Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 25 Jun 2003, Community Update, B03

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Contact: Wilma Blokhuis Phone: 905-845-3824 (ext. 250) Fax: 905-337-5567 e-mail: blokhuis@haltonsearch.com Wi ll )NKSI ).\Y. U NK 2 .". 2 ( K>3 · I >a«<` WA Please forward announcements fo r Update to Wilma Blokhuis, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, OnL L6K 3S4; Fax 905-337-5567, email blokhuis@haltonsearch.com, or call 905-845-3824 E x t 250, BEFORE SO O N Monday to be included. Notices are listed free o f charge. WEDNESDAY JU NE 25 Arthritis Pain Management - use of herbal medicines, nutrition, homeopathy and acupuncture to decrease joint pain, free sem inar with Or. Darlene Ahenakew, 7:30 p.m., Oakville Naturopathic Clinic, 127 Trafalgar. RSVP, 905-844-7718. Hollyhock Caregivers Support meeting, informal monthly meeting of family care givers wanting to connect with others for mutual support and the sharing o f ideas and resources, 1 - 3 p.m. on fourth Wednesday of month. Advance registration requested, call Eva at 905-824-1313. 2484, or email aplus@primus.ca. COMMUNITY UPDATE FRIDAY JU N E 27 Halton VON Foot Care Clinic, Oakville Seniors Recreation Centre, 263 Kerr St., 1 4 p.m. Cost: $20. By appointment only, call 905-815-5966. SATURDAY JU N E 28 The Mojobeats perform hits of the '50s, '60s, '70s and '80s - Beatles, Elvis and Rolling Stones at V innie's C ate, Lakeshore in Bronte. 7:30 p.m. Cost: $10. l a ir EVERYTHING by the meter Mississauga Widows and Widowers Club dance. South Common Mall. 2233 South Millway. Mississauga. Doors open 7:30 p.m. Call 905-338-7503. SUNDAY JU N E 29 Secret Gardens o f Oakville tour of nine gardens, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., organized by Oakville Historical Society. Refreshments at The Kensington. Tickets, $10, available at Bookers. 172 Lakeshore Rd. E.; Upper Oakville C ard Shop. Upper Oakville Shopping Centre, Upper Middle Road and Eighth Line; Cudmore's Garden Centre, 3171 Lakeshore Rd. W.; An English Garden R ow er Shoppe, Pilgrims Way Plaza; and Bulow Garden Centres, 370 South Service Rd. W. and 2667 Lakeshore Rd. W.. Mississauga. Call 905-849-8979 or visit www.ohs.icomm.ca. Tony Clement, Minister o f Health and Long Term Care will be guest speaker at a barbecue dinner meeting of Halton Peel Chartered Accountants Association, 6 p.m. at the Mississauga G olf and Country Club, 1725 M ississauga Road at the QEW. Mississauga. Cost: $40 members, $50 non members and guests. Advance registration. 905-273-5888 ext. 6. CARP - Canada's Association fo r the Fifty Plus, Halton chapter. 7:30 p.m.. Burlington Seniors Centre, 2185 New at Seneca. Central Park, Burlington. Speaker: Dr. Freddie So, How to Maximize Your Energy and Minimize Stress. Guests wel come. Call Harry, 905-335-5717. Wednesday Evening Fun Runs - meet at The Running Company, 118 Thomas St., at 7 p.m. for 5K, 7K and longer courses. Free. Call 905-815-1952. Oakville Historical Society walking tours. The Main Street o f Old Oakville, June 29. Sept. 7 and Oct. 5. and The Houses o f Old Oakx'ille. Aug. 31, Sept. 1 and 21. All walks begin 2 p.m. at Oakville Historical Society office and archives, 110 King. Cost: $10, tour booklet and refreshments. Call 905-8442695 or visit www.oakvillehistory.org. MONDAY JUNE 30 Alopecia Support Group meets at Holy Trinity Anglican church, 120 Fennell Ave. E.. Hamilton. Call 905-679-0099. Weekly Walks by the Water along Waterfront Trail with the Bronte Bunch. Group walks every Monday year round for fun, fitness and friendship. Meet at back door of Coach and Four. Lakeshore and Bronte. Walk begins 7:15 p.m. A prts walk refresh ments. Beginners welcome. About 7K walk. Call Sylvia, 905-616-2330. THURSDAY JU N E 26 Zonta Club o f Oakville will be holding a special M ammacheck Breast C ancer Screening Workshop and membership infor mation night at Wellspring, Sixth Line north o f Upper Middle, 6:30 p.m. For more infor mation visit www.zontaoakville.com. 7 ' Discount applicable on regular price and in-store merchandise only while quantities last. Excludes custom orders. Halton And Peel Professional Executive Network (HAPPEN) networking support group for unemployed business profession als, 8 a.m., in Mississauga. Speaker: Peter de Jager. Managing the Ups and Downs in a Transition. Members $5, non-members $10. Call 905-339-0268 or www.happen.ca. TUESDAYJULY I Celebrate Canada Day in Bronte, 9 a.m. - 11 p.m. Fireworks at dusk, street dance 8 11 p.m. Beer garden and street vendors. Pancake breakfast 9 a.m., opening cere monies with birthday cake and entertain ment, 12 noon. Sponsored and organized by Bronte B1A, 905-825-3258. Canada Day Celebrations, Bronte Creek Provincial Park, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.. Picnic Shelter D. Crazy Canadian Show, 12 p.m. and 4 p.m. 1 am Canadian Hike, 2 p.m.. face painting, fun facts, games and more. Park on Burloak north of QEW. Introduction to Buddhist Meditation, Thursdays at St. Jude's Church to June 26, and July 10-24. 7 p.m. Call 905-842-0940. L et' s Play Ball. Baseball Night, Halton Recreation Club, Deer Run Park, every Thursday, 7 p.m. Fun game of slow-pitch softball. Men and women over 18 welcome. Deer Run Park is north-east o f Lakeshore Road and Ford Drive. Call Jim at 905-855- OAKVILLE · 2501 Hampshire Gate Rd. (905) 829-1004 NEWLY OPENED IN BURLINGTON ·3230 Fairview S t (905) 681-7698 B o u fu u r o u O a Create a beautiful life w w w .b o u c la ir.c o m Relay For Life T h a n k Y k v i f / e ! ICanadian ^ Cancer Society Societe canadienne I du cancer Relate pour la vie ^ ' Canadian Cancer Society - Oakville Unit - Relay for Life 2003 - Raised over $390,000. Thanks to our Sponsors Thank you to our 2003 Corporate Supporters: Food Donors Lick's Burger & Ice Cream Shops Wong Wing Foods 2 4 l Pizza Tim Hortons Humptv Dumpty Snack Foods Cott Beverages M & M Meats Cliffstar Corp. Leclerc Biscuits Georgia Pacific Canada Inc. Pat's Complete Part)' Rentals Gordon Food Service General Mills Canada Yoplait Rich's McCain Appleby College Longo's Entertainment Donors Bingeman's Blockbuster Canada Inc. Brunswick Zone, Mississauga Famous Players Hershey's Hummingbird Centre Medieval Times Paramount Canada's Wonderland Playdium, Mississauga Putting Edge Stage West Toronto Blue Jays Tucker's Marketplace Wild Water Kingdom Yixk Yuk's Luminary In-kind Donors Main Lumber, Oakville Font Hill Building Supply and Trusse Plant Skylon Capital Corp Samuel Son and Company Ideal Graphics Menger Family - Peter, Lynn, Andre and Adam 2 4 1 Pizza Gino's Pizza, Hopedale Mall Corporate In-kind Donors Ada's Flowers Barrington Furs Rivercrest Productions Inc Tony Mihok, Photographer Spec Tech Creative Services Canadian Therapeutic College St.John's Ambulance Miranda Jane Images Bistro 1603 Meter Sponsors Burrows Mens Wear Samuel Manu-Tech Inc. Franklin Templeton Investments Mackenzie Financial Corporation Fidelity Investments Appleby College Appleby Class of 78 - 25th Reunion Islamic Circle of North America Relief Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home TD Canada Trust ^ScotiaMcLeod Event Sponsor ^ Q pA Lum inary Sponsor Survivor Sponsor T H EO A K V IL L EB E A V E R Media Sponsor Th« A M740 lint rilit W eath er N etw o rk MDS F o u n d in g S p o n so r N a t io n a l M e d ia S p o n so r Media Sponsor 2003 R elay F o r L ife T e a m C a p ta in s S a u d A bassi K a re n A lto n M ic h a e l A n th o n y D ave A rk ell C o r in n e B a k er J e r e m i e B e itel Liz B e lfo rd S id o n ie B e n o n M ic h a e l B ia n c h i M ax B o n a n n o D av id Boyce G e o r g e B oyd A r d itn B ret>ner K im B row n K evin B ryce T in a Byers C in d y C a p stick C in d y C a p stick M a ry L o u ise C lark A rd ith C o n rfo r % A rd ith C o n n o r T ris ta n C o o k M ic h ael C raft M ag g ie C raig J im C u d m o r e P a m D a m o ff M e lin d a D 'a tto m a D e id re D e a c o n B a rb D e rm o tt P e g g ie D ickie S tew art D ick ie C h r is tin e D itta L y n d a D rew T race y D u ld h a r d t K atie D u n c a n L ib b y D u n c a n P au l E astw o o d M ik e E g an J a n E v e re tt V iv ian F a c h in J a n e t F eairs M e rc e d e s F e r n a n d e s B a rb a ra F e r ro n e J a m e s F loyd M a rg a re t Foley P a u la G a rd in J u d g e R yan G a r d in e r P atsy G a u e r A m y Gill J e a n n ie Gill S u sa n G illesp ie M ic h a e l G o h C h e ry l G re c h D ave G re e n S te p h e n G re e n D ave G w illiam s M a rily n H all B ra d e n H a n n a M egan H a n n a J a n e t H a r ris M a rk H a r ris J a n e H aw k rig g A n n H e r r in g M a u re e n H ickey I n g rid H ille r u p I .iz a n n e H ilto n A ngus H ogan A le x a n d r a H ow ell B ra n d y H u g h e s D in k a H u g h e s Jo an n e H unt C a itlin Ite n -S c o tt G illian J a c q u e s C h a se J o h n s o n C y n th ia J u r c h is o n K a th e rin e K arcz A le x a n d ra K irsh Val K lein pa J u d y K ovacs C h ris L acey R a ch el L e a c h D avid L eB lan c L e B a ro n L eB lan c D e a n n a L e h m a n n M o o e rs B ria n L e u n g B ru c e L ittle Ja y L o ck w o o d K ate M a c d o n a ld ull L in d a M a c F a rla n e u n e M a c K in n o n -!u im M acR ae Viicki M a g n acca J o a n M a n w a rin g F a n n y M a rr B o b M c C a n n e ll S ue M cC om b M a rv M c C o n n e ll Ia n M c D o n a ld L a u rie M cG in n G uy M c lean L e a n n a M cN eil A n g e la M o n e tta T a ry n M o o ra d ia n A qayyum M ufti A n n M ulvale H e a th e r M u n d y K athy M u n d y B o b N e ib e rt C h r is tin e N ew la n d s D o n n a N ew m an T o m N o r th c o tt M ic h ael P a lla n t M ira n d a P la n t Job o h n P latt Mlo e n iq u e P o rlie r K im P o tte r L o ri P re sto n -M e m m e B everly P r u n e a n B rian fcaaflaub E d d y R e n e liq u e T ric ia R e n n ie M e re d ith Riley T in a R in g le r C a ro ly n R o b in s o n P e te r R o lf C in d y R o m a n Alya S aab K e rry S alari J o y c e S avoline P au l T aylor K e n n e tn T h a c k e r G r a h a m S en st D e b Sew ell N a ta s h a Sew ell N ish a Sew ell J e n a S h ie ld s K ip S ig sw o rth A n d re w S im p so n Je ss ic a S in c la ir A p a r n a S in g h a l D o n S tew art W en d y S to n e T e re s a S tu rin o B re n d a S z o n o k A lison T h o m a s D a n ie lle T riv ieri L in d a T u r n e r L an a V an d eren d e J o a n n e W atso n Phyilifl yllis A n n Way R o b e rt W h ite h e a d A veril W iley Eve W illis J a n ic e W rig h t J a n ic e W rig h t S a n d i W rig h t L o u ise Y anick N a n c i York A m a n d a Z a h a rc h u k Libby D uncan 8c friends Pacific Passage C a rp et W arenouse Playdium , Mississauga Brunswick Z one T D C an ad a T rust Fam ous Players H ershey's N esd e's C anada .VJonfort's R estaurant Im ages In te rn a tio n a l Salon 8c Spa H eid eck er In te rio r D om inion K ickjitsu T h o m as C ook Travel Philthy M cNasty's D esigner's Touch Speers W allpaper. Paint 8c F looring Speers B roadloom Wild W ater Kingdom Yiik Yuk's S m a rt S h o p P riz e D o n o rs: B&B Decals P ain ter's Place Dr. L arry S h eld o n Mr. W illiam G. C u rry Mary C u rry T u ck er's M arketplace R estaurant la k e h u rst C o n stru c tio n B lockbuster Select Roses, Oakville Alternatives N atural Food M arket English Butler T h e Sanctuary D iana Saulez G ord D uncan Roxy's R estaurant A ngel's D iner D u b h lin 's G ate Pub N ext O ptical Ragazzi R estaurant Classic Bowl Medieval Tim es P u ttin g Edge T o ro n to Blue Jays M enuha T herap y M ilestone's R estaurant M aster M ind Dr. Krista Kuntz T h e Niblick Pub Lillian M orris Tim ex P aram ount C an ad a's W onderland T h e Keg Dairy Q u een H earth M anor Dig T his L inda T u rn e r S podess C leaners Many Faces Venere PGA Family G olf C en tre Smart Shop Guest Speakers Dr. Richard Casey, H.BSc.. M.D., FRCS(C) Urologist Heather Grace - Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Specialized Kinesiologist Dr. David B. Posen, M.D. - Stress and Lifestyle Management Diana Saulez - Hair Care and Professional Beauty Consultant Main Stage/Luminary Entertainment XEVERENDINGCYCLE SURREAL Christine (Bodywise) Kathryn Karcz/Stephanie Watson Halton Regional Police Pipe & Drum Band Ryan Schneider Band The Incredible Boris Devin and Kiwi O'Haire Tater Vox Keith Thompson Luminary Ceremony: Monique Porlier Appleby Cantus Chamber Choir Devin and Kiwi O'Haire (pipers) Rebecca Morton and Rachel Desoer (cellists) 2003 Event Schedule - Activity Tent Performers Bryan Abichandani John Mark Deneau and the students of Pine Grove School Jeannie Jellybean SnigletEarlee Elaine Charal · JeffHinchliffe Dave Quesnelle - SPECIAL TH A N KS TO TH E 4 0 0 H A R D W O R K IN G VOLUNTEERS WHOSE DEDICATED EFFORTS M ADE THIS EVENT POSSIBLE.

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