Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1979, Supplement, p. 13

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Supplement of The Canadian Statesman, November 21, 1979 13 1 SCW INC Santals A Belovecl Symbol of Season Tbe jovial, gienial figure of Santa Claus bas bad many namnes, and many origins tbrougbout bistory. For over 1,700 years a Santa-figure bias been said to visit in mnost regions of the globe and cer- tainly no Cbristmas would be complete witbout the tradition of tbis cbeery gift- giver. Tbe American Santa bas bis origin in tbe person of Saint Nicbolas, Bisbop of Myra in Lycia, Asia Minor. Nicbiolas lived in tbe early part of the Fourtb century and was known for bis good deeds and gifts for tbe needy. After bis deatb, lie became the symbol of good- ness in Cbristian bistory. Numerous trades and pro- fessions tLook the kindly bishop as their patron and, soon bis rote expanded to that ofgitgvr When Dutchi settiers brought the legend of Saint Nicholas to Amnerica, the name "San Nicholaas" then became Santa Claus. Two centuries later, CIe- ment moore's poem,' "A Visit Prom Saint Nicho- las," made Santa's popu- larity soar, and changed hiis appearance. Originally thouaght to resemble the gaunt Saint Nicholas, Moore's work describes Santa ais the small and- stocky character we know today - a bearded man with sleigh and reindeer, bringing gifts and good cheer to A. What about tbe reindeer? Lt is tbougbht tbat Saint Niebiolas traveled througb the cold, nortbern regions on tbe ings of the rapid 'Nortb 'Wind. In tbese cold- er, sparser areas, reindeer are tbe sole nmeans of trans- portaion. ence, Santa's association witb sleighi and bis eigbt anleredfriends. Today, the legend of San- ta remnains alive as children place treats and stockings out on Cbristmas Eve witb tbe belief tbat Santa will re- ward them if tbey bave been good during the preceding year. Crafty and Clever at Holiday Tirne h Easy-To-Make Macaroni Jewelry Wondering wbat to give your friends that won't put a crimp in your allowance? Macaroni jewelry is easy and inexpensive to make and your pals will love it! You'1l need somne elbow macaroni, food col-)oring , and colored yarn. Decidle beuwmany rneck- laces or bracelets you want to make. Dye the approximate amnounit of macaroni in diishies partially fiiled with food col- or-ings mixed with wAater. Let the macaroni dry ovcr iiight on waxed paper. String- the pieces onto various colored Yarns you igbyt strîng pinik macaroni on green yvarni. or blue onyelw You can even mnake, long chains; to trim your tree! Tip the yarn witb a piece of tape for easier stringing and knot the ends to finish tbem. ONE SOLITARY LIFE He was bornini an obscure village, tbe cbîld of a peasant womian. He grew un in anotber village, where He worked in, a carpenter sbop until île wastbirty. Then, for three years, Hle wvas anl itinerant preacher. He neyer wrote a book. He neyer hield a-n office. He nleyer bad a family or' owned a home. He Lidin' go to college. He neyer visited a big city. Hle neyer traveled two bundred mi-iles frum tbe place wbere He was borni. He did none of tbe tbings tbat usually accom- pany greatness. He bad no credentials but Himself.He was only tbirty-tbree wben tbe tide of public opinion turned against Hîm. His friends ranl away. One. of tbem denied H lim. He was turned over to His enemies and went tbrougb the miockery o ýf a trial. He was nailed to a cross bet ween two tbhieves. Wbile He was dyin-g, His executioners gamibled for His g-armients, tbe only property He bad on eartb. Wbien He was dead, H e was laid in a borrowed grav e tbrough tbe pity of a, friend. Ninieteen centuries bave corne and gone, and to- day He is the centiral figure of the b.uman race. AIl tbe ar- mies tbhat ever mwarcbed, ail the navies tbat ever sailed, al tbe p-arliamnents tbat ever sat, AlI'tbe kings that ever reigned, put togetber, biave not affected the life of man on this eartb ats rnlucb as tbat one soiar ife. Sportswea r by M r. Leonard and Gaytown Lingerie by Frenchmaid Pure WooI and Mohair Coats Daytime and Evening Wear Dresses LADIES' WEAR 37 King St. West 623-55C FOR HER FOR HIM FOR HOME 0 GoId and Diamond Jewellery a Gold and Sterling Chains for Men and Women @ Rings for Men and Women e Quality Watches e OU Paintings by "Anna" Jalava * Royal Doulton Figurines Please f eel f ree to corne in and browse around, lncidentaly... alilgifts wiII be gif t-wrapped, free of charge. C hurchley Jewellers 39 King St. W. 623-5463 tL~ w i v r i VIS Be wit] OSCW, INC,

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