalis (Nick), and John (Mary). Loving grandfather of Georgia. George, Palgcia C. and Patricia M. and Kostantinos. Lovingly remembered by his sister, brother, nieces, nephews and m any friends. Visitation will be held at the Kopriva Taylor Com m unity Funeral Hom e, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville (905-844-2600) from 2-4 & 6-9 pm on Wednesday. Funeral Service will be held on Thursday, Decem ber 9,2004 at 1 1 am at St. Dem etrios Greek Orthodox Church, 22 Head Street. Hamilton. Interm enl to follow at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Cem etery, Oakville. If desired, m em orial contributions to the Ian Anderson House, P.O. Box 61034.511 Maplegrove Drive. Oakville. ON L6J 7P5 or the Helenic Hom e lor the Aged, 1 1 Winona Drive. P.O. Box 21205, STN BRM B. Toronto. ON M7Y3V1. E-m ail condolences m ay be sent to kopriva@eol.ca; please place MOISAKOS on the subject line. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the Estate of G O R D O N W IL L IA M K R IT Z E R . late of the Town of Oakville. Regional Municipality of Halton, who died 26th day of June, 2004, must be filed with the undersigned on or before the 24th day of December, 2004, thereafter the personal representatives will distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claims then filed. 50 general help wanted 00 general help w anted 2 POSITIONS SALES REP. & SERVICE REP. Oakville Traffic and Parking Branch office seeking Junior Technician Sales Representative and Service Technician. Travel Ontario. Qualifying Sales Rep will have Application Engineering, Estimating and Sales Experience, computer/electrical literate. Qualifying Service Technician will have strong electronics, m echanical skills and OS knowledge required. Please no phone calls. W IL L O W G L E N school in Oakville req. part-time piano teacher Fax resume to 905338-0646 inquiries call 905338-7207 A L L- R IT E Cleaning Services. Home & Office Cleaning. Burlington/ Waterdown area. For quality cleaning call, 905-516-3260. B U Z Z Bee Maids will put your mind at rest. Call 905336-5655 or please visit, www.buzzbeemaids com E U R O P E A N Professional cleaning lady available MonFrl. New good vacuum/ supplies. Reasonable price. Satisfaction guaranteed 905-601-5656 E X P E R IE N C E D Filipino couple available for housecleaning. Reasonable Rateds. Bonded. Trustworthy. Efficient. Joio or Eden 905-823-2157 LIVE-IN Caregiver for 80-yr old. full-time Duties: personal care, general hygiene, administer medica tion. Oakville. $10/hr. E-mail: jmann60@hotmail.com D a te d th is 17 th d a y o f N o v e m b e r, 2004 The Estate of Gordon William Kritzer by its solicitor, BRIAN E. SLOCUM 63 Quebec Street, Bracebridge, Ontario P1L2A4 Electromega Ltd., 760 Pacific Rd.Unit 20. Oakville.ON L6L 6M5 Fie 905-847-6789 e-m ail:central@electrom ega.com CLEA N Up For The Holidaysl Experienced cleaning lady available to FU LL- T IM E. cleaning, laundry, cooking. No child · tackle all general home cleaning duties. Call Amy at care (teenagers) Hours First Class C lea n ers... negotiable. Southwest Serving Burlington & Burlington. Non-smoker. Oakville. 289-259-3920 905-330-5480 D A V E 'S A Handyman. Tiling. Framing, Plumbing. Drywall, crown molding, doors, baseboards. Special izing in total Bathroom Renos. 905-335-8835

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