Chidren Entertained ai Newcastle Lions Christmas Party Hole 129, 125, P. Knapp 223, 134, S. Doleman 154, 134, J. Hutchinsen 129, K. Martin 141, 150, P. Johnson 126, 188, K. 'Boyle 152, W. Couch 146, S. Stere 135, 140, A. Stere 131, T. Oke 145, 219, K. Pierik 150. 200 and Over Ladies D. Keley 233, E. Meadows 218, S. Meadows 206, 1. Brown 253, T. Langstaff 204, 227, 213, A. Langstaff 205, M. Pierik 220, D. Pearce 201, B. Major 200, M. Major 215, 223, 225, G. Henry 225, S. Foster 255, 240, D. Neal 205, 217, D. Mercer 226, 234, K. Mercer 221, M. Wind 203, Rhonda 216. Men B. Forget 224, J. Clapdorp 217, 249, 233, B. Lewis 241, E. Taylor 222, 226, B. Bicknell 221, W. Flintoff 276, J. Ward 208, I. Sutcliff 231, 218, B. Farrow 346, 202, 237, G. Cowling 200, 250, M. Henry 242, 223, D. Brown 210, 219, T. Embley 247, 204, R. Loseby 227,, 224, J. Glendenning 214, 205. 200 and Over Thursday K. Southern 221, 215, F. Forget 205, R. Worr 247, 286, W. Forget 235, S. Dunlop 258, B. Glanville 230, B. Ferget 210. Friday 200 and Over S. Nickolson 216, R. Coucli 243, 217, H. Nickolson 219, S. Webb 222, T. Embley 213, T. Sluymers 244, 228, 221, B. Sluymers 209, B. Pearce 205, J. Holmes 202, R. Burley 200, 265, R. Pearce 228, M. Pearce 220, G. Henry 222, 234, E. Keller 216, M. Skinner 201, M. Turnball 211, 211, J. Chapman 224, M. Henry 232, 219, 222, L. Willems 221, 230, T. Osmond 213, R. Good 305, 201. Turkey Roll Winners Hilda Caîl, Marilyn Good, Tom Nowland, John Turnball, Harold Nickolson, Larry Pearce, Steve Webb, Merril Henry - Congratulations te the lucky winners. Gladys and Merril send best wishes te ail bowlers for this "Holiday Season. Extra Hydrants Not Needed at Waverley Sehool The Newcastle Lions Club, once again hosted an annual Christmas party for children in Newcastle Village this year. In addition to an appearance by Santa at the conclusion of the party, there were mnagic acts and a pup- pet theatre presentation for about 150 children in the gymnasium of the Newcastle Public School., Here, two young volunteers from the audience assist the magician who is about to make an egg appear 'from what sëeems to be an empty bag. The audience looks like it is enjoying the show. The party washeld Saturday afternoon. From Page 8 Public School, directed by Mrs. Gray and Mrs. Vendra- cek, sang three songs, Walk the Manger Road, Hear the Belîs and A Gift cf Love. Rev. Spivey's sermon dealt with the hope and promise the prophets and the relationship cf Christ te us. 1The Prayer for the week is: Father, shed your Christmas liglit so brightly upon us that it outshines the glitter cf super- ficiality that sometimes makes up our Christmas celebrations and focus our worship upon the child cf Bethlehem. On Sunday evening the members cf the HiC presented the Christmas pageant. Char- acters from Dickens' Christ- mas Carol, Scrcoge and Crat- duit, aIse appeared in this version along with the Nativ- ity roles. Two live lambs made the manger scene more real. It was a fine presentation by the young people, eUH RI STMA& Newcastle Community Bowling Youth 125 and Over J. Montgomery 130, K. Rud- man 128, T. Ccx 140, M. Peel 127, M. Malette 128, B. Smith 170, C. Willsher 135, R. Bentley 134, C. McLuhan 135, R. Ccx 134, 174, P. Willems 126, 144, P. The Northumberland New- castle Board cf Education deciled Thursday night that extra fire hydrants are net needed at the new schoel under construction in Waver- ley Gardens. Newcastle Fire Chief Jim Hayman had requested that the board, provide two additional hydrants at the Waverley Public School. The cost te instaîl the hydrants including labor and materials was $23,074.22. The extra -fire hydrants would resuit in reducing the loss cf preperty should a major fire occur. A decision net to instaîl them, it was stressed, would net put children's lives in any more danger in the event of a fire. "The building has been made fireproof in every way possible," said Chairman Andy Thompson. Fire drills are carried eut ail the time, saîd Trustee Ian Wilson and lie said "I'm sure that by the time the fire trucks get there there wouldn't be anyone left in the school. It was agreed additional hydrants are not, necessary Secftion Two The' because the building, as designed, meets the require- ments of ail applicable and current building codes, includ- ing those of the Ontario Fire Marshal. At present, there is one fire hydrant on the street fronting the school. It is located approximately midway between the existing portables and the new building. The hydrant is 210 feet from the main front entrance and a secondary entrance on the west side of the building. The approximate distance to the most easterly rear door is 750 feet from the hydrant. Further, a 30 foot wide asphaît roadway is being constructed on the south and east sides of the building to provide the equivalent of a street and is designated as a fire route, allowing fire truck access to the rear of the building at ail times. To improve fire protection, Chief Hayman wanted one hydrant installed on the south- west side of t4~ building and another at approximately the centre rear of the building. It was noted his main concern was in getting to the back of the building within a reason- able length of time in the event of a major fire. Also, with the existing hydrant, the length of hose required would be exces- sively long, thereby reducing the water pressure. The cost to instaîl one hydrant adjacent to the build- ing along the new 30 foot wide access road is $6,90L.65 and it costs an added $2,000. to connect the hydrants to the regional water service at the street. HeIp gour HeIp your HeÀcxt Fund Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 20, 1978 9 Town Must Htgrops ndtin and fro the abutting owners is antici- Bear Cost pated. Cost is another prohibitive 0f Sidewalk fco.Mr. Dunham a its decision without ful I Courtice appreciation of the costs The own' pubic wrks involved. It would cost the The own' pubie wrks town of Newcastle $171,000 to committee learned Thursday instail the proposed side- the«cost of constructing side- waîks. walks along Highway No. 2 Mr. Dunham also said he must be borne entirely by the dosn't know when the Ministry municipality.. plans to widen Highway No. 2. Council decided previously It could be years from now that during the widening of andpraste th i- Highay N. 2 idewlks walks would be warranted. In should be installed on both light of this information, the sides of the road from committee agreed to recom- Townline Road to Courtice mend to council that the town Road and on one side only in is net prepared at this time for the urban area between Solina the construction cf sidewalks Road and Maple Grove Road. in these locations, but .rovi- Director cf Public Works siens for sîdewalks should be Jack Dunham said he w~as made in Ministry design concerned about thisý decision . drawîngs. He said the 'Ministry of Transportation and Commu- nications informed him there would be some trouble con-- structing sidewalks on beth sides cf the road in the Ceurtîce area. As many as 25 high-quality trees would be affected by the introduction cf sidewalks in this area. Since Highway Ne. 2 has been identified as a Heritage High- way by the Ministry cf Industry and Tourismi, some opposition te the removal cf these trees from interest RE A B LOOl> llD DONR t's aill around .tfhat worm Christmas feeling! Enjoy ifs moment! every Unending good wishes to you and yours this Christmas. Jay E.Yottand Staff 77 King St. W. B C E ' Newcastle Gift Shoppe S40 King St. East Newcastle Ail good wishes for a very merry Christmas season. We hope you will enjoy the hope and love that are part of the holiday season! KEITH and MABS BARR Newcastle cscwmE May the true meaning of Christ- mas dawn once again and:bring its blessings to the world and its people. We wish you ail the best this holiday season. Staff of N ewcastle Cernent Block Co,tM IU~VV~M'~ I bE~ ~UMI¶M~NE. f i W'May the peaceand i ¶ comfort so richly provided by Oar IL Saviour Jesus Christ î Y be yours as you celebrate Ris Birth. U 1 R And may Our special thanks: ~add to the splendor of your holidays. frcm the Management and Staff 84 King St. West 623-5520