--~-. - Letters to Sun ta Cia us Dear Santa My name is Michelle Dykstra. I live at 149 Librty street Noth. I would like a Holyhody oven and a dol baby, this and that and a box of colt's. Dear Santa I want night glo and I want stretch imonster. I would also like a remote control c.3.p.o. and a max machine. I would like a watch. I promise to be a good boy. thank you very much Santa,' yours truly Larry Newhook Dear Santa Claus 1 am 1 year old. I have been a real good girl. My sister is Angle and she been good too. Il'illeave you a glass of milk and a cookie And some water and a carrot, for your reindeers. This is what I want for Christmas A bean bag dol, Slippers, Doîl carniage. coat, Mitts, boots and pyjamas. Your Truely Amy R. R. 2 Bowmanville c-o Ron Donoghue. Dear Santa Claus I've been a real good girl. This is what I would like for CJhristmas Baby Alive, Tape- recorder Walkie Taîkes Calculater Super Star barbie head, Bionic Woman Barbie.ý Yours'Truely i Jaye Donoghue R.R. 2 Bowmanville c-o Ron Donoghue Dear Santa Claus I am 4 years old. I have been a real good girl. My little sister Amy has been a good'girl too. II leave you a glass of milk and a cookie And some water and a carrot for your reindeers. This is what I want for Christmas Mickey Mouse record player Good puppy pianosaurus Superstar Barbie head. Rub a DubDolly. Your Truely <Angie Donoghue R.R.2 Bowmanville c-o Ron Donoghue., Dear Santa: 1 want a brand new toy baby and a Thumbalina for Christmas. 1 also want a Laffy Cathy and a Lay An Egg. Can I have a barbie doîl too? Wei1l have cookies and milk waiting for you. Thank-you - Cher-Marie Braybrook Dear Santa, I have been a good girl all year. I would like a Chere doîl, good puppy, and play doughi barber shop. Leslie Dear Santa, I have been a good boy most of the time. I would like night-glow race- track for Christmas. rs 48 Rosalynne Avé. Bowmanville, Ont. Nov. 21, 1978 Dear Santa, How are your elves? How's your wife and you too? And now for the toys. Please Santa ', could I have the Sheriff 's set and a tool kit. Please, cap Andrew have the Good Puppy and a balloon. Can Mommy have a necklace, please? And Daddy needs a new razor because he didn't get one last year. Santa 1 arn 4% years old and My Mom is writing this. Thank you for ail these things. Love Kevin Ferguson. Dear Santa, 1How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? How are yourý I amn 5 yn. old and I've tried to be a good girl. I would like a, Good Doggy and a Baby This and That. 1 would like -a little Tnee House. I also have a baby brother Kevin. Could you bring him a! lIttle dog? Please eat the cake and cookies and coffee I will leave for you. I will leave an apple for Mrs. Santa Claus. Love Laura Gilbank Dean Santa Claus, 1 arn 3 yr. old and I've tried to be a good girl. 1 would like a dog, a baton, and a doîl. Merry Christmas! Love Lisa Glbank R.R. 2, Blackstock Ont. LOB, IBO Section Tw o The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville N ovember 29, 1978 i Sae on iacles faâmily Foold Saver withF FMiIy Size saines Our Reg. Price 79e: COCA-CO LA 1.5 litre bti. (Plus 304: deposit) Save 30*or 37% BEST BUY Freeze Dried Regular or Decaf feinated Taster's Choice INSTANT COFFEE BEST BUY Our Reg. Price 45ge YOPLAIT YOGURT 175 gcup or3% 29 Save1 6 or 5 % BEST BUY Fabric Softener Our Reg. Price $2.59 BOUNCE Pkgof40 .S SHEETS0233 Save 20eor 7% BEST BUY Our Reg. Price $1.43 GRANNY'S mnecà BUTTER TARTS mu Pkg 0of 12 (Available until Dec 2 only)%4 l 1 Save 44e or 30% BEST BUY VACHON CARAMEL Pkg.of 24 1 9 (Available until Dec. 2 only> L- Everyday Low Price Save 22e or 16% Neilson's Our Reg. Price $1.29 COUNTRY CRISP GRANOLA BARS ID 9 oz. pkg.13 9 Save 20e or 15% BEST U Coco Pulls, Boo8erry, Frankenberry, Our Reg. Price 95e: Count Chocula, Trix GENERAL MILLS 7 CEREALS 250 g box LSave 1615 or 16 % BEST BUY Assorted Colours Facial Tissue Our Reg.1 Price 434: SCOlTI ES HANDsecC <Pkg. of 100 î Save l'O* or 23% BEST BUY Assorted Colours Coi tonelle Our Reg. Price $1.19 BATH ROOM TISSU E rol pkg. 1.09 Savel0eor8% BESTBUY Fancy Our Reg. Price 95t: HEINZ q TOMATO JUICEeo 48f oz tn8 LSave 21k or 27 % BEST BUY BEST BUY Our Reg. Price $1.08 Eviscerated Frying or Roasting' GRADE A FRESH CHICKENS ~ ~ 2-3 lb. size Save 4O~ lb. BESTBUY Ontario Grown, Fancy Grade OrRg rc RED DELICIQUS APPLES M-r Save 20e or-16 % BEST BUY Our Reg. Price 79t: Product of U.S.A., Canada No. 1 Grade BROCCOLI 59 Size 18 Save 2O*or 25% BEST BUY ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE NOV. 29-DEC. 5, 1978 IN BOWMANVILLE AT BOWMANVILLE MALL, 243 KING ST. E. - WE RESE RVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT OUANTITIES. *savings wiII vary depending on quantity used at individual's discretion. CHEl DUT FOR LES Frozen Eviscerated- Ca 1nada Our Reg. Price S1.27 GRADE A ifl YOUNG TURKEYSilm 614b size LB. 1 1 Savel10t b. BEST BUY Canada Grade A Frozen Young Our Reg. Price $14 Eviscerated Deep Basted À BUTTERBALLi -TURKEYS L 6-14 lb. size L 1 9 1Save6 1lb. BESTBUYI Our Reg. Price $1.38 Frozen Shoulder or Blade NEW ZEALAN DX LAMB CHOPS LB.il8 Save 20elb. BEST BUY Mary Miles Our Reg. Price $1,18 SKINLESS WIENERS lb. pkg es Save 20e pkg. BEST BUY Look for the FRESH FISH 0F THE WEEK at your nearest miracle Food Mart. An ail Canadian Company 1 BEST BUY Save 40t IL BEST BUY