Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 28 Oct 1948, p. 5

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28th, 1948 Page Five MEDICAL DR. F. R. FEMBER Office Honrs: Tuesday--Thursday--Saturday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M. Monday and Friday 2 to 4 P.M. Wednesday and Sunday Emergencies Only FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE TRACTOR--COCKSHUTT "70", Int. 2-furrow plow 10", will sell for cash or exchange for 2 or 3 horses and cash. Apply STEVE BARCHEK, Castleton R.R. 2. o21-28x OPTOMETRISTS NORMAN E. EDWARDS, R.O. G. S. WONNACOTT, RO. OPTOMETRISTS McCarthy Theatre Building, Belleville Phone 185 Office Hours : 10-12 and 2-6 Wednesdays : 10 - 12 VETERINARY JOHN BEST, D.V.M. Veterinary Surgeon COLBORNE Office : King Street West Phone 71 T. W. HAWKE, D.V.M. Veterinary Surgeon COBOURG Division St. Ont. Phone 200» LEGAL k. D. HALL, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office and residence King Street, Colborne Ontario. EDWIN HOWELL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. NOTARY PUBLIC Park and Toronto Sts., COLBORNE Telephone 88 m3-4t CONSULT J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS for complete Real Estate Service City and Country Homes Farms and Small Acreages Industrial and Business Properties INSURANCE W. W. D. McGLENNON (Successor to G. E. R. Wilson) GENERAL INSURANCE SEAL ESTATE CONVEYANCING .SiSSUEB OF MARRIAGE LICENSES BRUNSWICK BLOCK Colborne PHONE 20 Ontario WILLIAM J. TROOP JR. Phone 1UJ, Colborne Auto -- Fire -- Plate Glass Burglary--Liability, Etc. Farm Risks written in Hamilton Township Farmers' Mutual Representing NORTH AMERICAN LIFE DECORATING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR DECORATING -- PLASTERING Free Estimates Reasonable price ALL WORK GUARANTEED G. I. VanSLYKE Phone 219w Brighton The Veteran AUCTIONEERS S. E. ROBINSON Colborne - Ontario EXPERIENCED GENERAL AUCTIONEER AND REAL ESTATE BROKER •ales of Any Kind - Large or Small Conducted, Anywhere Lowest Rates for Guaranteed Service List Your Properties with S. E. Robinson, Phone 78-r-23 OSCAR C. MORGAN aaeiioneer and Real Estate Broke? BRIGHTON Sales Conducted Anywhere at Reasonable Rates Several good farms for sale; also some valuable town property t. O. Box 288. Phone 245 38-8m CHIROPRACTOR HL T. SCOTT, F.C., Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. Phone 100. P. O. Box 178, Front St., Campbellford, Ont. Honorary Fellow of the International College of Chiropractic, Inc. Colborne hours: Friday 6 to 8 p.m. at Brunswick Hotel. FUNERAL DIRECTORS E. QUINN FUNERAL DIRECTOR Colborne - - - - Ontario Kay or Night Calls Promptly Attended MOTOR HEARSE Phonne 111 - - - Colborne, Ontario J. M. BLACKLOCK Grafton MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended PHONE 38, GRAFTON BRUNSWICK HOTEL Colborne First-Class Meals and Accommodation Give us a call when in Colborne LT.-COL. J. F. WOLFRAIM. Prep. FOR SALE DRY WOOD, 12"; at $2.50 to $3.50 single cord on premises. PI 8-r-14 Castleton. o2J-nllx PLOWS, NEW and USED; 2 and 3 furrow plows for immediate delivery. BATEMAN MOTORS LTD., Farm Machinery Department, 11 Moira Street W., Belleville. Phone 2851. ol4-28c FARM MACHINERY WANTED TRACTORS--Farm Tractors of any make or model wanted immediately. Give full particulars as to make, model, age and condition of tractor by mail, wire or phone BATEMAN MOTORS LIMITED, Farm Machinery Department, Belleville, Ontario. Phone 2851. JUNIOR RED CROSS During the past school year there were 14 Branches of Junior Red Cross in Ontario which have had 25 consecutive years of enrolment. These Branches have been active under several different teachers through the years, but have always clung to their belief in the ideals of their organization--ideals of health promotion, service to others and international friendliness. Thirteen of the Branches with such a marvelous record are all in one inspectorate, that of W. J. Stewart, Winchester. Special scrolls acknowledging this faithfulness will be sent to all the Branches concerned from the Ontario Division, Canadian Red RADIO Turpin Radio Sales & Service Repairs to all makes of radios and electrical appliances Both new and used radios Tubes checked Pickup and delivery service King Street Colborne BUILDING MATERIAL Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Clapboards, etc CUSTOM SAWING W. W. MUTTON NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All persons having any claims against the estate of LEVI ALLEN DARLING late of the Township of Cramahe, who died on or about the 7th day of September, 1948, are required to submit such claims and proof thereof to the undersigned not later than November 15th, 1*48, after which date distribution of the said estate will be made having regard only to such claims as shall have been then submttedL Edwin Howell, Colborne, OntariOj Solicitor for the 014^280 Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All persons having any claims against the estate of JOSEPH PEGNAM, late of the Township of Cramahe, who died on or about the 23rd day of August, 1*48, are required to submit such claims and proof thereof to the undersigned not later than November 15th, 1948, after which date distribution of the said estate will be made having regard only to such -claims as shall have been then submitted. Edwin Howell, - Colborne, Ontario, Solicitor for the pl4-28c Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All persons having any claims against the estate of CHARLES LILLY, late of the Township of Cramahe, who died on or about the 16th day of July, 1948. are required to submit such claim and proof thereof to the ..undersigned not later then November 15th. 1948, after which date distribution of the said estate will he made having regard. only to such claims as shall have been then received. Edwin Howell, Colborne, Ontario, SolicitorJfor the ol4-28c Administratrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All persons having any claims gainst the estate of HIRAM COVERT late of the Township of Cramahe, who died on or about the 18th day of June, 1948, are required to submit such claims and proof thereof to the undersigned not later than November 15th, 1948, after which date distribution of the said estate will be made having regard only to such claims as shall have been then received. Edwin Howell, Colborne, Ontario. Solicitor for the ol4-28c Executor. CASTLETON October 26th, 1948 The W. I. met at the home of Mrs. Moffat on Thursday, with a good attendance. The President, Mrs. G. Carr, presided. During the business it was decided to have the meetings at 2 p.m. instead of 2.30 p.m. Mrs. W. Graham and Mrs. H. Welton were appointed delegates to the Area Convention to be held in Belleville on November 2 and 3. Mrs. G. Carr was in charge of the following program: Paper, Thanksgiving, Mrs. D. Arkles. Readings were given by Mrs. C. Ingles and Mrs. G. Carr. Songs, "O Canada" and 'Juanita." Mrs. F. Warner conducted a contest. Refreshments were served. Mrs. Hawken, Oshawa, visited her sister, Miss A, Tait, and other relatives, during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. G. Welton and Mr. R. S. Newman spent Sunday with relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McKague visited friends at Lang on Sunday. Collectors for the Upper Canad; Bible Society will be calling at your homes, within the next few weeks-- a work of great national importance. Over one hundred languages are required for Canada alone. Mr. Junior Kemp, Toronto, spent the weekend at the parental home. The Public Speaking Contest for Cramahe Township was held on Tuesday, October 26, in the Town Hall, Castleton. There were five contestants, Donna Chatterson from Salem School, speaking on "Kindness and Friendship," won the first place and was awarded the Trustees' and Ratepayers' Trophy by the President, Mr. A. A. Kemp. Miss Joan Brown from Pine Woods School, speaking "Birds", won second place and awarded the Township Trophyf by Mr. Charles Quinn, Reeve. Charles Moffat, from Castleton Junior Room, speaking on "Preservation of Wild Life", won third place and was awarded the Women's Institute Trophy by the President, Mrs. G. Carr. Mary Massey from Morganston School spoke on "Newfoundland" and Madeline Wilkes from Pine Woods School spoke on "Helen Kellar". Much credit is dut all the teachers who entered contestants. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ducie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Campbell Mr. and Mrs. H. Welton and Kings-ley were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Arkles. Mr. and Mrs. Max Pomeroy, Peterborough, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pomeroy recently. Miss Jean Ducie, Messrs. Jack Dingwall and George Moore, Toronto, spent the weekend at their parental home here. Mr. and Mrs. G. Quinn and Pat., Wooler, spent the weekend with the formers' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Quinn. Funeral services of the late Wm. McQuoid were held on Tuesday at s late residence. Rally Day will be obserced in the United Sunday School Rooms on Sunday, October 31st, at 10 a.m. Mr. Ellis of Toronto has moved into the home he recently purchased form Mr. D. Wright. Mr. E. Dingman passed away on Monday, October 25. Funeral ser- ces were.held on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Sailor and family of Hastings have moved into the property of Mr. E. Quinn. Dorothy Warner, pupil of Miss Laurel Arkils, won second prize at the Oratorical Contest, held at Grafton last Thursday night.. COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF CRAMAHE A Court of Revision to revise the Assessment Roll of the Township of Cramahe for the year 1949, will be held at the Town Hall, Castleton, on Friday, November 5th, 1948 at 2.30 p.m.-All persons wishing to appeal against their 1949 assessment will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. G* R. BEAVIS, Clerk. Castleton, Oct. 13, 1948. TRACTORS FOR Immediate Delivery OLIVER STANDARD "70"--like new. Brand new rubber. This is a very popular tractor. Come in and see it today. CASE MODEL "C" on rubber--Individual wheel brakes: Excellent con- CASE MODEL "D"--Excellent condition. New rubber. Full 3 furrow tractor. ALLIS-CHALMERS MODEL "U" on rubber. Full 3 plow tractor. Mechanical condition real good. INTERNATIONAL W 12 on steel--a 2 plow tractor. Very economical to use. Can be put on rubber if desired IRISH FORDSON on steel--Here is a very good tractor capable of a lot of work for a small investment. Bateman Motors Limited Farm Machinery Department 11 Moira St. West^ Phone 2851 Belleville DUNDONALD October 26th, 1948 Next Sunday is a spare at Eden Church. Mrs. W. Pursey, Cobourg, spent the weekend with her daughter, Mrs. Charles Morin and Mr. Morin. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dunnett visited Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bird, Trenton, on Sunday." Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Wright attended the funeral on Wednesday of last week of Mrs. Wright's uncle, the late Harry Thompson, Belleville. Misses Aileen Wright, Shirley Packard, Marian, Muriel and Hazel Mutton, all of Peterborough, were home for the weekend. Mrs. George Blyth and Bobby, Salem, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Packard. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morin visited Cobourg relatives on Sunday. A large number from Dundonald attended the unveiling of the World War II Memorial at Colborne on Sunday. Mr. Bill Pursey, Cobourg, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morin. Eden Church, celebrating its 74th birthday anniversary, was filled to capacity at both services last Sunday. The church was beautifully decorated1 for the occasion under the supervision of Mrs. Archie Samons and the addresses of the guest speaker, Mr. Trill of Wolf Island, were much enjoyed. Special, music was provided by Eden Church Choir with Mrs. Elwood Wright, pianist, assisted by Miss Phyllis Cochrane, Edville, who sang "Bless This House" at the evening service. Out of town guests in Dundonald attending Eden Church Anniversary services and spending the day with relatives and friends included: Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mutton, Mrs. J. McCracken, Shiloh, Miss Rena Mutton, Mrs. Elliott, Bowmanville, Mrs. Margaret Irish and Ann, Grafton, Mrs. Adams, Sr., Hilton, Mr. and Mrs| Kenneth Mutton, Dundonald with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mutton; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stimers, Edville, with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wright; Miss Nellie Mutton, Mr. Hugh Mutton with Mrs. J. J. Mutton; Mr. and Mrs. Van Waite and family, Edville, with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pearson; Mr. Trill of Wolf Island, D.r. and Mrs. Tucker, Shiloh, at "The Cedars": Mr. and Mrs. George Mutton and Mrs. Kemp with Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Wright; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Goodiwin, Min-den, with Mrs. Roy Chapman; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Broomfield and family, Colborne, with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Broomfield; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Darke and family, Shiloh, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chapman; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mutton, Shiloh, Mr. and Mrs. Argyle Packard and family, Brighton, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Packard; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Chap-and family, Milton, with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mutton; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mutton, Shiloh, with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mutton. COLBORNE BASEBALL CLUB FINANCIAL STATEMENT EXPENDITURES H. A. Free, printing................$ 35.43 J. H. Gale, printing................. 7.06 I. D. Post, gate prizes and supplies.............................-............ 8.62v C. N. Express, C.O.D. Toronto Toronto Radio, umpire outfit 44.42 Lakeshore League and O.B.A. fees ............................................ 45.15 Colborne Memorial Park fees 73.92 C. L. Keating .......................... 2.03 Dit Clapper's Sport Shop, equipment ............................... 249.59 Lunches for players on road 31.83 W. E. Potts, bus fares to Brigh- SHILOH October 26th, 1948 j Church service here next Sunday will be in the morning at 11 o'clock. Quite a number from this neighbourhood attended the Anniversary Services at Eden United Church on Sunday last. Dr. and Mrs. Tucker were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dudley and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Irwin, Dundonald. In the afternoon they called on Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mut- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Darke and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chapman, Dundonald. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mutton were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mutton, Dundonald. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mutton, Mrs. Margaret Irish and Ann spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mutton, and Mr. Garnet Mutton, Dundonald. Mr. and Mrs. John McCracken attended Colborne United Church Anniversary Services last Sunday morning and were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Goheen. Mrs. E. Elliott of Bowmanville is spending the week with her cousin, Mrs. W. W. Mutton. Mrs. J. McCracken and Mrs. Walter Ferguson called on Mrs. Lawrence Mutton last Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Roy Packard, Dundonald, and Mrs. George Blyth, Colborne, called on Mrs. Lawrence Mutton last Thursday afternoon. i CRAMAHE COUNCIL Cramahe Council met in the Council Chamber, Castleton, on Friday, October 1st, 1948, at 8.00 o'clock p.m. Members all present; Reeve Chas. Quinn in the chair, j The minutes of last meeting were I read and adopted. By-Law No. 981 was duly passed providing for the Nomination of Candidates for the office of Reeve, Deputy Reeve, Councillors and School Trustees for the School Areas of Cramahe South and Cramahe North, and to appoint Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks for the Township of Cramahe. Orders were drawn, on the Treasurer as follows: P. A. Thompson, care of hall 3.50 Leslie Rice, assessor and postage............................................ 106.50 Lome Darling, hydro account 4.05 Jos. Barrie, sheep damage ........ 24.00 Road acocunt to amount of .. .1157.84 MORGANSTON October 26th, 1948 Mr. and Mrs. David Aliver and Frances who spent the summer in the West returned home last week. Mrs. Ethel Carr received the sad news of the death of her brother, Mr. Harry Thompson of Belleville, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fitchett were at the wedding, on Saturday, of their nephew, Ray Sharp of 3rd Con., Brighton, to Miss Harry of Hillier. Mr. Clayton Campbell of Weyburn, Sask., who visited at the home of Mr. Harry Carr and other relatives, has returned home. Miss Jean Moore, nurse-in-training, was home for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Montgomery of Belleville visited Mr. and Mrs. James Phillips and attended our anniversary services. Mr. and Mrs. James Phillips are opening their home Wednesday evening for the 'many friends of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Turney, in honour of their 50th wedding anniversary. Mr. Glen Carr has accepted a job of looking after stock at the Whitby Hospital farm. Mrs. H. Reynolds, Mrs. Massey and Mrs. W. Weaver spent Monday at Gores' Landing, at their brother' Mr. and Mrs. M. Ames. HALDIMAND^ COUNCIL Centreton, Oct. 8, 1948 Council met to-day. Members all present. The assessor reported that several parties had neglected to pay dog tax for 1948. He was authorized to take all necessary steps to collect the same1 with costs. Insurance was renewed with J. S. Johnston on the F. W. D. truck at a premium of $147.00. The Clerk was instructed to give notice of a Court of Revision to revise the 1949 assessment roll to be held in Fenella on Nov. 4th at 2 p.m. and in Grafton on Nov. 5th at 2 p.m. The Clerk, Assessor and Tax Collector were asked to attend Municipal School in Cobourg on October 18, 19 and 20. Road accounts for $5,566.94 and general accounts for $962.50 were M. Rutherford, Clerk. COURT OF REVISION VILLAGE OF COLBORNE NOTICE is hereby given that the Court of Revision for the Municipality of the Village of Colborne will be held at the Council Chamber, Colborne, on Monday, November 8, 1948 at 8 p.m. for the purpose of hearing and determining all the complaints against the assessment for the year 1949. All parties concerned will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. W. W. D. McGLENNON, (Colborne, Oct. 28, 1948. Clerk. NOTICE - FARMERS! 24 HOUR SERVICE We pay as high as $10.00 for Dead or Crippled Horses or Cows, according to size and condition. Small animals removed FREE WE DO THE LOADING. Highest Prices paid for Old Horses. PHONE : Stirling 553, or Peterborough 4036, reverse charges. NICK PECONI, Owner ton A. R. Harvey, phone calls, gate prizes and team supplies 40.86 R.C.A.F. team, exhibition game 20.03 Dr. H. T. Scott, team treatment 10.06 Turpin's Radio, records for P. A. system «....................... 3.03 W. C. Griffis, uniforms and supplies .................................... 336.07 R. M. Bresee, lime .................... 1.33 Umpire fees................................ 54.46 Replaced help for players ........ 13.65 E. W. Rowsome, gate prize .... 1.03 Ticket sellers ...................... 10.06 T. G. Branigan, 3 taxis to Milton ............................................ 75.03 Dr. Pember, treatment to E. , . . ■. Cowie ........................................ 4.03 Miscellaneous ................. ............ 2.56 Total .............................. SI 073.19 RECEIPTS Carried ferward from 1947 ... $ 64.45 Public donations ........................ 342.39 Gate receipts .............................. 697.13' Total ......................... $1103.97 Total Receipts ...... $1103.97 Total Expenditures 1073.19 Balance in Bank 30.78 The uniforms and team equipment have all been turned in and are in Al condition for next season. (Signed) C. A. Burleigh, Treas. Colborne Baseball Club. THANKS-- The Executive and players of the Colborne Baseball Club wish to thank the citizens of Colborne who, both by their loyal support and generous donations made the year 1948 a very successful one. This was the locals first attempt at O.B.A. Intermediate "C" ball and they won for the Village the "C" Championship of the Lakeshore League. IT STANDS FOR WHEREVER YOU SEE IT Courteous and efficient service at our switchboards, in our business offices and in your home -- that's the kind of service we're doing pur best to provide. More and better telephones have doubled the scope and increased the value of your telephone service. Yet, up to now, despite rising costs, there has been no increase in the basic telephone rates established 21 years ago. No matter where you travel, you'll find no greater telephone value; no better service at the same low cost. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA

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