Wyinners in Legion Branch 178 Dart League Branch 178 of the Royal Canadian Legion held its Bernice Partner, Cliff Bould, Ivy Pounder and Fred Dart League Banquet last Saturday. Winners of the 'Buck' Cowle. Darlene Rhines was absent for the Mixed League are from left to right: Albert Saman, photo. The League Champions are from left to right: Jeff Brooks. Tony Classen, Bill Sheehan, Keith Lang and John A. Gibson. A RABBIT! $9 a Day 7' per kilometre SPECIAL Weekly & monthly RATES A VAl LARLE Als. ENNISKILL N Rev. Hamold Kempling, Mr. Michael Hoimes, St. Catharines, Miss Linda Sharp weme Satumday dinner guests of Mrs. G. Lyons. On Thursday Ina Beryl Dudley and Neil, Sarnia, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggett and famiiy. Ina Beryl visited again with them on Friday evening. Mrs. David Stainton and family, Cobourg were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Len Stainton. Mr. Murray Marshall, Barton R.R. L, Nova Scotia spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. C. Avemy and boys. On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown, Tyrene and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rekker and family, -Newcastle joined with the C. Avery's and Murray for a visit. Messers Sam Smith, Berney Reid and Cliff Pethick were Sunday visiters -of Mr. and Mrs. S. Pethick. Orville and Margaret Ash- ton visited littie grand- daughters Tara and Amy Ashton, Oshawa last Friday. Mr. and Mms. E. Taylor 1 O OLF-O-TRON JuMBOa BUCKET RATES $2'uo*AT OUR SUMMERRA! WE HAN4DLE ALL LINES 0F CLUBS - ALL AT DISCOUNT 1PRICES S'hop Around- We Bei You Won'lt Beat Our Prices in This Area Some of Our Speclals-: EXECUTIVES TOP FLITE CLUBS NOOAN PRODUCERS RAM TOUR $P379.00 $364,,00 $349.00 $1 64.001 HEAD COVERS REG. 21.00$59 FREE PAIR 0F COOL-RAY POLARUZED SUNOLASSES WUTH EACH SET 0F CLUBS. COME UN AND STRIKE A DEAL@ 668-9671 j accompanied Mr. Bruce Taylor on Friday te visit Mm. and Mrs. William Hoar. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Billett, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. S. Pethick. Miss Janet Parsen, Black- stock was a Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Art Leadbeater and Ross. Mm. and Mrs. Herman Haass, Nancy and Garry, Bowmanville, Miss Susan Taylor, Toronto, Mm. Stan McGuire, Ceurtice were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill te help Ruth celebrate hem recent bithday. Many Happy Retumns of the Day, Ruth. Mr. and Mms. Ralph Sadier, Nestieton were recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor. Individual winners were Ron MeLean, high doubles winners; and singles cha scorer; Jeff Brooks and Bob Johnson (absent), Miss Jeanette Wray and friend, Bowmanviile were, Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright have returned home after enjeying a couple days with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spry and family, Miss Renea Burke, R.R. 1, Enniskillen spent those days with Miss Betty Wright. Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon and family after attending Susan's Confirmation at Tyrone Church. Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Gorgerat, Bowmanville were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs.' Wally Griffin.' Master Jeffrey Wright, Pontypool was a recent visiter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry and family spent the weekend in Sudbury te see Mr. and Mrs. David Cecchetto and their new grandsen, Ryan David. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Duipuis and family, Alymer were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Carence Stainton and family. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty visited with Mrs. W.E. Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sanderson, Sharon and Carol and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Sanderson and friend. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Werry were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGiil. Reva and Fred Billett, Toronto were Sunday visitors of Orville and Margaret Ashton. Youth Group News Saturday evening twelve members of our Youth Group and a few special partner friends aise two leaders joined in an evening of fellewship mainly te bid a fend farewell te a Guy and Doîl who are soon te leave the Greup for bigger and better things as they exchange marmiage vows on May 12 viz - Mike Holmes and Linda Sharp. Included in the cenviviality of the gathering were the learning of a Danish Folk Dance ie. "Weave the Wadmai" and a "Car" contest. A conver sation piece of reai intemest was a beokiet "Hi Lites of Your Lives - Linda and Mike" - censistîlg of pictures and captions and compiied by two Dles - Susan Werry and Judy Virtue, which was presented te the guest of honor couple by Janet Rowan and David Wright along with the traditional articles - a blue silk garter for Mike and a blue trimmed hankie for Linda, in order te have "something new and blue" fer their weddiniz. They were aise adorned with a corsage and boutonniere by Don -Rowan and Leanne Hardy. Ail joined in singing "For They Are Joily geed Feiiows". Linda and Mike expmessed their thanks briefly and invited one and al te the Open House, Tea at Linda's home and te their own new home 245 Niagara Drive, St. Catharines, Ont. A delicieus lunch was served by the Guys and Dolis and an informai and pleasant evening ended, net with sad good byes but au revoir, bientot et souvante translated "Till we see you again soon and often". Upcoming events for Youth Group are Fun Night, Square Dance, printîng of periodieal, Our local maie band is practicing often and regulariy as they have some engage- mnents te perform in the near future. Church News The second Sunday after Enster was cool but sunny when the dlocks had sprung ahead a whole heur yet 45 early rising worshippers attended the Sunday a.m. service and were jeined by several more at the S.S. session. The children's story was about 'Books and our minister toid of many books and magazines te enjoy ead- ing and leeking at the pîctures with special reference te the stack of books in the bible - the word of God written by people inspired by God many centuries, ago. The eleven members of the Intermediate choir sang with hearts, seuls and voice a super rendition directed by their dimector Ulah Chambers in the anthem "High Upon a Mountain". Rev. Kempling's sermon was entitled "The Resurrection - What Does It Ail Mean?" and based on his twe bible readings fom the New Testa- ment where he peinted eut that Jesus way really mortal te His Disciple but the resurrection meaning was revealed te them and is, constantly centinuing te be shown te us today if we lose ourselves in Christ we shall find ourselves and our tomorrows will be great. This week's events are - 1.Saturday, lst Enniskillen Cub Pack will be engaged in a Tree Planting Expedition. Plan te welcome the Invitation te be a Cub sponsor in this venture. 2. The Tyrene Tyro Gmeup will hoid a paper drive in our cemmunities. Please plan te take advantage of this community dlean up venture and have your newspapers ready and tied in bundies. 3. Next Sunday 2 p.m. 'a puppetry workshop for Sunday School teachers and mid week group leaders wil be held in Northminster United Church, Oshawa. Advance notices 7 1. Friday and 'Saturday May llth and l2th - A Festival of the Faith wili be heid in Northminster United Church, Oshawa. 2. Sunday, May l3th is Christian Family Sunday (Mother's Day) when the Sacrament of Infant Baptism wiil be cele- brated. Those wishing te present chiidren for Baptismn at that time please contact the minister. 3. Wednesday, May l6h-8 p.m. Enniskillen U.C.W. wiii meet in the home of Margaret Ashton. 4. Sun- day, May 2th - 2 p.m. Enniskiiien Suniday School Anniversary Service will be held in the sanctuary with the Rev. Wm. E. Wells, of Peterborough as guest preacer. Ail Welceme. There will be ne merning service at Enniskilien. The Lady of the Manse is away eut west where she flew te spend a whiie with daughter Mary in Victoria, B.C. Have a pleasant visit, Mrs. Kempling. The Kindergarten Sunday School Class enjeyed an euting and walk as part of, their session aleng with their two teachers te see the buds and fiowems in their different stages of grewth. This helping te show the children God's wonders of nature. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bell, and children,' Lindsay were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mirs. S. Mr. and Mi and Mn and fair Mr. a and Dg Blackst Mrs. E. ed a mi Saturda Nizie he and Mr barton, Anyor ing or Enniski or 12-1( 12-20 pl Aggie I Blacl Hockey Refresh Wednesi the Blac boys wi Blacksl( receive being pr stock Rentals Allin. A diai on Purl Highwa3 you 'car 986-4677. There SeniorC the fello- Swain 9E 3. Mar:ý Sweetmî 80, 6. A., Aun Tay Mr. au of Banc with bis Roy Tur On tb Greenha Open Ho were as daughtei Burford aleng wi Turner. Mrs.1 guest fg dinner. Canadian gtatesman, Bowmanville, May 2, 1979 Il ~g~ daughter Mr. and Mrs. Deug ii MeMilan and famiiy, Prince 24 Albert. Marlows Feed Mill held a Ssuccessful Open House on Friday and Saturday. Horses, dogs and cats arrived for their free Purina Chow. Sympathy la extended te * ived at Greenbank. As you know the time Schanged this weekend and we Sunderstand one gentleman missed church due te not changing bis docks! Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Eaton, London, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLaughlin of Nestieten were last Saturday evening guests of Mrs. Roy Taylor. Mrs. Maggie Argue spent seme time in Thornhill, visit- ing ber daughter Mr. and Mrs. Hyde. S- Mrs. Arnold Taylor and Betty Jane attendez the fun- eral of Mrs. Loverna Bartlett in Mount Abert during tbe week. Ms. Marjorie Higgins of Hampton was a Sunday visiter of Mrs. Tom Hodge and Tommy. John Hedge of Port Hope was a Saturday supper guest of bis mother and brother. -On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. mpion Gil Pounder. Vernon Asseistine and Colin were in Guelph wbere they attended Michael Asseistine's first communion. Aise attend- Bortalazzo and family. ing were Mr. and Mrs. Je and Mrs. Dick Howe Frey, John and friend Robin ary Lee visited with Mr. Harvard, and Stephen. After- rs. Peter Van Grinsven wards they were ail guests of nily, R.R. 1, Pemfbroke. Mr. and Is. AI Kse1Tàte and Mrs. Earl Trewin and family. onaid, Jean Trewin, Several of our local ;teck, Miss Dee Fegan, residents were busy moving Hemn, Oshawa attend- recently. Mr. and Mrs. Her- isceileanous shewer on manus VanderHuel moved lay night for Miss Lucy from their farm te Nestieton. ted at the home of Mr Neil McLaughlin left his rs. Jim Martyn, Dun- Biackstock apartment and meved te the VanderRuel )ne interested ln coach- farm. Miss Susan Sheen then r helping te coach meved ite the apartment ilien soft bail - beys 7-11 vacated by Neil. 16 and girls 7-11, and On Thursday, April 26 lease contact Jim or District No. 1 Gymnastics McKenzie 263-2637. Meet was held at our Cart- wright.Central Public School wtb the fellewing schoois .ackstock taking part - Beaverton- Thorah Central, Joseph Gouid ýkstock Arena Boys Senior, R.H. Cernish, Sunder- y Awards Night and land, and Cartwright Central. hments will be beld on When the marks of al sday, May 9 at 7 p.m. at competitors frem each scheol ickstock Rec Centre. Ail were totaled, Cartwright had iho participated in the the highest numuber of points - ock Arena Hockey will 306.55 followed by Cornish Sawards which are with 278.78. )resented by the Black- Cornish won the team Camping Trailer competition with 234.75 while soperated by Deug Cartwright piaced second with 226.25. Lmond ring was found Two ef our'local girls won rple Hill Road near gold medals. Carol Lewerantz y 57. If it is yours and tied for first place in advanced in describe- it, phone1 floor competition and Chrissy 7. Beddome tied for first place i e were 21 tables at the the beam cempetitien. Citizen card party witb Kathy Jordan was second in owing winners 1. Meta the elementary floor routine )6, 2. Carolyn Hicks 91, and Sheryl Jordan came third ion Bell 89, 4. Mary in vaulting. an 88, 5. Earl Prescott Congratulations to the lviii Spencer 80, Low - coaches and competitors. tylor. At the Anglican Churcb on tnd Mrs. Ralph Turner Easter Sunday, brass candie croft spent the week holders were dedicated te the brother Mr. and Mr5. memofy of Thomas John irer. Pollard Hodge by bis wife and he weekend Turners' family. Hymn books were aiso )use held a successful dedicated te the memory of ause. Roy and Shirley Mrs. Alice Blight. issisted oy their tweo ars, Lerrie Minshali of and Janet of Lindsay ith Ralph and Gladys Ella Venning was a for Sunday evening at the home of her T'HE HEART FUND '0,or MEV PARENTS! If you are giving a party for your child, or if your child has been invited to a party, we are the store to visit. THE1: TOYBO 43 KINO STREET WEST Specializing in Part y favors and inexpensîve gîftt-deas. FRE Dryln with your washing at QUICKmCLEAN LAUN DROMAT 59 KIng St. W. - Bowmanvlll, (under new -management) Monday-Tuesday - f rom Noon until 8:00 p.m. Thu rsday- Friday - f rom N oon u nt!l18:00 p. m. Saturday f rom 9a.m. until5:00 p.m. OFFER VALI D MONTH 0F MýAY ON LY AMPLE FREE PARKING AT REAR OFF QUEEN STREET A *Based on Equivalent Time Per Persan L 450 Hopkins St. Whltby