Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 16 Jul 2003, C04

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G4 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday July 16, 2003 May Court presents 21 student scholarships Twenty-one Oakville students recently received scholarships totalling $20,000 from the May Cdurt Club of Oakville. Twenty of these students are 2003 Oakville high school graduates and one is a third-year university student. The May Court Club is the old est service club in Canada run by women. The club has been award ing educational scholarships to students demonstrating a commit ment to their school and communi ty for more than 30 years. The May Court Club of Oakville raises and disperses funds prim arily within the Oakville area. This service club supports many local causes that benefit the elderly, the sick, young children, students and the needy. The main source of funds for this club is The Nearly New Shop located at 200 Kerr St. At this loca tion, funds are raised through the sale of consignment items. May Court volunteers can also be seen in November and December at Oakville Place pre senting the annual Festival of Trees and for the past six years have held a craft fair called Art and A rtisans by the Lake on the grounds of Appleby College. The May Court Club also holds special events for a variety of causes. This past May, this club presented the Forget Me Not Gala and Auction to raise funds for the many causes they serve in the community. BM·· M ay C o u rt C lub Scholarship Aw ard R ecipients are, fro n t row left, S tephanie C am p, Q ueen E lizabeth P a rk (Q E P); Jessica Jo hnson, T. A. Blakelock; M ichelle Fugundes and K atrin e K ibitkin, St. T hom as A quinas (STA); Chelsy Vella, Q E P ; M ooren BoFill, St. Ignatius of Loyola; m iddle row from left, Pooja K u m ar and A m elia C am p, Q E P ; Ja im e M acC racken, Iroquois Ridge; J e n a rra de Souza and C assan d ra U m briaco, Loyola; M arion Coffey and Spogm ai H akim i. STA; and back row from left, M azen Z e h a tr i, Loyola; Neal Irfa n , W hite O aks; M oham ed A lshurafa and B rennen M cC rae, Q E P ; Jesse Thoiripson, Iroquois; Steve W illiam s, STA; an d M ichael TVick, QEP. M issing is N oah B ruce of W ilfrid L a u rie r University. FASHIOH FABR IC DISTRIBUTOR C AN AD A'S LARGEST mum1 , HOW IT W ORKS? Cookbook author promotes healthy eating with fast and easy recipes By Melanie Cummings S P E C IA L T O T H E B E A V E R ON SELECTED MERCHANDISE metres or units of equal ya|,,P r » « ? eXt Choose from these Special Selections HOM E DECOR: VOILE FANCIES, WINFIELD DECORATOR TEXTURES, JACQUARD WHITES, TRISTAN JACQUARDS, PARLOUR PRINTED VOILE, CLOQUE JACQUARDS, CASTELLA CHENILLE, FANCY ORGANZA, W IDE W IDTH VOILE SOLIDS, FABRIC: W -l-D -E BROADCLOTH, SATIN SOLIDS, DRESSWEAR SOLIDS, ASSORTED SUITINGS, POLYESTER PRINTS, ASSORTED SPORTSWEAR & KNITS, BOTTO M W EIGHT SPORTSWEAR SOLIDS, SWEET TIM E PRINTS, CHRISTM AS F la ts , Q u ilts & P a n e ls, PREM IER K N IT COLLECTION, STRETCH COTTON P O PLIN PRIN TS ; SEWING N O TIO NS: HOOK * LOOP TAPE B y th e M e tr e & H a n ks, SPECIALTY SCISSORS, BLAN KET B IN D IN G ; TR IM S: EYELST, LACE, GUIPURE, CROCHETED, BEADED & RAYON P IP IN G Entire In -S tore S to ck' BURDA PATTERNS B U Y 1 at M S R Pnce, (o f equal value o r less) Offer vakd Ju ly 7-22. 2003 Not valid vdth any other d tc o u n l offer GET 1 FREE! JU LY 1 6 -2 3 O N LY ! Entire In -S tore S to ck 1 | In d M d u a fly priced Mnf VO G UE PATTERNS Sale 5.49 ea. Offer vakd July 18-22. 20(0 i i dill in . n*>. Sale in effect July 7-22, 2003, on selected in-stock merchandise only. Sorry, no special orders Most items available in most stores. Look tor the red sale tags. Please note: the term `regular p rice ' refers to Fabric land's regular chain-store price. O P E N SU N D AYS 12-5 140 Rebecca St. O A K V I L L E 844-7728 O akville's Meriel Bradley wants to get the world cooking again. Juggling career with children, the host o f H GTV's Garden Architecture has penned two cookbooks packed with more than 200 easy recipes. Abiding by her self-imposed `no funky ingredients' rule, Bradley is intent on ridding all household chefs of the notion that preparing a home cooked meal is a time intensive endeav or. Her first two forays, entitled Indoor Grilling and Salads & Sides, have sold 20,000 copies already on The Shopping Channel. (Bradley is a presenter on TSC.) The books are now available in bookstores. In the fall the next two books in the paperback series will focus on desserts, smoothies and shakes. Bradley calls food cooked on an indoor griil the "ultimate in fast food" and while saving time is an important consideration, eating well is a must. "Healthy eating isn't a dream, it's a reality we all have to face," Meriel Bradley said Bradley. In 15 minutes or less entrees such as crab stuffed salmon wheels, spicy pork chops and marinated steak are grilled and on the table in less time than it would take for the pizza delivery to arrive. Seafood, poultry, beef, pork, vegetable and sandwich recipes are listed in the book, as well as a few samplers of the dessert concoctions featured in the next series. In Salads & Sides, Bradley uses the same minimal-effortmaximum-nutrition criteria. The published result is a compilation o f interesting twists on cupboard staples, such as gar lic parsley rice, minted stuffed tomatoes and carrots with nuts and peas. Cooking has long been a hobby for Bradley and her four siblings who picked up their mom's practical culinary talents through osmosis. Each of the Bradley offspring is now the primary cook in their respective households and equally experim ental in the kitchen. Bradley's dad has even com piled a fam ily cookbook with all the clan's favourite recipes. (That one is a private collection, it's not for sale yet). A self-described "homebody" Bradley has lived in Oakville four years now. She loves to cook for her two children Sammy, 6 and Ella, 5, as well as her husband Bill Rasmussen. In fact, family and friends are willing Guinea pigs for her evercreative experiments. Frank and honest feedback from them makes for a tried, tested and true cookbook too. Her children are willing col laborators and underlings in the kitchen, making for a future gen eration of healthy home cooks. Netscape: Hal m C la ssified s rvard lo c a tio n : ^ Retoad i Home 'f t Search Netscape Images al s Print & Security i| Stop l h t t p : / / v w h e tto n s e a rch .co m /cle ss tfie d s /in d e x .M m l S h o p O n lin e for O v e r 5 0 .00 0 P C Products!! WWW. computersplusonline . c o m Classified Directory Updated every Monday. Wednesday & Friday Sal**. Leasing. S*>vice and Genuine Pails Assembled through Hatton Region Metr oland Newspapers. Last modified: Wednesday. 05 Jan-2000 10:08:34 EST 844-9831 CLIC K H E R E ! REALiSIME n o u s e s . a p a rtm e n ts . co n o o s t o t s * * , c o tta g e s , c o m m e rc ia l in d u s tria l tots. office/business s p j o e , b u s in e ss o p p o rtu n is t s , m o rtg a g e s A U TO M O TIV E c a t s , truo cs. v a n s . **k h s . sports c a ts , m o torcycle s, a u to p a rts, b a s in g , re n ta ls, oa re. s to ra g e ' O H KI N I 310-SEND CUCK HIRE! EMPLOY M EN T^C AREERS M p a n m e n ts . n o u s e s . c o n o o s . ro om s, s n a re o retirem ent c a r e e r tra in in g, c a re e rs , g e n e ra l n t ip . sxieea te c h n ic a l co m pu te t/d ata p ro c e s s in g , offroe he lp & a g e n ts . ho sp * a ls /m e d ica ¥ d e n ta l. h o te l te a c h in g op p o rtu n itie s, d om e stic, pa rt-tim e , v o lu n te e rs , e m p lo ym e n t w a n te d LEISURE LM N C fcQM M UNHYMQ.TICES te n o e ts . »egai n o n ce s , p u o e c n otices, oirtns. a o o p n o n s . e n g a g e m e n t s , m a rria ge s , a n n ta ts a rie s . d e a t h ; a n n o u n c e m e n ts , p e rson a te , co m p a n io n s , tost & fo u n d n © t (ss» GO In te rh o p v a c a tio n pro pe rties. m o o w n o m t s . ca m p e rs. traeer s t e s . sports e q u ip m e n t, b o a ts , s n o w m o b le s . p o o ls , re sorts, ho b b ie s FOR SALE m o w * s . m e rc n a n o s e . a ro c * s . **estoo<. g a ra g e s a le s , a u c tio n s , a n tiq u e s , co m p u te rs, e le ctron ics. 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