Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 24 Nov 2004, A05

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday November 24, 2004 - A5 Big Brothers OF HALTON ^ RBC F in a n c ia l G roup Big Brothers o f H alton and RBC PRESENT RUBIN " HURRICANE" CARTER In 1966, Rubin "Hurricane" Carter was a top ranked prizefighter, one fight away from the world title when he was convicted for two murders he did not commit. It took 20 years and 2 agonizing trials to free him. One o f the world's most powerful speakers, Rubin Carter takes his audiences on a journey o f personal enlightenment & inspiration Barrie Erskine · O akville B eaver A rchitect G re n W eis w as a m u ltip le a w a rd w in n e r a t th e O ak v ille U rb a n D esign A w ards. Local architect garners six Urban Design Awards By Melannie Cummings SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER TIC K E T S: $60.00 in advance; Table o f 8 $450.00 W HEN: W ednesday Decem ber 1, 2004 W H E R E : Oakville C onvention Centre T IM E : Lunch 12:00-12:30 Presentation 12:30-1:30 Big Brothers o f H alton (90S) 339-2355 for tickets or inform ation or register online at: www.bbhalton.ca L ib e r t y T ax S e r v ic e O a k v i l l e ( 9 0 5 ) 8 4 2 -5 5 5 6 ( 0 0 5 ) 1 3 7 -9 8 0 5 " It's very gratifying to be After 25 years of working in Oakville, architect Gren W eis' thumbprint is em bedded on a wide swath o f the tbw n's build ings. That was never more evident than at the recent 2004 Oakville Urban foesijzn Awards. ` The plaques piled up on W eis' table like a deck o f cards. Held over two years, the pro gram show cases and honours urban, architectural and land scape excellence visible on resi dential and business properties throughout Oakville. Among 42 submissions eval uated by a panel o f expert judges, 13 awards were handed out at Town Hall on Nov. 17 - six of them were Weis' creations. W eis' winning contributions included: W ildw ood A cadem y for developmentally challenged children on Sheridan Garden Dr., the Gellert fam ily's home, 125 Gloucester Ave,, Shereen and Loraine Sabri's residence at 33 Howard Ave.. the renovation o f the S cott's abode at 60 Barringham Dr., the newly-built, two-storey commercial building in old Oakville, at 334 Lakeshore and the Oakville Club on Water given such recognition. I've always enjoyed living and working in Oakville." · O ak\'ille architect Gren Weis Street. "It's very gratifying to be given such recognition," said Weis. "I've always enjoyed liv ing and working in Oakville." The remaining seven proper ties also honoured included: the 11-resident com m unity at Waterstone Gate, the live-work tow nhouse com plex called Lakeshore Village, located on the com er o f Lakeshore Rd. and Kerr Street, Ross and Trish M cTavish's 1859 home, at the corner o f Navy and W illiam streets, the 1830s cottage at 65 D unn St., ow ned by the G reenw ood fam ily, S to n ey 's Bread Com pany on Kerr St., the Budds' BMW Mini and Budds' Subaru dealerships, and Ford o f Canada's newly built headquar ters. The award ceremony, which attracted more than 100 people, was a W ho's W ho o f the archi tectural. design, developer and planning world. M ayor Ann M ulvale was am ong the jurors on the fourmem ber panel. "It is encouraging to see that so much o f the new building and renovations o f older sites around town are o f an aw ard-winning caliber." Also judging the 42 entries was landscape architect Janet Rosenberg, structural architect M ichael Spaziani, and Norm a G am ble, co-founder of iC onferenceU , a local online conferencing company. Points were awarded to each submission for the overall ability o f the structure to blend in with the street's aesthetic design and the com m unity's. A uthentic detail, such as working shutters and French bal conies, stellar craftsm anship in seam lessly integrating the old with new, clever design such as disguising garages and the aes thetic play o f materials through stone driveways and well-propor tioned landscaping make each o f these w inning properties well worth replicating. H op in the car and head out on a sightseeing tour around tow n o f the m ost ch e rish ed e x te rio r hom e an d b u sin ess designs. a proud member of the United Way T H E(M IILI!m Presenting Media Sponsor: Y O U R N E I G H B O R H O O D G R O C E R Y S T O R E FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES · SPICES · SWEETS · SAM0SAS · INDIAN & WEST INDIAN GROCERIES · CATERING AVAILABLE SELECTION · Q UALITY · VALUE · SERVICE A ll D aals $ y 59 4 lb bag $*5 9 2 kg bag Sugar Ian Anderson House celebrates Tree of Lights "Tree of Lights" - a worldwide hospice event takes place locally on Sunday, Dec. 5 at lan Anderson House. The event - which gets underway at 4:30 p.m. - will feature the lighting of a 50-foot spruce Christmas Tree, a carol service and cider inside the house. Each S20 donation will illuminate one light in memory of, or to honour, a loved one and help IAH continue to offer quality end-of-life care without charge. The facility is located at 430 Winston Churchill Blvd. Parking and a shuttle bus_ starting at 4 p.m. is available at 2635 Lakeshore Rd. W. CARBOLITEm Assorted Flavours C O O B E R A C A P IT A L C O R P. C o okies B asm ati Rice $ £ 9 9 10 lb bag % p e r annum M onthly Income $219 Reg. S2.49 Looking for a higher return alternative to low GIC investm ent rates? We h a v e th e s o lu t io n : We offer an opportunity to participate in a premium fixed income asset backed investm ent, secured and safe with 11% p.a. monthly income. For investor information, call Arlene Klein at Coobera Capital Corp. 905-845-6530 or e-m ail us at coobera@cogeco.ca *Coobera Capital Corp. acting as agent for Marchant Securities Inc. This a d v e rtis e m e n t shall n o t c o n s titu te an o ffe r to sell o r th e s o lic ita tio n o f an o ffe r to buy, n o r shall th e re be any sale o r any acceptance o f an o ffe r to bu y these securities in any P rovince o f Canada except p u rs u a n t to th e te rm s o f th e o ffe rin g m e m o ra n d u m re la tin g t o these securities. A tk in s M uffin & Bread M ix Assorted Flavours A sh e rs Assorted Flavours v Bars $ £ 9 9 $2 " I Do Your Mutual Funds Pay You A Secured 11 % Per Annum? CONTACT Info. Arlene Klein · Coobera Capital Corp. OLD AND NEW DVDs - SPECIAL ONLY $3.99! FEATURING A GREAT SELECTION O F L O W CARB FOODS SPEND $100 AND RECEIVE A FREE GIFT A blender or a set of watches to choose from 905 - 845-6530 2427 Trafalgar Road, Oakville in the Trafalgar Ridge Plaza 905-257-2578 FREE MAGIC GLOVES w ith a visit to the store! Dundas Upper M iddle Rd If y o u w a n t a re a l p e rs o n to g iv e y o u re a l a d v ic e on Business H ig h S p e e d Internet, c a ll Lena. W h e n y o u c a l l a C o g e c o B u s in e s s D e v e lo p m e n t A c c o u n t M a n a g e r , y o u 'll s p e a k to a re a l p e rs o n , y o u 'll r e c e iv e r e a lly s o u n d a d v ic e , y o u 'l l g e t th e fa s te s t B u s in e s s H ig h S p e e d I n te r n e t a n d y o u 'l l s a v e r e a l m o n e y . D o in g b u s in e s s w ith C o g e c o is r e a lly th a t e a s y . B u sin e ss P a c k a g e s fro m $4 9 .9 5 ' a m o n th , e v e r y m o n th . Call 9 0 5 -3 3 3 -7 9 0 7 today and get free installation." f l j r w r A r j : r n L ife 's ju s t b e t t e r w ith c a b l e L e n a P e ro v a y o u r B u s in e s s D e v e lo p m e n t A c c o u n t M a n a g e r ·T h e rates may change a! anytime without notice. With one year term. Som e restrictions may apply. ··F o r basic Installation. 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