10 The Canadian Statesman , $owmanville March 14 1979 Imi Last autumn Mr. Diclc Tosswell and Mr. Quenten Robinson went te western Canada where they were empleyed with a eompany doing il exploration. Dick returned a month or two ago, and this week Quenten return- ed "sporting Red-beard" and all - (net Bluebeard). Quenten reports thet it got real nippy in the northern part where they were employed for several weeks on end. Mrs. Margaret Whalen of T.O. (ne relation df Eugene) spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Art Rowan. Mr. Art Rowan appeered this week in the rotogravure section of a local Lindsay paper in a somewhat blurred condition - no reflection on Art's clean eut visage. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hurren and Hally spent the weekend with Ann's twin sister - Mr. and Mrs. Jim Beggs and family of Port Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Malcolm are scheduled to attend the Ontario Pork Producers Annuel Meeting of the Constellation Ilote] in T.O. where Howard is scheduled to chair the event. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Malcolm attneded the one day Grain Marketing Conference et the Holiday Inn in London, REALTOR S 623-4428 181 Church Street AL Bowmanville EAL ESTATE LIMITED $44,900.00 BOWMANVILLE This excellently decorated twin home wth large 17 x 12 master bedroom s a must to see. Extras include patio ddors to yard. Professionally finished rec. room with bar and artifical corner fireplace, up- graded broadloom, extra 2 pc. washroom, workshop with benches, toolshed. RECREATION PROPERTY - Only 18 miles f rom Bowman- ville, nearly il wooded acres. 3 bedroomn panabode cottage wth a 4 pce. bathroom. Large storage shed as well. Just list- Sed at $46,900.00. OUALITY CONSTRUCTION - on these Halminen Homes. Double garages, roughed-in fireplace, extra insulation, thermostat night settings, good floor plans. Some homes have 2 washrooms. Average lot size is 100 x 150. 4 models to choose f rom. Weil priced f rom $49,909.00 fo $55,900.00. Can be bought for as Ilitie as 5% down f0 qualified buyers. See you at our Pontypool subdivision this weekend, Sat. & Sun. 1-5 p.m. UNIQUE CENTURY HOME - Decorated f0 enhance the charm and character only an older home has. Livingroom is warm and cozy with floor-to-celling wall-to-wall fireplace. 4 bedrooms, master bedroom has walk-in closet and 3 pce. ensuite. 50 x 183 lot. In quiet village. Asking $49,900.00. FEELING CRAMPED? -' Come and see this spaclous backspllt semi on large irregular lot. Separate living and diningroom, eat-in kitchen, 4 bedrooms, familyrobm, rec. roomn with walkout. Situated on a pleasant quiet crescent in Bowmanville. AIl for only $49,500.00. SERVICE STATION, GARAGE - 2 bay with hoist and pif. Name brand gas and producf s. Excellent repair business for ambitious mechanic. Office and storage area. Oil heated. Most equipment included. Cali for details. CALL OFFICE OR: Vaierie Ast on Bob Cooper Harry Coutts Henry Eikens Iris Fowler Dorothy Hartford Jackie Latchford R. "Bud Virtue Harry Veerman 'Dirk Woudstra Micheal Young George Van Dyk 623-4907 786-2540 725-2649 983-5279 (705) 932-2621 623-3651 263-8489 786-2614 623-7597 623-1336 983-5917 623-4428 YELVERTON KENDAL Ont. this week. Also in attendance from the Lindsay U.C.O. were Mgr. Don Lawrie and dlegates Jim Nesbitt, Owen Moynes and Jim Walker. On Friday evening as a result of a malfunction of one of the furnaces, a fire broke out and burned a hole through the roof of the Farm Supply store in Lindsay creat- ing an unforseen open ventila- tion system. Fortunately though it may necessitate a whole new roof. Little merchandise wes damaged by the fire.1 The many friends of Mgr. Don Lawrie, wife Nancy and family of Lindsay extend best wishes to them on Don's promotion and transfer to a U.C.O. branch in Shelbourne area. Sunday visitors et Malconia încluded the Alda Nesatos of Port Credit and family - Aldo, Linde, Elizabeth and Allan. Elizabeth with her bowling team competed in an invita- tional Bowling Tourney at Oshawa in the a.m. Junior Girls (11 - 16) winning 3rd prize - 1 pin behind a Whitby team and the winners were a Markham team., Severel carloads of Yelver- tonians were present at the "Au Revoir" Party held for Rev. Jerry and Carol Hofstetter and boys in Peter- borough prior to their leaving for their new location in Gu=lhOnt. Spey recovery in health to one of Yelverton's octogen- arians Mr. James Shackleton who has been under the weather the last f ew weeks. .Mr. and Mrs. Howard Malcolm spent a day or two in Hamilton this past week - Howard te attendea Tri-County Pork Producers Meet and Eileen to visit her Aunt Betty Whittaker. Mr. Maurice Mantie visited with friends in North Bay vicinity this weekend. During his visit to Hamilton Mr. Howard Malcolm was interviewed by Channel il T.V. station and this interview is scheduled te be aired on Sun., March 18 around 12:45 a.m. Should be interesting! Congratulations te Mr. Wilburt Malcolm who will be observing his 87th birthday on St. Patrick's Day. paniriparc .. .. New Low, Low Prîce Speclal SOFFIT and FASCIA FOR FREE HOME TOM JENNINOS ESTIMATE CALL 623-828AAMCO HOMIE SIDINO- Bowmanvîîîe Qualîty-Servîce-Price ~1 HAMPTON - custom -buiit with 3 bedrooms, broadioom and cushion floors, Rec room, irepiace, inground heated 16' x 32' pool, circular drive & mature trees. Truiy a beautiful home on large corner lot. Cail for information. BOWMANVILLE - compact 2 bedroom bungalow in north area, close te schooi, has new piumbing & wiring, asking $42,900. BOWMANVILLE - 3 bedroom raised bungalow with atfached garage, 1,1/2 baths, hardwood fioors, firepiace, waikout te cedar deck & fenced back yard, asking $59,900. BOWMANVILLE- 2 bedreom aiuminum siding bungalow n north end, close te school,,asking $35,000. SCUGOG POINT - winterized & partly furnished 3, bed- room cottage on large corner lot. Road open year round. Asking $32,900. PETERBOROUGH AREA - piumbing & heating business with 7 room home. Price inclu des ail equipment inciuding 2 trucks. Financiai statement availabie te inferested parties. Cail for information. ettended the funeral of Mr. Ernest Bryson from Kirby last Monday. Mr. Bryson et one time lived in Kendal and ettended Kendal Church. Sympathy is extended te Mrs. Bryson and her family. Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott returned home lest Monday from e two week holiday in the Barbados. Mrs. Margaretta Stevens spent lest Tuesday night with her sister, Mrs. Porteous in Orono and brought ber te, the U.C.W. meeting on Wednes- day. Mrs. Jones of Orono visited lest week with Mrs. Diane Wybenga and ettended the U.C.W. meeting. Miss Ann Foster of Toronto spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Roy Foster. Mr. and Mrs. H. Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott spent lest Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. H. Boudreau. birth of a son. Sorry te, report Mrs. Wm. Mercer is a patient in Memor- ial Hospital, Bowmanville. There was *a very good attendance et church on Sundey morning. Mrs. Peggy Frank greeted the friends at the door. Rev. A. Tizzard's sermon was entitled 'Peter - One of the Twelve'. Instead of the minister's story for the young folks, Mrs. Mary Lou Fonk's class presented a skit entitled 'How St. Patrick got rid of the snakes in Ireland'. The Pastoral Charge Hymn Sing is to be held Sunday evening March 18 in Shiloh Curch. INVESTME--NT PROPERTY 100 acres near Peterborough. In area of large homes. *395900- 579-8066 World Day of Prayer was held in Kendal United Church on March 2nd. Mrs. Margaret- te Stevens conducted the service. Ladies from both Newtonville and Shiloh attend- ed this service and some of themn assisted wîth the meet- ing. Mrs. Helen Wood was organist and Mrs. Rowena Tizzard rendered a beautiful solo. A social haîf'hour was spent over lunch after the service. Kendal United Church Wo- men met et the home of Mrs. Helen Couroux on Wednesday afternoon withl3 ladies pre- sent including some guests. Mrs. M. Stevens opened the meeting with a prayer follow- ed by'a hymn. The theme of the meeting was 'The Year of the Chld'. The roll caîl was enswered by eechone telling of a way of helping a child todey. The minutes of the February meeting end the financial report were read and edopted. Mrs. Annie Cathcart took the topie, speaking on Dr. Bernardo who established a home in England for homeless children, leter meny of these boys and girls were sent out to Canada. Mrs. Cathcert men- tioned severel who had come te 'Kendal area and went to school here. Plans were made for the April meeting which is to be held in Kendal Church. Two ladies from Peterbor- ough will show pictures and tell of the Central Mainland and Marine Mission on'the British Columbia coast. They had been aboard the Thomas Crosby V last July for three weeks and visited missions. Lunch wes provided by Mrs. E.Foster and Mrs. M. Elliott. At the card party lest Fridey evening in Kendal Orange Hall there were nine tables in play. The 50-50 draw was won by Mrs. Jill Hencock. Lady's high went to Mrs. Pearl Clark and lady's low to Mrs. Ellen Duxbury. The gent's high to Doug Benedict while gent's low went te Reg Elliott. There will be another card party in two week's time. On Friday evening over forty members of the Couples' Club journeyed te Peter- borough by bus to attend the opening night of the Tee Capades in the Memorial Arena. Several from Kenda) either visited the Funeral Home or 52 King St. West Bowmonville 623-2453 NEW LISTING ... WELLINGTON ST., BOWMAN VILLE - Cozy 2 bedroomi brick bungalow in exce1[ent condition. Has a separafe dining room, 3 piec e bath, sewing room, bright kitchen, sun porch, garage, paved drive, and is ready for a new owner at $36,500.00. WILL NOT LAST LONG. LOOKING FOR EXTRA SPACE? TRY THIS ONE FOR SIZE - Modemn design bungalow on spacious lot on quiet street. Has 4 bedrooms, living room, dining area, step- saving kitchen, 2 baths, ail this on ground floor. NOW THE EXTRAS IN BASEMENT . . . kitchen, 3 piece bath, bedroom, recreation room, 2 more extra rooms, lauhdry room, fruit cellar. Large covered patio at rear of house. Walkout f rom basement. If you need that extra space for your inlaws or your growing family you must see this home. Priced f0 seli al $67,900. PRICED RIGHT - 5 room home centrally locafed in Bow- manville suifable for a starter home, retirement home or smail office or store. Zoned Commercial. Only 536,900. WHY NOT SELL NOW? - If you plan to seli your house, this might be a good time f0 do tl. Mortgage money (which mosf buyers need> is more plenfiful now than at any time in years - and this situation couldchange overnight. We have prospects waiting. List with us now and we'll start working. on if quickly. Qn2uy Bannier Passant Real Estate Limited Member Broker 96 Waverley Road, Bowmanville, Ontarici 623-6121 CEDAR CREST BEACH - spacious 3 bedroom aluminum clad bungalow, plus boat bouse. Lake Ontario f rontage. Asking $37,500.00. LOSCOMBE DRIVE - Bowmanville, 11'/2 year oîd 4 bedroom side- splt, family room with fireplace, finished basement, kitchen overlooks family room. Freezer & dryer included. BOWMANVILLE - one bedroom vinyl sided bungalow, electric heat, ideal for the retired couple or newly weds. Asking $28,900.0a. STATELY - eider 4 bedroom, solid brick 2 storey home plus 2 bachelor apartmenfs, close te schools, shopping. Asking $85,000.00. NEW LISTING - 4 bedroom, 2 storey semi partly finished rec. room, sliding glass doors f rom separate dining room fo landscaped private yard. Assume fthe large 1 sf morîgage. Asking $47,500.00. WELLINGTON STREET - Bowmanville, 11/2 storey older, 3 bed- room family home. Updated wiring, new 4-piece bath, close te schools & shopping. Asking $46,900.00. ORIGINAL SCHOOL HOUSE - on 3/ acre property, some lices, very scenic. Asking $35,000.00. READ THIS! - 4 bedroom semi backsplit in Bowmanville, large eat- n kitchen, finished family room, eiectric fireplace and ail drapery included. Assume the large 10 1/4 % morfgage. Asking only $45,900.00. 'Wre Here ForYoM... Each office lis independently owned and operated. Ladies Monday NigMt Bowlin March 5, 1979 Averages Donna Harness 215, Sharlene Dehart 211, Debbie Bromeli 209, Shirley Davis 206, Marilyn Flintoff 205, Judy Bragg 205 (24), Vickie Terry 204, Jackie Braybrook 202, Dot Bridger 200, Fern Bradley 198, Onie Etcher 197, Jean Harness 194. Team Standing Onie Etcher, 25015 pins, 20% points; Fern Bradley 24619, 18; Vickie Terry, 24880, 16; Donna Harness 24029, 16; Marg King 25208, 15; Ceeuee Bowers 24004, 14; Debbie Bromeil, 24536, 13; Jean Harness, 23594, 13; Jackie Braybrook, 23788, il; Judy Bragg, 24109, 10/; Marilyn Flintoff, 23491, 9; Shirley Davis, 23078, 6. High Triple Joyce Tennant 729. High Single Valerie Smith 310. ATTENTION A commtte. Is boîng formed to request an ad- Justment on the exceed- Ingîy high Increase ln fax assessments on vacant property. Anyone wîshîng to support and assîot, write: Advertiser 804 010 Canadien statesman, Box 190, nowmanvîlie, Ont. 1066 Simcoe St. N. 728-7328 $69,900. - Beautiful ranch bungalow, 3 bed- rooms, recreation room with bar, large nicely land- scaped lot, located in Hampton. 3.65 ACRES - with ranch bungalow which has attached double garage plus a basement garage, 3 bedrooms, main floor family room, about 10 fruit trees on the property. Asking $83,500.00. LAKEFRONT LOT - on Halls Lake. Asking $1 6,000. full price. SANDOWN PARK - Co- bourg area, spacious and lovely 3 bedroom mobile home 14 x 65 ft., beautiful broadloom and panelling, refrigerator to remain. Asking $1 9,500. 82 ACRE FARM - weil kept 7 room home, large main barn, loafing barn, pig pen, ideal for beef operat ion. 155 ACRE FARM - in Tyrone area, large house and barn needing repairs. Full price $130,000.00. Cali 728-7328. Af ter hours ploase caîl: Inger Jorgensen. 723-2394 Earl Hannan .. .. 728-1770 Jean Wales..725-7715 Joe Leclerc..725-7976 Nel VanderLuit . . 579-5702 Steve Englert . .. 728-5581 Rorie O'Boyle ... 725-4522 Nels Burshaw. .. 728-8266 Brenda Cushing. 576-3279 Steve Browne... 728-1975 WREALTY LTD.B K- 123 KING ST. W., NEWCASTLE 987-4733 623-4439 VILLAGE OF NEIWCASTLE - Inree bedroom thome weii situated in quiet village. Ail amenities within walking dis- tance. Large separate dining room, main floor den and waik- outf from living room te deck are just some of this homes good points. Call Fehhcity Langstaff today f0 view. OWNER HATES TO LEAVE - his 4 bedroomn home on 2 country acres near Milbrook, but he has beer~ transferred, and wants an offer. Asking price $51,500. Caîl Felicity Lang- staff today for furfher details on this unique property. TASTEFULLY DECORATED - 2 bedroomn home on No. 2 Hwy., large fenced yard, aluminum siding. Come and see et oniy $42,900. Cal Virginia Dillon for details. ALPINE STYLE HOME - Spacious 2 storey custom buit home on 34 acres in the Newcastle area. Custom buiît home, 4 bedrooms, beautiful living roomn with magnificent stone fireplace and separate good sized dining room. The pine kitchen has a but-in stove and Bar B-Que. The property is interesting and must be seen. Asking $98,000. For further details, cail Wiima Entwisie. GOOD VALUE - LESKARD - Weil built and beautif'uhly finished. This 3 bedroomn home must be seen. The house is set well back f rom the road on an acre. Asking $62,500. Cali Wilma Entwisle. CAESAREA - very clean well kept 11/2 storey aluminumn siding home, full basement, cil F.A. heat, fridge and steve. Excellent home for beginners or retirement home. Low taxes. Priced at $34,900. Geo. Blyleven Realtor. Phone 623-5300. 123 King St. E., Bowmanville 623-6622 JUST REDUC ED TO $67,900. Vendor is relocating and anxious to seli this homey 4-level sidesplit. Situated in ideal location between Bowmanville and Oshawa with lots of privacy., Try your offor. Cati: Ann Do Vos ai 623-6562 or 623-6622 SMALL BUNGALOW FOR $26,900. Launch your boat in Lake Ontarlof rom your backyard and enjoy the outdoors. Situatedl in Bowmanville. Vendor la anxlous. Calil Ann De Vos ai 623-6562 or 623-6622 BOWMANVILLE ORONO 623-3393 983-9547 NORTHEND BOWMANVILLE - $49,500 - Two bedroom brick bungalow, iocated on quiet deadend streef. Pick your own raspberries behind the defached garage this summer by calling Bill Whyfe BOWMANVILLE, $69,500 - You get privacy plus, wth f his excellent, 4 bedroom home on large ravine lot. Fireplace in family room. Partial finished basement. Triple arched en- france. Cail Jan Oudshoorn for inspection. INCOME DUPLEX - Newcastle's northend, a stream and large lot provides the setting for this two-storey frame duplex. Separate furnaces and potential third apartmfent in uppber level. Ail for oniy $48,900. Ask for Bill Whyte. ORONO - FOR RENT - 4 bedroom, eider home. Immacu- lafe, weii kept. Downtown location. Ilvailable immediateiy. $350. per month. Cati John Shewchuk for details. RETREAT 47-½h ACRES- Unique property can net be dupicated. Rolling land, hardwood and sottwood bush. Oid miii site. 4 acre trouf pond at your front deer. Fastflfowing stream with pathway. Located norfh et Bowmanviiie. Asking $180,000. Cali Bill Whyte. 10 ACRES - 10 MILES FROM BOWMANVILLE - Custom buit 8 rooms, 2 ca r garage. Main floor family room with tire- place. Owner transferred and will consider ah otters on this attractive Cape Cod home. Asking $117,500. Cali Paf Yeo for viewlf1g. $49,900 - Five year oid 2 storey, 4 bedroom brick and alumfi inum home must be soid. Large separate diningroom. Paved drive and more. Ask for Bill Turansky. c.4Mc Coasi tCoa-%t ReraI Esaie Serice Member of the BBB