Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1979, p. 11

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Unique ý21 Realty Ltd. Telephone 576-3504 403 KInq St. West, Oshawa, Ontarno Téronto 683-8671 OPIEN HOUSE Saturday & Sunday Decem ber 1 st & 2nd TWO ONLY - BRICK BUNGALOWS. 3 bed- rooms-walkout basements. Aluminum soffitis, facia gables and eavestroughs. Fireplace flue in family room. Huge lots. Full price $47,900. East f rom 4 corners of Janetville follow signs. Raise $600 at Community Care Bazaar Last JVeek, The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 28, 1979 i Ê-1 < is dNewcastle ýýS"S utuvy Lot Levy 0f UwarrntedDeciion Io Delayed Stop Sýigns Here Proceeds from the sale of crafts, home baking ýand several draw prizes at the Community Care Baza ar held in the Memorial Park Club House last Thursday amounted to $650. These monies will be used by this' organîzation in their community service work. Winpers of the three major draw prizes were Grace Reid, Carole Grundy and Isabel Leprade. Making one of the, draws here is Community Care volunteer, Barb Wllman assisted by Penny Fairbrother. Hotel Patrons Treated to Hair Fashion Show by Duncans Patrons of, the Castie Hotel,,Friday night were treated 'to a surprise hair fashion show during the evening. The show was sponsored by Duncans Designers of Hair, Bowmanville. Three of the models are shown here sporting the latest hair styles. WESLEY VILLE A very mild November 25th saw a good attendance àt Welcomè' United Church, witb Rev. Wm. Kennedy in charge. The junior chair led the music for the marning and sang that lovely anthem, "ArMen" in their usual sympathetic way. Rev. Kennedy's message for the cbildren was the important tbaught. that each persan is like no other and that be or she is special ta God. H1e used the story of the waitress insisting on the lîttle boy giving bis own order in a restaurant, ta show be was a persan toa. His sermon was on the same theme and the character of Abraham Lincoln was used ta emphasize that each persan bas bis particular part ta play in the years allotted ta him. Same are world famous like Lincoln, mast are not, but eacb must feel bis importance and accept the respansibility of living up- ta bhis potential. Strength ta achieve this will came througb bis faith. Ushers, were Clarence Nichals, Allin Osborne, George Tufford and Chris Beatty. We must not forget the flowers whicb are always there ta add their praise, this time white chrysanthemums and dark red carnations. The Bible study graup met as usual last Tbursday marn- ing, led by Rev. and Mrs. Kennedy. Tuesday, November 27 will be the last of tbis study an "Wbat I believe", and wilI be held al, he manse. On Thursday night, resi- dents and' people for miles around were startled ta see themselves surrounded by flashing blue light. Glimpsed from a room with no ligbt an, it, appeared like flash tightning but its successive regular flasbing quickly sbowed it ta be fram the strobe ligbts on the tower. Evidently the strange effect was caused by the fog and low ceiling. t was weird ta turn off the ligbt in the bouse and see flasbing light at every window. The quiet spot on Concession 2 north of the woods is the scene of activity where buge machines. are tearing up familiar surroundings ta imprave the access road ta the Eldorado's new project. Pigeons are visîting the harvested cornfields in flocks, for there is always plenty of sbelled corn on the ground. This could be a goad thing for sometimes the irregular seed- ing of the old corn can be a nuisance. The egret has nat been seen for some days at Port Britain so it is boped it bas found a warmer spot for cold weatber. Cickadees have located f eeders and other creatures of' nature, not s0 welcome, have found tîny openings ta get in the bouse and cause some havoc till caught. Helen Karvonen of Scarborougb spent Tuesday night with ber motber and the next day attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Irene Ruther- fard at Coîborne. Helene had lîved with the family several years wbile teaching ai Lake- part. Sympatby ofthis scallered community is extended ta the family af the laie Mr. EarI Walkey of Newtanville wbase death occurred lasi week. Earl was the failbful caretak- er aof aur tllephone lines for many years befare Bell look aver the local telephane campany. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barrow- clougb, Cannie and David of Peterborougb visited witb Harold Barrowclougb on Sunday and togetber tbey went to see Mrs. Ida Plum in bospital in Bowmanvîlle. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McCracken of Roseneath visited with Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Nichais on Sunday. O-"BIT'UARY H. EARL WALKEY A prominent and well known citizen of the area, H. Earl Walkey, aged 67, passed away on Friday, November 23, 1979 following an illness of 15 days in Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville. Son of Cecil and Lila F. Walkey, he was born in Oshawa, and educated at Newtonville Public Sehoal and Newcastle High Scbool. H1e was married in 1940 ta Gladys M. Pearce. Employed witb the Port Hope Telephone Company fram 1927-1962, he was plant manager wben he retired. H1e had resided at 71 Parkway Crescent, Bowmanville, for seven months, previously residing in Newtonville. Mr. Walkey was interested in bis home, family church and 'community. H1e was a member of the United Churcb a past master of Durham Masanie Lodge, past Patron of the Order of the Eastern Star No. 181, Past Wardeni's Association, the Newtonviîlle Church Board, the Clarke Townsbip Sehool Area Board, a Clarke Township councillor for eight years, deputy-reeve, reeve, warden (1962-63), Northumberland and Durham County. Chairman of the Board of Healtb, Chairman of the Road Commision. 11e was also interested in basebali. Surviving are his wife, Gladys, a daughter Joan Walkey, a son John Walkey, and twa grandchildren Christine and Blair. Reverend A. Tizzard conducted funeral services on Sunday at the Morris Funeral Chapel. Mrs. Albert Cale presided at the chapel organ. Floral tributes were received from Durham Chapter No. 181 Eastern Star' Corporation Town of Newcastle, Elementary Principals Association, Durham Masonie Lodge, -and contribution Loyal Orange Lodge. Interment Union Cemetery, Port Hope. TYw'RONE NEWS At tbe Senior Citizens eucbrc an Friday evening 25 tables were in play. Results are as fallows: 1sf Susie Harris, 2nd Madeleine Buckley, 3rd Mariba Woalley, 4h Marg Hall, 51h lHarold Swa jn, 61 b Orvalt Wai son. Ladies low Et bel Gibbs, mens taw Archie Ill<y. 501) 51 draw Edgar Milîson. TJhe regular niant hly mieel ing o! ihe Senior Citiziens (-lui) will f'ealure Christmas festivities in ihe farm of a dinner ai, 6 p.m. on December .51h. Miss Debbie Roy at the piano and Mrs. Jacqueline Vaneyk at, the argan, substitut ed for organist Mrs. Elinor Brent ai Churech on Sunday morning. Bla ii Vaneyk sang a Solo. CGent ly, 1,01-d, O Gent ly I ead Ils --The Younig I eales (hlii .sanig 'lIîe I geîtdoa'I lle "e' ,Misses Su sa n Stenian a nd 'Cîîatyn ( raig ilook 111)I lie "t te Woaadtev t a itil y attend- ed aBt i i aiei asket- lia t 'JTîrmn ient i nBell1evillte on Sai îrday wliere l)ianne was parlicipaiing. Messrs. lienk and Paul Van Darp, Holland, bave been vacatianing witb Mr. and Mrs. H. Van Dorp and family. The Town of Newcastle is taking steps ta track down energy wasting stop signs in this municipality. At a meeting of the municîpality's public waorks committee Tuesday, November 27,' it was recom- mended that works depart- ment staff investigate ta see whether unwarranted stop signs exist in the Town of Newcastle. Upan completion of this research, a report would be made ta the committee. While the works committee is recommending an investigation into unnecessary stop signs, Works Director Jack Dunbam said the signs should not be reduced at the expense of safety. H - LAYDO)N INEWiyS Mr. and Mrs. Bill Potts, Part Elgin, Miss Mary Potts, Toronto, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Potts, and Mr. Jack Patts visited Mr. and Mrs. Deb Potts, and girls, Cornwall, on the weekend. Joy and Charles Loveridge, Tyrane, Fred Slemon, Mr. and Mrs. Will Trewin and Grandma Anderson, Oshawa were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin and Paul on Friday. The occasion celebrating Paul Trewin's birthday. Congratulations, Paul.- Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Blackburn and family, Orono, were Sunday evening callers at Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Blackburn's. Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Graham, Bowmanville, were- Sunday dinner guests of ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton, having returned from a> holiday in Florida. Mr s. Mildred Anderson was a Saturday evening visitor with Mrs. H. Crossman. Mrs. Anderson called on Mr. and' Mrs. John Roth,- on Saturday, afternïoon. GIad ta hear, Miss Cora Degeer, came home from hospital on Thursday. She is wished a speedy recovery. -'l don't think we can sacrifice lives for energy," Mr. Dunham said. Councillar Maurice Prout said he agreed with'this idea. However, Works Committee Chairman Ivan Hobbs pointed out- that just as many accidents accur at stop signs as any place else. Newcastle Mayor Garnet Rickard said that one develop- ment which bas helped ta conserve energy bas been ta have flashing stoplights in the intersections after midnight. This cuts dawn on fuel wastage by allowing cars ta praceed through the inter- section rather than having ta wait for a light ta change. In a report prepared, recently, the Durham Region estimated that there are 700 excess stop sigxfs in the Regian. The Durham works department estimated that in ,one year these signs waste aver $700,000 in fuel caused by unnecessary stopping and starting. Newcastle's finance and administration committee has delayed a decision on whether or not lot levies for a 43-unit senior citizens' residents in Newcastle Village will have ta pay local lot levies., The delay was recommend- ed by Treasurer Klaas De Groot. He noted that'the town is preparing a growth manage- ment study which will set policies on lot levies. "This study will identify the costs associated with various types of developments and will suggest the level of lot levies required for this type of development," hie said in a report. Mr. De Groot said that if council approves of an exemption in levies, it would prejudice part of the growth management study. The lot levies ta be paicl by the Newcastle Lodge for- Senior and Family Dwellings would be $21,500. Town Manager Albert Guiler said that it will take approximately six months for thé growth maanagement study ta be completed. *HOMES BUILT PRIOR TO ml1961 ARE NOW ELIIGIBLE FORA H 1OME INSU LATION GRANT UP TO $500.00. I /OFF LABOUR COST GpVA IDBYE 1,100% MATERIAL COST UP TO $350.00 - PAID BY GOVERNMENT Government grant portio'n is due ta PEELI FENCE on/y when your receive your rebateI Icheque. Our representatives wlI prepare ai I necessary paper work for you. * WE USE ONLY C.M.H.C. APPROVED CELLULOSE *INSULATION. CALL USTOOAY FOR DETAILS.I -ONE WEEK INSTALLATION - PEELFENCE (PICKERING) LIMITrED I mm (Insu lation Division)I 1]1976 Notion Rd., Pickering 683-2691 I LModern blown Attic Insulation - R oof Vent Installation .- Ail Worl< Ouaranteed. Large Selection of Cedar Chests. Solid Cedar and Cedar Veneer - Finished in Pine, Maple, WaInUt or Oak. Some with Padded Tops which coUld also be Used as Benches. From .'1 89.95 and Up Use Our'Convenient Instailment Plan - 30-day lnterest Free'- No Payment -until January 1980 See Our Big Selection of Sheets - Bed Spreads - PiIlows Decorator Cushions -»Diningroom Table Silencers F.,A. Kramp Furniture, LIMITED 37 King St. E, Bowmanville 623-7071 B2KigSt., West * Bowmanvifle __________623-2453 SOMERVILLE DR. ORONO - Immacutate 4 bedroom bungalow with attacheld garage; separate dining room, and main floor laundry raom; lovely treed lot. PRICED TO SELL at S53,900. Some financing available at 10' 2/o. CHURCH ST., BOWMANVILLE - Excellent incarne pro- perty with two separate 2 bedroom apartments. Ideal loca- tion close ta uptown. Caîl off icefor complete details. BARBARA ST., BOWMANVILLE- Quiet noth-west location - 1/2 acre ravine lot with brick and cedar 4 bedroom bu ngalow. Completely finished lower level with walkout ta covered patio, including extra kitchen and bath. Perfecf home for growing famnily. ONLY $64,900. SIMPSON AVE., BOWMANVILLE - Building lot -,66 ft. xll5ft. Price Reduced ta$29,500. Af ter H ours: JA. Barton 623-3098 Gordan Beech 623-5265 Elaine Kowal 623-5868 Peter Kowal Jr. 623-5868 PAMILY TRUST CORPORATION REALTOCR 123 King St. E., Bowmanville 623-6622 GREAT VALUE -- Spaclous open cancept 4 bedromr side- split. Ceramic tiled kitchen averlaaks family raom with F.P. Home-gas heated. Natural waad trim. $65,900. Caîl Gord Barnes 623-6622 and finance belaw current rate. 11% MTGE NO QUALIFYING - Quiet court and close ta shopping. Compare this 3 bedroam 1 1/2 bath with attached garage and basement walkout tram rec roomn. Bowmanville $48,900. Marg Russell 623-6622 or 623-9249. $38,900 NEAR HOSPITAL - Older attractive bungalaw on lovely 66 x 170' treed lat, separate doidble car garage, extra insulatian, mortgage at yesterdays interest rate. Caîl Gail Churchill 623-6622 or 986-5618. Margaret Russel 1

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