Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Mar 1979, p. 5

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Mx-. and Mrs. Lorn Mac- dougaîl and granddaugbter Jennifer, Burlington, were visitors last week witb their aunt, Mrs. A.E. Billett, cburcb Street. Junior Achievement members of Oshawa are holding its annual Trade Faix- on Max-ch 22, 23, and 24 in the mail in front of Eaton's at the Oshawa-Shopping Centre from 12 to 9 .p.m. Thursday, and Friday, and 10 a.m. ta 6 p.m. Saturday. There will also be an information bootb where' Achievers will be on band to answer any questions. Sp ring must be here! Wayne and Dennis Yellowlees, Sauina repoxted on Tuesday, that four lambs fromn one ewe have already arrived. Ajax born artist, Marlene Trefzger bas been hired by Durham Region Y.M.C.A. to teacb a 10-week course in Whitby, starting this week, on stained glass 'projects. Mar- lene produced the mural at tbe Ajax-Pickex-ing Hospital. The course Will give instructions on the techniques used ta give churches, and homes unique stained glass windows. Any- one interested shoulçl contact the Durham Y.M.C.A. Mrs. Margaret Carr of Fenelon Falls, is this years cbampîonsbip quilt winner in the Canada Packer's compet- ition. Mrs. Caxr designed and quilted ber quilt and was presented witb the winner's cheque of $600. Close to 6,000 quilts were entex-ed in the contest fromn Ontario. For the second, annual competition the entries must be in by February lst, 1980 ta the Diréctor of the Societies Bxanch, of the Ontario Minis- try of Agriculture and Food. Today, Wednesday, March * î4tb, if Albert Einstein were alive, be would be celebrating bis lOth birthday. Haxry M. Kitchen, an econ- omist wbo specializes in the study of public finance, bas been named director of Trent University's program of ad- ministrative and poiicy studies. The appointment is for a three-year term, univer- sity president Tom Nind said in making the announcement recently. The number of clients un- employed and registered for' work at the Canad Employ- ment Centres in Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa for the month of February totalled 10,539, con- sisting of 5,409 female and 5,130 maie clients. Placements in the three offices totalled 424 for tbe montb, wbich compares to a total of 675 placements during January. The majority of clients were registerd- in Material-Handling and Relat- ed; Construction Trades; Pro- duct Fabricating, Assembling and Repairing; Sales and Service. Featured at the Opening Ceremonies of the Gymnastics Display at Durham College for the Senior Competition on Saturday, Max-ch 31 at 5 p.m. and at the Clasing on Sunday, April 1 at 2:30 p.m. are the County Town Singers fxom Wbitby. This Internationally Famous Chir, is ceiebrating it's l2th Anniversary tbis year. Knawn as "Canada's Singing Ambassadors" they have in the past toux-ed extensively and successfully in Canada, U.S.A. and Europe. This Thursday nigbt is again Wintario draw time, and will be televised live from Listowel at 9 p.m. The chances of winning a prize in Wintario are 1 in 41. An evening for women and about women is planned for Mach 29th at the U.A.W. Hall, Oshawa. Special guest speaker will be the Federal NDP Women's Organizer-, Judy, Wasylycia- Leis. Her theme will be "Women, Damned if They Do and Damned if They Don't. " It may strîke a familiar chord with many women - wbetber or not tbey consider themsel- ves feminists. There will be a buffet supper starting at 6:30 p.m. The meeting, which is open ta ail - men as well as women - will be foiiowed by a discus- sion period.* It is sponsored by the Womnen's Cammittee of U.A.W. L. 222. 1 The Osbawa Y.W.C.A. bas set Thursday, Max-ch 15 fx-om 1:30 - 3 p.m. for the Speial Registration DAy Day f or ail Bowmanville Programs. These include Rhytbm and Rbyme for the 2½/ - 3Y4 year aid, an introduction ta music and creative movement; Music and Movement for the 4-5 year old wbicb teacbes creative movement, rhythm and body awax-eness as weli as listening skills. For women, Keep Fit exer- cises ta music, and conver- sation, Level 1 and 2. Al classes are beld at St. John's Anglican Cburch, Temper- ance Street in Bowmanville. Caîl 576-8880. Did you know that tbree Oshawa men bave formed a new entertainment agency? Jim Harrison, Cliff Cbow and Ted Large have farmed Four Seas Concert Productions and will be bx-mging major names in the entertainment world ta Durham Regian. Thanks ta a summer em- ployment program offered by the provincial gavernment, four students will be hired by the municipality this summe- fox- a 20 week pex-iod at a salary of' $156.20 each per- week. Eighty per cent wihh be paid by the government, and 20 per cent by the town. Duties will consist of wax-king witb the planning, public works, cherk and treasury depart- ments. Applicatians must be in by April lst ta the Ministry of Intergovernmentahl affairs. Nestieton Pleasurable Events of Interest Dave, Leah and Alan Frew and Paul and Valerie Mappin of Nestieton attended the wedding of Randy Jacobi and Kar-en Scott an Sat., Mar. 3rd, beld' in Coiborne United Cburcb. "Best Wishes" ta Randy and Karen. Randy was fox-merly employed by Don Frew a few yeax-s ago. Nox-m. and Bernice Mairs of Nestieton attended tbe "Bash- ful Beaux" Club dance beld at Ontario Street Public Scbooh, Bowmanville, Wed. evening of hast week. Bath Square -and Round dancing are enjoyed and it is a funfilled evening fox- those participating, and a fitness progx-am as well. Diane Slute and littlp son Jeremy Jay of R.R. 1, Oshawa visited bier parents Wed. afternaon. Family Reunion Daughter Brenda Paton and gx-anddaughter Kara Lee of Hornby Is., off Vancouver Island, B.C. have been visiting bier parents Lee and Flora Shaw of Nestieton for approx. two weeks. Kim Shaw return- ed home with bis sister Brenda to assist on theix- farm and pex-baps travel a littie. Before leaving for home a family get-togetber was a happy event for the Shaw family. Those present for the occasion wex-e Mx-. and Mx-s. Bab Sbaw and children Pam, Car-ey Ann and Julie of Cobourg, Mx-. and Mx-s. Brian Shaw and famîly Sbaws, and Diane of Betbany, son Max-k of Blackstock and son Kim. Surprise Visit Mx-. and Mx-s. Jim Gibson, Nestieton had a pleasant surprise x-ecently (Feb. 13) wben twa C.B. friends, Edgar and wife Iolanda Moh- 1er from Porta Ahegre, Brazil, called on tbem. Paorto Aeegre have bad the pleasure of meeting C.B. friends and it was the "bigbligbt" of their day, a stimulating experience with an interchange of condi- tions re the two countries. Jîm and Frances Gibson have bad considerable' flood- mng over the lane bridge during this miid weatber, with over a foot of water for some days. It was now receded and we trust tbeir problems are over in this respect. Caesarea Euchre Club Winners at last Wed. even- ing Eucbre were as follows - lst - Maxine McMillan, 2nd - 1Pearl Day, 3rd - Della Bush. Next Wed. evening the Ladies jAuxiliary have planned a St. Patrick's Party so hope ta see you there. It will be a fun evening - be gorra! Your correspondent is pleased to report that Mrs. Kathleen Harper is out of bospital and staying in Port Perry witb friends at the present time. The response to the appeal for "aid" for the Harper family bas beeni most gratifying, many organiza- tions, business people and individuals who assisted with liberal donations and in many other ways are to be com- mended. Due to the kindness of sa many, Kathleen Harper bas been given the lift she needed to gain strength. The concern we feel for others is so important - we are here on eartb to serve as best we can. Responsibility for much of the planning and bardwork that went into the Benefit dance, and other projects as well. do menit a bearty vote of thanks. Besides others, Betty and Earl Mclntosb of Caesarea bave been tremendous!1 Nestieton Women's Institute The Nestleton W.I. metý at the Community Centre Wed., March 7th witb Pres. Marion Heaslip presidinig, the meet- ing was opened witb the W.I. Ode followed by the Mary Stewart Collect. Due to the absence of the Pianist, Mrs. L. Malcolm, Miss Gail Malcolm led in the singing. The Pres. weicomed the members and read an article entitied "Re- sponsibility of Institute Mem- bers." Minutes of the previous meeting were read by Se'y Mrs. Firiitt and approved. She also gave the financial state- ment. Tbank you notes were read. Members were remind- ed of Achievement Day to be beld May 4th, at Clarke Scbool and the Hospital Auxiliary Tea, April 28tb, furtber discussion re - Hospital Tea at the next meeting. It was decided also to bold over, until the next meeting discussion re - "Luncheon is Served".. -The Annual meeting will be, held April 4tb in the Nestieton Community Centre at 1: 30 p.m. Roll Caîl - payment of dues. Business portion c]osed. The Motto - What are we as W.I. members leaving our successoirs? The motto was prepared by Mrs. DeJong and presented by convener Mrs. Fred Dayes. Tbe W.I. en- courages Educational courses etc. at the Provincial level. At tbe local thîs important organ- ization helps the local people and offers much up-to-date knowledge. The Agriculture and Canadian Industries topic was given by Mrs. Norma Frew. Her topic was entitled "Watcb Out - Big Mac". She told members that Park Out- lets may become as popular as the Big Mac - Pork on a bun just May compete witb the Big Mac. There is mucb more hamburger eaten than pork, and 110w that hamburger is bigb in price, it will give pork a good go abead. No advertis- mng is planned - just by word of mouth. Norma's report was mucb enjoyed by ahl. Mrs. A. Beacock read "The Old Red Brick Scbool House" and a poem "Tenders Want- ed" about tbe scbool bouse.p of Nursing and bad just retired, and looking forward to retiremnent very mucb. Another sister Pauline Albert was staying on for a wbile. Nestieton folkwill remnember Genevieve well and we wisb 1THE BAHA'I FAITH 15: reletionship of man to God, etteined by prayer end meditetion whlch hes bien firmiy estebiished ebove end bîyond the Influence of superstition and imagination. Further Info. - Public Llbrary or Box 36, Bowmanviiie. for ber better health soon. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Thompson of Cannington and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Travis of Toronto visited during the past week witb Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson of Nestieton. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson and Miss Ruth Proutt attend- ed the funeral of Mr. Ernest Bradley on Wednesday last in Bowmanvilie. Mr. Bradley lived at one time in Nestieton. Sympathy is expressed to the bereaved family. Very sorry to report that Mrs. Gwen Robins of Caesarea bas been -hospital- ized since November, first in East General Hospital, Toron- to latex- transferred to River- date for a convalescing period. Sheis 110w recuperating with ber daugbters in Oshawa. We do wish improved bealtb for Mrs. Robins soon. .Mrs. Geo. Till of Caesarea is a patient in Port Perry Hospital and we extend best wisbes to ber as well. Court Lady Snowbird - No. L1930 The Marcb meeting was beld on the 5tb at the home of Mrs, Dorotby Lee with Pres. Mrs. Irene Train presiding. During the past few montbs members have been contri- buting an article eacb montb for the penny sale. Now items for the sewing and craft table or toucb and take are needed. A $50.00 donation was voted to Kathleen Harper and family. An activity report covering the years' projects bas been sent in to Peterborougb, the Assembly of Lodges will be meeting in Peterborough,.- April 2nd. Members are treat- ing their husbands to a dinner and evening of cards on Marcb 24tb, at the Nestleton Com- munity Hall. The new Representative for the Canadian Order of For- sters is Mr. Walter Hafeli of Lindsay. This year the For- esters will celebrate their lOtb Anniversary. Hearty. Congratulations is in order. Tbe next meeting of Court Lady Snowbird will be beld at Mrs. Shirley Jacksons, April 2nd. The meeting was ad- Ti journed and lunch was served by Dorothy and Anne Lee. North Nestieton Cburch At the Sunday morning Service a warm welcome was, extended to Mrs. Robt. Brawn of Port Perry and Mrs. Thos. Moorcroft of Whitby by Rev. Victor Parsons. The Scripture - Isaiah 6, verses 1-4, was read by Mrs. Brawn. Scripture 2nd Corinthians 8, verses 1-15 was read by Mrs. Moorcroft. The Topic - "Opplortunitv Now". Mrs. Brawn spoke of ber own opportunities open for us 110W. Mrs. Moorcroft talked on the opportunity now relating to Missionary work in various countries around the world and what the United Church is going in this field. Miss Gail Malcolm sang, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus." Mrs. Joan Groves was organist. Mr. and Mrs. Grahame Fish, Nestieton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fish of Oshawa recently. A warm welcome home to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm who rhe Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Marcb 14, 1979 5 bave been bolidaying in Flor- ida. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mal- colm bad a pleasant experience tbis past week wben tbey saw six whistling swans circling around their farm. The swans are the largest of the water fowi - al white witb exception of the bill and a very graceful bird. What a beautiful sigbt ta see! Cartwright Indoor Soccer On Max-ch 7tb at Cartwright Central Public Scbool tbe Indoor Soccer ended its season and an Awards nigbt was behd. Congratulations to ail the boys. lst place - Raiders - Gordon Brown, Tom Fowler, Greg Mason, Arlene Gaylord, Jamýie Burtcb, Mike Connelly, Craig Hoskin, coach - Skerry Tysick. 2nd place - Wonders - Robbie Page, Jerry Fowler, Darren Best, Kevin Schneval, Terry Burtch, Eugene Mackie, Donnie Wbalen, coach - Dianna Brown. 3rd place - Comets - Ian Porter, Greg Hudson, Norman Scbneval, Sbawn Umpbrey, Jerry Wbalen, Corey Barr, coach - Mr. Barry Page. Referee - Eric Brown. News for next week please phone 986-4715. The 2 BILLIO N * ................................ DOLLAR QUESTION *the cost of Heart Disease and Stroke to the Canadian economy each yea r.g Gîve.. 'V THE HATFUND MIN 151ER: Rev. N.E. Schamerharn, B.A.,M. Div. ORGANIST: Mr.D.Deweii> Sunday, March l8th, 1979 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship' "The Question Tha t Ne ver Dies" Friday, Match l6th s OLO OUT FIrICKS Jubiles Party S.Sundey School -9.,45 p.m. (9 yeers and aver) J r. Sunday Schooi - 11:00 a.m. Nursery Caredurlng service Nursery-Modern "Play and Learn"l Nursery for prs.school chiidren every Sunday. Church at Division St. Off ice 623-3138 SUN DAY SCHOOL CLASSES lOa.m. - Agi Group -9 years and aider il a.m. - Beginners, Kindergarten, Primary B & B Bunch meet at 9:15 in Church Parlour (2nd and 4th Sundays) Age Group - 15 to 17 years il A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE Lenten Son..s "Mon of Sufferlng"l NO. 2. "GO AWAY"I Nursery Gare Provlded A Werm Welcome for Everyone Support "Mials on Wheeis"' Get your tickets now for the JACK & JILL SPAGHETTil SUPPER SATURDAY, APRIL 7,4:30 to 7:00 p.m. WAngttran (14=4rrI Temperence et Ousîn Archdeacon Tom Grecie SUNDAY9 MARCH lSth 1979 8:00 arn. - HOLY COMMUNION 11:00Oa.. - HOLY COMMUNION 'WHAT A FRIENO WE HAVE IN JESUS" Wednesdey 9:30 a-M., HoIy Communion, Iaying on of hands for tiealing followed at 10:15, Lenten Studies led by Betty Gracie, Representative for the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer in our Diocese. Thursdey Lenten Series, 7:00 p.m. in the church called "THE 130DY OF CHRIST" led by Dr. Miedema a retired Dutch Ref orm Pastor. (Babysitting is available for both) Sunday School and Nursery care for your children.

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