Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1979, p. 5

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanviiie, Mayr 23. 19795 Mr. and Mrs. Hasry Akey returned this weekend from spending the wintes manths in Florida. On Saturday, June 2nd, 1979 the Simcae Hall Crippled Children's Scho o and Treat- ment Centre: will hold a workshop for parents, physically disabled persans and recreatioàai personnel. If wiii be held at Hillsdale Manor in the auditorium, 600 Oshawa Blvd. North, Oshawa. The theme will be recreation and integration of the disabied. Tbese will be experienced and knowledge- able guest speakers from Burlington, North York, Taranto, and, Oshawa. These wiii a smaii fee ta, caver expenses for refsesh- ments and lunch. For registration or further informations telephone 728-1673 before May 25. Mr. Brian Weekes, Toronto and Mr. Tim Weekes, Univer- sity of Waterloo, spent the holiday weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mss. George Weekes. Congr tulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomas,, of Osono who celebrated their 5th wedding annivessasy on Satusday, May l2th at the I.O.O.F. Hall, Orono. Robert Proie, a teacher at the Pines Senior Elementasy School was re-elected presi- dent of Northumberland O.P.S.M. T.F. held recentiy in Port Hope at the Lions Recreation Centre. On the executive fsom this area are Terry Hutchinson, lst vice pres., Maple Grave Public Schaol, Ross Stapiey, treas. Hampton Jr. Public School and John Veidhuis, sect'y, Senior Public School, Bow- manville. Ms.; Geoffrey Bonnycastle, Crown Attorney, who wil etire May 3lst, was honored ~y members of the O.P.P. from Northumberland County, the local police force and other members of the administration staff of the county at a dinner held recently at Dalewiood Golf Club. Toronto, Ont., May 17, 1979: DurhamRegion Health Unit The Directors of TransCanada has receîved a grant of $2,006 Pipelines have met to consider from the Federal Government the recent offer of Dame of Health and Welfare Dept., Petsoleum' Limited ta to heip fund a student summer purchase up to 10,600,000 employment project. common shares of Trans- Canada at a price of $23.00 per share and have concluded that A Conservation Field Day the offer is fair and reason- will be held on Sunday, June able. 3rd, 1979, at the Paîgrave _________Forest and Wiidlife Area, with Rogationtide, a centuries a guided waiking tour of the old custom of the Christian area which wiii examine the Church will be celebrated on application of conservation Sunday, June 3rd, at 2 p.m. at services assistance programs Black Creek Pioneer Village. and practices as applied ta The Right Reverend Alan private lands in reforestation, A. Read, Suffragan Bishop for farm tree and shrub pianting, the Anglican Diocese of tree movîng, ponds and wood-' Toronto, wili conduct the land management. service, assisted by Cannon Arthur Chote, Rectos, St. Philip's Anglican Church, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bounsaîl, Weston, and Reverend James' and Peter of Haliburton were R. GaiÏiand, Rector, St. in town on Frîday and vîsîted Stephen's Anglican Church, with their many friends and Downsview .relations. 'ENINI SKILLE,,-,N We are so si the death of nonogenarian, Graham of E wish ta exprE sympathy ta h Jim, their wiv also many clo fsiends in tI beloved grandmother, mother, sister The presen tee of oui convened by with Aima Ri garet Ashton went shoppini munity wed< recently w, Michael ani Sharp) Holmg handsome br( table and ct belated gift fc Ingram, ar iovely bed lin Our local1 tained at the Nursing Hon playing famil patients and brate five1 recently. The Hall G Grouv) and a lacy prepared 'A. iL1iin 8:Oam. HOLY COMMUI 11:00 a.m. MORNING PRi 'Wed. 9:30 a.m. Holy Commur Laylng on of Hands Sunday Sohool and Nursery Care available for Temperance at Qusen Archdeaec laI C.urcn at Division St OffIe 62-138 SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES 10 a.m. - Age Group - 9 years and aider il1 a.m. - Beginners, Kindrgarten, Primary 1l a.m. Worshlp Service Guest Speaker REV. RODGER MAGGOS Chapiain Oshawa Gênerai Hospital 1 Topic "Hospital Minis try - Challenge and Joy" Nursery Car. Provlded A Warm Welcome for Everyone sorry ta leara of Hall as Polling Station No. 160 fa neighboring for the May 22nd Federal ithe late Ethel Election Poli. Hopefully ahl Haydon and we local eligible voters used their ,ess aur deepest franchise. hes sons Roy and Last Sunday, even in the Ives and families face of many other attractions ose relatives and many roads from ahl cardinal theis loss of a points on the compass led ta math er, our littie country church for great grand- the special Sunday School ýand aunt. Anniversary Service. Full ntation Commit- report next week. ar community Sunday p.m. dinner guests yDiane Werry of Orville and Margaret towan and Mar- Ashton were Rev. Bill and m as assistants Judy Wells, Greg and Robbie, ig for two com- Peterborough, Maudie ding gifts for a Travell, Karen and Charles vedded couple Ashton, Tara and Amy, id Linda (nee Oshawa, Gladys and Harold ies which was a Ashton, Grethe and Douglas onze round card Ashton and Paul, Bowman- hair set and a ville, June and Bill Bragg, [or Don and Lynn Lois and Keith Worden, matched set of Richard and Elisabeth, Bow- mens. manville R.R. when Lois Band has enter- Worden's birthday was cele- eNel Gar Castle brated also. Many happy ne, Newcastle by returns Lois. lias music for the Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Smith, 1helping ta cele- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rahm, Mr. ,May birthdays C. Milîs, Bowmanvilie, Mrs. Linda Cryderman, Zion wese Committee Youth Sunday supper guests of Mr. snerlal dleanup and Mrs. Len Stainton. ýd the Community Mrs. E., Horn, Oshawa spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. Trewin. Mr. and Mrs. George Lead- beater and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Leadbeater, Oshawa were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Art Lead- beater and Ross. Master Jeffrey Wright spent a few days withbis grandpar- N ION ents and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty last IAYE R week, while his momn was in hospital. He retusned home to Mlon and Pontypool' with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Wright and new baby brother, young children. Trevor last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor on Tom Gracie accompanied Mrs. Lloyd Semon recently ta visît Mr. and Mrs . Jim Abernethy, Miss Marguerite Wright, Oshawa, Ms. and Mrs. Laurence Wright, Jeffery and * . Trevor, Pontypool, Mss. Ron Mr. Mursay Axford, Melanie, Stephanie and Julie, TEACHINGS Thée*essence of Wisdom la the fear of God, the dread of Hi$scsourgé, and the appréhension of His love. For Information - Box 36, Bowmanvillie. iKinettes Seil Tickets at Sp ring Frolic Recently, we goofed in telling readers the Kinettes were holding a Spring Fashion Show at Newcastle CommunityHall. It actually was a Spring Frolie Not a Fashion Show although the ladies were dressed in some very attractive Spring outfits as these Kinettes indicate. They were busy selling tickets at the door, seated, from left to right, Sandra McMillan and Linda Lockhart; standing, Irene Snodden. Hampton, Mss. Jim Muller were Anniversasy supper guests of Ms. and Mss. Edgar Wright and Betty. Ms. and Mss. Don Taylor and Gayla, Solina were Sunday visitors of Ms. and Mss. E. Taylor. Dr. and Mss. Clark Wersy and famiiy, Etobicoke, Ms. and Mss. Peter Barber, Isiing- ton, Ms. and Mss. Gary Hanewich, Oshawa, Miss Kelly Raby, Hampton, Ms. and Mss. Esn Wesry and Bert wese Sunday supper guests of Ms. and Mss Grant Werry and family. Mss. Laura Eady, Toronto spent the weekend with Ms. and Mss. Bud McNair. Mss. Bey Veale, Peachland, B.C. came out for ber 3th Nurses Reunion and spent the week witb the Wersy families. Ms. John Avery and Miss Debbie Pollard were Sunday dinne-r guests of Mss. Gertrude Lyons. Ms. and Mss. Dennis Serafini and Derek, Sudbury were weekend guests of the Ted Wesry's, Ms. and Mss. Ron Ford, Toronto, friends of Jean Veale wese Satusday bsunch guests of the Ted Wesry's - Jean setusned home on Sunday. Mss. Tom Sobil, Ms. Arthus Stainton and Diane Wesry wese recent aftesnoon callers with Mss. R. Stenger. Congratulations'to Ms. and Bowmanville Baptist Church Pastor Roger Fellows 623-3000 ON THE THIRD LUNE, WEST 0F LIBERTY STREET NORTH. Famiiy Sunday Schoal 9:45 a.m. Morning Worshlp 11:00 a.M. Evening Service 7:00 p.m. Tuesday night is Famnily Night al 7:00 p.m. Aduit and Teens Bible Study Pioneer Girls (ages 7-12) Explorer Boys (ages 7-12) Happy Hour (ages 3-6) Nursery Young Peopies Meetings ... evéry Thursday at r:30 p.m. Mss. Michael Hoimes (nee Linda Sharp) who were marsied in ous churcb last Saturday. Ms. and Mss. Henry Beckett, Stsadford, Miss Arvilia Beckett, Bowmanville, Ms. and Mss. Russell Tabb, Hampton wese Anniversary suppes guests of Ms. and Mss. Floyd Beckett. Messers. William and James Lamb, Baileboro were weekend guests of Ms. and Mss. Lorne Lamb. Lorne and Gladys were supper guests of Ms. and Mss. Don Lamb and family on Sunday. Ms. and Mss. Jimf Ard, Ms. and Mss. Paul McMackin accompanied Ms. and Mss. Joe Sweet to the Thunderbird Golf Club for their dinnes and dance in Ashburn on Saturday evening., Ms. and Mss. Clifford Swaliow, Ms. and Mss. Will Ashton, Hampton, Mr. and Mss. Hoskin Smith, Bowman- ville, Mss. Luella Brown, Kedron, Mss. Verna Fossyth, Toronto were weekend visitors of Ms. Russel Ormiston. Ms. and Mss. Bsuce Mount- gomesy, Ms. and Mss. Ben Jagoda were caliers of Mrss: Lola Ferguson and Mss. Iva Maple Grove On May l4th, 23 members of and. stili do( the W.I. toured Barron's Gift are in every Shop in Hampton. After every- and many r one had duly admired the side by sid many beautiful gifts etc. on industry. W~ display and the antiques starfed orga upstairs, they, heid their- regular business meeting. The rail cail - Haw do you ick the chores you hate the most? braught many identical answers. Mrs. G. Moffatt is ta look after getting prices etc. on a lecturn and repart back. Mss. W. Brown is ta loak into a table cloth or runner and a wali hangîng with our crest for use at meetings. Mrs. S. Doyle, P.R.O is ta look after school prize for the pupil in Grade 6 showing most im- provement durîng the year. The 'Fun Fair' will be held at Blackstock in October. There wili be a forum on 'Food Preservation' at Maple Grave on June l2th. Mrs. S. Doyle and Mrs. G. Moffatt gave a repart of the District Annual hosted by Maple Grave on May 9th. Mrs. H. Cryderman gave the Good Neighbours report. Mss. E. Buskçe, Convenor of Canadian Industri'es commented on the motta "What Canada makes, makes iAmegs Canada". She said 'Wamen have a large part in what makes Canada for they are- strong and far-sighted. No Smattes what hier origin, she has kept hier famiy together Westlake over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rekker and famiiy, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown and famiiy, Mr. Brian Ferguson and friend were Sunday supper guests of Mr. Clarence Avery and boys. Mr., Milton Stainton, Miss Elva Orchard, Mrs. Bernice Bothwell, Bowmanville, Miss Laverne Orchard, Hiiisdaie Manor were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stainton and family. Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Virtue visited with Mr. and Mrs. AI Martin, Bowmanville on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Danny Heard and famiiy, Mrs. Gloria Brooks and Dory, Mr. Bob Simmins- were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sweet and boys when they ail enjoyed fireworks and had fondue. si tw.', )es today. Women , type of business aow are working de with men in ramen who have anizations such as Canada bptpr for ail. Mrs. A. Barrozi and Mrs. C. Siemon served a delicious lunch to the ladies. Mrs. E. Burke and Mrs. A. Vandergaast both expressed aur thanks for a most enjoy- able evening. MIN ISTER: Rev. N.E. Schamerharn, B.A., M. Div. ORGANIST: Mr. D DeweIi Sunday, May 27,1979 11:ý00 ar.. Sunday School Annlversary Gust Speaker: MRS. OLLIE HARDING "Are We Short.Changlng Our Klds'To*Day?" Nursery-Modern "Play and Learn"' Nursery f or pre-uchool chlldren every Sunday. lIn your hearwt you know it's right. ATTENTIO ÀmhN! You're always welcome at the V.1.P.,but.. Wednesday Night is MEIN'SNIunT (starting Wednesday, May 16) LyIIng. Perms. Colors using the very best products f rom L'Oreal For the total man.. V.I.P. HairstylingI Limited 112 Waverley 623-6252 çyeythngYOu need o Snscreens-mLotions -Creams-Ofls by Noxzemna aCoppertone. Bain de Soleil. Bonne Bell POLAROID m Men's and Women's Sun G lasses by Cool#&Ray MoOregor Drugs 5 KING STREET WEST 623-5792 BmOWMANVILLE I tncitaton to coma tLo t12 O)If-ninçj Of fl nET CUCfi anc1 tuoL4fifi c uLid you't --cf ltLni tl dE Jý CIUEnfi1t. BOWMANVILLE SE'VENTH*DAYÀ A D VE N TIST CH moUR CH Highway No. 2 East at Lamb's Road Off iciai Church Opening Service Sunday, May 27, 3 p.m. *Community Open House May 28,9 29, 30, 7.- 9 p.m. Seventh-day Adventists are a Bible-lovng Christian people who desire at ail fîmes to present Jesus Christ, God s Son, crucîfied, risen and cominýg again, as the only means whereby we may obtain eternal lite. They now number over 3,000,000, and conduct the most extensive world-wide missions programme. Scores of hospitals are operafed by Adventisfs fo help relieve the world's burden of sickness and suffering. The Bowmanville Seventh-day Adventist Church earnestly desires to be of service f0 you and f0, the community. Please feel free to caîl upon the mnister or any member of the church for whatever help or comfort may be needed. 5797118 725-2244 *ENJOY a tour of the CHURCH facilities, a short Film and Refreshments A WARM AND FRIENDLY WELCOME AWAITS YOU! ÀOPmEN ON SUN DAYS 12Noon until 4:00 and 7:00 until 8:00 1-

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