Tribut es Dear Editor: cThe winning of an Ontario hockey championship by the Bowmanville Junior C Red Eagles is a magnificent way to end the hockey season in this area. And, from what I hear, they did it in grand style, defeating good teams ahl along the route to the titie. 1They have shown their superiority and deserve every bit of recognition they will receive. Congratulations and best wishes for next year. Sam Cureatz, MPP Durham East Dear Mr' James: It has been a pleasure over the years to watch 'the development of young hockey players in this area who have corne up through our Minor league system until they finally reach junior age and compete in some pretty high company. Because of my involvement with most of the players on the Port Darlington Marina Hotel Junior Cs, I was especially delighted when they came through to win the Ontario championship hast week. They are a great group of competitive athletes, giving everything they had while still showing good sportsmanship throughout. Congratulations to everyone involved in the win, including Coach Paul Robinson who took over in mid-season and did a great job. Thomas A.,'Bud' Fanning Director of Community Services Dear John:' Thanks for letting me know you were doing a spread for a superb group of Junior C hockey players, the Red Eaghes. As their team manager, I would like to say that I've neyer worked with a finer, more dedicated group of young men;- it's been a real joy ail season. And they deserve to be Ontario Champions. 'Buck' Janack We of fer our Congratulations to the Biowmanville Eagqles A Tremrendous Effort! From the Management a nd Staff of F.AR. Kramnp Furniture Ltd. 3 Floors of FineFurniture 37 King St. E.- Bowmanville Telephons 623-7071 Eagles Are, Number One! This year's Jr. 'C' teamn is considered by many to be the best Junior teamn Bowmanville has ever produced. The members are from left to right, front row, Stew Roberts, Jerry Johrstonî, Brian Simnpsoni, Dan Strike, Kevin Gibson; second row, equipmnent manager Keith Smith. Rick Simpson, Brad Godfrey, Jerry Leddy, Kirk Kemp, Rick Scott, Wayde From Page 1 The records f urned in by the Red Eagles this year speak for themselves. Red Eagles.won the league tif le, losing, only three games in regular 'season, eliminafing Littfie Britain, Port Perry, Cobourg, Gananoque, Péeeang and finally, Kin- cardine, in the final round. Kincardine was defeafed in faur sfraight scores of 12-4, 7-2, 8-5 and then 7-3. The Marina crew won the final lame as earlv as the first perioci, scoring four goals. Kincardine made a valiant effort in the third period and managed to narrow the score. But the Red E agies' depth plus the fact that every player was in top condition and injury-free made the differ- ence. On the other hand, Kincardine was a batfered team because of their style of play. Eagles, over the 32 league games and 25 playoff games, had the envious record of fine goals for and jusf over three ,goals against. Over the long The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 2, 1979 7 Tributes Dear John: May I through the Canadian Statesman, payl tribute to the "Red Eagles", Jr. C. Hockey Team, on bringing to Bowmanville for the first time, the Jr. C. Ail Ontario Championship titie. To a well coached, well disciplined, talented team, with most of the players starting their hockey careers in' the Bowmanville Minor Hockey Association, I offer my sincere congratulations on their accomplishment to ail who shared in achieving this success. Garnet B. Riekard, Mayor Town of Newcastle Dear Editor: It would be appreciated if you, through the columns of your newspaper, would extend sincere congratulations to the executive and members of the Port Darlington Marina Hotel Junior C Red Eagles who defeated Kincardine on Friday night to win the Ontario Junior C Championship. This is a tremendous achievement of which they and the entire, community should be justifiably proud. Allan Lawrence Dear John: For several years we have had the pleasure of sponsoring the Port Darlington Marina Hotel Jr. C Hockey teams and of entertaining the teams at banquets and dances at our establishment. It is with considerable pride we offer sincere congratulations to everyone connected with the "Red Eagles" on winning the Ail Ontario Jr C championship at Kincardine last Friday. They are, and have been a great group. Sincerely, Bob, Mary, Irv and Marylou Gi Preston, tramner John Cooke, manager 'Buck' Janack; third row, Gerald Brunt, Ralph Cryderman, Tom Dwyer, Don Farrow, Mike Adams, John Conboy, Gary Nemisz and Nick van Seggelen. Coachi Paul Robinson and Bob ozlbwr absentf or the photo. Photos, by Rick James inaai Game haul f hey were, definitely the class of fhe 53 feams wifhin their cafegory thrdughout the province. The real challenge turned ouf to be Gananoque. Had if nof been for fhe rallying of the Bowmanville squad being down three games fo two and fhen flying fwo players home from Florida holidays f0 give the team the extra punch, fhe final oufcome of this year's season could have been much different. Gananoque were definifely the Eagles' foughest- opponents. They could have been champions were if nof for the Bowmanville Eagles, fhe fhorn in their side. Your Red Eagles are: Brian Simpson who graduafes from the Junior C ranks as capfain of the champions. Brian is a gifted player wif h nafural falenf. Dan Strike is Mr. Reliable on the blueline and he will be atfending Queen's University next year where he will have a good shot af making fhe Gaels hockey team if he so desires. Jerry Johnsfon is in his firsf ever championship. He is a bard worker who is also a real crowd-pleaser or fhe opposite. Johnsf on should join Canada's national diving feam on the off-season! John Conboy is a stick handling magician who dazzles his opponents with hîs puck confrol. John was a major force in the Red Eagle stretch drive, baving bis besf overaîl year. Tom Dwyer came to fhe Eagles from lasf year's New- castle championship Midgefs and he had a learning exper- ience fhis year. No doubf Tom will have a great season nexf year. Wayde Preston, fhe, other rookie on this year's team, played every posiftion excepf- ionally well. -Kirk Kemp, fhe apple king, played a sfrong right wing throughouf the season which will be his final year of Junior C hockey. Gary Nemisz, the best corner man in fhe league and the best man in front of fhe opposifion's nef, was, very popular wifh the fans last Friday in Kincardine. Late in fhe game, the fans chanfed "We wanf Nemisz!" Gary skated ouf and fook a bow fo the cheers of bis gallery of supporters. Bob Koczulab, one haif of the goalfending duo, was a real team man who always had a smile. He conducfed hîmself like a gentleman around the young and the not-so-young. rto 3 1 Gerald Brunt was the suif- case member of the feam who attends York Universit y and, iplays weekend games. He made a very strong contri- bution. Ralph Cryderman, one of the besf goal-scorers oufside of professional hockey, had a very rewarding season. Ralph went unnoticed by opponent s on many occasions because of bis unassuming style. Rick Scoftt cerfainly earns an A grade for bis improved play and bis low, accurafe, bullef shof. John Kane came f0 the Eagles affer the season sfarf- ed from the Port Perry MoJacks. He's a tough hombre on defence., Nick VanSeggelen a very frustrafing year, receiv- ing a knee injuy last October in Stouffville. Nick praved beyond a doubt that he is a real team man. Although unable f0 play, he was a strong bench supporter. Don Farrow is a living example thaf there is room for a sm-all man in hockey. Don bas wings on his skates and he had a very strong finish on the Conboy-Cryderman lune. Brad Godfrey returned f0 the Bowmanville hockey scene and was a real credif f0 bis team. His perpefual motion style added a flair fo Congratulatimons! Bowmanville Red Eagles!. From the managemnent and Staff at LADIES' WEAR Bowma nvIllie 7 KIng Stroot West Captain Brian Simpson starts up the ice with the puck on edge. /3 O WACo VOLKSWAGEN LTD.- Audi presents 1979 Junior 'C' Champion Bowmanvil le Eagles Ail of us at Owasco Volkswagen are very proud to have been able to sponsor the weekly "Player of the Week." To ail the teamn members, a hearty WELL DONE! DID YOU KNOW? We have 12 factory-trained technîcians equip- ped with modern too'ýý, and computerized equip- ment waiting to serve you with care. 0f course, we have reduced rates on 20 Ilate model service cars. Volkswagen Ltd. ~ 1425 Dundas St. E..- Whitby 668-9383 or Toronto Une 361-1128