Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 21 May 2003, A2

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A2 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday May 21, 2003 B o u C io ir Create a beautiful window! Community support critical to OTMH campaign MatenuiI/child program to benefitfrom fundraising In addition to the Sam uels and the auxiliary, most o f the rem aining money raised so far has com e directly from individuals w ho also genuinely care O akville-T rafalgar M em orial about their hospital's future. Hospital is made o f bricks and steel. But "O akville really is a com m unityon one level at least, it's hard to tell minded com munity." said Shorey, w ho where the facility ends and the public is plainly proud o f O T M H 's top-rated begias. status in the GTA. Just ask those sp earheading its But according to cam paign C o-chair Critical Support Campaign. Ian Cockwell. people often m isunder "The history o f this hospital is one of stand that governm ent funding does not com m unity su p p o rt." says O TM H cover the purchase o f such equipm ent C haritable C orporation E xecutive Director Allen W ightman. He under and that hospitals must raise all the scored his point by explaining that orig money for capital projects. The province does, however, cover the cost o f operat inal funding in the 1950s cam e from the ing the equipm ent as well as 50 per cent Lions Club. The cam paign now in the midst o f o f the price tag for renovations. "Governm ent funding is very limit its M ay Com m unity Awareness Month w as initiated to raise $10 million for the ed." said Cockw ell. w ho added that one challenge they face is getting this true redevelopm ent of O T M H 's picture out to the public. maternal/child program facilities and for Added Shorey: "There w ouldn't be the purchase o f new diag an MRI if not for the com nostic imaging equipm ent. munity." To date, the effort has "There are a lot of W ightm an. who received m ore than $8 people who really explained that the Critical million in pledges - grati Support C am paign is fying num bers for those care about their being w aged in addition to charged w ith overseeing community." ongoing annual fundrais the initiative. · Sheilaah Guthrie, ing. said they are not "There are a lot o f peo Campaign Director being critical o f the gov ple who really care about ernment - the system is their com m unity." said simply the way it is. C am paign D irector Still, continued Cockwell. a sophisti Sheilaah Guthrie. cated public has high standards and According to W ightm an, donations have flow ed in from individuals, corpo expects the latest technology. Equally important to the cam paign is rations and foundations. In January, for O T M H 's maternal/child program facili example, the OTM H Auxiliary donated ties. w hich are under increasing pressure $1.25 million to the cam paign, the sec as the com m unity grows. The hospital ond-largest gift in the hospital's history. currently handles more than 2.000 births The money will he used to buy three a year (a num ber expected to rise 20 per ultrasound machines and to assist the cent by 2(X)5) using obstetrical and pedi redevelopm ent o f the m aternal/child atric facilities that were last updated in program. the 1970s. Concrete evidence o f the cam paign They include rooms o f inadequate in action occurred last month w ith deliv size and configuration that are unable to ery o f the huge, four-ton m agnet integral fully support the contemporary model o f to the hospital's long-awaited M agnetic family-centred care, said Guthrie. Resonance Imaging (M RI) unit. U nder the current funding formula, "You should have seen the excite the province will pay S4 million o f the ment o f the diagnostic staff. Their faces m aternal/child u n it's total $8-million ju st lit up," said cam paign co-chair cost. Mags Shorey. "It's an exam ple o f the The renovated facility is expected to hospital really working for the people in open in 18 months. the com munity." Now. as part o f the cam paign's The Samuel Family Foundation (the largest single donor in the history o f Community' Awareness Month. OTM H is reaching out to the broader com m uni OTM H ) gave $3 million last Decem ber ty. W ightman expects donations to flow to buy the M RI. a gift that was announced during the official launch o f in from a variety o f quarters, including schools and other donors. the campaign. He hopes the effort will exceed its Scheduled to open in June, the Samuel MRI Centre will be located in $ 10-million target. To promote the campaign. OTMH OTM H adjacent to the existing will take out a full-page ad in the Diagnostic Imaging area. (Current w ait Oakville Beaver on May 24. conduct a ing lists for non-invasive MRI services donation mail-drop on May 31 and hang now stand at nine months.) In addition to the MRI. other urgent a promotional banner on the hospital's parking garage. ly needed equipm ent includes a portable For m ore inform ation, visit X -ray m achine, a M obile Im age www.criticalsupportcam paign.com . Intensifier. a general X-ray room and a The OTM H Charitable Corporation digital chest X-ray room. All this is vital, w as established in 1991 with a mission considering H alton's population is to "m ax im ize philanthropic support expected to grow 49 per cent in the next from the com m unity to benefit the five years. "There is a never-ending list o f diag patients" o f the hospital. Its m ajor fundraising efforts range nostic equipment," said Shorey, who from direct m ailings to the O TM H explained that 80 per cent o f hospital C andlelight Ball. C lassic Run and visits involve some form o f diagnostic Charitv G olf Tournament. measures. Save _ _ On jacquard drapery fabric tone-on-tone and printed By Howard Mozel OAKVILLE liKAVHK STAFF S a v e up to On the best selection of blinds* in town! 2" Wood 2" Faux wood blinds 1 " PVC horizontals Bamboo roll-ups Roman shades and many more! An incredible selection of finishes and sizes at prices you won't believe! Visit BouClair, create a beautiful window and save! 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